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(Applicable from / / 2021)


संदभभ:- 1) शासन मृद व जलसंधारण ववभाग पत्र क्र : संविणण-2019/ प्र.क्र.68/ ज.ल.-1
मं त्रालय, मं बइ, वद. 02 विसेंबर 2020






























Sr. Particulars Pages
No. From To
1.1 General Note with Annexure No. 1 & 2 6 12
1.2 Rates of construction materials, labors & Machinery 13 18
1.3 Example for Lead charges for Excavation 19 20
Excavation & Embankment - Item No. 1 to 21 21 28
Concrete Work including Centering, UCR Masonry, 29 44
Brick Masonry & R.C.C. Pipes - Item No. 22 to 72
Tunnel Works - Item No. 73 to 83 45 58
Surveying & Investigation - Item No.84 to 100 59 66
Maintenance & Repairs - Item No. 101 to 135 67 76
10.1 Lead Charges Statement for Materials 77 84






मृद व जलसंधारण ववभाग
सामाइि दरसूची सन 2020-21
(1.1) सवणसाधारण विपणी

सामाइक दरसूची सन 2020-21 ही ददनांक / / 2021 पासून ऄंमलात येइल. सदर दरसूची सन
2020-21 मध्ये खालील प्रमुख बाबींचा समावेश करण्यात अला अहे .

1) वस्तू व सेवा िर :-
सामाइक दरसूची सन 2020-21 मधील सवभ बांधकाम सादहत्याचे दर, सवभ यंत्रसामुग्रीचे दर तसेच सवभ
बाबींचे दर हे वस्तू व सेवाकर दवरहीत (Without G.S.T.) अहे त. ऄंदाजपत्रके मंजरू करणाऱ्या सक्षम
ऄदधकारी यांनी प्रचदलत दराप्रमाणे वस्तू व सेवाकराच्या दराची ऄंदाजपत्रकामध्ये Recapitulation Sheet
मध्ये तरतूद करावी.
Government of India, Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue), Notification No.31/
2017-Central Tax (Rate), New Delhi, Dt.13th October, 2017 नुसार सद्य:स्स्थतीत हे दर खालील
प्रमाणे घे ण्यात यावेत.
1.1 ज्या कामांमध्ये मातीकाम 75 टक्क्यांपेक्षा जास्त अहे , ऄशा कामांसाठी एकूण ऄंदाजपत्रदकय ककमतीच्या
5% जी.एस.टी.
1.2 ज्या कामांमध्ये मातीकाम 75 टक्क्यांपेक्षा कमी अहे , ऄशा कामांसाठी एकूण ऄंदाजपत्रदकय ककमतीच्या
12% जी.एस.टी.
ईपरोक्त नमुद दरांमध्ये भदवष्यात बदल झाल्यास त्या दरानुसार ऄंदाजपत्रक तयार करावे. सुलभ संदभासाठी हे G.S.T. चे दर ईपलब्ध ऄसले ले संकेतस्थळ दे ण्यात अले अहे .

2) स्वावमत्व शल्ि :-
वाळू , दगड, खडी, तसेच मातीकामाच्या बाबींसाठी लागणारे मुरूम, माती यावरील स्वादमत्व शुल्क
दरपृथ:करणात ऄंतभूभत नाहीत. महसूल व वनदवभागाच्या वेळोवेळीच्या ऄदधसूचनेनस
ु ार सदरील शुल्क
ऄंदाजपत्रकामध्ये स्वतंत्रपणे घे ण्यात यावे. मुरुम, खडी, दगड व वाळू या गौण खदनजांच्या स्वादमत्व
शुल्कावरील ऄदधभाराबाबत ऄंदाजपत्रके तयार करतांना महाराष्र शासन, ईद्योग, ईजा व कामगार
मंत्रालय, मुंबइ यांचेकडील पदरपत्रक दवचारात घ्यावे.
3) नैसर्गगि वाळू (Natural Sand) :-
ज्या बाबींच्या दरपृथ:करणामध्ये वाळू चा ऄंतभाव अहे ऄशा सवभ बाबींच्या दरपृथ:करणामध्ये नैसर्गगक
वाळू चा वापर गृहीत धरले ला अहे . नैसर्गगक वाळू चा दर रू. 852.05 प्रदत घ.मी. (वाळू चा दरः 642.65
प्रदत घ.मी.+ईत्खननाचा खचभ रू. 209.40 प्रदत घमी.) आतका दवचारात घे तलेला अहे .ऄंदाजपत्रक तयार
करतांना प्रत्यक्षात नैसर्गगक वाळू साठी गृहीत धरलेल्या स्त्रोताच्या (Source) दठकाणचा मुळ दर त्या दठकाणी
दललाव झाले ऄसल्यास दललावाचा दर व त्या दठकाणी दललाव झाले नसल्यास ऄशा दठकाणच्या
वाळू साठी दजल्हादधकारी यांनी दनस्चचत केलेली हातची ककमत (Offse price) अदण ईपरोक्त नमुद
केल्याप्रमाणे रू. 642.65 प्रदत घमी. यामधील फरक दवचारात घे ण्यात यावा.

(ईदाहरणः- वाळू चा दललावाचा दर रू. 900 प्रदत घमी. ऄसल्यास वाळू च्या दरात घ्यावयाची वाढ = 900-
642.65=257.35 प्रदत घमी.)
4) िृ वत्रम वाळू (Artificial / Crushed Sand):-
4.1 ज्या दठकाणी नैसर्गगक वाळू ऄदजबात ईपलब्ध नसेल ऄथवा Crushed Sand अर्गथक दष्ृ या ईपयोगात
अणणे योग्य ऄसेल ऄशा कामांची ऄंदाजपत्रके तयार करतांना त्यामध्ये कृ दत्रम वाळू वापरासाठी रू.
1528.05 प्रदत घमी. ऄसा दर घे ण्यात यावा. म्हणजेच दरपृथ:करण करतांना हा दर (रू. 1528.05 प्रदत
घमी) व ऄ.क्र. 3 मधील नैसर्गगक वाळू चा दर (रू. 852.05 प्रदत घमी.) यामधील फरक (रू. 676.00 प्रदत
घमी. ) दवचारात घे णेत यावा.
4.2 कृ दत्रम वाळू करीता ज्या दठकाणी (Manufacturing Plant) मानांकाच्या दनकषात बसणा-या कृ दत्रम वाळू चे
ईत्पादन केले जाते त्या कमीत कमी ऄंतर ऄसले ल्या दठकाणापयंतचे वहन ऄंतर दवचारात घ्यावे.

5) मजरांच्या सववधा :-
शासन दनणभ य क्रमांक.दडएसअर-1090/सीअर-6453/पीएलएन-3, दद.14/07/1993 नुसार मजुरांच्या
सुदवधांसाठी दरसूचीतील प्रत्येक बाबीमध्ये 1% तरतूद करण्यात अली अहे .

6) िामगार िल्याण ईपिर :-

ईद्योग व ईजा दवभागाचे शासन दनणभय क्रमांक बीसीए-2009/सीअर-108/ले बर 7-ऄ, दद.17/06/ 2010
नुसार कामगार कल्याण ईपकराची 1% ची तरतूद सामाइक दरसूचीतील बाबीमध्ये दर दनस्चचत करताना
दवचारात घे तले ली नाही. ऄंदाजपत्रक तयार करताना प्रत्येक बाबीच्या दरपृथ:करणामध्ये कामगार कल्याण
ईपकराची 1 टक्के आतकी तरतूद करण्यात यावी व संदर्गभत शासन दनणभ यामध्ये नमूद केल्याप्रमाणे
ईपकराची रक्कम ठे केदाराकडू न त्यांच्या दे यकातून वसूल करण्यात यावी.

7) ववमा :-
दवत्त दवभागाचा शासन दनणभ य क्र. दवमासं-1008/ प्र.क्र.28/ 98/ शा. हमी, दद.19.08.1998 नुसार
कामाच्या ककमतीच्या 1% ची दवमा कदरताची तरतूद सामाइक दरसूचीतील बाबींमध्ये दर दनस्चचत करतांना
दवचारात घे तेलेली नाही. ऄंदाजपत्रक तयार करतांना दवमा कदरताची 1 टक्के आतकी तरतुद ऄंदाजपत्रकाच्या
गोषवा-यात करण्यात यावी.

8) मजरांचे दरः- मजुरांचे दर हे महाराष्र शासन, सावभजदनक बांधकाम दवभागाच्या सन 2020-21 चे

दरसुचीनुसार दनस्चचत करण्यात अलेले अहे त.

9) बांधिाम सावित्याचे दर :-
9.1 लोि :- दरसूची तयार करताना M.S./HYSD/TMT स्टीलचे Round bar, M.S. Plates, Structural
Steel आत्यादी साठी दद. 05/01/2021 रोजीचे जॉआन्ट प्लॅंट कदमटीने मुंबइ साठी दनस्चचत केलेले दर (GST
दवरदहत) दवचारात घे तेलेले अहे त. (ईदा. JPC प्रमाणे PIG IRON चा मुंबइचा दर = 49570/1.18 =
42,008/-), लोहाचे दर हे जवळच्या दजल्हा मुख्यालयाचे अहे त ऄसे गृहीत धरून त्यानुसार ऄंदाजपत्रक
करतांना वहन ऄंतर दवचारात घ्यावे. ऄंदाजपत्रक करतेवेळी दरदवचले षणासाठी त्या त्या वेळी प्रचदलत
ऄसले ले जॉआन्ट प्लॅंट कदमटीचे मुंबइ साठीचे दर व दरसुचीत दवचारात घे तेलेले दर यातील फरक दवचारात

9.2 वसमें ि :- दरसूची तयार करताना दसमेंटचा वस्तू अदण सेवाकर दवरहीत दर हा सावभजदनक बांधकाम
दवभागाच्या प्रचदलत दरसुचीनुसार रु.275/- प्रदत बॅग दवचारात घे तलेला अहे . ऄंदाजपत्रक तयार
करतेवेळी दरदवचलेषणासाठी त्या त्या वेळी प्रादे दशक सदमतीने दनस्चचत केलेले दर ( वस्तू व सेवाकर
दवरहीत) अदण दरसुचीतील दर (रू. 275/- प्रदत बॅग) यातील फरक दवचारात घ्यावा. दसमेंटचे दर हे
तालुका मुख्यालयाच्या दठकाणचे अहे त ऄसे गृहीत धरावे.

9.3 आतर बांधिाम सावित्यः- सादहत्याचे दराकरीता Office of the economic advisor ministry of
Commerce and Industry कडू न माहे नोव्हें बर 2019 साठी प्रदसध्द केलेले Indices दवचारात घे तले
अहे त. त्या ऄनुषंगाने सदर संकेत स्थळावरून माहे नोव्हें बर 2019 चा 122.30 आतका Wholesale Price
Index (WPI) व जुन 2018 चा 119.10 आतका WPI (सन 2020-21 च्या दरसुचीसाठी दवचारात
घे तलेला) हे दवचारात घे ता 1.027 आतका गुणांक येत अहे . तरी सन 2018-19 च्या दरसुचीतील आतर
बांधाकाम सादहत्याच्या दरास 1.027 हा गुणांक लावून त्याप्रमाणे येणा-या सादहत्याच्या दराचा सन 2020-
21 च्या दरसुचीसाठी वापर करण्यात अला अहे .

10) यं त्र सामग्रीचे दरः- दरपृथ:करण तयार करतांना अवचयक यंत्र सामुग्रीसाठी मुख्य ऄदभयंता (यांदत्रकी)
जलसंपदा दवभाग, नादशक यांचेकडू न प्राप्त दर (वस्तू व सेवाकर दवरहीत) वापरण्यात अले अहे त.

11) सवणसाधारण बाबी :-

11.1 आमारती अदण रस्त्यांची कामे वगळता आतर कामासाठी मृद व जलसंधारण दवभागाची सन 2020-21 ची
दरसूची वापरण्यात यावी. सवभ आमारती व रस्त्यांच्या कामासाठी सावभजदनक बांधकाम दवभागाची प्रचदलत
दरसुची वापरण्यात यावी.
11.2 कालव्यास छे दणा-या रस्तापुलांच्या कामासाठी मृद व जलसंधारण दवभागाची सन 2020-21 ची दरसूची
वापरण्यात यावी.
11.3 एखाद्या कामासाठी जलदनष्कासन (Dewatering) चे काम क्रमप्राप्त झाल्यास ऄशा पदरस्स्थतीत ऄदधक्षक
ऄदभयंता यांच्या पुवभ मान्यतेनेच सामाइक दरसुची सन 2020-21 मधील Dewatering संबदधत स्वतंत्र बाब
क्र. 20 ईपयोगात अणावी.
11.4 जनजाती क्षेत्रातील तसेच दवशेष कृ ती कायभक्रम ऄशा दोन्ही क्षेत्रांतगभत एखादे क्षेत्र समादवष्ट होत ऄसल्यास
त्या दठकाणी 10 टक्के आतकी वाढ एकदाच घ्यावी.
11.5 गडदचरोली दजल्यातील सवभ तालुक्यातील कामाकदरता 20 टक्के जादा दर ऄनुज्ञेय राहतील.
11.6 बाधीत गावठाणातील प्रकल्पग्रस्तांची बांधकामे मुल्यांकनासाठी जलसंपदा दवभागाच्या प्रचदलत दरसुची
नुसार दर वापरावेत.
11.7 योजनेच्या संपण
ु भ क्षेत्रासाठी वन्यजीव प्राणी ईपद्रव ऄसल्यास, ककवा सदर योजनेच्या काही भागातील
क्षेत्रासाठी वन्यजीव प्राणी ईपद्रव ऄसल्यास, जशी पदरस्स्थती ऄसेल त्याप्रमाणे सदर योजनेच्या दवदशष्ठ
क्षेत्रासाठी महसुल व वनदवभागाकडू न वन्यजीव प्राणी ईपद्रव ऄसल्याचे सक्षम स्तरावरील प्रमाणपत्र घे उन
5 %, व संवधभन राखीव / वन्यजीव साठी 10% जादा दर ऄनुज्ञेय राहतील.
11.8 महानगरपादलका/ नगरपादलका क्षेत्रातील कामांकरीता 5 % जादा दर ऄनुज्ञेय राहतील.
11.9 वरील ऄ. क्र. 11.4 ते 11.8 यापैकी एकावेळी केवळ एकच तरतुद ऄनुज्ञेय राहील.
11.10 ज्या प्रकल्पाचे बांधकाम पूणभ झाले अहे व जेथे कसचन होत अहे ऄशा प्रकल्पांच्या कालव्याच्या दुरुस्तीची
/ पुनस्थापनेची कामे यंत्रसामुग्री वापरुन (कालवा बंद कालावधीत) करताना सामाइक दरसुचीतील दवदवध
बाबींच्या दरामध्ये ऄदतदरक्त 10 टक्के वाढ दवचारात घे ण्यात यावी. सदर वाढ कसचन व्यवस्थापनाच्या
सवभसाधारण कामासाठी लागू राहणार नाही.

12) Section-2 (खोदिाम व मातीिाम):-
12.1 भरावाच्या बाबीत 1 दकमी. चे वहन ऄंतराची तरतुद अहे तथादप खोदकामात वहन ऄंतर प्रस्तादवत
नसल्याने अवचयकतेनस
ु ार पाझर तलाव, लघुपाटबंधारे तलावांच्या खोदकामाच्या बाबीत वहन ऄंतर पृ.
क्र. 19 ते 20 मध्ये नमुद केल्याप्रमाणे प्रस्तादवत करण्यात यावे.

