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\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 Biofizica foloseste puterea
fizicii, chimiei, matematicii pentru a intelege starea de sanatate, pentru a
preveni diferite afectiuni si pentru a descoperi noi metode de tratare ale acestor
afectiuni.}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4
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\af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 Fenomenul fizic reprezinta orice transformare care se
petrece in natura, transformare insotita de o variatie de energie.}{\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0
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{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 Pentru a
descrie un fenomen fizic, trebuie sa enuntam niste legi, astfel, o lege fizica este
o legatura dintre marimi care descriu un fenomen fizic. Legile pot fi}{\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 :}
{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048
\langnp1048 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276
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(principii) }{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch
\f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 : }{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich
\af4 \loch \f4 \lang1048 \langnp1048 acestea sunt valabile in orice sistem si nu
prezinta abateri }{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch
\f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 (legea atractiei universala, principiul conservarii si
transformarii energiei, principiul lui Arhimede, legea lui Columb)}{\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033
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\af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 - particulare : acestea sunt
valabile in anumite conditii ale unui sistem dat. Aceste legi particulare prezinta
abateri si prezinta o limita de aplicabilitate. (legile gazului ideal, legile
gazului real, teorema lui Bernoulli, etc)}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch
\dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \par }\pard \plain \ql
\li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum
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\loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5
\lang1033 \langnp1033 Pentru a scrie legile fizicii trebuie sa caracterizam un
fenomen printr-o marime fizica.}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5
\hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \line }{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch
\ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 Marimea fizica este
orice proprietate care poate fi masurata sau care prezinta variatii cantitative
(forta, masa, timp, viteza, temperatura)}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch
\dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \line }{\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033
Procesul de masurare reprezinta compararea unei marimi fizice cu alta marime, luata
ca etalon sau ca unitate de masura.}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0
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{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033
\langnp1033 In 1960 s-a introdus sistemul international de marimi si unitati. Acest
sistem imparte marimile fizice in 3 categorii:}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch
\ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \par }\pard \plain \ql
\li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum
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\loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5
\lang1033 \langnp1033 1. Marimi fundamentale}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch
\ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \line }{\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 2.
Marimi derivate}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5
\loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \line }{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch
\dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 3. Marimi suplimentare
(unghiul plan -rad (radian) ; unghiul solid - sr (steradian)}{\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033
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\af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 1. Marimile fundamentale :
lungime(m), masa(kg), timp(s), temperatura(grade Kelvin), intensitatea curentului
electric(amper), intensitatea luminoasa, cantitatea de substanta.}{\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar
\aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch
\dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 2. Marimile derivate se clasifica
in 3 categorii:}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5
\loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \line }{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch
\dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 a) marimi derivate exprimate
numai in functie de marimile fundamentale(arie, volum, viteza, acceleratie,
densitate)}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5
\lang1033 \langnp1033 \line }{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich
\af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 b) marimi derivate exprimate avand unitati cu
denumiri speciale ( hertz, volt, ohm, tesla)}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch
\ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \line }{\fs22
\afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033
\langnp1033 c) marimi derivate care se exprima folosindu-se denumiri speciale
(combinatii ale unor unitati de masura) : coeficientul de vascozitate dinamica : Pa
x s ; coeficientul de tensiune superficiala : N/m}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch
\ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \par }\pard \plain \ql
\li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum
\adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0
\loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5
\lang1033 \langnp1033 Alte marimi fizice speciale sunt cele utilizate in
radiobiologie}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5
\lang1033 \langnp1033 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0
\sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0
\fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar
\aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch
\dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\b1 \fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \ul1 MECANICA }{\b1 \fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\ul1 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1
\widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch
\ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 se ocupa cu studiul miscarii
corpurilor sau cu studiul conditiilor de echilibru dinamic ale corpurilor. }
{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033
\langnp1033 \line }{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5
\loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 Principalele capitole sunt : cinematica, dinamica,
statica.}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5
\lang1033 \langnp1033 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0
\sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0
\fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033
CINEMATICA : studiaza legile de miscare fara sa explice cauzele care produc
schimbarea starii de miscare sau de repaus a unui corp }{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2
\rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \par }\pard
\plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha
\aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2
\hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich
\af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 Traiectorie : locul geometric al tuturor
pozitiilor succesive ocupate de corp in miscarea sa.}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch
\ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \par }\pard \plain \ql
\li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum
\adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0
\loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5
\lang1033 \langnp1033 Clasificarea miscarilor : }{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch
\ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \par }\pard \plain \ql
\li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum
\adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0
\loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5
\lang1033 \langnp1033 1) Dupa traiectorie :}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch
\ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \line }{\fs22
\afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033
\langnp1033 a) miscare rectilinie}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \line }{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2
\rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 b) miscare
curbilinie}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5
\lang1033 \langnp1033 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0
\sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0
\fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 2)
Dupa viteza :}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5
\lang1033 \langnp1033 \line }{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich
\af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 a) miscare uniforma (cand viteza este
constanta)}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5
\lang1033 \langnp1033 \line }{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich
\af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 b) miscare variata (cand viteza variaza si ia
nastere o acceleratie)}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich
\af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200
\lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0
\fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033
Pentru a caracteriza orice miscare va trebui sa facem referinta la un sistem fata
de care sa raportam miscarea respectiva. }{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch
\dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \line }{\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033
Sistemul de referinta cel mai des folosit este pamantul.}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2
\rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \line }
{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033
\langnp1033 Prin alegerea sistemului de referinta, miscarea poate fi de diferite
tipuri.}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5
\lang1033 \langnp1033 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0
\sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0
\fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033
Viteza medie de la A la B, aceasta este o marime vectoriala egala cu raportul
dintre (r}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5
\lang1033 \langnp1033 \sub2 2}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5
\hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 -r}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch
\dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \sub2 1}{\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 )/(t}
{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033
\langnp1033 \sub2 2}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5
\loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 -t}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5
\hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \sub2 1}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2
\rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 ) = delta R
/delta T}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5
\lang1033 \langnp1033 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0
\sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0
\fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\b1 \fs22 \afs24
\rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 Miscarea
rectilinie uniforma}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5
\loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 in care traiectoria este o dreapta, viteza este
constanta : s=v x t}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5
\loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200
\lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0
\fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 S =
spatiul parcurs in intervalul de timp t cu viteza constanta v}{\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar
\aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch
\dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\b1 \fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 Miscarea rectilinie variata}
{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033
\langnp1033 in care traiectoria este o dreapta, viteza nu mai este constanta si
apare o acceleratie (aceasta se datoreaza variatiei vitezei). a}{\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \sub2
m}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5
\lang1033 \langnp1033 =(v}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich
\af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \sub2 2}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch
\ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 -v}{\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \sub2
1}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5
\lang1033 \langnp1033 )/(t}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5
\hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \sub2 2}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2
\rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 -t}{\fs22
\afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033
\langnp1033 \sub2 1}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5
\loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 )= delta V / deltaT}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2
\rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \par }\pard
\plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha
\aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2
\hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\b1 \fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich
\af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 Miscarea curbilinie}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2
\rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 : in care
traiectoria este o curba.}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich
\af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200
\lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0
\fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033
Viteza este tangenta in orice punct la traiectorie. Viteza variaza ca directie si
poate varia si ca modul.}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich
\af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200
\lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0
\fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 Daca
viteza este constanta in modul si variaza numai ca directie, ia nastere o
acceleratie normala, cu expresia: a}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \sub2 n}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2
\rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 =v}{\fs22
\afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033
\langnp1033 \super1 2}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich
\af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 /R (R- raza traiectoriei; v- viteza
instantanee) }{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5
\lang1033 \langnp1033 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0
\sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0
\fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\b1 \fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033
Miscarea circulara}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5
\loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 : traiectoria = un cerc (formule si desen pe
slide-uri)}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5
\lang1033 \langnp1033 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0
\sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0
\fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033
Consideram ca mobilul pleaca de pe axa orizontala si merge in sens invers acelor de
ceas .}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5
\lang1033 \langnp1033 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0
\sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0
\fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 Teta
este unghiul la centru care descrie pozitia mobilului la un moment dat.}{\fs22
\afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033
\langnp1033 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276
\slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2
\rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 Putem defini
viteza unghiulara ca fiind variatia unghiului la centru intr-un interval de timp.
