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Diferencias de trabajo abierto, reservado y clandestino.

La revolución solo es posible con el apoyo y participación de las masas.

Estas cumplen su proceso de desarrollo y sobre él se fundamenta la lucha

popular. Perder de vista esta verdad lleva en muchas ocasiones a que el

trabajador revolucionario caiga en el vicio de clandestinaje, es decir, que

asuma actitudes tales como no dejarse ver de no relacionarse con los

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TO PROLONG LIFE CHAPTER I PERSONAL SAFETY Differences in open, reserved and

clandestine work. Revolution is only possible with the support and participation of the masses.
These fulfill their development process and the popular struggle is based on it. Losing sight of
this truth leads on many occasions to the revolutionary worker falling into the vice of
clandestination, that is, assuming attitudes such as not being seen, not interacting with
neighbors, holding mysterious meetings, in short, adopting a series behaviors out of context,
which instead of making it go unnoticed, attract the attention of the neighborhood. It will then
get people to become suspicious, to feel suspicious and distrustful, to think that it is a drug
trafficker, kidnapper, robber, etc. Risking a denunciation before the authorities. But "avoiding
clandestination" does not mean that you have to forget about security and that it is not of great
importance; "What for, nothing happens, don't worry." Security measures are inherent in the
clandestine nature of revolutionary work. Observance of these measures should become part
of daily life and not a heavy and annoying burden to carry. Understand that being rigorous in
its observation, studious for its improvement, aware and critical of its own mistakes, will
improve the militant as an individual, the organization as an organism and will lead the fight
to a faster and less painful victory. The political situation, particularly in our country, is highly
variable, and for that reason our political lines (tactics) have been elaborated for its
application at all times and for each case; This forces us to understand the differences between
open, reserved and clandestine work. OPEN WORK: It is the performance of the revolutionary
leaders in the fight for the conquests and defense of the economic and political demands,
within the legal norms.

RESERVED WORK: It is the activity of the revolutionary militant who, with a cover, carries out
protest and political activities in mass organizations, preserving the existence of him and his
political organization. CLANDESTINE WORK: It is the activity carried out by the revolutionary
in actions not allowed in the constitution and bourgeois laws, whose character is combative.
NATURALITY Go unnoticed: “He was here for seven years, seven long years without anyone
having the slightest suspicion! He was a jolly giant, a tremendous joker, and he still lives in
that hideous place! Nobody like him knows that naturalness is an art in his trade ”. Jhon Le
Carré. " The mole ". If there is something that distinguishes the good agent from the bad, it is
that the former is endowed with the noble art of doing everything in a credible way. Knows
how to pretend, act and live according to the fictitious position you occupy to efficiently hide
clandestine and reserved work, regardless of the sacrifice that it implies. He knows how to
take such risks in the field of his tasks that he ends up feeling part of the people of the region.
If this were not the case, failure would not wait. A true revolutionary resembles an actor; he
lives according to the laws of creation of his truth. The difference is that the clumsy farce
brings the actor a few rotten tomatoes; But the wrong step means death to the revolutionary,
or, what is worse, torture. Thus, the implicit sacrifice may be that of one's own life, because it
is preferable, depending on the specific situation, to appeal to suicide than to hand over the
enemy in formation that attempts against colleagues, the organization and what is worse,

The art of naturalness greatly facilitates the art of going unnoticed, an essential task for the
efficient fulfillment of almost all work activities. Knowing how to adapt the appearance,
clothing and manners to the specific situation and place in which it is necessary to work, live
or operate, is the basic measure to observe in this regard. Every day, wear clothing that is as
discreet as possible, avoiding the use of strong perfumes with an exotic aroma (an indication
of their presence in a certain place and time), also avoiding the use of ostentatious and showy
jewelery, or clothes out of the ordinary. Discretion should be the predominant note. The
clothing used must be clean and in inconspicuous or recognizable colors and styles, because
the surest way to live quietly is to look ordinary and orderly. What does not happen to this
English colleague; for not taking the trouble not to renew his wardrobe from time to time: “I
was sure to go unnoticed ... but his absolute lack of elegance, on the one hand, and the
meticulous correction of all his garments, which although clean and ironed, had for at least 20
years, they made him stand out ostentatiously ”. So be careful with the details. They make the
difference. Avoid Routine: Diversifying customs avoids, or at least hinders the danger of being
the target of checks and follow-ups. Appropriate measures must be taken so as not to become a
recognizable element, part of the landscape. Constantly vary the access streets to the places to
be frequented (home, work, meetings, etc.). vary hours, days, and places of contact; from time
to time and if the objective conditions require it, change personal appearance by using a
mustache, sideburns, beard, glasses, instant coloring shampoos, a new style of cut and
hairstyles, etc. It is necessary to apply the imagination to diversify the measures that
contribute to executing this rule, which must be put into practice with great sobriety since it
would be fatal, from the conspiratorial point of view, to have the appearance of a disguise.