13) Section-3 संधानि िामे :-

13.1 सामाईक दरसूचीमध्ये विचारात घे तलेले बाब क्र. 22 ते 26 मधील संधानक हे साध्या वमक्सरच्या
सहाय्याने करणे अविप्रेत असून त्यानुसार दर पवरगवणत केलेले आहे त. ज्या कामासाठी Batching plant
& transit mixer चा वापर संयक्ु तीक होत नाही व जेथे बॅचींग़ प्लॅंटने काम करणे शक्य नसेल ऄशा 1500
घमी. पेक्षा कमी पवरमाण असलेल्या बांधकामासाठी सदर दर िापरण्यात यािेत. ईवभदरत संधानकाच्या
कामासाठी Concrete with batching plant and transit mixer ची तरतुद गृहीत धरण्यात यावी.
1500 घमी. पेक्षा ऄवधि पवरमाणाच्या संधानिाच्या िामासाठी batching plant चा वापर
ऄवनवायण अिे .
13.2 दवखुरले ल्या 1500 घमी. पेक्षा कमी पदरमाण ऄसले ल्या संधानकासाठी मुळ दरात 3% वाढ गृहीत
धरण्यात यावी.

13.3 वरील बाबी व्यदतदरक्त संधानकाच्या दवदवध बाबींच्या दरपृथःकरणामध्ये Concrete with batching
plant and transit mixer ची तरतुद गृहीत धरण्यात अले ली अहे .

13.4 जर संधानकाचे काम 10 मी. पेक्षा जास्त उं चीिर कराियाचे असेल ऄथवा संधानकाचे काम पंपाने अगर
टॉिर क्रेनच्या सहाय्याने करण्याचे वनयोजन असेल तर त्यासाठी अवतवरक्त रू. 138.25/घमी एिढा दर
अंतिूूत करण्यात यािा. मात्र अशी तरतूद संबंवधत अधीक्षक अवियंता यांचे पूिू मान्यतेने करािी. तसेच
सदर दर पृथ:करणात 2% sundries, 1% labour amenities व 20% over head charges &
Contractor’s Profit यांचा अंतिाि असल्याने तरतूद करताना या बाबी दुबार होणार नाहीत, याची दक्षता
13.5 कामाच्या स्िरूपानुसार दवदवध बाबींच्या संधानकासाठी लागणारे सेंटरींग ि शटरींग संबंवधत बाबीं चे दर
विचारात घे तलेले आहे त. त्यानुसार कामाचे स्िरूप विचारात घे ऊन दरसूचीतील यथायोग्य दराची वनिड
करण्यात यािी.

14) Section-4 (Tunnel work):-

बोगद्यासाठीच्या शाफ्टच्या खोदकामाकरीता अधारकभतीच्या पाया पयंतच्या खोदकामासाठी Section 2 (
खोदकाम व मातीकाम) ऄंतगभत घटक बाब क्र. 1 ते 6 मधील दर दवचारात घ्यावेत. यानंतरच्या शाफ्टच्या
खोदकामासाठी सेक्शन 4 ऄंतगभत घटक बाब क्र. 75 मधील दर दवचारात घ्यावा.

15) नलीका दवतरण प्रणाली व ईपसा कसचन योजना ऄंतगभत कामांसाठी महाराष्र दजवन प्रादधकरणाच्या
प्रचदलत दरसुचीचे दर वापरावेत.

पवरवशष्ट क्र. 1

सामाईक दरसूची 2020-21 अंतगूत िस्तु आवण सेिाकर विरहीत लोहचे दर

(Rate of Item with GST are as per Joint Plant Committee as on 01/01/2020 Copy Attached Separately)


No. GST IN (RS/TONNE) 2020-21 without
GST in (Rs.per
1 PIG IRON 49570 42008
2 BILLETS 100 MM 49030 41551
3 BLOOME 150X150 MM 48480 41085
4 PENCIL INGOTS 45430 38500
5 WIRE RODS 6 MM 57900 49068
6 WIRE RODS 8 MM 56930 48246
7 ROUNDS 12 MM 57240 48508
8 ROUNDS 16 MM 57240 48508
9 ROUNDS 25 MM 57240 48508
10 TMT 10 MM 56510 47890
11 TMT 12 MM 55920 47390
12 TMT 25 MM 55940 47407
13 ANGLES 50X50X6 MM 55160 46746
14 ANGLES 75X75X6 MM 54640 46305
15 JOISTS 125X70 MM 55470 47008
16 JOISTS 200X100 MM 55410 46958
17 CHANNELS 75X40 MM 57740 48932
18 CHANNELS 150X75 MM 56360 47763
19 PLATES 6 MM 65970 55907
20 PLATES 10 MM 65450 55466
21 PLATES 12 MM 64940 55034
22 PLATES 25 MM 63910 54161
23 H. R. COILS 2.00 MM 68990 58446
24 H. R. COILS 2.50 MM 67950 57585
25 H. R. COILS 3.15 MM 67950 57585
26 C. R. COILS 0.63 MM 79550 67415
27 C. R. COILS 1.00 MM 79010 66958
28 G. P. SHEETS 0.40 MM 79680 67525
29 G. P. SHEETS 0.63 MM 78080 66169
30 G. C. SHEETS 0. 40 MM 79900 67712
31 G. C. SHEETS 0. 63 MM 78620 66627
32 MELTING SCRAP H M S - I 42070 35653
33 MELTING SCRAP H M S - II 40480 34305
34 SPONGE IRON (COAL BASED) 25890 21941

पवरवशष्ट क्र. 2

अ.क्र. साहित्य एकक सन 2020-21 साठी
प्रस्ताहित दर
1 Acetylene Cum 366.50
2 Admixture Kg 70.90
3 Aldrop 30 cm No. 112.35
4 Bamboo 25 mm Rmt 18.45
5 Binding wire Kg 60.80
6 Black glass No. 94.20
7 Brick No. 6.20
8 Brushes No. 65.35
9 Butt hinges Iron 125 mm No. 33.10
10 Cement (50 Kg bag) Bag 275.00
11 Coal Tar Paint Kg 47.55
12 Coal Tar Epoxy Paint Litre 216.45
13 Coir string Kg 44.50
14 Copper plate Kg 536.80
15 Copper water stopper 16 gauge Sqm 8547.05
16 Cotton waste Kg 48.65
17 Curing Compound Litre 126.15
18 Delay Detonator No. 18.45
19 Electric Detonator No. 11.05
20 Empty cement bag No. 10.90
21 Explosive Kelvex-220 Kg. 58.05
22 First Aid Kit No. 263.90
Fiber fibrillated polypropylene fibers (910
23 Kg. 260.75
gm/ cum of any grade of concrete)
24 Fly Ash Kg 1.00
25 Fuse Coil Rmt 18.45
26 G.P. Electrodes No. 10.10
27 Gelatin Kg 135.40
28 Geru Kg 12.45
29 Goggles No. 152.35
30 G.I. Pipe 100 mm dia. Rmt. 672.20
31 Hand gloves Pair 219.15
32 Hand screen No. 347.20
33 Handle Iron 125 mm No. 33.10
34 Hook Iron & eye ox 75 mm No. 16.60
35 Hose pipe Oxygen & DA Rmt 77.40
36 J-Bolt (For soldier fixing) No. 34.05
37 Kerosene Litre 33.70

अ.क्र. साहित्य एकक सन 2020-21 साठी
प्रस्ताहित दर
38 L.H. Electrodes No. 13.80
39 Latches 250 mm No. 42.35
40 Manila Rope Kg 207.20
Metal size 40 mm & above (Including Royalty
41 Cum 816.34
Metal size 40 mm & above (Excluding
42 Cum 675.00
Royalty charges)
Metal size less than 40 mm (Including
43 Cum 1041.34
Royalty charges)
Metal size less than 40 mm (Excluding
44 Cum 900.00
Royalty charges)
45 Nails 4 cm Kg 63.50
46 Neoprene pad Cum 1.85
47 Non teak wood Cum 34751.70
48 Nozzle- 3/64 No. 797.40
49 Nut bolts Kg 59.85
50 Nut bolts & Washer Kg 93.00
51 Nylon rope Kg 263.30
52 Oil paint Litre 216.45
53 Ordinary Detonator No. 6.45
54 Oxygen Cum 46.55
P.V.C. water stopper, 310 mm wide central
55 Rmt 203.75
bulb type
56 Painting brush 4" No. 93.90
57 Pickaxe No. 140.85
58 Plumb bob No. 93.90
59 Polyethylene film 200 gauge Kg 224.70
60 Primer Litre 138.40
61 Pin header of standard size No. 31.00
62 Red Oxide Litre 121.40
63 Rust cleaner Litre 309.85
64 Safety Helmet No. 234.80
65 Safety shoes Pair 1356.35
66 Natural Sand (Excluding Royalty charges) Cum 852.05
67 Crushed Sand (Excluding Royalty charges) Cum 1528.05
68 Shalitex super expansion pad-12mm thick Sqm 583.80
69 Spirit level 150 mm No. 112.35
70 Steel MT As per JPC
71 Stone (Including Royalty charges) Cum 641.34
72 Stone (Excluding Royalty charges) Cum 473.00
73 Stone Chips (Excluding Royalty charges) Cum 473.00
74 Super plasticizer Kg 91.70
75 Turpentine Litre 65.35

सन 2020-21 साठी
अ.क्र. साहित्य एकक
प्रस्तावित दर
76 Tower bolt Iron 200 mm No. 65.35
77 Tower bolt Iron 250 mm No. 75.55
78 Water 1000 Ltrs 42.60
79 Water Proofing compound Kg 50.05
80 Welding cable 600 AMP Rmt 707.20
81 White Glass No. 4.60
82 Wire Brush No. 75.55
83 Wire Mesh 50 x 50- 13 Gauge Sqm 187.90
84 Zink base Oil Paint Litre 275.10
85 Zink Rich Epoxy Primer Litre 250.40
86 Diesel Litre 83.60
87 Shutter Oil Litre 55.00
88 Shalitex sealing compound Kg 69.49
89 PVC pipe 6" dia. For 2.50 Kg/Sqm pressure Rmt. 233.00
90 Earthenware pipe 6" dia. Rmt. 200.00
Galvanized Wire mesh 15 x 15 cm 3 mm,
91 Sqm 199.00
1.22 Kg/ Sqm
HDPE giomembrane film 500 micron IS:
92 Sqm 80.50
15351:2015 ( Material 65.25+15.25 fixing)
Material Use rate
1 Air hose Hour 8.00
2 Sand blast gun nozzle Hour 3.00
3 Tripod for chain pulley block Day 195.00
4 Welding holder Hour 7.60
5 Spinning belt Hour 29.23


Labour Unit Rate in Rs.
1 Bar bender day 592
2 Bhisti day 592
3 Cad operator/ civil engg. Assistant day 1560
4 Carpenter day 622
5 Civil / Jr. Engineer day 1560
6 Electrician day 622
7 Fitter day 622
8 Fitter for shuttering day 622
9 Foreman day 622
10 Gas cutter day 592
11 Grinder day 622
12 Gauge Inspector day 592
13 Mason day 622
14 Mazdoor Heavy day 592
15 Mazdoor Light day 560
16 Measurement clerk day 622
17 Mechanic/ Operator day 622
18 Mistri/ Mukadam day 622
19 Painter day 622
20 Semiskilled Mazdoor day 560
21 Skilled Mazdoor day 592
22 Surveyor day 1075
23 Tile Turner day 622
24 Tracer day 682
25 Unskilled Mazdoor day 560
26 Welder day 622




Machinery Rates

Rate 2020-21
Sr.No. Machinery Unit
in Rs
1 Excavator:- 0.90 Cum Hour 1654.00
2 Excavator:- 0.60 Cum Hour 1282.00
3 Excavator:- 0.30 Cum Hour 908.00
4 Dozer 300 HP Hour 3522.00
5 Compressor 510 CFM Hour 981.00
6 Water Tanker Hour 739.00
Tata Hitachi EX 200 with rock breaker &
7 Hour 1935.00
slope compactor
8 Tipper (6 & 8 Cum) Hour 880.00
9 Diesel pump 2-10 HP Hour 237.00
10 Diesel pump 11-20 HP Hour 263.00
11 L & T sismospactor TT 900 Hour 1816.00
12 DRR 8 to 10 tons Hour 508.30
13 JCB JS 3C Hour 1258.00
14 Generating set41-60 KVA Hour 535.00
15 Batching plant 25 Cum/Hour Hour 1691.85
16 Concrete mixer 100 ltr capacity Hour 450.00
17 Needle Vibrator Hour 157.00
18 Hyudai R210 Capacity 0.90 cum Hour 1598.00
19 Air compressor 280 cfm Hour 946.00
20 Jack Hammer Hour 42.00
21 Pug machine for cutting Hour 15.00
22 Bending Machine Hour 238.00
23 Welding Transformer Hour 100.00
24 Escort mobile crane 3T Hour 801.00
25 Grinding Machine Hour 23.00
26 Air compressor 105 cfm Hour 361.00
27 Sand blasting equipment Hour 124.00

Rate 2020-21
Sr.No. Machinery Unit
in Rs
28 Guniting equipment Hour 228.00
29 Pumping set 5-9 hp Hour 346.00
30 Spinning Machine Hour 45.00
31 Concrete mixer 10/7 cft Hour 193.00
32 Escort MOC mobile crane 12.5 T Hour 1089.21
33 Dozer CAT D & K Hour 2125.00
34 Pump 3 HP (Diesel) Hour 152.00
35 7.50 Ton Water tanker Hour 488.00
36 TATA Truck 10 T Hour 1189.89
37 Hydra crane capacity 09 T Hour 751.00
38 11 T Hour 757.00
39 12 T Hour 769.00
40 14 T Hour 783.00
41 15 T Hour 849.00
42 20 T Hour 1155.00
43 25 T Hour 1644.00
44 Tipper mounting Drilling Jumbo Hour 813.00
45 Tata Wheel loader Hour 1903.00
46 E.O.T./12.5 Tone mobile crane Hour 1089.00
47 Scraper Euclid B-FDT model Hour 2558.00
48 Air compressor 400 CFM Hour 1037.00
49 Hydra crane Hour 2059.00
50 Passenger winch Hour 569.00


(10.5 A) Additional Lead charges for Excavation by machinery (per Cum)

Item No 1 : Excavation in all kinds of Soils & Soft murum including boulders up to 0.6
m diameter …….etc.

Lead in m Rate (Rs/Cum)

15 M to 250 M 9.75

250 M to 500 M 19.45

500 M to 750 M 29.20

750 M to 1000 m (1 Km) 38.90

Item No 2 : Excavation in Hard Murum including boulders up to 0.6 m diameter….etc.

