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2021-2022 Fall Learning Plans at a Glance

Full In-Person Learning at School

❏ The district intends to offer full in-person learning, five days per week, for full school length days.
❏ Extracurricular activities and athletics will take place in accordance with state health and safety rules.
❏ There will be an intensive focus on academic growth, learning recovery, and social-emotional needs.
Additional certified teachers to assist all schools with learning recovery needs have been hired with
federal emergency monies. (Details on emergency federal monies are available on the district website.)

Full Remote Learning at Home for Qualifying Students

❏ Full- time remote learning at home will be available only for those students that qualify.
❏ To qualify, a student must apply and verify that either the student is medically at-risk or a member of
the student’s household is medically at risk. A licensed physician must complete the verification letter.
❏ The application for the Remote Learning Academy opens on May 17th and closes on August 1st
and will be available through students’ Skyward account..
❏ Full-time remote learners will be required to meet minimum requirements for online attendance and
academic engagement to be able to maintain the remote learning plan option for the second semester.
❏ There will be separate district teachers for the remote learning academy. In-person classroom
teachers will not be simultaneously teaching full-time remote learners at home. District remote learner
teachers have been hired, funded by federal emergency relief monies that the district received.
❏ Remote learner classes will not be school specific, there will be a cohort of remote learners by grade
across the entire district. For example, if a 1st grader qualifies for remote learning, they will be in an
online learning group with other remote 1st graders across the district. If a 7th grader qualifies, they
will be in an online cohort with other remote learning 7th graders from both middle schools.
❏ The Remote Academy will place a priority on core academic content and required courses. A limited
number of district programs and offerings will be available based on enrollment.
❏ Remote students will still be considered a part of their school community and will be able to access
their home school’s extracurricular activities as permitted by the physician.

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