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Level 2


1. An experiment was performed to test the effects of different types of fertilizers on the
number of tomatoes produced by one type of tomato plant. What is the independent
variable in this investigation?
A. color of plant
B. type of fertilizer
C. number of tomatoes
D. type of plant

2. The tree frog uses plants or trees for protection from the rain. The frog is
protected from the rain and the tree is neither helped nor harmed. What form of
symbiosis is represented in this relationship?
A. Mutualism
B. Parasitism
C. Commensalism
D. Predation

3. Which elements has only 1 proton?

A. He
B. Cl
C. H
D. K

4. A cold glass of water collects water droplets on the outside on a hot summer day.
This is an example of what phase change?
A. sublimation
B. evaporation
C. melting
D. condensation

5. Which of the following is an example of heat conduction?

A. An air vent from a furnace sending hot air into the house
B. A metal cup heating up when hot water is poured into it.
C. The sun melting the ice formed on a frosty lawn.
D. Cool air sinking to the ground on a cold night.


What happens to the current across a circuit when the voltage is doubled while the
resistance is held constant?
A. tripled
B. halved
C. doubled
D. remains the same

A balloon filled with helium gas is set free and starts to move upward. Which of the
following best explains why helium balloon moves upward?
A. The wind blows the balloon upward.
B. The air resistance lifts the balloon.
C. There is no gravity acting on helium balloon.
D. The density of helium is less than the density of air.
Which of the following explains why the sky appears blue?
A. Air molecules selectively scatter the shorter wavelengths of visible light.
B. Air molecules reflect the longer wavelengths of visible light
C. Water vapors refracts visible light into its components frequencies.
D. Water favor selectively absorbs visible light at certain wavelengths.

Which of the following correctly explains how crossing over benefits organisms that
reproduce sexually?
A. It allows for fewer mutations in offspring.
B. It allows for adjustments in a population's sex ratio.
C. It increases genetic variation in offspring.
D. It increases the number of chromosomes in offspring.

What provides the force that causes magma to erupt to the surface?
A. gravity in the lithosphere
B. the silica in the magma
C. the density of the magma
D. dissolved gases trapped in the magma

What happens to most of the sunlight that strikes a dark-colored area of the Earth's
A. It is reflected and scattered as potential energy.
B. It is reflected and diffused as ultraviolet radiation.
C. It is absorbed and reflected as light.
D. It is absorbed and reradiated as heat.

Coldest climates on Earth are located at or near the poles primarily because Earth’s polar
regions ___

A. receive mostly low angle of insolation

B. receive less total yearly hours daylight
C. absorb the greatest amount of insolation
D. are usually farthest from the sun

The cross section below shows how prevailing winds have caused different climates on
the windward and leeward side of a mountain range. Why does the windward side of
this mountain have wet climate?

A. Rising air compresses and cools, causing the water droplets to evaporate.
B. Rising air compresses and warms, causing the water to condense.
C. Rising air expands and cools, causing the water vapor to condense.
D. Rising air expands and warms, causing the water droplets to evaporate.
Terrestrial plants have a waxy covering produced by the dermal tissues called the cuticle. If this waxy
covering was overproduced so that the stomata became clogged, what would happen to the plant?
A. Glucose produced during photosynthesis would be prevented from reaching the rest of the plant, and
energy production by cellular respiration would stop.
B. Sunlight would not be able to reach the plant's ground tissue cells through the thick dermal tissue,
and the plant's ability to perform photosynthesis would be damaged.
C. The plant would not be able to absorb water and oxygen from the air, and the plant would dry out,
limiting most cell functions.
D. The plant would not be able to exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide, and the plant's ability to
perform photosynthesis would be limited.

Which of the following best compares the structures of lipids and carbohydrates? A. Both are made up
of monosaccharide monomers, but lipids are hydrophobic and carbohydrates are hydrophilic. *B. Both
consist of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, but carbohydrates have repeating structural units and lipids
do not. C. Both contain carbon and hydrogen, but carbohydrates also contain oxygen and lipids contain
nitrogen. D. Both have a carbon backbone, but lipids also have an amino group and carbohydrates have
a carboxylic acid group.

When a straight line is drawn perpendicular to a flat mirror at the point where an incoming ray strikes
the mirror’s surface, the angles of incidence and reflection are measured from the normal and _____
a. the angles of incidence and reflection are equal.
b. the angle of incidence is greater than the angle of reflection.
c. the angle of incidence is less than the angle of reflection.
d. the angle of incidence can be greater than or less than the angle of reflection

When a straight line is drawn perpendicular to a flat mirror at the point where an incoming ray
strikes the mirror’s surface, the angles of incidence and reflection are measured from the normal
and _____
A. the angles of incidence and reflection are equal
B. the angle of incidence is greater than the angle of reflection
C. the angle of incidence is less than the angle of reflection
D. the angle of incidence can be greater than or less than the angle of reflection

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