Lead in m Rate (Rs/Cum)

15 M to 250 M 11.10

250 M to 500 M 22.25

500 M to 750 M 33.35

750 M to 1000 m (1 Km) 44.45

Item No 3 : Excavation in Soft Rock without blasting including boulders up to 0.6 m


Lead in m Rate (Rs/Cum)

15 M to 250 M 12.45

250 M to 500 M 24.90

500 M to 750 M 37.35

750 M to 1000 m (1 Km) 49.80

Item No 4 : Excavation in Hard Rock of all toughness by blasting including boulders
above 0.6 m dia…….etc.
Lead in m Rate (Rs/Cum)

15 M to 250 M 14.70

250 M to 500 M 29.35

500 M to 750 M 44.05

750 M to 1000 m (1 Km) 58.70

Item No 5 : Excavation in Hard Rock of all toughness including boulders above 0.60 m
dia…..(by control blasting methods)…….etc.
Lead in m Rate (Rs/Cum)

15 M to 250 M 18.35

250 M to 500 M 36.70

500 M to 750 M 55.05

750 M to 1000 m (1 Km) 73.35

Item No 6 : Excavation in Hard Rock of all toughness by breaker including boulders

above 0.6 m dia…….etc.
Lead in m Rate (Rs/Cum)

15 M to 250 M 15.65

250 M to 500 M 31.30

500 M to 750 M 46.95

750 M to 1000 m (1 Km) 62.55

* These rates are applicable only for Machinery works

* The Lead charges above are inclusive of loading and unloading by mechanical




ITEM NO. 1 TO 21

Rate for 2020-21

Sr. (Rate in Rs.)
Item Unit
No. Completed
1 2 3 4 5
1 Item No.1:- Excavation in all kinds of soil & Soft
murum including boulders up to 0.6 m diameter
(0.113 cum) for canal, seating of embankment,
filter drains / catch water drains etc., and placing
the excavated stuff neatly in dump area or for
Cum. 33.40 13.07
formation of service road / embankment as
directed including cost of all materials, machinery,
labour, dressing bed and sides to required level
and profile etc. complete with lead up to 15 m and
all lifts as directed.
2 Item No.2:- Excavation in hard murum including
boulders up to 0.6 m diameter (0.113 cum) for
canal, seating of embankment, filter drains / catch
water drains etc., and placing the excavated stuff
neatly in dump area or for formation of service Cum. 43.30 16.47
road / embankment including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, dressing bed and sides to
required level and profile etc., complete with lead
up to 15 m and all lifts as directed.
3 Item No.3:- Excavation in soft rock without
blasting including boulders up to 0.6 m diameter
(0.113 cum) for canal, seating of embankment,
filter drain / catch water drains etc., and placing
the excavated soft rock neatly in dump area or for Cum. 56.45 22.09
formation of service road including cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, dressing bed and
sides to required level and profile etc. complete
with lead up to 15 m and all lifts as directed.

Rate for 2020-21
Sr. (Rate in Rs.)
Item Unit
No. Completed
4 Item No.4:- Excavation in hard rock of all
toughness by blasting including boulders above 0.6
m dia.(0.113Cum) minimizing damage to side
slopes of excavation in water prism area by
adopting any one or combination of line drilling
Cum. 287.70 79.72
/pre-splitting /smooth blasting techniques and
placing the excavated rock neatly in approved
dump area including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, leveling bed etc., complete with
lead up to 15 m and all lifts as directed.
5 Item No.5 :- Excavation in hard rock of all
toughness including boulders above 0.6 m
dia.(0.113Cum) for canals cut-off trench of
embankment filter/catch water drains and other
appurtenant structures by control blasting
methods including control of vibrations by use of
delay detonators and control of fly rocks by
muffling arrangements and adopting only jack
Cum. 359.65 99.64
hammers for drilling holes and minimizing damage
to side slopes of canal in water prism area by
adopting any one or combination of line drilling
/pre-splitting /smooth blasting techniques
including cost of all materials, machinery, labour,
placing excavated rock neatly approved dump area
as directed etc., complete with lead up to 15 m and
all lifts as directed.
6 Item No.6 :- Excavation in hard rock of all
toughness by breaker including boulders above 0.6
m dia.(0.113Cum) minimizing damage to side
slopes of excavation and placing the excavated
Cum. 423.30 39.32
rock neatly in approved dump area including cost
of all materials, machinery, labour, leveling bed
etc., complete with lead up to 15 m and all lifts as
7 Item No.7 :- Watering the embankment in proper
layers by tankers including cost of water, lead of
Cum. 17.20 ---
water up to 1 km and all lifts etc. complete as
8 Item No.8:- Compaction of bank work with
vibratory Compactor to 95 % of Proctor density Cum. 9.70 ---
with a lead up to 1.00 Km. as directed.

Rate for 2020-21
Sr. (Rate in Rs.)
Item Unit
No. Completed
9 Item No.9 A :- Providing cut off trench filling using
selected impervious soil directly available from
material of excavation including cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, all other operations
such as collection of soil, spreading soil in layer of
specified thickness, sorting out, breaking clods,
Cum. 48.80 2.38
leveling, sectioning edges / sides, watering,
compacting each layer to density control of not less
than 95 percent or as stipulated using vibratory
compactor including cost of water etc. complete
with lead up to1 km for water and all lifts as
Item No.9 B :- Providing cut off trench filling using
selected impervious soil from approved borrow
areas (Government acquired land) including cost
of all materials, machinery, labour, all other
operations such as collection of soil, spreading soil
in layer of specified thickness, sorting out, breaking Cum. 120.60 2.88
clods, leveling, sectioning edges / sides, watering,
compacting each layer to density control of not less
than 95 percent or as stipulated using vibratory
compactor including cost of water etc. complete
with lead up to1 km and all lifts as directed.
10 Item No.10 A :- Providing hearting embankment
using selected impervious material available
directly from excavation in layers including cost of
all materials, machinery, labour, all other
operations such as collection of material, spreading
soil in layer of specified thickness, sorting out,
Cum. 47.60 2.57
breaking clods, leveling, sectioning edges / sides,
watering, compacting each layer to density control
of not less than 95 percent or as stipulated using
vibratory compactor including cost of water etc.
complete with lead up to1 km and all lifts as

Rate for 2020-21
Sr. (Rate in Rs.)
Item Unit
No. Completed
Item No.10 B :- Providing hearting embankment
using selected impervious soil from approved
borrow areas (Government acquired land) in
layers including cost of all materials, machinery,
labour, all other operations such as collection of
soil, spreading soil in layer of specified thickness,
Cum. 109.55 2.80
sorting out, breaking clods, leveling, sectioning
edges / sides, watering, compacting each layer to
density control of not less than 95 percent or as
stipulated using vibratory compactor including
cost of water etc., complete with lead up to1 km
and all lifts as directed.
11 Item No.11 A :- Providing casing embankment
using selected pervious material available directly
from excavation in layers including cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, all other operations
such as collection of material, spreading material in
layer of specified thickness, sorting out, breaking Cum. 64.25 3.49
clods, leveling, sectioning edges / sides, watering,
compacting each layer to density control of not less
than 95 percent or as stipulated using vibratory
compactor including cost of water etc. complete
with lead up to1 km and all lifts as directed.
Item No.11 B :- Providing casing embankment
using selected pervious material from approved
borrow areas (Government acquired land) in
layers of including cost of all materials, machinery,
labour, all other operations such as collection of
soil, spreading soil in layer of specified thickness,
Cum. 137.45 3.14
sorting out, breaking clods, leveling, sectioning
edges / sides, watering, compacting each layer to
density control of not less than 95 percent or as
stipulated using vibratory compactor including
cost of water etc., complete with lead up to1 km
and all lifts as directed.

Rate for 2020-21
Sr. (Rate in Rs.)
Item Unit
No. Completed
12 Item No.12 :- Providing cohesive non-swelling
(CNS) material lining to canals using selected
material from approved borrow area
(Government acquired land) including cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, spreading soil in
layers of thickness not more than 150 mm
including providing 20 cm or so (perpendicular to
Cum. 192.35 55.40
side slope) of extra pride ,removing pride just prior
to the placement of lining, breaking clods,
watering, compacting to density control of not less
than 95 percent or as stipulated, dressing to
required profile including cost of water etc.
complete with lead up to1 km and all lifts as
13 Item No.13 :- Providing and constructing 230 mm
thick dry rubble stone pitching using stones and
stone chips from locally available, excavated
Sqm. 73.90 73.90
materials including labour, hand packing / wedging
stone chips, finishing etc. ,complete with lead up to
50 m and all lifts.
14 Item No.14:- Providing and constructing 230 mm
thick dry rubble stone pitching using stones and
stone chips from approved source from borrow
area including cost of all materials, labour, hand Sqm. 215.10 73.90
packing / wedging stone chips, finishing etc.,
complete with lead up to 50 m and all lifts.

15 Item No.15 :- Providing and constructing 300 mm

thick dry rubble stone pitching with pin headers at
2 per sqm using stones and stone chips from
approved source including cost of all materials, Sqm. 490.95 65.26
labour, hand packing / wedging stone chips,
finishing etc., complete with lead up to 50 m and
all lifts as directed.
16 Item No.16 :- Providing and constructing 450 mm
thick dry rubble stone pitching with pin headers at
2 per sqm using stones and stone chips from
approved source including cost of all materials, Sqm. 658.15 97.73
labour, hand packing / wedging stone chips,
finishing etc., complete with lead up to 50 m and
all lifts as directed.

Rate for 2020-21
Sr. (Rate in Rs.)
Item Unit
No. Completed
17 Item No.17 :- Providing and constructing dry
rubble rock-toe using rubble and stone chips from
approved source including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, hand packing rubble and stone Cum. 881.75 195.85
chips, finishing top and sides to required slopes
etc., complete with lead up to 50 m and all lifts as
18 Item No.18:- Providing and constructing
longitudinal and cross graded filter drains using
sand and 20 mm down approved clean, hard,
graded aggregates satisfying specified filter criteria
in layers of specified thickness including cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, laying to required
slopes, compaction etc., complete as per
specifications and approved drawings with lead up
to 50 m and all lifts as directed.
I) Longitudinal Drains Cum 1290.95 258.86
II) Cross Drains Cum 1295.90 258.86
19 Item No.19:- Providing and constructing 0.50 m
thick vertical or inclined graded filter media
consisting of 150 mm thick sand layers and 200
mm thick 20 mm down coarse approved clean,
hard, graded aggregates satisfying specified filter
Cum. 1357.45 258.86
criteria in layers of specified thickness including
cost of all materials, machinery, labour, laying to
required slopes, compaction etc., complete as per
specifications and approved drawings with lead up
to 50 m and all lifts as directed.
20 Item no 20:- Dewatering by pumping out water
collected with 10 to 19 HP Diesel & Electrical
pumps including cost of all materials, machinery,
labour, providing sump and all other ancillary
operations whenever necessary etc. complete 39.50 18.08
under specific and indispensable circumstances
with prior approval from competent authority with
authentic evidence of records justifying dewatering
etc. complete as directed.
21 Item No 21:- Providing and Laying of Quarry Spalls
of approved trap stone quality of specified
thickness including hand packing etc. complete as Cum 670.75 86.01
per specifications & approved drawing with lead of
50m and all lifts as directed.



ITEM NO 22 TO 72

Rates for 2020-21
Sr. (Rate in Rs.)
Item Unit
No. Complete
d Item
1 2 3 4 5

22 ITEM NO. 22 :- Providing and laying in situ cement

concrete of grade M-10 of trap / granite / quartzite /
graded metal for foundation and bedding with
Concrete Mixer including placing, compacting,
curing etc. complete with an initial lead of 1 km & all
lifts as directed.
(A) M-10 (20 MSA) (Cement 4.4 bags/Cum) Cum 4105.20 537.53
(B) M-10 (40 MSA) (Cement 4.4 bags/Cum) Cum 4105.20 537.53
(C) M-10 (80 MSA) (Cement 4.33 bags/Cum) Cum 3987.55 537.53
23 ITEM NO. 23 :- Providing and laying in situ cement
concrete of grade M-15 of trap / granite / gneiss /
quartzite / graded metal for foundation and
bedding with Concrete Mixer including placing,
compacting, curing with an initial lead of 1 km and
all lifts etc. complete as directed.
(A) M-15 (20 MSA) (Cement 5.64 bags/Cum) Cum 4464.05 537.53
(B) M-15 (40 MSA) (Cement 5.20 bags/Cum) Cum 4301.65 537.53
(C) M-15 (80 MSA) (Cement 4.99 bags/Cum) Cum 4147.25 537.53
24 ITEM NO. 24:- Providing and laying in situ cement
concrete of grade M-15 of trap / granite / gneiss /
quartzite / graded metal for PCC with or without
surface reinforcement/ RCC concreting requiring
heavy or special type of shuttering for works of
gallery, sluice, spillway crest, spillway downstream
face, energy dissipating structures, intake
structures, training walls, piers, abutments etc. with
Concrete Mixer with shuttering and scaffolding,
placing, compacting, curing with an initial lead of 1
km and all lifts etc. complete as directed.
(A) M-15 (20 MSA) (Cement 5.64 bags/Cum) Cum 5189.45 840.22
(B) M-15 (40 MSA) (Cement 5.20 bags/Cum) Cum 5027.05 840.22
(C) M-15 (80 MSA) (Cement 4.99 bags/Cum) Cum 4875.50 840.22

Rates for 2020-21
Sr. (Rate in Rs.)
Item Unit
No. Complete
d Item
25 ITEM NO. 25:- Providing and laying in situ cement
concrete of grade M-20 of trap / granite / gneiss /
quartzite / graded metal for RCC works of gallery,
sluice, spillway crest, spillway downstream face,
energy dissipating structures, intake structures,
training walls, piers, abutments, slab etc. with
Concrete Mixer including shuttering and
scaffolding, placing, compacting, curing with an
initial lead of 1 km and all lifts etc. complete as
(A) M-20 (20 MSA) (Cement 6.60 bags/Cum) Cum 5519.10 840.22
(B) M-20 (40 MSA) (Cement 6.08 bags/Cum) Cum 5329.20 840.22
26 ITEM NO. 26:- Providing and laying in situ cement
concrete of grade M-25 of trap / granite / gneiss /
quartzite / graded metal for RCC works of gallery,
sluice, spillway crest, spillway downstream face,
energy dissipating structures, intake structures,
training walls, piers, abutments, slab etc. with
Concrete Mixer including shuttering and
scaffolding, placing, compacting, curing with an
initial lead of 1 km and all lifts etc. complete as
(A) M-25 (20 MSA) (Cement 7.62 bags/Cum) Cum 5869.35 840.22

Rates for 2020-21
Sr. (Rate in Rs.)
Item Unit
No. Complete
d Item
1 2 3 4 5


27 ITEM NO. 27 :- Providing and laying in situ cement
concrete of grade M-10 of trap / granite / quartzite /
graded metal for foundation and bedding with
Batching Plant and Transit Mixer including placing,
compacting, curing etc. complete with an initial lead
of 1 km & all lifts as directed.
(A) M-10 (20 MSA) (Cement 4.4 bags/Cum) Cum 3908.05 438.37
(B) M-10 (40 MSA) (Cement 4.4 bags/Cum) Cum 3908.05 438.37
(C) M-10 (80 MSA) (Cement 4.33 bags/Cum) Cum 3790.40 438.37
28 ITEM NO. 28 :- Providing and laying in situ cement
concrete of grade M-15 of trap / granite / gneiss /
quartzite / graded metal for foundation and
bedding with Batching Plant and Transit Mixer
including placing, compacting, curing with an initial
lead of 1 km and all lifts etc. complete as directed.
(A) M-15 (20 MSA) (Cement 5.64 bags/Cum) Cum 4266.95 438.37
(B) M-15 (40 MSA) (Cement 5.20 bags/Cum) Cum 4104.50 438.37
(C) M-15 (80 MSA) (Cement 4.99 bags/Cum) Cum 3950.10 438.37
29 ITEM NO. 29 :- Providing and laying in situ cement
concrete of grade M-15 of trap / granite / gneiss /
quartzite / graded metal for PCC with or without
surface reinforcement/RCC concreting requiring
heavy or special type of shuttering for works of
gallery, sluice, spillway crest, spillway downstream
face, energy dissipating structures, intake
structures, training walls, piers, abutments etc. with
Batching Plant and Transit mixer with shuttering &
scaffolding, placing, compacting, curing with an
initial lead of 1km &all lifts etc. complete as
(A) M-15 (20 MSA) (Cement 5.64 bags/Cum) Cum 4992.30 741.06
(B) M-15 (40 MSA) (Cement 5.20 bags/Cum) Cum 4829.90 741.06
(C) M-15 (80 MSA) (Cement 4.99 bags/Cum) Cum 4678.35 741.06

