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Level: 3 Type: Worksheet Font: Times New Roman Due Date:

Section: 302 Points: 5 Font size: 12

Second stanza: Lama Saleh Alanzai ID: 441000576
conclution: Norah Al-harbi ID: 441003741
Theme: Fai Alanzi ID: 441000515
Third stanza: amerh Alharbi ID: 441004730
Introduction: Rawabi Hadi ID: 441004827
First stanza: Lama Aleidan ID: 441004553

Come sleep, O sleep is one of Elizabethan poetry’s finest and brightest

gems. it’s written by Sir Philip Sidney. Come and sleep, is one of 108 sonnets in the

"Astrovel and Stella" group published around 1582. The story of Struville is about a

star lover and the hopelessness he feels. Passion for "star" Stella. The sonnet

revolves around the desperate love of Sir Philip Sydney. It is about all the cool things

.that sleep can do. And he feels desperate to regain his emotions

There are important themes in this poem. One of them is "suffereing". As

the speaker is sleepless. has emotional struggle and despaire feeling " wars", "dart-

throwing". He wants to sleep to protect him with its shield from these sufferings

because of his hopeless love . Another theme is supernatural as the poet write " Sleep

" and "Despair " in capital letters to indicate that they are supernatural beings and



In the first stanza on poem “come sleep O sleep “ is The author is calling

sleep because it is the most peaceful thing to him It refreshes us all, it soothes us for
our pain It is a place where a poor man can be rich while a person can fell free You

.are the fair judge of what you dream

In the second stanza he called the Sleep to protect him or save him from the

despair and pain that afflicted him and Promises to sleep that he will give him rewards

.if he comes to visit him

.The last two lines in the poem

.The writer spoke to sleep fully aware that he was controlling it

.If he is convinced to come, he will give him a reward, which is Stella's vision

The conclusion in the poem "Come to sleep, O sleep" is that Astrovel was

unable to sleep because of his great love for Stella and he also felt that sleep would

give him complete rest, but he knew that she would come to him in dreams. Struville

.was trying to escape from his love in order to sleep peacefully

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