Regularly frequenting empty places at idle hours is considered professional suicide in the
trade circles. Get used to Counterchecking: The fact that the enemy does not constantly carry
out the checking work on his targets does not mean in any way that he will never do it. Often
times, if circumstances permit and the target does not give him sufficient grounds for
suspicion, the checker chooses a few days of the month at random. If he does not find his
target's activities too interesting, he will space out the check-in sessions more and more until
they are discontinued. But because they stop does not mean that they will not appear again.
That is why it is so important to make the cross-check a permanent habit. It should be
practiced if you are walking - discreetly looking back, making a purchase at a street stall, while
the possible checker passes or allows to be observed, etc. - in a car - looking in the rear view
mirror, going around several times in order to detect the presence of cars seen in the back
streets, etc. -, or if you stay in a building - becoming visual control of the surroundings without
betraying their presence and knowing who frequents the neighborhood. A good memory is an
excellent aid in this task. The greatest importance of this habit is that it facilitates diversity and
daring in the activity. If any indication reveals the eventuality of being the target of a check-up,
the follow-up must first of all be verified and then whether to take the necessary measures to
break it, without alerting the checker. Stay cool. for no reason go to the house of friends or
family, not even by phone. Inform the higher authorities about the fact in order to reinforce
the prevention measures in the workplaces and homes of those who could also be affected by
repressive measures. Immediately modify personal appearance and reinforce security
measures in the personal home and at the workplace. Finally, try to find the causes that
motivated the check-up work.

If the follow-up persists, the best option is to get out of circulation. Avoid places that the enemy
may already know (home, work, etc.), and in extreme cases, flee. Having to do it in a hurry, it is
difficult to take the pertinent measures with sufficient discretion and speed. It is advisable to
remain prepared for such an eventuality. Keep the appropriate clothing at hand to get dressed
eagerly and go out, identity documents, money, a suitcase with the essential clothes for a
couple of days, a weapon if the conditions require it and a vehicle, in good condition and with
the tank full of gasoline, if it is possible to have any. Danger from the Front: Danger does not
always come from behind. Even the most experienced revolutionaries spend their time
worrying about their backs, their flanks, the cars that advance and that lag behind, the streets
that cross and the houses that they enter. But when the time comes, they do not know how to
recognize the danger that is presented to them face to face. The biggest surprises can come
from one of these encounters. It is necessary to be prepared to face them. Being Reserved: The
strength of the revolutionary resides, to a large extent, in his reserve capacity. It is a necessity.
The affection that is professed to the friend, to the lover, to the confidant should not, in any
way, be grounds for revealing data regarding the reserved work, because by doing so you are
putting yourself in danger: to the extent that it is more information, it will be a target most
desired by the enemy. Issues related to revolutionary work should only be discussed with the
competent authority within the organization and in a convenient place. In highly congested
public places - buses, restaurants, etc. - these issues should not be discussed, nor should they
be discussed in front of people known to, but unrelated to the struggle. Should worry

a tone of voice suitable for the interlocutor to pick up, but so that it remains inauthentic to
other people. In the face of charlatans, skeptics, insiders, etc., it is advisable to maintain a
vigilant attitude, since they are generally fishing hooks for information. Neither before them,
nor before nor before the common people should the political position of the left be exhibited.
It is preferable to demonstrate for some right-wing, pacifist, neutral, little knowledgeable
position, etc. To work reserved or clandestine. All these measures will neutralize any attempt
by the enemy to penetrate the organization. Be Discreet: This measure, collateral to the
previous one, is the product of the observance of a series of details that, due to their simplicity,
are frequently forgotten. For example, it is forgotten that talks on political issues with
strangers should be avoided and that it is much less prudent to obscure the course of SUCH
talks. It is also forgotten that it is not convenient to regularly show oneself in the streets,
establishments etc that presume the presence of the enemy. We must avoid the company of
people too committed to the revolutionary struggle and already identified by the enemy; that
very effusive greetings or loud conversations that attract the attention of passersby are not
advisable either, that it should not be approached with co-workers who are unexpectedly on
the street or in any public place; that private life must be discreetly adequate to the coverage
legend that is kept to the justification of the economic and social situation; or that no partner
should be approached when either of the two - you or he - are accompanied, even if the
meeting has been planned. The more experienced militants must by their example and advice
train newbies in these and other details.