Rates for 2020-21
Sr. (Rate in Rs.)
Item Unit
No. Complete
d Item
30 ITEM NO. 30:- Providing and laying in situ cement
concrete of grade M-20 of trap / granite / gneiss /
quartzite / graded metal for RCC works of gallery,
sluice, spillway crest, spillway downstream face,
energy dissipating structures, intake structures,
training walls, piers, abutments, slab etc. with
Batching Plant and Transit mixer including
shuttering and scaffolding, placing, compacting,
curing with an initial lead of 1 km and all lifts etc.
complete as directed.
(A) M-20 (20 MSA) (Cement 6.60 bags/Cum) Cum 5321.95 741.06
(B) M-20 (40 MSA) (Cement 6.08 bags/Cum) Cum 5132.05 741.06
31 ITEM NO. 31:- Providing and laying in situ cement
concrete of grade M-25 of trap / granite / gneiss /
quartzite / graded metal for RCC works of gallery,
sluice, spillway crest, spillway downstream face,
energy dissipating structures, intake structures,
training walls, piers, abutments, slab etc. with
Batching Plant and Transit mixer including
shuttering and scaffolding, placing, compacting,
curing with an inital lead of 1 km and all lifts etc.
complete as directed.
(A) M-25 (20 MSA) (Cement 7.62 bags/Cum) Cum 5672.20 741.06
32 ITEM NO. 32 :- Providing and laying in situ M-15
(20 MSA)(28 days cube compressive strength not
less than 15N/sqm) grade cement concrete with
clean, hard, graded aggregates for canal lining for
side and bed including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, cleaning with batching plant
and transit mixer placing in position, finishing with
all slope of canal including scaffolding, formwork,
compaction, curing, by cutting grooves, filling with
sealing compound and providing porous plugs
preparation of sub grade etc. complete with an
initial lead of 1 km and & all lifts as directed.
A) For Bed Lining (Cement 5.64 bags/Cum) Cum 5347.90 477.64
B) i) For Side Lining with curing compound Cum 5567.70 359.95
(Cement 5.64 bags/Cum)
ii) For Side Lining without curing compound i.e. Cum 5536.65 485.33
by curing with water (Cement 5.64 bags/Cum)

Rates for 2020-21
(Rate in Rs.)
No Item Unit
. Labour
d Item
33 ITEM NO. 33 :- Providing and laying in situ
mechanized lining in M-15 (20 MSA) (28 days cube
compressive strength not less than 15N/sqm)
grade cement concrete with clean, hard, graded
aggregates for canal side and bed using vibrating
cylindrical type mechanical paver including cost of
all materials, machinery, labour, cleaning with
batching plant and transit mixer finishing with all
slope of canal including scaffolding, formwork,
compaction, curing, by cutting grooves, filling with
sealing compound and providing porous plugs
preparation of sub grade etc. complete with initial
lead of 1 km and & all lifts as directed.
A) For Bed Lining (Cement 5.64 bags/Cum) Cum 5414.65 477.64
B) i) For Side Lining with curing compound (Cement Cum 5643.55 359.95
5.64 bags/Cum)
B) ii) For Side Lining without curing compound i.e. Cum 5603.45 485.33
by curing with water (Cement 5.64 bags/Cum)
34 ITEM NO. 34:- Providing & laying chip masonry Cum 2116.70 554.75
back filling behind concrete lining in C.M. 1:8
including striking joints, curing, scaffolding but
excluding pointing etc. complete as directed.
(35% mortar) (Cement 1.25 bags/Cum)
35 ITEM NO. 35:- Providing, laying, erecting and Sqm 209.95 109.35
dismantling M.S. plates form work for side lining,
etc. complete as directed. (for steeper slopes only)
(to be used with prior approval of C.E.)
36 ITEM NO. 36:- Providing and laying polythene film
of properly manufactured from 100% virgin
granules confirming to I.S. 2508-1984 with 1.5 to
2.5 m. package in rolls/ as per specifications.
A) 200 microns Sqm 51.55 2.71
B) 400 microns Sqm 100.45 2.71
C) 600 microns Sqm 149.30 2.71
D) Providing & Laying plastic film 500 micron HDPE
Geomembrance confirming to IS:15351:2015 Type Sqm 104.85 20.15
II as per specification including laying etc complete

Rates for 2020-21
Sr. (Rate in Rs.)
Item Unit
No. Complete
d Item
37 ITEM NO. 37 :- Providing and laying 40 and 45 cm. Cum 2897.65 860.04
thick UCR masonry in C.M. 1:5 for side lining of the
canal including raking joints, scaffolding and curing
etc. complete excluding pointing, with lead up to 50
m. and all lifts as directed.
(35% mortar) (Cement 2.00 bags/Cum)
38 ITEM NO. 38 :- Providing and laying cement plaster 6 Sqm 123.70 66.10
mm thick in C.M. 1:3 single coat without neru finish
to concrete surface in all position including
scaffolding, curing, including etc. complete as
directed. (Cement 0.057 bags/Sqm)
39 ITEM NO. 39 :- Providing and laying in situ cement
concrete of grade M-10 of trap/ granite / quartzite /
graded metal for foundation and bedding with
Batching Plant and Transit Mixer including placing,
shuttering, compacting, curing, etc. complete with
an initial lead of 1 km and all lifts as directed.
(A) M-10 (20 MSA) (Cement 4.4 bags/Cum) Cum 4591.05 876.34
(B) M-10 (40 MSA) (Cement 4.4 bags/Cum) Cum 4591.05 876.34
(C) M-10 (80 MSA) (Cement 4.33 bags/Cum) Cum 4473.40 876.34
40 ITEM NO. 40 :- Providing and laying in situ cement
concrete of grade M-15 of trap / granite / gneiss /
quartzite / graded metal for foundation and bedding
by Batching Plant & Transit Mixer including
shuttering, scaffolding, placing, compacting, curing
etc. complete with an initial lead of 1 km and all lifts
as directed.
(A) M-15 (20 MSA) (Cement 5.64 bags/Cum) Cum 4949.95 876.34
(B) M-15 (40 MSA) (Cement 5.20 bags/Cum) Cum 4787.50 876.34
(C) M-15 (80 MSA) (Cement 4.99 bags/Cum) Cum 4633.15 876.34
41 ITEM NO. 41 :- Providing and laying in situ cement
concrete of grade M-15 of rap / granite / gneiss /
quartzite / graded metal for RCC works of retaining
walls, piers, abutments, etc. with Batching Plant and
Transit mixer including shuttering, scaffolding,
placing, compacting, curing etc. complete with an
initial lead of 1 km and all lifts as directed.
(A) M-15 (20 MSA) (Cement 5.64 bags/Cum)
i) For Abutment, wing walls, returns, transition walls Cum 5623.90 998.96
ii) For Piers Cum 5760.55 1056.00

Rates for 2020-21
Sr. (Rate in Rs.)
Item Unit
No. Complete
d Item
41 (B) M-15 (40 MSA) (Cement 5.20 bags/Cum)
i) For Abutment, wing walls, returns, transition walls Cum 5461.45 998.96
ii) For Piers Cum 5598.15 1056.00
(C) M-15 (80 MSA) (Cement 4.99 bags/Cum)
i) For Abutment, wing walls, returns, transition walls Cum 5309.90 998.96
ii) For Piers Cum 5446.60 1056.00
42 ITEM NO. 42 :- Providing and laying in situ cement
concrete of grade M-20 of trap / granite / gneiss /
quartzite / graded metal for RCC works of abutment,
wing walls, returns, transition walls, piers, columns,
beams and slabs, diaphragm walls, road slabs
trough (Box Culvert) trough for aqueduct, wearing
coat, etc. . with Batching Plant and Transit mixer
including shuttering, scaffolding, placing, compacting,
curing etc. complete with an initial lead of 1 km and
all lifts as directed.
(A) M-20 (20 MSA) (Cement 6.60 bags/Cum)
i) For Abutment, wing walls, returns, transition walls Cum 5953.50 998.96
ii) For Piers Cum 6090.20 1056.00
iii) Columns Cum 8003.50 1854.40
iv) Beams and slabs Cum 8284.95 1810.52
v) Road Slab, kerb, super passage/slab culvert etc. Cum 8061.90 1727.17
vi) Trough resting on ground Cum 7404.45 1481.51
vii) Trough for aqueduct Cum 8930.70 2051.81
viii) Wearing Coat and other required concrete Cum 4586.85 428.68
(B) M-20 (40 MSA) (Cement 6.08 bags/Cum)
i) For Abutment/retaining walls/wing walls/Transition Cum 5763.60 998.96
ii) For piers Cum 5900.30 1056.00
43 ITEM No. 43:- Providing and laying in situ cement
concrete of grade M-25 of trap / granite / gneiss /
quartzite / graded metal for RCC works of columns,
beams and slabs, diaphragm walls, Road slabs
trough (Box Culvert) trough for aqueduct, wearing
coat, etc. with Batching Plant and Transit mixer
including shuttering, scaffolding, placing, compacting,
curing etc. complete with an initial lead of 1 km and
all lifts as directed.

Rates for 2020-21
Sr. (Rate in Rs.)
Item Unit
No. Complete
d Item
43 (A) M-25 (20 MSA) (Cement 7.62 bags/Cum)
i) Columns Cum 8353.75 1854.40
ii) Beams and slabs Cum 8635.20 1810.52
iii) Road Slab, kerb, super passage/slab culvert etc. Cum 8412.15 1727.17
iv) Trough resting on ground Cum 7754.70 1485.51
v) Trough for aqueduct Cum 9280.90 2051.81
vi) Wearing Coat Cum 4937.10 428.68
44 ITEM NO. 44 :- Providing and laying in situ cement
concrete of grade M-30 for trough of aqueduct etc.
of trap / granite / gneiss / quartzite / graded metal
with Batching Plant and Transit mixer including
shuttering, scaffolding, placing, compacting, curing
with an initial lead of 1 km and all lifts etc. complete
as directed.
(A) M-30 (20 MSA) for trough of aqueduct (Cement Cum 9739.80 2051.81
9.20 bags/Cum)
(B) M-30 (20 MSA) for slab (Cement 9.20 bags/Cum) Cum 9094.10 1810.52
45 ITEM NO. 45 :- Providing and laying expansion /
construction joint with 18 SWG copper plate and
shalitex expansion pad below and above the copper
plate including sealing the joint with shalitex sealing
compound including 50 x 50 x 5 mm angle frame
with stainless steel bolts etc. complete as directed.
(For all slab thickness )
A) 60 cm wide copper plate Sqm 13757.55 496.36
B) 37.50 cm wide copper plate Sqm 16019.90 749.17
46 ITEM NO. 46:- Providing and laying expansion / Sqm 1238.30 181.00
construction joint with shalitex super expansion pad
(jute fiber) 12 mm thick including sealing the joint
with shalitex sealing compound etc. complete as
directed.(For all slab thickness).
47 ITEM NO. 47:- Providing and fixing G.I. sheet 24 Rmt 127.60 36.49
gauges and 22.5 cm. wide for the construction joint
in R.C.C. trough wall including cutting 15 cm. overlap,
riveting the joints and fixing in position etc. complete
as directed.
48 ITEM NO. 48:- Providing, fabricating and placing in MT 69095.05 8714.28
position reinforcement steel for RCC works including
cutting, bending, hooking, laying in position and tying
M.S./ HYSD / TMT bars for reinforcement of R.C.C.
work as per detailed drawing etc. complete as

Rates for 2020-21
Sr. (Rate in Rs.)
Item Unit
No. Complete
d Item
49 ITEM NO.49:- Providing, erecting and laying steel
shuttering formwork and making surface suitable for
concreting including dismantling etc. complete as
(A) For abutments, piers, wings, returns, etc. Sqm 420.50 175.48
(B) For RCC Solid/Deck slab/Box Cells/ Trough of Sqm 469.60 175.48
Aqueduct etc.
(C) For curved surface Sqm 504.65 210.58
50 ITEM NO.50:- Providing and erecting steel props
(A) Up to 3.00 m height including bracing, Sqm 244.40 109.81
strengthening and dismantling etc. complete
(B) Rate for centering for every Additional 1.00 m ht. Sqm 90.10 54.91
ITEM NO.51:- Providing U.C.R. masonry in C.M. 1:5 in Cum
foundation up to 0.5 m above G.L. with 50 m. lead
and all lifts including striking joints, curing etc.
complete as directed.
A) Thickness of wall up to 1 m. (30% mortar) 2444.15 496.86
(B) Walls of water retaining structures thinner than Cum 2472.60 401.22
1.0 m. and walls of structures thicker than 1.0 m.
other than dams and water retaining structures. (35%
(C) Dams &water retaining structures(45% mortar) . Cum 2717.30 401.22
52 ITEM NO.52:- Providing U.C.R. masonry in C.M. 1:6 in
foundation up to plinth with 50 m. lead and all lifts
including striking joints, curing etc. complete as
(A) (30% mortar). Cum 2348.05 496.86
(B) (35% mortar) Cum 2359.25 401.22
(C) (45% mortar). Cum 2569.65 401.22
53 ITEM NO. 53:- Providing U.C.R. masonry in C.M. 1:5
in superstructure with 50 m. lead and all lifts
including striking joints etc. complete as directed.
(A) Thickness of walls up to 1 m. (30% mortar) Cum 2469.00 521.70
(B) Walls of water retaining structures thinner than Cum 2492.65 421.28
1.0 m. and walls of structures thicker than 1.0 m.
other than dams and water retaining structures. (35%
(C) Dms and water retaining structures (45% mortar) Cum 2737.35 421.28

Rates for 2020-21
Sr. (Rate in Rs.)
Item Unit
No. Complete
d Item
54 ITEM NO. 54 :- Providing khandki facing to the face
of masonry with pointing in C.M. 1:2 including
finishing to the required shape & slope with
necessary scaffolding, curing etc. complete with lead
of 50 m. as directed.(It is assumed that the Khandkis
are of the size 20 cm x 20 cm. No mortar for jointing
is taken into account, only face pointing of joint is
(A) with khandki facing on one side Sqm 2403.15 110.10
(B) with khandki facing on both side. Sqm 4696.20 110.10
55 ITEM NO. 55:- Providing and laying dry stone rubble Cum 1297.25 291.00
masonry excluding pointing etc. complete as
56 ITEM NO. 56:- Providing pointing with cement mortar
for stone masonry including racking joints,
scaffolding, curing etc. complete as directed.
(A) In Cement Mortar 1:3 Sqm 54.25 37.72
(B) In Cement Mortar 1:2 Sqm 55.90 38.08
57 ITEM NO. 57:- Providing and constructing coarse Cum 5298.75 825.00
rubble masonry II sort in C.M. 1:4.5 for super
structure with lead up to 50m. and lift up to 1.5m.
Including striking joints, curing etc. complete
excluding cement pointing etc. complete as directed.
(30% mortar)
58 ITEM NO. 58:- Cutting rectangular grooves of size 10 Rmt 1356.95 1356.95
cm. x 10 cm. in stone masonry including clearing
pointing etc. to facilitate smooth working of needles
etc. complete as directed.
59 ITEM NO. 59:- Providing and laying rough dressed cut Cum 6296.70 2908.33
stone coping 23 cm. thick in C.M. 1:5 excluding
cement pointing but including watering with lead 50
m. and all lifts etc. complete as directed.
60 ITEM NO. 60 :- Providing coal grout U.C.R. masonry Cum 3505.20 391.87
in C.M. 1:3 (43% mortar) proper packing rubble and
of the required shape and quality with the coal grout
at required pressure with 50 m. lead and all lifts
including scaffolding, watering etc. complete as
directed. (Excluding formwork and staging)

