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Hic trước khi bắt đầu thì để hồng anh xinh xắn nói qua về ý tưởng nhe. Hiện nay thì VN t
thấy ko có nhiều chú trọng đến trẻ em khiếm khuyết về mặt học tập (kiểu khó đọc, nói,…),
nhiều người ko cho rằng đó là một vấn đề khiếm khuyết và coi nhẹ nó, hơn nữa chương
trình dạy học cho trẻ em như thế khá ít nên cơ hội phát triển của các em cũng bị hạn chế.
Ngoài ra, tâm lý của các em cũng như gia đình cũng có thể bị ảnh hưởng do tự ti, mặc cảm…
Yeah đó là problem và t muôn tackle nó thế thui ^^

I. Background information 
1. Definition: 
Intellectual disability is a term used when there are limits to a person’s ability to learn at an
expected level and function in daily life. It could take longer for a child with intellectual
disability to learn to speak, walk, dress, or eat without help, and they could have trouble learning
in school.
2. Signs and symptoms
There are many signs of intellectual disability. For example, children with intellectual disability
 sit up, crawl, or walk later than other children
 learn to talk later, or have trouble speaking
 find it hard to remember things
 have trouble understanding social rules
 have trouble seeing the results of their actions
 have trouble solving problem
 have trouble keeping up in school
3. Causes
The causes can be categorized as follows:
 Genetic conditions 
 Problems during 
 Problems at birth
 Problems after birth
 Poverty and cultural deprivation

II. Children with intellectual disability in Vietnam

According to the 2015 report on “Readiness for education of children with disability in eight
provinces of Vietnam”:

- 86% of schools surveyed reported having no budget allocation for the education of
children with disabilities
- Majority of teachers reported that
they do not receive any training in inclusive education, special education or
disability.65% of teachers do not have access to inclusive education training. 73% do not
receive support to upgrade their skills and expertise
- The number of children with disabilities who attend school drops significantly from
primary school to lower secondary level (e.g. Kon Tum)
- …

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