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Some of our school priorities are promoting healthy lifestyle and steady growth and
development.It’s greatly important to us that our student develop in healthy people,both
physically and psychologically.Accordingly,pur school participates in the organization of
sport activities as a part of the curriculum and extra curriculum activities,takes active
part and successfully conveys activities organized by the Open Fun Football
Schools.Also ,we have established a School sports club where students participate
according to their preferences and interests.Students have trainings after classes,and
participate in inter-municipal competitions and regularly win noticeable prizes.Sport and
sports games are also part of the multicultural and interethnic projects that we
participate in and are organized outdoors ,on open playgrounds or at picnic fields.
We have been organizing inter-classes competitions for three years,as we are involved
in a state project on sport for children from 2-5 th grade and we won a first prize in
foodbal on a state level.Recently,teachers and students participated in a project on
traditional children games,which was presented in the media as we were guests on a
national TV.
We regularly celebrate international days such as World’s walking day,Healthy food
day,Day without cars.We also organize ridings with means of transport that do not
pollute the air such as bikes,scooters,rollerblades,we organize walks to the nearest
picnic fields and hiking.
We would like to be a part of this project because we particularly care that our students
have a helathy lifestyle and to grow and develop into healthy people without
deformations. Our aim is to encourage them to eat healthily and we promote that idea
during the school year through various workshops ,lectures ,open days dedicated to
healthy food.
Also,we strongly believe that our students do sport ,and we would like to broaden our
knowledge and exchange experience with other schools and learn how do they deal
with the students’ modern style of living in which mobiles ,internet and technology are
the main preoccupations.We would like to learn new methods and techniques that
others implement to tear students away from overusing technology in the everyday life
and raise their awareness that healthy food and sport do make their more qualitied
thus developing themselves into healthy, positive and successful humans.
We are really content to be part of an Erasmus project,and our staff is ready to
cooperate and we would like to provide a chance to our teachers and students to
exchange ideas,knowledge and experience.
Во делот кај што е локацијата, после објаснувањето да се додаде дека
местоположбата е во рурална средина, и во околина во која има многу
зеленчукови и овошни плантажи. Повеќето од учениците доаѓаат од семејства кои
се занимаваат со земјоделие и на кои здравата и балансирана исхрана им е дел
од секојдневниот оброк.

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