Rates for 2020-21
Sr. (Rate in Rs.)
Item Unit
No. Complete
d Item
61 ITEM NO. 61:- Providing and construction of a
gabion structure for retaining earth with segments of
wire crates each divided into 1.5 m compartments by
cross netting, made form 4 mm gallivanted steel wire
@ 32kg per 10 sqm having minimum tensile strength
of 300Mpa conforming to IS:280 and galvanizing
coating conforming to IS:4826 woven into mesh with
double twist, mesh size not exceeding 100x100mm,
filled with boulders with least dimension of 200mm,
all loose ends to be tied with 4mm galvanized steel
wire etc. complete.
A) Available Materials Cum 1120.20 195.86
B) Borrow Area Cum 1792.65 195.86
62 ITEM NO. 62A:- Providing B.B. masonry with Cum 5206.90 555.41
conventional I.S. type bricks for super structure
including striking joints, watering, scaffolding with
lead up to 50 m. and all lifts including cost of
materials etc. complete as directed.
ITEM NO. 62B:- Providing B.B. masonry with Cum 697.60 76.30
conventional I.S. type bricks in Cement Mortar 1:5 in
super structure up to floor level including mild steel
reinforcement of 2 bars of 6 mm dia. placed by every
3rd course properly bent, bounded at ends,
scaffolding, watering with lead up to 50 m. and all
lifts including cost of materials etc. complete as
ITEM NO. 63 :- Laying and jointing R.C.C. pipe of NP2
class or IRC standard in C.M. 1:2, proportion by
volume including cost of all materials (excluding pipes
and collars), labour, aligning pipes, batching and
mixing mortar, packing joints with hemp and mortar,
finishing, curing with lead up to 50 m and all lifts etc.
complete as directed.
(A) 1200 mm dia Rmt 529.20 318.29
(B) 1000 mm dia Rmt 395.40 238.69
(C) 900 mm dia Rmt 379.80 238.69
(D) 800 mm dia Rmt 364.05 238.69
(E) 600 mm dia Rmt 278.10 198.90
(F) 450 mm dia Rmt 215.40 159.11
(G) 300 mm dia Rmt 191.20 159.11

Rates for 2020-21
Sr. (Rate in Rs.)
Item Unit
No. Complete
d Item
64 ITEM NO. 64 :- Laying and jointing R.C.C. pipe of NP3
class or IRC standard in C.M. 1:2, proportion by
volume including cost of all materials (excluding pipes
and collars), labour, aligning pipes, batching and
mixing mortar, packing joints with hemp and mortar,
finishing, curing with lead up to 50 m and all lifts etc.
complete as directed.
a) 1200 mm dia Rmt 624.70 413.78
b) 900 mm dia Rmt 451.40 310.31
65 ITEM NO. 65 :- Laying and jointing R.C.C. pipe of P1 Rmt 451.40 310.31
class of 900 mm dia or IRC standard in C.M. 1:2,
proportion by volume including cost of all materials
(excluding pipes and collars), labour, aligning pipes,
batching and mixing mortar, packing joints with
hemp and mortar, finishing, curing with lead up to 50
m and all lifts etc. complete as directed.
66 Item No. 66 :- Providing and laying in situ cement Cum 8744.25 2165.86
concrete of grade M-20 of trap / granite / gneiss /
quartzite / graded metal for Staunch wall with
Batching Plant and Transit Mixer considering lead of
5 kms from batching plant, including shuttering,
scaffolding, placing, compacting, curing etc. complete
as directed.
67 ITEM NO. 67A :- Providing and fixing anchor bar of 25 No 1897.90 168.78
mm diameter 2.50 m length with resin bond cement
capsule anchorage including drilling holes, inserting
grout capsule, driving anchor, cost of all materials,
machinery, labour and other ancillary operations etc
complete with lead up to 1 Km and all lifts. Total
weight of 25 mm steel = 2.50x3.85x10=96.25 kg
ITEM NO. 67B :- Providing and fixing anchor bar of 32 No 2227.75 169.06
mm diameter 2.50 m length with resin bond cement
capsule anchorage including drilling holes, inserting
grout capsule, driving anchor, cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, ventilation, lighting, drainage and
other ancillary operations etc complete with lead up
to 1 Km and all lifts.Total weight of 32 mm steel =
2.50x6.32x10=213.30 kg

Rates for 2020-21
Sr. (Rate in Rs.)
Item Unit
No. Complete
d Item
68 ITEM NO. 68A:- Providing and fixing RCC Boundary / No 826.10 138.42
Guard / Chain age blocks of size 75 x 20 x 20 cm
including excavation and fixing in a block of 45 x 45 x
45 cm in M-15 Concrete with oil painting of two
coats, lettering etc. complete as directed.
(height of stone above GL 40 cm.)
ITEM NO. 68 B :- Providing and fixing RCC Km / half No 915.05 199.95
km / submergence boundary blocks of size 95 x 20 x
20 cm including excavation and fixing in a block of 45
x 45 x 45 cm in M-15 Concrete with oil painting of
two coats, lettering etc. complete as directed.
(Height of stone above GL 60 cm.)
69 ITEM NO. 69 :- Providing and fixing canal information No 5686.50 2073.54
board of 1.2 x 0.75 m prepared on 16 gauge M.S.
sheet with angle iron frame of size 35 x 35 x 3 mm
with cross bracing of size 25 x 25 x 3 mm including
painting with one coat of zinc chromate storing
primer and two coats each of green/white back
ground and back side grey store enameled bonded
with red retro reflective sheet Engineering grade,
border / letters / numeral / arrows coated with non
peal able crystal clear protective transparent coat
retaining 100% reflection including two angle iron
post of size 50x50x5 mm of 3.65 m long inflated at
bottom drilled on top and painted in white and black
bonds of 30 cm with four numbers high strength of
G.I. bolts and nuts of size 10 mm dia. and 20 mm long
sheet and angle iron post in one piece without joints
including all taxes, conveying, fixing in ground with
cement concrete in M-15 block of size 60 x 60 x 75
cm as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
70 ITEM NO. 70:- Providing and laying rubble soling Cum 1200.10 501.40
below foundation in layers including filling with
rubble chips, murum etc. complete as directed.
71 ITEM NO. 71:- Back filling up to ground level behind Cum 57.55 57.55
the canal structures etc. complete with suitable
material of approved quality in layers not exceeding
20 cm without disturbing the structure etc. complete
as directed.

Rates for 2020-21
Sr. (Rate in Rs.)
Item Unit
No. Complete
d Item
72 ITEM NO. 72:- Providing and constructing contraction Rmt 1861.70 168.97
joints by fixing 310 mm wide central bulb type
approved quality PVC water stop in two lines with 8
mm dia. Steel dowel rods on either side at 1 m
interval, forming 125 x 125 size groove in between 2
water stops for filling asphalt, fixing 15 mm dia. two
legged G.I. pipe with U-bend at bottom for circulating
steam at interval and forming 150 mm dia. Formed
drain behind water seals including cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, filling asphalt in groove,
circulation of steam at intervals, vulcanizing water
seal joints with all leads and lifts etc. complete as




ITEM NO 73 TO 83

सामाईक दरसुची सन 2020-21
बोगदा कामे
सर्वसाधारण टिपणी

बोगदा ि हििर खोदकामाचे दर ठरहिताांना िापरलेली गृहितके रे खाहचत्ाांसि खाली हदलेली

आिे त. प्रत्यक्ष कामाचे हठकाणच्या क्षे हत्य पहरस्स्थतीनुसार गृहितकाांमध्ये (Assumptions) बदल िोत
असल्यास सोबतच्या दरसुचीतील गृहितकाांच्या ढाच्याच्याआधारे सुधाहरत दरपृथ:करणास सक्षम
स्तरािर मान्यता दे ण्यात यािी.

General Assumptions (गृटितके)

Item No.:- Excavation of tunnel in all type of rock through itself / adit by drilling and smooth control
perimeter blasting, mucking, disposing muck in muck yard, lighting, ventilation inside tunnel with
initial lead of 1Km (From Average face to Dump yard 500 m & including length of Adit as 1Km etc.

प्रिेश भुयाराद्वारे बोगदा खोदाई कामासाठी खालील प्रमाणे गृहितके गृहित धरणेत आली आिे त.
 Cross Section & Drilling Pattern Considered (Elevation & Pattern Drawing attached Separately)

Assumption :-

I) General:-
 Distance of starting face of tunnel from Dumping yard including length of Adit = 500 m
 Length of tunnel to be excavated from face is 1 Km.
 Average length of tunnel = 500 m Average lead= 500 + 500 = 1000 m (1Km)
i.e. Initial Lead =1 Km
 Most common type of tunnel D- Shaped with 6.50m Dia & 6.50 m Height (Min. Exc.Line)
 Pay line 150mm.
 C/S area up to MEL – 38.745 Sqm
 C/S area up to Payline – 42.31 Sqm
II) Drilling Pattern:- 4.65
 Depth of drilling = 3.00m
 Pull = (2.16m) 72%
 Total No of Holes per section = 103 Nos. , Total length
of drilling = 309 Rmt.
III) Quantity of Excavation:-
 Qty. excavated per pull=(Pull X pay line area)=2.16 X 42.31=91.37 Cum Say 92 Cum
 Loose Qty.= 1.50 X Compact Qty. = 92 X 1.5 = 138 Cum

Item No.:- Excavation of tunnel in all type of rock through shaft by drilling and smooth control perimeter
blasting, mucking, disposing muck in muck yard, lighting, ventilation inside tunnel with initial lead of 1Km
(From Average face to Dump yard) and Initial lift of 50m etc. Complete.
Shaft द्वारे बोगदा खोदाई कामासाठी खालील प्रमाणे गृटितके गृटित धरणेत आली आिे त.
 Cross Section & Drilling Pattern Considerd (Elevation & Pattern Drawing attached Separately)

50 m

Assumption :-

I) General:-
 Distance of starting face of tunnel from Dumping yard including length of Adit = 500 m
 Length of tunnel to be excavated from face is 1 Km.
 Average length of tunnel = 500 m,Lead from shaft top to Dump yard= 500 m
Distance from Average face of tunnel to Dump yard =1000m (i.e. Initial Lead = 1Km)
 Depth of Shaft already excavated = 50 m, Lift from shaft bottom to shaft top =50 m
 Most common type of tunnel D- Shaped with 6.50m Dia & 6.50 m Height (MEL)
 Pay line 150mm.
 C/S area up to MEL – 38.745 Sqm
 C/S area up to Payline – 42.31 Sqm
II) Drilling Pattern:-
 Depth of drilling = 3.00m
 Pull = (2.16m) 72%
 Total No of Holes per section = 103 Nos. , Total length
of drilling = 309 Rmt.
III) Quantity of Excavation:-
 Qty. excavated per pull=(Pull X payline area)=2.16 X 42.31=91.37 Cum Say 92 Cum
 Loose Qty.= 1.50 X Compact Qty. = 92 X 1.5 = 138 Cum

Item No.:- Excavation of Shaft in all type of rock by drilling and smooth control perimeter blasting,
mucking, disposing muck in muck yard, lighting, ventilation inside shaft with initial lead of 500 m (From
Top of Shaft to Dump yard ) & Initial lift of 25 m etc. Complete.
Shaft खोदाई कामासाठी खालील प्रमाणे गृटितके गृटित धरणेत आली आिे त.

 Cross Section & Drilling Pattern Considered (Pattern Drawing attached Separately):-
Assumption :-
I) Genaral
Size of Shaft = 12 X 5 m
 Average depth of shaft = 25m
50 m Lead from shaft top to dumping yard is 500m
 Rectangular shaped construction shaft with
dimensions 12m length x 5m width.(MEL)
 Pay line 150mm.
 C/S area up to MEL – 60.00 Sqm.
 C/S area up to Payline – 65.19 Sqm.
II) Drilling Pattern:-
 Consider depth of drilling = 1.50m
 Pull = (0.90m) 60%
 Consider 2.45 No of holes per Sqm area
 Total No of Holes per section = 160 Nos.
 Total length of drilling = 240 Rmt.
III) Quantity of Excavation:-
 Qty. excavated per pull=(Pull X payline area)=
0.90 X 65.19=58.67 Cum Say 59 Cum
 Loose Qty.= 1.50 X Compact Qty. = 59 X 1.5 = 88.5
= Say 89 Cum


Rates proposed for
Sr. CSR 2020-21
Description Unit
No. Completed Labour
73 Item no.73:- Excavation of tunnel in all types of
rock through adit/ itself by drilling and smooth
control perimeter blasting, mucking, disposing
muck in muck yard, lighting, ventilation inside
tunnel considering cross section of tunnel as D- Cum 2017.00 710.22
shaped with 6.5 m bottom width & 6.5 m height
with initial lead of 1 Km (From average face to
Dump yard including length of Adit) and all lifts
etc. Complete
74 Item no. 74:- Excavation of tunnel in all types of
rock through Shaft by drilling and smooth
control perimeter blasting, mucking, disposing
muck in muck yard, lighting, ventilation inside
Cum 2546.00 710.22
tunnel considering cross section of tunnel as D-
shaped with 6.5 m bottom width & 6.5 m height
with initial lead of 1 Km (From average face to
Dump yard) and all lifts etc. Complete.
75 Item no.75:- Excavation of Shaft in all types of
rock by drilling and smooth control perimeter
blasting, mucking, disposing muck in muck yard,
lighting, ventilation inside tunnel considering
Cum 2415.00 978.31
size of shaft as Rectangular shape 12 x 5 m. and
depth of 50 m. with initial lead of 500 m (From
top of shaft to Dump yard) & initial lift of 25 m.
etc. Complete.
76 Item no. 76 A:- Providing and fixing steel rock
bolts 25 mm dia & 3.10 m length with resin
bond cement capsule anchorage through adit/
itself including drilling holes, inserting grout
capsule, driving bolt, fixing 10 mm thick plate
and nuts and tightening the same by torque
Kg 2625.00 214.56
wrench after hardening of cement grout, cost of
all materials, machinery, labour, ventilation,
lighting, drainage and other ancillary operations
with lead up to 1 Km and all lifts etc complete.
Total weight of rock bolt 3.10 x 3.85 x 10 =
119.35 kg