Viteza unghiulara se noteaza cu OMEGA (pe slide) OMEGA = DELTA TETA / DELTA T}
{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033
\langnp1033 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276
\slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2
\rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 v = OMEGA x R}
{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033
\langnp1033 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276
\slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2
\rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 v= viteza
liniara (tangenta la traiectorie)}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \line }{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2
\rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 omega = viteza
unghiulara (unitate de masura : rad/s)}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch
\dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \line }{\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 R =
raza traiectoriei circulare }{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich
\af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200
\lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0
\fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 Daca
viteza este constanta, vectorul viteza variaza ca directie si in aceasta miscare
apare o acceleratie normala, orientata dupa raza traiectoriei spre centrul
cercului: a = omega}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5
\loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \super1 2}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch
\dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 x R}{\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar
\aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch
\dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \super1 a = acceleratia in miscarea
circulara}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5
\lang1033 \langnp1033 \super1 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0
\sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0
\fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033
Caracteristici ale miscarii circulare}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch
\dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \line }{\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 -
perioada (T) : timpul dupa care punctul material efectueaza o rotatie completa }
{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033
\langnp1033 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276
\slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2
\rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 T = 2pi /
omega}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0
\ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright
\lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0
{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033
\langnp1033 T (unitate de masura) = s}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch
\dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \par }\pard \plain \ql
\li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum
\adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0
\loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5
\lang1033 \langnp1033 - frecventa (f) : numarul de rotatii complete efectuate in
unitatea de timp}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5
\loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200
\lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0
\fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 f =
1/T = omega/2pi (inversul T)}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich
\af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200
\lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0
\fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 f
(uniate de masura) = s}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich
\af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \super1 -1}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch
\ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 , Hz}{\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar
\aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch
\dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\b1 \fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \ul1 DINAMICA}{\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 :
studiaza cauzele care produc schimbarea starii de repaus sau de miscare a
corpurilor}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5
\lang1033 \langnp1033 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0
\sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0
\fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033
Dinamica are la baza 3 principii:}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \line }{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2
\rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 - principiul
inertiei : un corp isi pastreaza starea de repaus sau de miscare rectilinie si
uniforma atat timp cat asupra sa nu actioneaza alte forte sau alte corpuri.
Proprietatea pe care se bazeaza acest principiu se numeste inertie, iar marimea
fizica este masa inerta a corpului (masa corpului)}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2
\rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \line }
{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033
\langnp1033 - principiul fortei : daca asupra unui corp actioneaza o forta, aceasta
va imprima corpului o acceleratie}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \line }{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2
\rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 F = m x a
(forta = masa ori acceleratia)}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5
\hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0
\lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright
\lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0
{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033
\langnp1033 1N = 1kg x 1m/s}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5
\hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \super1 2}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch
\ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 }{\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \line
}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033
\langnp1033 -principiul actiunii si reactiunii : daca un corp actioneaza cu o forta
numita actiune si al doilea corp actioneaza primului, se formeaza o forta numita
reactiune egala in modul cu actiunea si de sens contrar }{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2
\rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \par }\pard
\plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha
\aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2
\hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich
\af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 Forta de actiune F}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2
\rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \sub2 12}{\fs22
\afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033
\langnp1033 = -F}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch
\f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \sub2 21 }{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \sub2 \par }\pard \plain \ql
\li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum
\adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0
\loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5
\lang1033 \langnp1033 Aplicatiile principiilor dinamicii: forta centripeta(F}{\fs22
\afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033
\langnp1033 \sub2 cp}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5
\loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 ) si forta centrifuga (F}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2
\rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \sub2 cf}{\fs22
\afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033
\langnp1033 )}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5
\lang1033 \langnp1033 \sub2 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200
\lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0
\fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033
-aceste forte apar si dispar simultan in miscarea circulara }{\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar
\aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch
\dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 Forta centripeta - este orientata
dupa directia razei cercului spre centrul cercului, este forta care tine un corp
pe traiectorie si are expresia F}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \sub2 cp}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2
\rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 = (m x v}
{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033
\langnp1033 \super1 2}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich
\af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 ) / R}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch
\dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \par }\pard \plain \ql
\li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum
\adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0
\loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5
\lang1033 \langnp1033 m = masa corpuui care se deplaseaza cuviteza liniara v pe o
traiectorie crculara de raza R}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5
\hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0
\lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright
\lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0
{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033
\langnp1033 Forta centrifuga - este orientata tot dupa raza cercului, are punctul
de aplicatie in centrul cercului, dar este orientata spre exteriorul traiectoriei
si este forta care arunca corpurile de pe traiectorie. F}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2
\rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \sub2 cf}{\fs22
\afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033
\langnp1033 = m x omega}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich
\af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \super1 2}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch
\ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 x R = (m x v}
{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033
\langnp1033 \super1 2}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich
\af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 ) / R = F}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch
\ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \sub2 cp}{\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af5 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\par }}

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