WHEN USING A VEHICLE When driving a vehicle, discretion should be very special. Avoid the
use of cars that are presumed to be checked. Also refrain from the use of cars easily
identifiable by unusual signs, drawings, stripes or exotic paintings, or by be too loud. They
must be the most discreet and common even in their brand and model. It is necessary to
strictly observe the traffic regulations in order to avoid incidents that put you in contact with
the public and the authorities. Although the use of a private car has certain advantages,
comfort and speed avoid unnecessary and casual contacts, etc. It is preferable not to use it on a
daily basis in order not to be forced to change this habit abruptly in case a task requires it as a
pedestrian; putting the enemy on alert. If taxis must be used,

BE DISTRUSTED: “Sir, please what is survival? -Survival, sir, it is an infinite capacity for
suspicion "To the English intelligence agents who were trained in the Serrat school, they were
repeated daily" survival gentlemen, it is the infinite capacity for suspicion "in their
introductory greeting. : “In this profession, gentlemen, there are very treacherous people. Do
not trust anyone or it will end very badly ”. And according to the rules of moscow: "do not fear
enemies but be very attentive with friends"

Without falling into extreme vices such as clandestination or paranoia, these tips are
extremely valuable, a good relationship can and should be maintained with many people, but
maintaining the due distance that discretion and prudence advise. Be cautious: Observe
certain details related to this quality. For example: Do not go blindly to a certain place without
first observing an “all good” or “alarm” sign; or at least without making a verification phone
call. This measure has freed many from falling into a "mousetrap" Another example: if the
militant is arrested, everyone else must refrain from going to "landers" known to the captive,
because it is possible that they are being checked. Photos require particularly careful handling:
it is not wise to leave them around with family and friends. Much less carry or leave in the
room or work place photos of people who know they are committed to the reserved or
clandestine activity. In case of a problem with the enemy, they are the first objects to be seized
and there is no need to extend their use. With the documents, similar precautions should be
taken if you need to carry the documents you must make sure to do so in a safe pocket. That
this is not unstitched and that it can be closed with a zipper or button. On the other hand, the
use of moccasin shoes, sneakers, or any footwear that is uncomfortable or unsafe to move
quickly should be avoided. Other personal qualities: · Cultivate the art of serenity, as it is an
excellent quality in any situation, however difficult it may be. Learn to be expressionless, by
controlling facial gestures that reveal nervousness. A method to achieve it


it is to train the thought to think at any moment to the evocation of pleasant memories without
losing the necessary tension to maintain personal serenity and control of the situation. Be alert
to suspicious situations or favorable circumstances. Develop the capacities of observation and
logical thinking. Know how to control oneself, prepare psychologically for the eventuality of
being subjected to hypnotic drugs or "truth drugs". The self-conviction that these drugs do not
work unless the guard is lowered, that they alone are not capable of bending the will, since
certain levels of consciousness are always preserved, will prevent the delivery of information
unconsciously. Avoid huddles and traffic jams that facilitate the check,

Study habit: Being interested in and permanently studying political-conspiratorial experiences

is a habit that broadens understanding and improves the technical level of the revolutionary
struggle. It is advisable to keep up to date with scientific and technical advances applicable to
information work, in order to neutralize or use them. Readings that enrich the cultural
background should be frequented, as well as those that bring him up to date with everything
that happens in the area of ​influence and allow him a sufficient knowledge of the enemy he
faces. Against electronic devices If gifts are received, check them carefully to make sure that
they do not come equipped with one of the many tiny electronic devices that are used in the
task of listening, recording, filming, following, etc. The

The same prevention must be taken when the appliances are sent for repair. Have several
reliable workshops in order to be able to go to any of them indistinctly. When new furniture is
purchased, it must also undergo a strict review. Such purchases must be made in different
establishments. Superstitions: The results of human activities depend only on man, and in
revolutionary work, much less than in any other, spirits or gods can be trusted. in this work
only man counts: friend or foe. When the enemy detects the weakness of superstition, he
exploits it thoroughly. A reader of the cigarette ash, or the cup of chocolate, or the letters can
be his instrument and while he pretends to tell him about the future, he is attentive to making
him reveal his present and even his past. Neatness in privacy: The private life of all militants
must be orderly, clean, without vices of any nature that make them vulnerable. Discipline and
the strengthening of personality qualities are a barrier against which the enemy runs when he
tries to blackmail or bribe him. "A couple of peccadillos" are weaknesses that the enemy seeks
to exploit as soon as he has knowledge of them. He will then proceed to besiege his target with
temptations such as money, alcoholic beverages, sex, perks, etc., or he will resort to emotional
blackmail using his feelings of love, hatred, anger, fear, fanaticism, desire for revenge, etc.
Discipline and the strengthening of personality qualities are a barrier against which the
enemy runs when he tries to blackmail or bribe him. "A couple of peccadillos" are weaknesses
that the enemy seeks to exploit as soon as he has knowledge of them. He will then proceed to
besiege his target with temptations such as money, alcoholic beverages, sex, perks, etc., or he
will resort to emotional blackmail using his feelings of love, hatred, anger, fear, fanaticism,
desire for revenge, etc. Discipline and the strengthening of personality qualities are a barrier
against which the enemy runs when he tries to blackmail or bribe him. "A couple of
peccadillos" are weaknesses that the enemy seeks to exploit as soon as he has knowledge of
them. He will then proceed to besiege his target with temptations such as money, alcoholic
beverages, sex, perks, etc., or he will resort to emotional blackmail using his feelings of love,
hatred, anger, fear, fanaticism, desire for revenge, etc.