Rates proposed for
Sr. CSR 2020-21
Description Unit
No. Complete Labour
d Rate
Item no. 76B:- Providing and fixing steel rock
bolts 25 mm dia & 3.10 m length with resin
bond cement capsule anchorage through shaft
including drilling holes, providing tapered steel
wedge, plate and nuts and tightening the same
by torque wrench after hardening of cement Kg 2909.00 214.56
grout, cost of all materials, machinery, labour,
ventilation, lighting, drainage and other ancillary
operations with lead up to 1 Km and all lifts etc
complete. Total weight of rock bolt 3.10 x 3.85 x
10 = 119.35 kg
77 Item no. 77 A - Providing and fixing anchor bar
of 25 mm diameter 3.375 m length with resin
bond cement capsule anchorage through adit/
itself including drilling holes, inserting grout
capsule, driving anchor, cost of all materials, Rmt 2449.00 191.04
machinery, labour, ventilation, lighting, drainage
and other ancillary operations etc complete with
lead up to 1 Km and all lifts. Total weight of 25
mm steel = 3.375x3.85x10=133.19 kg
Item no. 77B - Providing and fixing anchor bar of
32 mm diameter 4.32 m length with resin bond
cement capsule anchorage through adit/ itself
including drilling holes, inserting grout capsule,
driving anchor, cost of all materials, machinery, Rmt 3467.00 169.06
labour, ventilation, lighting, drainage and other
ancillary operations etc complete with lead up to
1 Km and all lifts. Total weight of 32 mm steel =
3.375x6.32x10=213.30 kg
78 Item no. 78A:- Providing, fabricating and fixing in
position permanent structural steel supports as
per details including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, cutting, bending, welding, MT 100266.0 36590.40
grinding, lighting, ventilation, drainage and all
other ancillary operations with lead up to 1 Km
and all lifts etc complete.
78 Item no. 78B:- Providing, fabricating and fixing in
position permanent structural steel supports as
per details including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, cutting, bending, welding, MT 103208.0 36590.40
grinding, lighting, ventilation, drainage and all
other ancillary operations with lead up to 1 Km
and all lifts etc complete.
Rates proposed for
Sr. CSR 2020-21
Description Unit
No. Completed Labour
79 Item no. 79A:- Providing, fabricating and placing
in position reinforcement steel for tunnel RCC
works through adit/ itself including cleaning,
straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, lapping,
welding joints wherever required tying with MT 74622.00 3540.49
binding wire including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, lighting, ventilation, drainage
with initial lead up to 1 Km and all lifts etc.
Item no. 79 B - Providing, fabricating and placing
in position reinforcement steel for tunnel RCC
works through shafts including cleaning,
straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, lapping,
welding joints wherever required tying with MT 79003.00 7921.49
binding wire including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, lighting, ventilation, drainage
with initial lead up to 1 Km and all lifts etc.
complete, as directed.
80 Item no. 80A:- Providing and applying wet
shotcrete (M30-10 MSA) 50 mm thick through
adit/ itself in layers as directed including
admixture, scaffolding, necessary machinery,
labors, ventilation, lightening, draining and all
other ancillary operations with lead up to 1 Km Sqm 533.10 27.67
and all lifts etc. complete. (By non robotic
machine) Qty of shotcrete excluding rebound
16.00/1.30 = 12.31 Cum
Area covered by concrete 12.31 / 0.05 = 246.00
Item no. 80B- Providing and applying wet
shotcrete (M30: 10 MSA) 50 mm thick in two
layers through shaft of tunnel including
admixture, scaffolding, necessary machinery,
labors, ventilation, lightening, drainage with Sqm 822.20 27.67
providing and all other ancillary operations with
lead up to 1 Km and all lifts etc. complete, as
directed. (Excluding royalty)

Rates proposed for
Sr. CSR 2020-21
Description Unit
No. Completed Labour
81 Item no. 81A:- Providing and laying in situ
vibrated M-20 grade cement concrete using 20
mm clean, hard, graded aggregates crushed from
tunnel muck for side and arch lining through
adit/ itself lining including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, formwork, batching, mixing, Cum 8421.35 1221.84
conveying up to placing point in agitator car,
placing in position, laying, vibrating, finishing,
curing, ventilation, lighting, draining and all
other ancillary operations for Tunnel with lead
up to 1 Km and all lifts etc. complete
81 Item no. 81B:- Providing and laying in situ
vibrated M-20 grade cement concrete using 20
mm clean, hard, graded aggregates crushed from
tunnel muck for side and arch lining through
shaft including cost of all materials, machinery,
labour, formwork, batching, mixing, conveying Cum 8655.90 1221.84
up to placing point in agitator car, placing in
position, laying, vibrating, finishing, curing,
ventilation, lighting, draining and all other
ancillary operations for Tunnel with lead up to 1
Km and all lifts etc. complete
82 Item no. 82 A - Providing and laying in situ
vibrated M-20 grade cement concrete using 20
mm clean, hard, graded aggregates for Invert
(Kerb and bed) lining through adit/ itself of
tunnel through adit/ itself including cost of all
materials, machinery, labors, formwork,
Cum 7913.85 2073.19
batching, mixing, conveying up to placing point
in agitator car, placing in position, laying,
vibrating, finishing, curing, ventilation, lighting,
draining and all other ancillary operations for
Tunnel. with lead up to 1 Km and all lifts
(Excluding royalty)

Rates proposed for
Sr. CSR 2020-21
Description Unit
No. Completed Labour
82 Item no. 82B - Providing and laying in situ
vibrated M-20 grade cement concrete using 20
mm clean, hard, graded aggregates for Invert
(Kerb and bed) lining through shaft of tunnel
through adit/ itself including cost of all materials,
machinery, labors, formwork, batching, mixing, Cum 8062.00 2073.19
conveying up to placing point in agitator car,
placing in position, laying, vibrating, finishing,
curing, ventilation, lighting, draining and all
other ancillary operations for Tunnel. with lead
up to 1 Km and all lifts (Excluding royalty)
83 Item no. 83A:- Drilling 32 mm diameter grout
holes in concrete / rock by percussion drilling
using jack hammer as directed to specified depth
for consolidation / contact grouting including
Rmt 408.25 65.25
cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cleaning
holes, ventilation, lightening, drainage and all
other ancillary operations etc complete
Consider 100 m drilling for analysis
83 Item no. 83 B:- Grouting cement slurry in grout
holes under specified pressure for consolidation
/ contact grouting including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, re drilling wherever
necessary ventilation, lightening, drainage and MT 12208.10 1878.79
all other ancillary operations with lead up to 1
Km and all lifts etc complete.
Average progress of grouting per shift
considered = 1.50 MT




ITEM NO 84 TO 100

Sr Item Unit Rate for 2020-21
No. (Rate in Rs.)
Complete Labour
d Item
1 2 3 4 5
84 Item No. 84 :- Double leveling using Auto level to
connect Geodetic Trigonometrically survey, bench
mark and establishing permanent bench mark at
Km. 1256.45 1193.87
Dam site at place along the canal alignment,
submergence and in command area etc complete,
as directed. (Excluding cost of B.M. structure)
85 Item No. 85 :- Block contour survey of 10m x 10m
grid (Not less than 121 raw data points distributed
uniformly over a Hector) for irrigation projects
using digital state of art Total Station / DGPS,
including transfer of entire data to computer
system in different geo referential layer / themes
using features of standard plotting Software
compatible with canal irrigation system design
Software packages including contour plotting at
specified interval and scale. The test print of the
drawing shall be approved by Engineer-in-charge
and the same shall be delivered in a CD format as
well as hard copy in six numbers including one print
on tracing paper, as directed.
(A) Total Station Ha. 956.40 763.03
(B) DGPS Ha. 315.25 182.84
86 Item No. 86:- Block contour survey of 15 m x 15 m
grid (Not less than 64 raw data points distributed
uniformly over a Hector) for irrigation projects
using digital state of art Total Station / DGPS,
including transfer of entire data to computer
system in different geo referential layer / themes
using features of standard plotting Software
compatible with canal irrigation system design
Software packages including contour plotting at
specified interval and scale. The test print of the
drawing shall be approved by Engineer-in-charge
and the same shall be delivered in a CD format as
well as hard copy in six numbers including one print
on tracing paper, as directed.
(A) Total Station Ha. 643.80 518.78
(B) DGPS Ha. 212.25 124.33

Sr Item Unit Rate for 2020-21
No. (Rate in Rs.)
Complete Labour
d Item
87 Item No. 87:- Block contour survey of 20m x 20m
grid (Not less than 36 raw data points distributed
uniformly over a Hector) for irrigation projects
using digital state of art Total Station / DGPS,
including transfer of entire data to computer
system in different geo referential layer / themes
using features of standard plotting Software
compatible with canal irrigation system design
Software packages including contour plotting at
specified interval and scale. The test print of the
drawing shall be approved by Engineer-in-charge
and the same shall be delivered in a CD format as
well as hard copy in six numbers including one print
on tracing paper, as directed.
(A) Total Station Ha. 482.90 389.14
(B) DGPS Ha. 159.15 93.25
88 Item No. 88:- Block contour survey of 30m x 30m
grid (Not less than 25 raw data points distributed
uniformly over a Hector) for irrigation projects
using digital state of art Total Station / DGPS,
including transfer of entire data to computer
system in different geo referential layer / themes
using features of standard plotting Software
compatible with canal irrigation system design
Software packages including contour plotting at
specified interval and scale. The test print of the
drawing shall be approved by Engineer-in-charge
and the same shall be delivered in a CD format as
well as hard copy in six numbers including one print
on tracing paper, as directed.
(A) Total Station Ha. 331.40 267.03
(B) DGPS Ha. 109.25 63.99

Sr Item Unit Rate for 2020-21
No. (Rate in Rs.)
Complete Labour
d Item
89 Item No. 89:- Block contour survey of 60m x 30m
grid (Not less than 15 raw data points distributed
uniformly over a Hector) for irrigation projects
using digital state of art Total Station / DGPS,
including transfer of entire data to computer
system in different geo referential layer / themes
using features of standard plotting Software
compatible with canal irrigation system design
Software packages including contour plotting at
specified interval and scale. The test print of the
drawing shall be approved by Engineer-in-charge
and the same shall be delivered in a CD format as
well as hard copy in six numbers including one print
on tracing paper, as directed.
(A) Total Station Ha. 170.45 137.34
(B) DGPS Ha. 56.20 32.91
90 Item No. 90:- Block contour survey of 150m x 30m
grid (Not less than 5 raw data points distributed
uniformly over a Hector) for irrigation projects
using digital state of art Total Station / DGPS,
including transfer of entire data to computer
system in different geo referential layer / themes
using features of standard plotting Software
compatible with canal irrigation system design
Software packages including contour plotting at
specified interval and scale. The test print of the
drawing shall be approved by Engineer-in-charge
and the same shall be delivered in a CD format as
well as hard copy in six numbers including one print
on tracing paper, as directed.
(A) Total Station Ha. 75.75 61.04
(B) DGPS Ha. 24.95 14.63

Sr Item Unit Rate for 2020-21
No. (Rate in Rs.)
Complete Labour
d Item
91 Item No. 91 :- Carrying out line survey with digital
state of art Total Station for fixing FRL / HFL
including C/s survey with levels at 20m interval/
survey for 'L' section of alternative Dam site and 'L'
section of river 1Km u/s 1Km D/s of alternative
Dam site etc complete including station, including
transfer of entire data to computer system in
different geo referential layer / themes using
Km. 946.90 763.03
features of standard plotting Software compatible
with canal irrigation system design Software
packages including contour plotting at specified
interval and scale. The test print of the drawing
shall be approved by Engineer-in-charge and the
same shall be delivered in a CD format as well as
hard copy in six numbers including one print on
tracing paper, as directed.
92 Item No. 92 :- Survey for main canal, branches,
distributaries with digital state of art Total Station
on falling contour including investigation of
alternative line, taking falling contour fixing canal
line, taking 'L' section and cross section on final line
and distributaries survey including transfer of entire
data to computer system in different geo
referential layer/ themes using features of standard Km. 1136.30 763.03
plotting Software compatible with canal irrigation
system design Software packages including contour
plotting at specified interval and scale. Absolutely
linear survey for all types of canals (Length of
survey for L-section and cross sections to be
measured separately for payment) etc complete, as
directed. (Excluding fixing apex/ chain age stones)
93 Item No. 93 :- Preparation of detailed construction
plan for pipe distribution network system including
necessary command survey, linear survey for pipe
laying, chalk planning, designing of pipe network,
and preparation of estimates, as directed.
A) Total Station 1282.70 736.02
B) DGPS 641.55 321.73

Sr Item Unit Rate for 2020-21
No. (Rate in Rs.)
Complete Labour
d Item
94 Item No. 94:- Providing permanent bench mark
dressed stone of basalt, granite or gniess of size
30cm X 30cm X 45cm at least 15cm below the
ground and embedding it to a depth of 30cm in
grade M-15 in situ concrete of size 90cm X 90cm X
No. 5061.70 366.82
60cm deep over 1M deep foundation concrete of
grade M-10 including excavation, concrete,
providing and fixing dressed stone and backfilling
the pit up to ground level with sand etc complete,
as directed.
95 Item No. 95 :- Fixing precast RCC alignment blocks
(Pillar) on alternative dam site finally approved of
size 900 x 175 x 100 mm at 90 M interval including
No. 536.50 37.12
fixing in 1:3:6 (600 x 450 x 450mm) cement
concrete, excavation, backfilling and coloring etc, as
directed. (0.75 kg steel)
96 Item No. 96 :- Supplying labour for Double leveling
to connect Geodetic Trignometrical Survey Bench
Mark and establishing the Permanent Bench Mark
at Dam site at place along the canal alignment Km. 1131.20 1131.20
submergence and in command area etc, as
directed. (Excluding cost of P.B.M. structure)
97 Item No.97 :- Taking trial bore for detailed
investigation with NX diamond drill double tube in
all sorts of soil like soft murum, hard murum and
boulders including all materials such as casing
pipes, accessories, grease, steel balsam and other
such materials and or as required including
conveying such materials and machinery to site of
works, preserving the loose samples in glass/plastic
jar and core samples serially numbered at site of
work and conveying the same to the head quarter
of concerned office as directed and submission of
detailed bore log sheet complete.(As directed by
the Engineer in charge)As per PWD DSR 2018-19
(A) Over Burdon (soil of all sorts, soft, murum,
Rmt 1801.00 280.00
hard murum, boulders and soft rock)
(B) Hard Rock Rmt 3534.00 323.00

Sr Item Unit Rate for 2020-21
No. (Rate in Rs.)
Complete Labour
d Item
98 Item No.98:- Providing core box of M.S.of size
1.25m x 0.35m x 0.15m for preserving core sample
with all fixtures and fastening handles including No. 4250.45 682.10
locking arrangement etc. complete, as directed.
99 Item No.99:- Carrying out water intake test /
permeability test at any stage or depth as may be
directed by Engineer in charge by filling the bore
hole with water or air at specific pressure of Test 655.30 341.87
specified limit as and where directed.
(Reference : P.W.D. Chapter-6, Page 71,B-
Foundation Exploration)
100 Item No. 100:- Excavation for taking trial pits on
final alignment of dam and canal at specified
interval and in Nalla-bed of size 2.00 x 2.00 x
2.50mtr. in length, breadth and depth respectively
Cum 146.30 21.50
or size as may be directed by Engineer In charge
including backfilling trial pits etc complete, as




ITEM NO 101 TO 135

Rates CSR 2020-21
Description of item Unit Completed
No. Labour
1 2 3 4 5
101 Item No.101:- Dismantling the Stone
Masonry in cement mortar including stacking
Cum 225.35 225.35
the material with 15 m. lead and all lifts etc.
complete as directed.
102 Item No.102 A: - Dismantling dry rubble
stone pitching including stacking all materials
Sqm 51.20 51.20
with 15 m lead and all lifts etc complete as
Item No.102 B:- Dismantling the old lime
concrete or cement concrete including
Cum 271.50 271.50
stacking the material with 15 m. lead and all
lifts etc. complete as directed.
103 Item No.103:- Dismantling R.C.C. works and
removing the stuff to a distance of 15 m and
Cum 407.25 407.25
all lifts including stacking etc. complete as
104 Item No. 104:- Cleaning cutting thorny
shrubs bushes, grass with 15m. lead and all Sqm 2.30 2.30
lifts etc. complete as directed.
105 Item No.105:- Cutting down trees including
cutting trunks & branches and stacking the
material with 15 m. lead and all lifts
including uprooting and refilling the pit with
material etc complete as directed.
(excluding extra material required for
a above 30 cm to 60 cm girth No 256.30 207.56
b above 60 cm to 90 cm girth No 318.55 269.30
c above 90 cm to 1.5 m. girth No 567.55 517.88
d above 1.5 m. to 3.0 m. girth No 837.30 787.18
e above 3.0 m. to 4.5 m. girth No 1356.05 1305.06
106 Item No.106:- Numbering road and canal
No 14.55 9.51
sides trees including painting etc. Complete
107 Item No.107:- Removing dry silt from the
canal bed and stacking with 15 m. lead and Cum 61.10 61.10
all lifts etc. complete as directed.

