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1. One thing that has brought me happiness the past few days was just starting school again.

I did online last year so I was excited to be in-person and actually see people again.
2. I learned that I can be a very hard-worker and that I’m pretty good at doing classes
3. I’m excited for PLT because I’ve heard that everyone who does it loves it.
4. I’m probably most concerned about math because I learned nothing last year, so I’m
scared to see how far behind I am.
5. I want to get straight A’s and finish my History class.
6. If I’m kind of struggling since I learned nothing about English last year, if I need help
just be patient and willing to help me.
7. I prefer digital because they take less time to do because then you don’t have to write
everything out and I can type much faster than I can write. I’m okay with paper for some
things, but overall I prefer digital.

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