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Meet the Teacher

Morgan Pursglove

1. Her Mom made you all take family pictures and she was the only one who actually

wanted to. The dolls are why her brother looks so scared.

2. She loved the parent trap and wanted to be Lindsay Lohan.

3. The dog on the left in the bottom picture just kinda sits around, and the one on the right

is super crazy.

4. She was married in May, 2015, his name is Carl, and he’s an accountant who works from


5. Her son being forced to like Harry Potter while he’s asleep because he actually hates it

and this was the only way she could get a picture.

6. She have a crush on Ben Folds and want to start your own music group in Italy and write

songs about jellyfish.

7. She wants to have 1-2 more kids so that’s why she got the white Mom car. And she

really likes colonial houses and want to live on the East Coast.

8. She wanted to write for newspapers and speak publicly, whether that be a news reporter

or a politician.

9. She really related to Debbie from Napoleon so made her husband dress up with her and

have tater tots in his pocket in case she didn’t get any candy on Halloween.

10. You love biographies and like learning about history.

Summary: Mrs. Mckay is very smart and cares a lot about other people, especially her family.

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