Rates CSR 2020-21
Description of item Unit Complet
. No. Labour
ed Rate
108 Item No.108:- Removing wet silt from canal bed
with 15 m. lead and all lifts including depositing Cum 90.25 90.25
the excavated stuff etc. complete as directed.
109 Item No.109:- Removing old paint from steel
and other surface with flame, cleaning and
Sqm 44.80 40.75
making the surface even including scaffolding
etc. complete.
110 Item No.110:- Providing and applying Primer
Red Oxide Paint in two coats including surface
Sqm 249.80 134.70
preparation, chipping the welding, cleaning
spatters, dust etc. complete.
111 Item No.111:- Providing and applying
anticorrosive coal tar black paint IS 290-1961 in
two coats including surface preparation, Sqm 323.25 264.56
chipping the welding, cleaning spatters, dust etc.
112 Item No.112:- Providing and applying
anticorrosive Coal Tar Epoxy paint for upstream
side in two coats including surface preparation, Sqm 314.05 180.26
chipping the welding, cleaning spatters, dust etc.
113 Item No.113:- Providing and applying two coats
of flat oil paint of approved color and shade to
internal / external plastered surfaces including Sqm 86.00 44.40
scaffolding if necessary clearing and preparing
surfaces excluding primer paint etc. complete.
114 Item No.114:- Providing and applying two coats
of flat oil paint of approved color to the old
structural steel work and iron work previously
Sqm 82.95 44.41
painted including scaffolding if necessary
clearing & preparing surface excluding primer
coat etc. complete.
115 Item No.115:- Providing and applying two coats
of lead / zinc base oil paint / bituminous paint of
approved color and shade to wood work / fibre
Sqm 110.00 57.31
boards previously painted including scaffolding
if necessary, preparing surface excluding
primary coat etc. complete.
116 Item No.116:- Providing and applying coal tar in
one coat on previously painted wood work
including preparing the surface scaffolding etc. Sqm 23.85 15.09

Rates CSR 2020-21
Description of item Unit Complete
. No. Labour
d Rate
117 Item No.117:- Applying geru wash and white
wash to canal road side Km stones/Boundary
No 62.85 51.88
stones / Ch. stones / bottom of trees, etc.
118 Item No.118A:- Straight Needle K.T.Weir Gate-
A Manufacturing- Manufacturing with QAP &
fabrication of KT weir needle gates - straight type
size 2.15 x 0.5M- 94 Kg. weight as per relevant
Indian Standards with all material, Mild steel
confirming to IS 2062, Rubber seal confirming to
IS 4623 & Welding electrodes AWS E6013 for
general weld joints. It includes all materials,
Labour charges, machinery charges, 1km lead M.T. 111672.0 9146.66
charges of transportation, loading and unloading
charges of Gate parts at Site, Inspection & Quality
control charges, Sand blasting, Painting with one
coat of Zinc rich primer on dry film to give total
dry film thickness 70 +/- 5 microns and 2 coats of
sloventless coal tar epoxy paint applied to give
minimum dry film thickness of 150+/- 5 micron
per coat as per IS 14177.
118 Item No.118B:- Curved Needle K.T.Weir Gate-
B Manufacturing- Manufacturing with QAP &
fabrication of KT weir needle gates - curved type
size 2.15 x 0.5M- 74 Kg. weight as per relevant
Indian Standards with all material, Mild steel
confirming to IS 2062, Rubber seal confirming to
IS 4623 & Welding electrodes AWS E6013 for
general weld joints. It includes all materials,
Labour charges, machinery charges, 1km lead M.T. 127366.0 11838.41
charges of transportation, loading and unloading
charges of Gate parts at Site, Inspection & Quality
control charges, Sand blasting, Painting with one
coat of Zinc rich primer on dry film to give total
dry film thickness 70 +/- 5 microns and 2 coats of
sloventless coal tar epoxy paint applied to give
minimum dry film thickness of 150+/- 5 micron
per coat as per IS 14177.
118 Item No.118 C:- FRP Needle K.T.Weir - Providing
C and fixing at site Faser Composite Gates / GRP
needles of size 2.15 M x 0.50 M x 60 mm to 65
Sqm. 25950.00 9146.66
mm thick with minimum weight of 45 to 50 Kg,
including testing and providing quality test result
as prescribed etc as per specifications.
Rates CSR 2020-21
Description of item Unit Complete
. No. Labour
d Rate
118 Item No.118D:- Hot- Dip Galvanized Needle Gate
D - Providing and fixing at site Hot- Dip Galvanized
curved Needle Gate of following sizes and weight
as per relevant Indian Standards with all material,
Mild steel confirming to IS 2062, Rubber seal
confirming to IS 4623 & Welding electrodes AWS
E6013 for general weld joints. It includes all
materials, Labour charges, machinery charges,
loading and unloading charges of Gate parts,
Inspection & Quality control and testing charges
etc complete. (excluding GST & lead charges of
i) Gate size 2.15m x 0.50 m, of wt. 94 kg No. 16146.00 3060.80
ii) Gate size 3.20m x 1.75 m, of wt. 543 kg No. 93269.00 17681.00
iii)Gate size 4.50m x 1.25 m, of wt. 551 kg No. 94643.00 17941.00

119 Item No.119A:- Removing M.S. needles from the

A K.T. Weir opening before onset of the monsoon
for Passing the flood water through the K.T. Weir No 161.20 153.73
openings including conveying the same up to the
river banks, stacking the same with all leads and
lifts etc. complete as directed.
119 Item No.119B:- Transportation of M.S.Needles
B from the river bank to the store shed / safe place
or from store shed / safe place to river bank by
No 44.55 44.55
Bullock cart including loading, unloading and
stacking with all leads and lifts etc. complete as
directed. (lead half Km)
120 Item No.120:- Providing supplying and applying 1
coat of red oxide to the steel structure as a
primary coat including cleaning, scrubbing for
Sqm 178.30 116.23
preparing the surface to apply paint with lead up
to 15 m.and all lifts etc complete as directed.

121 Item No.121:- Fixing of M.S. Needles in weir

openings after offset of the monsoon for storage
of Water from post monsoon river flow and
making it water tight by using wooden pegs, Need
569.15 150.97
Dungry cloth & empty cement bags etc. with all le
leads & lifts and including all material and labour
etc. complete as directed. (For 07 Nos.)

Rates CSR 2020-21
Description of item Unit Complet
No. Labour
ed Rate
122 Item No.122:- Cleaning by redrilling the vertical
porous drain pipe including removing of leaching
material, grout material if any inside of the
V.P.D. with all leads and lifts etc complete as
directed. (Vertical upward drilling)
a From 0 to 5 m. meter 6460.50 1413.80
b From 5 to 10 m. meter 7106.55 1555.18
c From 10 to 15 m. meter 7752.60 1696.56
d From 15 to 20 m. meter 8075.65 1767.25
123 Item No.123:- Providing and applying single coat
of epoxy primer (4.42 Sqm per kg) (resin:
Sqm 507.25 107.44
hardener, 2:1) on old UCR / Concrete surface
etc. complete.
124 Item No.124:- Providing & applying of Epoxy
Mortar layers to Monolith joint of Masonry Dam Sqm 205.75 69.36
with all lead & lift etc. complete as directed.
Ferro Cement (Items to be implemented with prior permission of
Chief Engineer
125 Item No.125:- Providing and Fixing and erecting,
welding 8 mm MS bar @ 200 mm c/c both ways
for Ferro cement walling with welded mesh of Sqm 1155.25 113.08
size 100 x 100 x 2.30 mm and chicken mesh 3
layers, etc. complete as directed.
126 Item No. 126:- Providing and casting Ferro
cement wall in CM 1:3 including curing etc
complete as directed.
A) 30 mm thick wall Sqm 670.05 490.86
B) 40 mm thick wall Sqm 884.90 653.83
C) 50 mm thick wall Sqm 1099.30 818.75
127 Item No. 127:- Providing a Casagrande type
Piezometer in a drilled hole with all its required
accessories as per IS -7356 part-I at the project
site with all material transportation etc
A) Providing 37 mm dia,6 mm wall thick and 60
cm long porous tube piezometer with stopper
and top adapter made up of carborendum with No. 15467.20 3964.80
porous tube filter of grain size 60 micron as
specified in IS 7356 part-I.
B) Providing PVC riser pipe of 12mm outer
dia,1.5 mm wall thickness and 1.5m long. No. 1375.48 352.59
C) Providing PVC socket for riser pipe joint. No. 69.05 17.70

Item Rates CSR 2020-21
. Description of item Unit Completed
No. Rate
127 D) Providing 12 mm brass hexagonal pipe top
No. 69.05 17.70
E) Providing 50 mm dia and 1.25 m long G.I pipe
No. 4143.00 1062.00
casing protective cover
F) Providing 150 mm dia and 1.20 m deep well
graded sand filter around the casagrande No. 2071.50 531.00
G) Providing 150 mm dia and 1.00 m deep
No. 745.74 191.16
bentonite clay plug above sand filter.
H) Drilling of bore hole of 150 mm dia. In soft
strata in dam body with all required materials Mtr 5899.00 1770.00
for installation of piezometer.
128 Item No.128:- Providing electronic water level
indicator for taking water level reading in
No. 30810.00 0.00
casagrande piezometer with stainless steel
probe and marked flexible tape of 200 m length.
129 Item No. 129:- Providing Twin Tube Piezometer
with all its required accessories as per IS 7356
part-II with all material,labour and
transportation at the project sites etc complete.
A) Providing foundation or embankment type
twin tube piezometer tip assembly of 50 mm dia
and 32 mm height with all its accessories like No. 3452.50 885.00
metalic o ring , ceramic filter and screws etc
B) Providing Polypropylene tubing 8 mm O.D. 1.6
mm wall thickness which can be fitted to the
twin tube piezometer tip assembly with all 117.39 30.09
relevant accessories like elbow, nuts etc
C) Providing identification tag with nylon thread. Set 103.58 26.55
D) Providing Brass compression connector
No. 345.25 88.50
between twin tube tip assembly and tubing.
E) Providing Brass End Plug No. 276.20 70.80
F) Providing twin tube piezometer manifold
system in the Terminal Well at project site like
main Pressure gauge, Valves, Pressure Pump Set No. 414300.00 106200.00
etc. with all the required accessories as per IS
7356 Part II.
G) Providing panel board with individual
Set 448825.00 115050.00
pressure gauges for six tips

Rates CSR 2020-21
Description of item Unit Completed
No. Labour
130 Item No. 130 :- Providing accessories required
for Repairs to manifold system of twin tube
piezometer as below
A) Compression type T No. 207.15 53.10
B) Straight union for joint No. 138.10 35.40
C) Elbow brass fitting No. 172.63 44.25
130 D) Ferrule and nut No. 34.53 8.85
E) Compression type Brass coupling for jointing
No. 345.25 88.50
tubes End Plug
F) End Plug No. 276.20 70.80
G) Gauge Plug No. 6905.00 1770.00
H) Hand shut up valve No. 1726.25 442.50
I) Pressure Pump No. 103575.00 26550.00
J) Identification Tag Set 103.58 26.55
131 Item No.131:- Manufacturing, Supplying and
Erection of sub assemblies of conventional
plumb bob at project site.
A) Manufacturing and supplying of table stand of
size 600 x 700 mm & 1200 mm height. as per 1 Job 37588.20 0.00
specifications given & drawing provided.
B) Manufacturing and supplying of Weight gatta.
Job 32761.30 0.00
as per specifications given & drawing provided.
C) Manufacturing and supplying of fixing point
anchoring arrangement. as per specifications Job 34404.50 0.00
given & drawing provided.
D) Manufacturing & supplying oil tank & stand
for tank as per specifications given & drawing Job 28037.10 0.00
E) Supply of S.S. wire ø 1.6 x 100 mtr long.
Job 7907.90 0.00
Complete job.
F) Manufacturing of Box Cover of size 400 x 400
x 250 for Microscopes 2 Nos. as per Job 8010.60 0.00
specifications given & drawing provided.
G) Supply of Vernier microscope as per
Job 24237.20 0.00
specifications given
H) Erection and commissioning charges at
project site. Complete job including material Job 70800.00 70800.00
handling, labour charges,
Total Rates For Manufacturing, Supplying and comp
Erection of sub assemblies of conventional lete 243746.80 70800.00
plumb bob at project site. set

Item Rates CSR 2020-21
. Description of item Unit Completed
No. Rate
132 Item No. 132:- Manufacturing, Supplying,
erection of sub assemblies of Inverted plumb bob
at project site.
A) Stand for oil tank of plumb bob as per
Job 56485.00 0.00
specifications given & drawing provided.
B) Oil tank with cover as per specifications given
Job 33274.80 0.00
& drawing provided.
C) Copper/ SS float in oil tank Job 17048.20 0.00
D) Spider attachment as per specifications given
Job 1951.30 0.00
& drawing provided.
E) Anchor rod as per specifications given &
Job 3286.40 0.00
drawing provided.
F) Supply of S.S. wire ø 1.6 x 100 mtr long.
Job 7907.90 0.00
Complete job .
G) Manufacturing of Box Cover of size 400 x 400
x 250 for Microscopes 2 Nos. as per Job 8010.60 0.00
specifications given & drawing provided.
H) Supply of Vernier microscope as per
Job 24237.20 0.00
specifications given
I) Erection and commissioning charges at project
site. Complete job including material handling, Job 70800.00 70800.00
labour charges,
Total Rates For Manufacturing, Supplying and
Erection of sub assemblies of Inverted plumb Set 223001.40 70800.00
133 Item No. 133:- Drilling 52-57 mm dia grout holes
by percussion drilling equipment through
masonry / rock in stages including cleaning and
Rmt 1373.00 153.09
flushing the drilled holes, conveyance of all
materials and equipments for all other ancillary
etc complete as directed.
134 Item No.134:- Drilling 75 mm dia hole in masonry
/ rock by core drilling from foundation gallery
floor at required depth including flushing the hole Rmt 4139.90 690.18
including conveying all machinery equipment &
necessary dewatering etc complete.
135 Item No.135:- Providing & injecting cement grout
/ curtain grout for required proportion in the
drilled holes at required pressure including
M.T 15505.05 1596.57
supplying conveying cement, silica, fly ash,
admixtures, water proofing compound plasticizers
etc with packer system etc complete.