In addition, every militant must avoid unnecessary enmities (frustrated lovers, creditors, bad
neighbors, etc.), because, faced with the possibility of harming him, they will gladly ally
themselves with the enemy.

EVALUATION 1. State the personal security measures studied in this module. abcdefghi


2. There are differences between open, reserved and clandestine work. Write then, a
composition not less than 15 lines, nor more than 20, where you show, by means of examples,
the difference between the concepts. 3. a. “He stood behind the great golden columns that
supported the old gallery of the museum ... he supposed that it would go completely unnoticed
as if it were invisible but nervousness overwhelms him. He could not hide it: in reality he
would only have attracted more attention to his person if he had raised the collar of his coat
”This paragraph exemplifies the violation of one of the norms studied. In the blank, indicate
what that standard is.

b. It happens in a long-distance follow-up: "Running to a corner, he managed to see that

ostentatious camel skin coat stooping to pass under a barrier painted red and white." The rule
that is violated in this case is:

c. Investigator Cargill tries to verify that Austen collaborates with Soviet intelligence. To try to
clarify it, he goes to an old lover of this: “Madame Maud twisted the handkerchief in her
hands. -You will pay me Austen, you'll see, I thought- -I had activities, Mr. Cargill, I had them,
yes, and now that you investigate it I will not tell you, you can trust me. No, I will not tell you
anything, and another thing, may I wish you good luck in your work? good luck!".

d. “When he found out that he was being followed, he went to a town in Kaula Lumpur where
his daughter Danny and her mother lived. Then a Frenchman arrived saying that he owed him
money and wanted to get a lawyer on him. Only he didn't owe money to anyone. " The rule
that is violated in this case is:


the end of the study of this module, the militant will be able to: A.



list the general measures that must be observed in buildings dedicated to the accommodation
of militants, or to clandestine or reserved revolutionary activities. The objective will be
satisfied if it correctly states at least 12 of the measures studied. Given a list of hypothetical
situations, evaluate the success or not of the assumed behavior by placing c (correct), or i
(incorrect), as appropriate. The objective is considered satisfied if at least 5 of the 7 announced
are given an accurate evaluation. Using a short composition, illustrate how to proceed if
commissioned to install a shelter or safe house.

Once the cognitive objectives have been satisfied, the militant will be able to:

A. apply the measures studied in the daily performance of their revolutionary work. B. teach
them formal and informal a. dodo a small group (no more than 10 companions); may guide
you in the study of this material. Likewise, you will be able to evaluate the results of your
applications. b. through your personal example and informal talks with other colleagues.

every local structure must have some properties that satisfy the needs of work, shelter and
domicile of its militants. For such places to efficiently fulfill their mission, certain general and
particular security principles must be observed.

location A house that is difficult to access for observers is the most suitable as a home, meeting
place or refuge. If, in addition, the street where it is located has several arrival and departure
routes, and a very busy road a short distance away, it is undoubtedly the perfect place. Certain
activities require a central location, in which case a property located on a low-traffic street
must be chosen. Every property must also have several exits.

Special qualities where possible, the windows should have both heavy curtains or blinds,
which can be closed completely in order to avoid checks from nearby or distant buildings,
such as veil curtains, which allow to check the surroundings without being seen. In super-
secret places, it is advisable that the windows facing the street do not indicate whether the
property is occupied or empty. it must always present the same appearance. All property must
also have a security coverage or "legend" and be located in such a way that it allows to
establish visible signs of regulation or danger. The more important the property is to the
organization, the greater the sophistication of the enemy's methods of besieging it. for
instance, It is well known that in the buildings that have been occupied by the embassies of the
socialist countries in the West, hearing tunnels have been dug many times in their
foundations, using sophisticated engineering techniques. therefore, starting from a concrete
analysis of the vulnerability of each property, measures should be taken by conducting

lurking enemy, or at least making it as difficult as possible. by way of illustration, see these
technical measures used in the premises that contained the information file of the English
intelligence service: “if you enter the elevator of Beauford mansions, (security coverage); Once
there, you must have the appropriate identity document and know the slogan of the day so
that a special service agent, well armed, will let you in. If you meet the requirements, he will
let you pass. everything you consult is examined, so that it is complete. there is also an
electronic alarm system. if you go over a certain point with a microfiche in your pocket, the
bells go off, the elevator releases paralyzing gas and the rakes fall as in a medieval fortress ”. of
course they are extravagant measures,

Cognitive mastery It is very important to have mastery and knowledge about the surroundings
of the buildings, whether it is a room, work, meetings or shelter, because when enemy security
agencies receive a report or have any suspicions about the character of the property, they
place agents in the immediate vicinity. workers in public companies workers, taxi drivers, etc.
If you have any suspicions, no matter how slight, about new faces or cars, it is advisable to
approach them and board them, asking them anything, asking for a fire, making any comment
about the work they are carrying out, etc., and being attentive to the slightest indication that
the contact and disclose the imposture, in which case they must immediately freeze the
activities and take over leaving a visible sign of danger, to be agreed in advance with those
who frequent the property. It is therefore of paramount importance to constantly exercise
vigilance over the normal features of the neighborhood and to remain alert to any change. it
may be the assembly of an operative.

check and counter check: the use of the double curtain - heavy and veil - avoids checking from
nearby buildings from inside the building.

