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Aberos, Marithe Joi A



I learned about the disease Adenomyosis is that it is the invasion of endometrial cells into the
myometrium because of the disruption of the endometrium of the uterus. A tiny pockets is formed
inside the myometrium where the blood builds up during menstruation. Heavy bleeding is happening
because a endometrial tissues are formed and there are extra blood vessels around that tissue cause for
more bleeding during period. Patient with adenomyosis may experience heavy and prolonged bleeding,
premenstrual spotting, abdominal bloating, and severe dysmenorrhea during menstruation. If it’s left
untreated, it may lead to anemia however, it is treatable. Adenomyosis’ origin is still unknown. The
person who are at risk of Adenomyosis is women ages 40-50 years old and who have previous
pregnancy or surgical procedure in the uterus. It is said in some article that I’ve read, adenomyosis will
lessen when a woman reaches the menopause period since there will be no drastic increase of estrogen
levels. Adenomyosis can be treated surgically by performing total abdominal hysterectomy. Patient
should visit their doctor for the prescription of medicines and advices to follow to cope with

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