Lead Charges Statement for 2020-21 (Excluding Loading and Unloading)
Statement I
Lead in Av No.of trips Km Done Qty of Cost of diesel Cost of Hire Total Cost Add 10% Cost Cost per
Km Speed Diesel (Rate=Rs Mobile Charges of (Rs) overhead including Trip (Rs)
in (4Km/Litre) 97.51/litre)(Rs) Oil(17% of Truck (Rs) charges Overhead
Km/Hr (Rs) cost of (Rs) Charges (Rs)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Col 6 +
N=8/((2xL/S)+ Col 9 + Col Col 11/
L S (2xNL)+6 Col 4/4 Col 5 x 97.51 Col 6 x 0.17 Rs.2616/day col 7 + col Col 9 x 0.20
0.1) 10 col 3
0.50 15.00 48.00 54.00 13.50 1316.39 223.79 2616.00 4156.17 831.23 4987.40 103.90
1.00 16.00 35.56 77.11 19.28 1879.80 319.57 2616.00 4815.36 963.07 5778.44 162.52
1.50 16.50 28.39 91.16 22.79 2222.35 377.80 2616.00 5216.15 1043.23 6259.38 220.49
2.00 17.00 23.86 101.44 25.36 2472.85 420.39 2616.00 5509.24 1101.85 6611.09 277.08
2.50 17.25 20.52 108.61 27.15 2647.49 450.07 2616.00 5713.57 1142.71 6856.28 334.11
3.00 17.50 18.07 114.39 28.60 2788.59 474.06 2616.00 5878.65 1175.73 7054.38 390.50
3.50 17.75 16.18 119.28 29.82 2907.75 494.32 2616.00 6018.07 1203.61 7221.68 446.25
4.00 18.00 14.69 123.55 30.89 3011.89 512.02 2616.00 6139.91 1227.98 7367.89 501.42
4.50 18.25 13.49 127.39 31.85 3105.50 527.93 2616.00 6249.43 1249.89 7499.32 556.00
5.00 18.50 12.49 130.90 32.73 3191.02 542.47 2616.00 6349.49 1269.90 7619.39 610.04
5.50 18.50 11.52 132.70 33.18 3234.89 549.93 2616.00 6400.83 1280.17 7680.99 666.87
6.00 18.75 10.81 135.73 33.93 3308.81 562.50 2616.00 6487.30 1297.46 7784.77 720.08
6.50 18.85 10.13 137.72 34.43 3357.17 570.72 2616.00 6543.89 1308.78 7852.67 775.04
7.00 19.00 9.56 139.84 34.96 3408.95 579.52 2616.00 6604.47 1320.89 7925.37 829.01
7.50 19.15 9.06 141.87 35.47 3458.49 587.94 2616.00 6662.43 1332.49 7994.91 882.64
8.00 19.30 8.61 143.79 35.95 3505.29 595.90 2616.00 6717.19 1343.44 8060.63 935.98
8.50 19.45 8.21 145.64 36.41 3550.34 603.56 2616.00 6769.90 1353.98 8123.88 989.03
9.00 19.60 7.86 147.41 36.85 3593.44 610.88 2616.00 6820.32 1364.06 8184.39 1041.80
9.50 19.80 7.55 149.47 37.37 3643.66 619.42 2616.00 6879.08 1375.82 8254.89 1093.22
10.00 20.00 7.27 151.46 37.87 3692.22 627.68 2616.00 6935.89 1387.18 8323.07 1144.38
Lead Charges Statement for 2020-21 (Excluding Loading and Unloading)
Statement I

Lead in Av No. of trips Km Done Qty of Cost of diesel Cost of Hire Total Add 10% Cost Cost
Km Speed Diesel (Rate=Rs Mobile Oil Charges of Cost (Rs) overhead including per Trip
in (4Km/Litre 97.51/litre) (17% of Truck (Rs) charges (Rs) Overhead (Rs)
Km/Hr ) (Rs) (Rs) cost of Charges
Diesel(Rs) (Rs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
N=8/((2xL/S)+0. Col 6 + col Col 9 + Col Col 11/
L S (2xNL)+6 Col 4/4 Col 5 x 97.51 Col 6 x 0.17 Rs.2616/day Col 9 x 0.20
1) 7 + col 8 10 col 3
11.00 21.00 6.97 159.36 39.84 3884.90 660.43 2616.00 7161.33 1432.27 8593.59 1232.76
12.00 22.00 6.72 167.23 41.81 4076.70 693.04 2616.00 7385.74 1477.15 8862.88 1319.27
13.00 23.00 6.50 175.05 43.76 4267.33 725.45 2616.00 7608.78 1521.76 9130.53 1404.27
14.00 24.00 6.32 182.85 45.71 4457.38 757.75 2616.00 7831.13 1566.23 9397.36 1487.87
15.00 25.00 6.15 190.62 47.66 4646.84 789.96 2616.00 8052.80 1610.56 9663.36 1570.26
20.00 25.00 4.71 194.24 48.56 4735.09 804.96 2616.00 8156.05 1631.21 9787.26 2079.74
25.00 25.00 3.81 196.50 49.13 4790.18 814.33 2616.00 8220.51 1644.10 9864.61 2589.14
30.00 30.00 3.81 234.60 58.65 5718.96 972.22 2616.00 9307.19 1861.44 11168.62 2931.40
35.00 30.00 3.29 236.16 59.04 5756.99 978.69 2616.00 9351.68 1870.34 11222.01 3413.02
40.00 30.00 2.89 237.36 59.34 5786.24 983.66 2616.00 9385.90 1877.18 11263.09 3894.57
45.00 30.00 2.58 238.29 59.57 5808.96 987.52 2616.00 9412.49 1882.50 11294.98 4376.20
50.00 30.00 2.33 239.10 59.78 5828.66 990.87 2616.00 9435.53 1887.11 11322.64 4857.42
60.00 35.00 2.27 278.16 69.54 6780.85 1152.74 2616.00 10549.59 2109.92 12659.51 5581.79
70.00 35.00 1.95 279.28 69.82 6808.15 1157.39 2616.00 10581.53 2116.31 12697.84 6505.04
80.00 35.00 1.71 280.08 70.02 6827.65 1160.70 2616.00 10604.35 2120.87 12725.22 7428.62
90.00 35.00 1.53 280.68 70.17 6842.28 1163.19 2616.00 10621.46 2124.29 12745.76 8352.40
100.00 35.00 1.38 281.20 70.30 6854.95 1165.34 2616.00 10636.30 2127.26 12763.55 9275.84

Lead Charges Statement for 2020-21 (Excluding Loading and Unloading)
Statement I

Lead in Av No. of trips Km Done Qty of Cost of diesel Cost of Mobile Hire Total Add 10% Cost Cost per
Km Speed Diesel (Rate=Rs Oil (17% of Charges of Cost (Rs) overhead including Trip (Rs)
in (4Km/Litr 97.51/litre) cost of Truck (Rs) charges Overhea
Km/Hr e) (Rs) (Rs) Diesel(Rs) (Rs) d
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
N=8/((2xL/S)+ Col 6 + col Col 9 + Col Col 11/ col
L S (2xNL)+6 Col 4/4 Col 5 x 97.51 Col 6 x 0.17 Rs.2616/day Col 9 x 0.20
0.1) 7 + col 8 10 3
125.00 40.00 1.26 321.00 80.25 7825.18 1330.28 2616.00 11771.46 2354.29 14125.75 11210.91
150.00 40.00 1.05 321.90 80.48 7847.12 1334.01 2616.00 11797.13 2359.43 14156.55 13444.02
175.00 40.00 0.90 322.40 80.60 7859.31 1336.08 2616.00 11811.39 2362.28 14173.67 15678.83
200.00 40.00 0.79 323.20 80.80 7878.81 1339.40 2616.00 11834.21 2366.84 14201.05 17908.00
250.00 40.00 0.64 323.50 80.88 7886.12 1340.64 2616.00 11842.76 2368.55 14211.31 22380.02
300.00 40.00 0.53 324.00 81.00 7898.31 1342.71 2616.00 11857.02 2371.40 14228.43 26846.09
350.00 40.00 0.46 324.50 81.13 7910.50 1344.78 2616.00 11871.28 2374.26 14245.54 31308.88
400.00 40.00 0.40 325.20 81.30 7927.56 1347.69 2616.00 11891.25 2378.25 14269.50 35763.15
450.00 40.00 0.35 324.60 81.15 7912.94 1345.20 2616.00 11874.14 2374.83 14248.96 40251.31
500.00 40.00 0.32 325.00 81.25 7922.69 1346.86 2616.00 11885.54 2377.11 14262.65 44710.51

Note:- 1) For calculations of carrying capacity a truck of 10 Tone capacities is considered.

2) For loading & unloading of material on site, 6 minutes of ideal time i.e. 0.10 hr is considered for working out no. of trips.
3) The transportation charges beyond 15 Km to 50 Km are with 5 Km interval, 50 Km to 100 km are with 10 km interval, 100 to 200 km are
with 25 km interval and 200 km to 500 km are with 50 km interval. The transportation charges for intermediate Km within the range shall
be worked out by linearly interpolating between rates of lower and upper values in the range.

Lead Charges Statement for 2020-21 (Excluding Loading and Unloading)
Statement II
Cost of Trip
Lead in Km Lead Charges in Rs / Unit
As per col No. Excavated Sand, Metal Murum, Earth, Concrete Steel, Water Bricks
12 of Rock, below 40 Metal 40 mm Block Cement,
Statement I Rubble mm & above Stone Block
Carrying 4.70 m3 5.75 m3 6.00 m3 7.00 m3 10.00 MT 9000 Litre 5000 Nos.
capacity of truck
Unit for Rate Trip Cum Cum Cum Cum MT. 1000 Litre 1000 Nos.
0.50 103.90 22.11 18.07 17.32 14.84 10.39 11.54 20.78
1.00 162.52 34.58 28.26 27.09 23.22 16.25 18.06 32.50
1.50 220.49 46.91 38.35 36.75 31.50 22.05 24.50 44.10
2.00 277.08 58.95 48.19 46.18 39.58 27.71 30.79 55.42
2.50 334.11 71.09 58.11 55.69 47.73 33.41 37.12 66.82
3.00 390.50 83.09 67.91 65.08 55.79 39.05 43.39 78.10
3.50 446.25 94.95 77.61 74.38 63.75 44.63 49.58 89.25
4.00 501.42 106.69 87.20 83.57 71.63 50.14 55.71 100.28
4.50 556.00 118.30 96.70 92.67 79.43 55.60 61.78 111.20
5.00 610.04 129.80 106.09 101.67 87.15 61.00 67.78 122.01
5.50 666.87 141.89 115.98 111.14 95.27 66.69 74.10 133.37
6.00 720.08 153.21 125.23 120.01 102.87 72.01 80.01 144.02
6.50 775.04 164.90 134.79 129.17 110.72 77.50 86.12 155.01
7.00 829.01 176.39 144.18 138.17 118.43 82.90 92.11 165.80
7.50 882.64 187.79 153.50 147.11 126.09 88.26 98.07 176.53
8.00 935.98 199.14 162.78 156.00 133.71 93.60 104.00 187.20
8.50 989.03 210.43 172.00 164.84 141.29 98.90 109.89 197.81
9.00 1041.80 221.66 181.18 173.63 148.83 104.18 115.76 208.36
9.50 1093.22 232.60 190.12 182.20 156.17 109.32 121.47 218.64
10.00 1144.38 243.48 199.02 190.73 163.48 114.44 127.15 228.88

Lead Charges Statement for 2020-21 (Excluding Loading and Unloading)
Statement II
Cost of Trip
Lead in Km Lead Charges in Rs / Unit
As per col No. Excavated Sand, Metal Murum, Earth, Concrete Steel, Water Bricks
12 of Rock, below 40 Metal 40 mm Block Cement,
Statement I Rubble mm & above Stone Block
Carrying 4.70 m3 5.75 m3 6.00 m3 7.00 m3 10.00 MT 9000 Litre 5000 Nos.
capacity of truck
Unit for Rate Trip Cum Cum Cum Cum MT. 1000 Litre 1000 Nos.
11.00 1232.76 262.29 214.39 205.46 176.11 123.28 136.97 246.55
12.00 1319.27 280.70 229.44 219.88 188.47 131.93 146.59 263.85
13.00 1404.27 298.78 244.22 234.04 200.61 140.43 156.03 280.85
14.00 1487.87 316.57 258.76 247.98 212.55 148.79 165.32 297.57
15.00 1570.26 334.10 273.09 261.71 224.32 157.03 174.47 314.05
20.00 2079.74 442.50 361.69 346.62 297.11 207.97 231.08 415.95
25.00 2589.14 550.88 450.28 431.52 369.88 258.91 287.68 517.83
30.00 2931.40 623.70 509.81 488.57 418.77 293.14 325.71 586.28
35.00 3413.02 726.17 593.57 568.84 487.57 341.30 379.22 682.60
40.00 3894.57 828.63 677.32 649.09 556.37 389.46 432.73 778.91
45.00 4376.20 931.11 761.08 729.37 625.17 437.62 486.24 875.24
50.00 4857.42 1033.49 844.77 809.57 693.92 485.74 539.71 971.48
60.00 5581.79 1187.62 970.75 930.30 797.40 558.18 620.20 1116.36
70.00 6505.04 1384.05 1131.31 1084.17 929.29 650.50 722.78 1301.01
80.00 7428.62 1580.56 1291.93 1238.10 1061.23 742.86 825.40 1485.72
90.00 8352.40 1777.11 1452.59 1392.07 1193.20 835.24 928.04 1670.48
100.00 9275.84 1973.58 1613.19 1545.97 1325.12 927.58 1030.65 1855.17

Lead Charges Statement for 2020-21 (Excluding Loading and Unloading)
Statement II
Cost of Trip
Lead in Km Lead Charges in Rs / Unit
As per col No. Excavated Sand, Metal Murum, Earth, Concrete Steel, Water Bricks
12 of Rock, below 40 Metal 40 mm Block Cement,
Statement I Rubble mm & above Stone Block
Carrying 4.70 m3 5.75 m3 6.00 m3 7.00 m3 10.00 MT 9000 Litre 5000 Nos.
capacity of truck
Unit for Rate Trip Cum Cum Cum Cum MT. 1000 Litre 1000 Nos.
125.00 11210.91 2385.30 1949.72 1868.49 1601.56 1121.09 1245.66 2242.18
150.00 13444.02 2860.43 2338.09 2240.67 1920.57 1344.40 1493.78 2688.80
175.00 15678.83 3335.92 2726.75 2613.14 2239.83 1567.88 1742.09 3135.77
200.00 17908.00 3810.21 3114.44 2984.67 2558.29 1790.80 1989.78 3581.60
250.00 22380.02 4761.71 3892.18 3730.00 3197.15 2238.00 2486.67 4476.00
300.00 26846.09 5711.93 4668.89 4474.35 3835.16 2684.61 2982.90 5369.22
350.00 31308.88 6661.46 5445.02 5218.15 4472.70 3130.89 3478.76 6261.78
400.00 35763.15 7609.18 6219.68 5960.53 5109.02 3576.32 3973.68 7152.63
450.00 40251.31 8564.11 7000.23 6708.55 5750.19 4025.13 4472.37 8050.26
500.00 44710.51 9512.88 7775.74 7451.75 6387.22 4471.05 4967.83 8942.10

Note:- 1) For calculations of carrying capacity a truck of 10 Tone capacity is considered.

2) For loading & unloading of material on site, 6 minutes of ideal time i.e. 0.10 hr is considered for working out no. of trips.
3) The transportation charges beyond 15 Km to 50 Km are with 5 Km interval, 50 Km to 100 km are with 10 km interval, 100 to
200 km are with 25 km interval and 200 km to 500 km are with 50 km interval. The transportation charges for intermediate Km
within the range shall be worked out by linearly interpolating between rates of lower and upper values in the range.


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