Before arriving at the site it is wise to take a look, see if there is anything abnormal or a danger
sign. In the event that any indication raises suspicions, it is necessary to make a security call. A
keyword must have been agreed in advance so that when answering the phone the alert is
given and the contact does not have to be prolonged in order to avoid the call being traced. if
the phone rings busy, it should not be insisted from the same place. It is necessary to find
another phone because it is possible to make the device ring busy while the site from which it
is called is being scanned. This behavior must be followed at special junctures even if the
specific site does not show any special signs.

surveillance and escorts when any conspiratorial activity is carried out is a property, the
military must have escorts that are posted under cover in the surroundings and another that
watches from the inside. Doors, windows and other access points must be secured from the
inside. The escorts should be chosen immediately before the activity, because extensive
alteration can lead to information being leaked. Ideally, every property where activities of this
nature are carried out should have surveillance from another nearby property and that it
would be in a position to give the alarm. This type of surveillance is very important to detect
any strange movement in the neighborhood. in the face of any suspicion or certainty that the
enemy has about abnormal activities in a building, You can install a "stand" in the
surroundings, from which you will take photographs of the visitors and you will be able to
follow the ice conducting the mail until you find other members of the party, preferably
seeking to find the leaders. mounting such activity implies mobilization of people and
equipment, which can be detected only by permanent external surveillance. This form of
surveillance was practiced by the resistance in Hitler's Germany, and eventually they were
forced, as was the entire population, to collaborate in the action against the property of their
companions. of course, they had no choice but to pretend mounting such activity implies
mobilization of people and equipment, which can be detected only by permanent external
surveillance. This form of surveillance was practiced by the resistance in Hitler's Germany,
and eventually they were forced, as was the entire population, to collaborate in the action
against the property of their companions. of course, they had no choice but to pretend
mounting such activity implies mobilization of people and equipment, which can be detected
only by permanent external surveillance. This form of surveillance was practiced by the
resistance in Hitler's Germany, and eventually they were forced, as was the entire population,
to collaborate in the action against the property of their companions. of course, they had no
choice but to pretend

kindness and cooperation, as soon as they could leave the place, they liked it, but not before
making sure to send the agreed alarm signal. In every party property there must be a person
in charge of the door (different from the internal security escort), who must have a signal and
password that will be constantly varied. For no reason should the newcomer be allowed to
pass until he is absolutely sure that there is no "tail". For this purpose, the doors must be
provided with a safety eye or a chain that allows a check with the door closed or just ajar.

upon arrival at the property

Care must be taken to check the surroundings and to make this measure a habit. If there are
unfamiliar cars, pay attention to what happens inside those that have extra antennas and
mirrors and especially in those types of trucks, the favorite type of those who follow the steps
of others, since it lends itself to handling and transfers of hundreds of teams that the trade
requires. if you arrive by car, do not get out in front of the door itself. remember that it is vital
to check yourself before entering the site. much less should you leave your personal vehicle
parked in front of the property. It is preferable to find a nearby park and get there on foot.
Finally, keep in mind a detail: do not arrive at humble houses with luxurious cars. attract the
attention of the neighborhood.

respect for phones

If the meeting place, refuge or home has a telephone and it is necessary to talk about a
reserved matter, the device should be disconnected or at least covered with a very thick cloth.
for no reason should the telephone at the meeting or work site be used for work matters that
are reserved.

Against eavesdropping in any building where conspiratorial activities are carried out, constant
control must be exercised in order to ensure that no one has placed any electronic listening
device. This control must be exercised with intensity just before starting to carry out any
activity of this type. When the talk starts, the windows should be closed and a radio turned on.
There are some technical resources for this purpose such as the vacuum bell, which locks in
the assembled, preventing any sound from leaking to the outside. or the one that has the
appearance of an electronic fan hanging from the ceiling, and when it is turned on it emits
whistles of variable intensity that intercepts the reception of the voice by the microphones.
coverage of the home, workplace, etc. every revolutionary leader must have the appearance of
absolute normality. For this, it must have security coverage and be in charge of one or two
people who contribute to making the "story" credible and who belong or have belonged to the
organization. Your relationship with your neighbors should be good but superficial, in such a
way that there is no room for talkativeness or curiosity. For this job, former colleagues with
experience in reserved or clandestine activity are ideal, completely reliable, and who for
reasons of age or physical conditions are not able to perform in other fields of action. the
coverage must be credible and appropriate, and the users of the property must adhere to their
appearance and behavior to it regardless of the sacrifices that this causes.

