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Arduino – based Writing Machine Project FACEx FOR PLAGIARISM SCANNING


Background of the Study

Technology integration in the education sector has gone to greater heights in the

turn of the century. From digital boards to online interactive learning platforms,

educational technology is continuously revolutionizing how students learn nowadays. In

line with this, the Department of Education expressed its commitment to digitalize the

Philippine public school system during the 2019 DepEd Cyber Expo last March 2019. The

growing support for technology integration in the education sector inspired the

development of the Arduino – based Writing Machine.

The Arduino – based Writing Machine is a technological educational tool which

can be used in teaching writing systems. The Computer Numerical Control (CNC) motion

control system technology was used as the controlling mechanism for the machine’s

robotic arm to execute writing. The machine is controlled using an Android – based

application which connects to the machine using Bluetooth radio communication. Project

FACEx is the second phase of the previous research on the machine entitled, “Arduino –

based Writing Machine: Integrating Technology in Teaching Writing Systems.” Project

FACEx aims to go beyond machine performance tests by performing actual feasibility

examination, application aesthetic improvements and cultural exploration by adding a

foreign script to the machine’s firmware. Furthermore, the study also aims to expand

machine performance testing by integrating more proximity levels.

The second phase of the Arduino – based Writing Machine research is to maximize

the use of technology in the learning process. In a global perspective, the use of


Research Capstone Researcher
Inquiries, Investigations and Immersions
Arduino – based Writing Machine Project FACEx FOR PLAGIARISM SCANNING

technology is not fully maximized in the education sector. Developing countries are

usually left out when it comes to their competitiveness in terms of technology integration

inside the classroom. When observing global literacy rates, it can be seen that the

countries with the lowest literacy rates are the least developed countries in the world. This

is a dreadful reality and it is also a huge challenge to combat. According to Aleed (2016),

there are many hurdles as to why the educational system in developing countries is

generally poor. Traditional teaching methods are still solely used in these countries due

to the lack of resources to afford new educational technologies. He further explained that

technology is not readily available in developing nations. The ratio of students to

computers can be even as high as twenty is to one. This further shows that developing

countries are indeed lacking in terms of technological tools to improve their educational

standing. Without innovating and embracing the use of 21st century tools in the classroom,

education will be stagnant and its quality will decline over time.

The Philippines, a developing country, is not an exception to this problem.

According to Arnilla (2017), the performance of Filipino students is not encouraging. A

great number of Filipino students do not have access to high quality education. Most

Philippine public schools lack the technology or facility required to facilitate an effective

learning experience. The accessibility of technological tools is usually only available to

select schools in the country. Students in the provinces experience even worse situations.

Given the initiative of the Philippine Department of Education to integrate information and

communication technology in the Philippine education system, the integration of

technology has a long way to go. New and innovative tools for teaching and learning are

yet to be experienced by the teachers and students alike.


Research Capstone Researcher
Inquiries, Investigations and Immersions
Arduino – based Writing Machine Project FACEx FOR PLAGIARISM SCANNING

The impact of modern technology in education cannot be overstated. According to

Raja and Nagasubramani (2018), the use of technology in the classroom can positively

impact the learning experience of students. Using modern equipment in teaching can

make class discussions more interactive and more interesting. Students find it more fun

to study when the approach of teaching is aided with new technology. They further

elaborated that the minds of students tend to work faster when presented with new

educational tools. This research shows how important it is to innovate and create

educational devices to improve the learning experience of students.

The paper of Chowdhry, Sieler and Alwis (2014) on the impact of technology –

enhanced learning on student academic performance revealed that there is a positive

correlation between using the virtual learning environment and the final marks obtained

by students. A lot of emphasis is also placed in the use of technology in learning even in

the university level. A concrete example of an educational technology that improved the

lives of students is shown in the paper of Firmin and Genesi (2012). The most common

educational technology used in the United States of America is the interactive white

board. Students claimed that the interactive white board engaged them and in a whole

new level. The device helped the teachers explain some topics by being more innovative

in teaching. This point just proves that the use of educational technology is indeed helpful

for students and teachers alike.

The use of technology in the classroom is not only improving the engagement of

students in developed countries but in developing countries as well. Take the study of

Wakil, Qaisar, and Mohammed (2017) for example. They conducted a study on how

technology improves the GPA of students in a Basic School in Iraq. The results show that
Research Capstone Researcher
Inquiries, Investigations and Immersions
Arduino – based Writing Machine Project FACEx FOR PLAGIARISM SCANNING

students who were exposed to learning with the integration of technology got higher test

scores. The average GPA of students who learned with the aid of classroom technology

is 89.3%. Their GPA is 22.9% higher than the students who were not exposed to

classroom technology. According to Stosic (2015), integrating technology in education is

getting even more important with the use of information and communication technology.

