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Message from Ms Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, on the
occasion of World Environment Day

Beat Plastic Pollution
English (Source Language) Chinese (Target language)
For more than forty years, World 四十余年来,世界环境日一直在呼吁
Environment Day has reminded us of 我们肩负起保护地球的责任。
our responsibility for the preservation
of our planet
On the initiative of the Republic of 在东道国印度共和国的倡议下,今年
India, host to this year's World 的环境日着力打击塑料污染这一同时
Environment Day, the theme is "Beat 涉及环境、社会和经济的挑战性问
Plastic Pollution", an environmental, 题。
social and economic concern.

Today, nearly one-third of the plastic 当今我们使用的塑料包装近三分之一

packaging we use bypasses collection 未经回收,直接污染我们的环境。塑
systems and ends up polluting our 料污染,海洋首当其冲。在洋流作用
environment. This pollution 下,数以十亿计的塑料碎片融入大
particularly concerns our oceans. 海。过去四十年间,太平洋塑料垃圾
Carried by the seawater currents, 量暴增百倍,在太平洋北部形成面积
billions of plastic fragments are 相当于美国三分之一的巨大垃圾板
amalgamated in the oceans. Over the 块,人称“第七大洲”。
last four decades, the amount of this
waste has increased a hundredfold in
the Pacific Ocean, to the point of
forming what is now called the
“seventh continent” of plastic, a vast
garbage patch swirling around in the
North Pacific, the size of one-third of
the United States of America.

While ocean plastic pollution is 海洋塑料垃圾首先威胁到海洋生态系

primarily a threat to marine 统,同时由于进入食物链,也对人类
ecosystems, it is also a danger to 健康构成威胁。近年来,这种威胁已
human health as plastic waste enters 经引起决策者、私营部门、环保非政
the food chain. In recent years, these 府组织、媒体以及科学界越来越多的
risks have increasingly attracted 重视。
attention from policy-makers, the
private sector, environmental NGOs,
the media and the scientific

UNESCO fully associates itself with 教科文组织积极投身于推动可持续发

reflection and action in support of 展的思考和行动当中,通过其科学、
sustainable development, through its 教育及文化领域的计划,努力实现
scientific, educational and cultural 2030 年议程所确立的各项可持续发展
programmes for the implementation of 目标。在这一工作中,塑料污染是一
the Sustainable Development Goals of 个重大挑战。为此,普林西比岛生物
the 2030 Agenda. In this endeavour, 圈保护区(圣多美和普林西比) 以及
plastic pollution is a significant 人与生物圈计划开展了题为“拒用塑
challenge. For example, the Island of 料,小事不小”的宣传动员活动。
Principe Biosphere Reserve (Sao Tome
and Principe) and the Programme on
Man and the Biosphere (MAB) have
launched an awareness-raising and
mobilization campaign entitled “No
plastic. A small gesture in our hands”.

It is above all about changing 转变行为和观念是关键。

behaviours and attitudes.

On this World Environment Day, let’s 决,分享我们的想法和解决方案。协
share our ideas and solutions on #Beat 力同心,我们可以改变习惯并赢得胜
Plastic Pollution. Together, we can 利。
change our habits and beat this

(Word count: 326)

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