be changed frequently, and even agreed specifically with those who are involved in each
specific job. An interesting measure that should be taken into account is to place a sign near or
on the door, that is only known personally and that indicates that no one has entered the
property surreptitiously while it remained unoccupied. services local repairs of electricity, gas,
telephone, plumbing, etc., should be entrusted to trusted people and remain alert to every
move they make. It is not advisable to speak in front of them anything about revolutionary
work. Regarding the people who are hired for the domestic trades in the property, there must
be a full reference about their procedure and personality. it is relatively easy for the enemy to
install one of his agents in the agencies' premises under the cover of a cook, a laundress, a
cleaner, etc. the public property when it is necessary to stay in a public establishment in order
to establish a contact or organize a check-up, or a counter check, etc. the following location
must be sought; close to the exit and the stairs (if any), while having visual control of the
entrance and the interior of the establishment. if you are right-handed, cover your left flank
with the wall and your right if you are left-handed. likewise, the back must be protected by the
wall. Depending on the destination of the property, take into account the following specific
measures: 1. Work property. the public property when it is necessary to stay in a public
establishment in order to establish a contact or organize a check-up, or a counter check, etc.
the following location must be sought; close to the exit and the stairs (if any), while having
visual control of the entrance and the interior of the establishment. if you are right-handed,
cover your left flank with the wall and your right if you are left-handed. likewise, the back
must be protected by the wall. Depending on the destination of the property, take into account
the following specific measures: 1. Work property. the public property when it is necessary to
stay in a public establishment in order to establish a contact or organize a check-up, or a
counter check, etc. the following location must be sought; close to the exit and the stairs (if
any), while having visual control of the entrance and the interior of the establishment. if you
are right-handed, cover your left flank with the wall and your right if you are left-handed.
likewise, the back must be protected by the wall. Depending on the destination of the property,
take into account the following specific measures: 1. Work property. having both visual control
of the entrance and the interior of the establishment. if you are right-handed, cover your left
flank with the wall and your right if you are left-handed. likewise, the back must be protected
by the wall. Depending on the destination of the property, take into account the following
specific measures: 1. Work property. having both visual control of the entrance and the
interior of the establishment. if you are right-handed, cover your left flank with the wall and
your right if you are left-handed. likewise, the back must be protected by the wall. Depending
on the destination of the property, take into account the following specific measures: 1. Work

must be isolated from the file. or in other words, the file cannot be kept at the workplace or in
a meeting. for this, a different property must be destined and that nobody can associate with
revolutionary work. Only the documents essential for the work in which it is being carried out
at the time should be kept in the work or meeting building. the presence of documents
classified as secret in buildings intended for work or meetings endangers both those present at
work and the organization. if any is essential, it must be a copy as long as the original remains
safe in the archive, the necessary elements must be kept on hand, with which the
compromising materials can be removed immediately if it is necessary to do so. Before starting
any work activity, it is necessary to take into account whether the place is visible from other
nearby or distant buildings. If so, take the appropriate measures. During the development of
the activity, it is convenient to be constantly checking the surroundings in order to detect any
abnormal movement. surveillance must be carried out by someone who has a domicile, who
knows the neighborhood and who remains safe from gazes coming from the street. 2. Real
estate dwelling there should never be anything there that relates it to clandestine or reserved
revolutionary activity. it is most likely that in a situation of urgency I was not able to "be
clean." If for any reason it is essential to have a compromising element in the home, great
ingenuity must be displayed to hide it efficiently. nor should you keep any secret documents of
the organization. If it is essential to have one, it must be placed

among other similar in appearance so that it goes unnoticed in case of registration. the
location of residence must be kept secret, the telephone number must only be known by the
immediate superior instance and it must always be the one who seeks the contact. eventually
the house can be a dangerous place, to the point that it is preferable to rent a hotel room to be
able to spend the night in peace

3. Meeting property for this type of activity, it is essential to look for a property that is isolated
from neighboring properties and from which sounds do not leak to the outside; Let the
counter checked from the inside, and post escorts discreetly in their surroundings. meeting
places must have adequate coverage. If the neighbors are curious, the presence of strange
people must be justified before them. commenting, for example, that a special date, a party, a
meal, a card game, etc. was celebrated. taking into account that the activity is consistent with
the environment in which the property is located. Attendees must know the "legend" and
adapt their appearance and behavior to the occasion.