The new generation of students prefer to study with technology rather than learning solely

through traditional methods.

Project FACEx has feasibility testing as one of its core objectives. Basing on the

fore mentioned literature, it is highly possible for the Arduino – based Writing Machine to

be feasible as an technological educational tool inside the classroom. Similar to present

educational technologies, it utilizes the digital platform in learning facilitation. In addition

with the Android – based application, the system features a physical interaction with a

machine which can further enhance learner engagement.

Although the writing machine technology was already developed, the Aesthetic

Value of the application interface is also an important consideration. This is one of the

core objectives of Project FACEx. This part of the study aims to explore application visual

design under the lens of psychological studies related to visual design in e - learning.

With the aid of psychological precepts in learning, a new and improved application can

be developed for the Arduino – based Writing Machine. Typically, visual design is

neglected in e – learning because most creators of educational learning platforms only

focus on content and function. According to the paper of Reyna (2013) entitled “The

importance of visual design and aesthetics in e-learning”, visual design must be a core

consideration in e – learning. Furthermore, it is supported by the paper of Kapoor, Avery

Research Capstone Researcher
Inquiries, Investigations and Immersions
Arduino – based Writing Machine Project FACEx FOR PLAGIARISM SCANNING

and Brett (2019) that design and aesthetics have a huge impact on how the learner will

perceive information and learn.

Some key considerations in visual design are symmetry, color scheme, typography

and layout consistency. This principles have a profound effect on the learner’s

experience. Symmetry refers to the visual design’s balance. It gives a sense of stability

to the user and is highly desirable for e – learning. In the context of Project FACEx,

symmetry in the application interface can direct the users focus on the necessary

elements on the screen. In contrast with asymmetrical design, following this principle

throughout the application’s design architecture can provide visual balance.

In addition to symmetry, another important consideration is the color scheme.

Color is typically associated with mood and certain studies have shown that particular

colors have an impact in performance. Take the study of Elliot et al. (2007). In this study,

the researchers have discovered that certain colors can change the student’s attitude

towards learning. No specific color was identified to be beneficial or detrimental in learning

though it is advised to avoid conflicting bright colors. By doing so, inducing dizziness,

headache and loss of concentration to the learner can be avoided. Simple and plain color

schemes effectively showcase content which is vital for learning to transpire.

Next to visual design and aesthetics is the core objective of Project FACEx to

integrate cultural exploration in technology integration in writing system teaching. A

foreign language script, in the form of Hangul (Traditional Korean Writing) is aimed to be

integrated in the machine’s firmware. Writing in a foreign script is a complex process

according to the publication of Ouviña and Howard (2004). So that the acquisition of

learning the script can successfully transpire, a lot of specific skills are needed. The
Research Capstone Researcher
Inquiries, Investigations and Immersions
Arduino – based Writing Machine Project FACEx FOR PLAGIARISM SCANNING

Arduino – based Writing Machine targets to help the learners master the most

fundamental of these skills: graphic or visual skills. According to Madrid and McLaren

(1995), it is important for the learner of the foreign script to fully internalize phoneme

sound and graphic correlation. Each character has its own distinct phonemic sound and

learning to correlate the graphic design of the character to its designated sound is the first

step in learning foreign scripts.

The fore mentioned literature discussed how the integration of technology

improves the performance of students in a whole new level. Technologies present in the

classroom were also discussed such as mobile devices, interactive white boards, online

learning tools, interactive panels and the like. These devices are not readily available in

developing countries due to the high prices of these technologies. Furthermore, all

technology mentioned integrated in the classroom were only focused on teaching

students in a virtual level. The Arduino-based writing machine takes educational

technology to a higher level for the machine does not only teach students through the

virtual world but through the physical world. Lastly, this study builds upon previous

research tackling the development of an Arduino – based Writing Machine. Project

FACEx goes beyond the machine developmental performance tests through the

execution of actual feasibility testing. It also has Application Interface Aesthetic

Development as a core objective combined with cultural exploration through the

development of a G – code firmware support for the Hangul writing script. In addition,

phonemic awareness is also a core consideration in the efforts to facilitate learners’

acquisition of phoneme sound and graphic correlation.


Research Capstone Researcher
Inquiries, Investigations and Immersions

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