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Quality Rating Guidelines v2.

Quality Rating Guidelines

We use this rubric while rating the quality of your transcripts.
*Acceptable number of inaudibles is two per five-min audio.
*Several would mean 2 to 4 specific misses (for calls five-min and below); 5 and up specific misses (for calls above five minutes)
per parameter.
*Only calls rated 3 to 5 will be paid for.
Rating Description

5 The final transcript is ready for client presentation and is considered of HIGH quality (with one
specific minor miss).

4 The final transcript is ready for client presentation and is considered of GOOD quality but has very
few minor misses (with two specific minor misses).

3 The final transcript is ready for client presentation but is considered of AVERAGE quality due to
ANY TWO (2) of the following parameters:
- Exceeded allowed inaudibles or several misheards.
- Several fillers, false starts or stutters.
- Several guidelines in transcribing numerals not followed.
- Several non-adherences to other specific DOs & DON'Ts in the FAQ.
An AUTO-RATE of 3 will be given for ANY ONE (1) of the following parameters:
- Improper use of [/] or incorrect transcription of personal info as specifically outlined in the FAQ
- Improper use of [...] which is used ONLY to represent inaudibles
- Incorrect branding (company names/products of our clients and their partners and affiliates)
- Several errors on grammar, punctuation, capitalization, spelling and sentence structure

2 The final transcript is considered of BELOW AVERAGE quality and is not ready for client
presentation due to ANY THREE (3) of the following parameters:
- Improper use of [/] or incorrect transcription of personal info as specifically outlined in the FAQ
- Improper use of [...] which is used ONLY to represent inaudibles
- Incorrect branding (company names/products of our clients and their partners and affiliates)
- Several errors on grammar, punctuation, capitalization, spelling and sentence structure
- Exceeded allowed inaudibles or several misheards.
- Several fillers, false starts or stutters.
- Several guidelines in transcribing numerals not followed.
- Several non-adherences to other specific DOs & DON'Ts in the FAQ.

1 The final transcript is considered of POOR quality and is not ready for client presentation due to
ANY FOUR (4) of the following parameters:
- Improper use of [/] or incorrect transcription of personal info as specifically outlined in the FAQ
- Improper use of [...] which is used ONLY to represent inaudibles
- Incorrect branding (company names/products of our clients and their partners and affiliates)
- Several errors on grammar, punctuation, capitalization, spelling and sentence structure
- Exceeded allowed inaudibles or several misheards.
- Several fillers, false starts or stutters.
- Several guidelines in transcribing numerals not followed.
- Several non-adherences to other specific DOs & DON'Ts in the FAQ.
An AUTO-RATE of 1 will be given for ANY ONE (1) of the following parameters:
- Improper use of [/] or incorrect transcription of Very Restricted Personal Info as specifically outlined
in the FAQ
- Transcript with inverted/incorrect speaker label, even if the error occurs in just one or two timestamp.
(This can refer to an entire segment, a portion of a segment, or the entire transcript, wherein the Rep’s
dialogue is mistakenly labeled as Customer or vice-versa).
- Gibberish or unedited final transcripts
- Portions of the audio are missing in the final transcript.
- Transcript of calls that contain IVR or AVR only
- Transcript of calls that are personal in nature or not work-related.
- Transcript of Rep-to-Rep calls where there is no interaction with the customer.
- Transcript of calls wherein only the Customer was transcribed and not the Rep, but it is obvious that the
conversation is supposedly two-way (whether in entirety or partially).
- Transcript of calls with just: introduction, opening spiels and/or no valid Rep-Customer content for
transcription, and then discontinued (either put on hold, transferred, or the call was cut off).
Quality Rating Guidelines v2.0
Edit with the
- Transcript of Docs app the Rep is just listening to his voicemail messages.
calls wherein
- Transcript of calls that are two-sided conversations but only one side was transcribed.
Make tweaks, leave comments, and share with others to edit at the same time.


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