4. Safe houses every local structure must have buildings that serve as an eventual refuge to
facilitate a transfer, an emergency shelter that serves to hide a militant while a dangerous
situation is normalized, permanent refuge in order to house one or more companions.
organization for a relatively long time. for the latter

Purpose, those properties that are in remote locations are preferable. With the achievement of
real estate destined to serve as a refuge, it is essential to be demanding in terms of its location.
It must be on a street with little movement, which has several accesses to busy roads at a short
distance. For permanent shelters and meetings with high-level leaders, properties are ideal
that are located on the outskirts of the city, far from the human eye and set aside in the middle
of a small forest where the trees and vegetation constitute as cover. The property that serves
as a safe house must also have multiple exits, facilitate the counter check and have the facility
to place visual alarm signals. Every safe home must have security coverage. it should not look
like a haven at all. The activity carried out there must be consistent with the history that its
inhabitants have of vice. it will be a truly safe site if its appearance is completely normal. You
must also be in charge of one or two persons who constitute the coverage in your care. the
relationship of those in charge in the vicos must be good but superficial, in such a way that
there is no room for curiosity or lucuousness. the presence of people must be justified by
casually commenting on the arrival of relatives from another city or the celebration of a social
or family gathering. By way of illustration, take a look at this example of how to use this aspect
of security from your English intelligence service agent: in the neighborhood, Mrs. mc. craig
(former agent),

Neighbors took the trouble to notice him, judging him to be a withdrawn and respectable
person. The lady had run bible schools in Mozambique and in a Hamburg mission center, but
her real job was to eavesdrop on others. to which he had already dedicated himself for years.

Finally, take a survey that the house of a relative or close friend is not a safe house, and that it
can be very dangerous to resort to them when a situation of urgency has been resorted to,
although seen from another perspective and handling the matter with great astuteness. It is
probable that the enemy never sought his Persian in that obvious place in which logically he
would never hide.

evaluation 1. State the general security measures that must be taken into account in buildings
dedicated to the accommodation of militants or reserved or clandestine revolutionary
activities. 2.

Faced with each of the following premises, write coi according to whether the stated behavior
is correct or incorrect. to. “I do a little inspection before reaching their second shelter. He
walked slowly down the sidewalk and stopped in front of a store in which a group of postal
and telecommunications employees were busy. He asked one of them for fire and as he handed
him his lighter, he heard one of them muttering "yes, my lieutenant." activities came to a
standstill in the second and third shelters. They waited in vain, they had to fold the tents and
return the uniforms. the gestapo was bitter, someone had taken her for a ride ”. to. it is from a
personal contact: "jonson asked:" Is there someone else at home? -no, not even the maid. -Can I
see the house?

-of course not. He went up to the second floor and looked at the street, hiding behind the
curtain. there was no one. he calmed down and returned to the living room.

b. Two high-level officers are gathered over whom an ambush is looming: “Peter inserted the
key into the lock and it turned without difficulty. He thought triumphantly: "You idiot have
forgotten to lock the lock" and filled his lungs with air preparing to act. " c. to have a meeting:
“we are going to lower the curtains that are very thick and then we will light the fireplace”.

d. Jim went to Bill's apartment to make sure he hadn't left her to compromise him. but bill had
already been careful to shake off anything that could compromise him. " and. “The service
members had a habit of not stopping at the very door of the circus. some get off in folies,
others in oc or in front of any of the stores. "Almost everyone had their favorite place."

F. “When himmler's office managed to introduce one of his agents (allan

dulles was an agent of the sixth section of the security section), many important and
interesting things were learned about the customs of dulles ”. to. If you were commissioned to
install a shelter or permanent safe house in the urban area of ​your area of ​influence, how
would you proceed taking into account: -location. i







achievement of services

write a composition in this regard, trying not to extend beyond 10 or 12 lines.



KNOWLEDGE At the end of the study of this module, the militant is able to:


Identify the main security measures when establishing

contacts in each of its modalities, given a list of statements in which you will mark the relevant
ones with a V and the inappropriate ones with an F. The objective will be considered satisfied
if, of the 20 statements presented, the correct answer is at least 15.


By means of a multiple-choice test, and given a set of

possible assumed situations when establishing contacts, evaluate what would be the most
appropriate behavior to follow in each case. Of the possibilities, at least five must be evaluated

C. Given 3 examples, make a brief comment about the error that caused the contact to fail in
each case.


Once the knowledge objectives have been met, the militant will be prepared to put them into
practice in the daily performance of their work as a revolutionary and to teach them formally
and informally:


Formally: given a group of maximum 10 classmates, they will be

able to direct the study of this module and rate the results of the evaluation respectively.

B. Informally: through talks within your influence group.



A. Personal Personal contact has the advantage of being the safest type of contact for
information or material to be delivered, but the one that involves the greatest risk for cadres.
That is why special care is required in observing the security measures relevant to each event.

For didactic convenience, four moments should be distinguished in all conspiratorial personal
contact: the agreement, the contact itself, during the contact and after it. What to avoid and
what to take into account at all times to ensure the effectiveness of the meeting, is what will be
explained immediately.


