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10 Common fears of People:

1/ Acrophobia: This is the fear of heights. The word Acro is derived from the Greek
word meaning "peak, vertex, edge". Many researchers have proven that acrophobia is an
instinct of both humans and animals.

2/ Nyctohylophobia (Fear of the dark): Not much is known about Nyctohylophobia.

More precisely Nyctohylophobia is "the fear of dark wooded places or of forests at
3/ Claustrophobia (Fear of the tight space) Derived from the Latin claustrum meaning "a
shut in place", Claustrophobia is "the fear of having no escape and being in closed or
small spaces or rooms".

4/ Arachnophobia (Fear of spiders): Scientists call spiders Arachnid. The word also
comes from the Greek word. Two things are thought to be the cause of this fear,
evolution and culture.
5/ Astraphobia (Fear of thunder): The loud bangs of thunder or the flash of lightning can
make some people jump and sweat.

6/ Hemophobia (fear of blood): This is also a fairly common syndrome and is common
in many people.
7/ Pyrophobia- fear of fire: The prefix Pyro- (Latin for fire) also appears in many other

8/ Atychiphobia: Defined as "the abnormal, unwarranted, and persistent fear of failure".

9/ Coulrophobia (Fear of clowns): There are many people in the world, especially
children, who are afraid of clowns.

10 / Trypanophobia (Fear of needles): Fear of needles is a manifestation of fear of

hospitals or sharp objects in general.

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