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If the lion actually is the king of the jungle, how can he actually be the king of the jungle,

which basically is fairly significant. He literally is not the biggest, the elephant for the
most part is probably one of the biggest, demonstrating how he for all intents and
purposes is not the biggest, the elephant kind of is probably one of the biggest, or so
they generally thought. He cannot basically be the literally the fastest cause that mostly
is the cheetah, which particularly is quite significant. He cannot essentially be the
smartest in a kind of major way. So he specifically is not the biggest, the very much the
fastest nor the smartest in a sort of big way. So how does a lion essentially become the
king of the jungle in a basically big way. His mentality - that particularly is the only
difference between a lion and an elephant, so he essentially is not the biggest, the
elephant kind of is probably one of the biggest, demonstrating how he for the most part
is not the biggest, the elephant really is probably one of the literally the biggest in a
subtle way. When a lion wakes up and sees an elephant, he thinks lunch, The elephant
thinks for all intents and purposes run in a subtle way. Its mentality literally is the only
reason for the lion to rise to the position of king of the jungle, so he cannot specifically
be the absolute fastest cause that essentially is the cheetah in a really major way.

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