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Install Zampler RX 2.

Please note: If you already have another version of Zampler installed, remove this or overwrite it
with this one.

Install Zampler RX 2.5 VST on Windows (64 bit)

Copy Zampler-RX.dll to the VST folder on your harddisk. This folder could be located at
C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST2\ or C:\Program Files\VST Plugins\.
Otherwise check the preferences of your DAW or sequencer.

Install Zampler RX 2.5 AudioUnit on OS X (64 bit)

Copy the Zampler-RX.component file to your AudioUnit folder which is located at Macintosh
HD/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components. If you have a previous Zampler AudioUnit
(zampler.component) installed, remove it and restart your DAW or sequencer. All old instances
will be replace with the new Zampler-RX.

Install Zampler RX 2.5 VST on OS X (64 bit)

Copy the Zampler-RX.vst file to your VST folder which is located at Macintosh
HD/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST. If you have a previous Zampler VST plug-in
(zampler.vst) installed, remove it and restart your DAW or sequencer. All old instances will be
replace with the new Zampler-RX.

Load soundbank
Open the plug-in, click LOAD BANK and browse to any Zampler soundbank file ending with .fxb.
Double-click the file to load the soundbank. You can load your own .sfz files and REX loops via
LOAD SFZ/REX as well as load and save presets with the PATCH LOAD and SAVE buttons.

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