Those personal contacts that require extreme care, given the matter to be discussed, should be
concentrated in an outdoor place (a park for example), and preferably on a Sunday or a

After arranging a meeting, the secret about the place, time, agreed signals and identity of the
date partner must be strictly maintained.

The places and times of contact should be diversified as much as possible, that is, avoid
routine, not accustom the same site to contact different militants.

Contacts must also be made

in places where those mentioned

may go unnoticed. For this, it is important to take into account details such as: time, weather,
person to contact, etc.

The appearance should

adapt to the type of person to be contacted and to the place. The meeting time must be
appropriate to the location and the weather, because, for example, it is abnormal to wait in
front of a school at 6:00 in the morning. If it is the rainy season, meetings should not be
arranged in open places, etc.

Avoid arranging meetings near imperialist companies, military installations, embassies or in

places that are too central or too lonely.

When a meeting takes place in a safe house, it is necessary to be even more strict in the
planning of security measures, especially if the assistants perform neuralgic positions for the
fulfillment of the ultimate objective of the revolutionary work. You have to develop great
creativity, and above all, be very reserved, the measures that are agreed for the specific event
should only be known by those interested. They should not even be disclosed to the people in
charge of the property.

For highly confidential talks, appointments should not be made in places that are too familiar
to the lecturers. Not even their homes, offices or

restaurants are safe. The most reliable thing is to be in an outdoor place, or in any restaurant
or cafeteria where you never have other appointments.

It is advisable to have code names for the sites and an agreement on the addition or
subtraction of the given numbers with the partners who usually have dates. Thus, if the
contact must be made by phone or through a third party, the details will still be kept secret.
Understand, for example, that if it says "Where Susan" it is the entrance X of a certain
Shopping Center and that if it is mentioned on the 14th at 5:00 pm it will be the 12th at 3:00
pm, subtracting two from the numbers dices.

The contact itself A contact should never be established without first making a detour to verify
that everything is going normally at the meeting place.


meeting should be automatically canceled immediately, if any indication indicates that there is
something abnormal.

Ideally, agree to make a signal near the meeting place to warn of a possible dangerous
situation. The most suitable are those that are made with chalk, for example on the platform, a
net or a post about a block away from the site.

As a protection measure for the higher-ranking militants, it should be established that the
lower-ranking militants should appear at the site for about three minutes to establish the
possibilities of the person mentioned to verify that "there are no Moors on the coast." If you
were to find that the site is being checked, or some other abnormality, you would have time to
raise the alarm and cancel the appointment. In these cases, it is necessary to be creative to act
quickly and

adequately. An example: Simone makes the appointment without suspecting anything, but
when she goes to the restaurant where it will take place, she checks that it is under
surveillance, and before her boss shows up, she simulates a nervous breakdown that gathers
all the customers around her. When his employer shows up and sees the disorder, he senses
the danger and escapes.


It is a very desirable attitude in date companions and must be observed and demanded in any
case. But if it is necessary to wait, do not do it for more than 15 minutes at a bus stop or in a
cafeteria; in a place with little movement, it is not advisable to wait for more than five
minutes. In the meantime, an air of naturalness should be sought, maintain serenity and
sharpen the senses.

When the meeting occurs, it must be done with discreet naturalness. Avoid at all costs effusive
or loud greetings that are striking.

When a meeting of several militants is held in a building, the leaders must arrive about ten
minutes after the rest of the attendees. The person in charge of the reception must have a
password to identify the newcomers, and must verify them with the door ajar, protected by a
security chain, in order to be able to establish with certainty that the newcomer does not have
a "queue" , that is, it comes alone. Everyone must show up exactly at the assigned time.

During contact

As soon as contact occurs, the first thing to do is to arrange the conspiratorial minute, that is,
agree on an explanation of why the people are together and some details about how and when
they met. At the beginning of the conference it should be fully established that there is no
eavesdropping. Check or have places such as light boxes, switches, electrical outlets, hidden
parts of furniture and decorative objects, vents, etc. checked. Turn on a radio and use a tone of
voice such that the sound emitted by the receiver is diluted.

The intervention of each of the aforementioned must be concrete, clear and fast in order to
avoid unnecessary prolongations.

Remember that public places such as restaurants, bars, buses, etc. they are not the best suited
to deal with conspiratorial and revolutionary issues. But if it is necessary to make contact in
any of these sites, ensure that the tone of voice is not so low that the interlocutor cannot hear it
or so loud that it is captured by third parties. In any case, stay alert in case someone is
interested in other people's conversations. In these places you have to be very careful about
what you say, how and to whom you say. In addition, try to go as unnoticed as possible both for
manners and clothing. Try to be as far away as possible from other customers.

B. Telephone and radio:

Telephones and radio transmitters are means of contact that have a host of advantages given
the comforts and agility they offer, but they have the enormous disadvantage of being easily
tracked and intercepted, there

has been repeatedly the case of colleagues who with a high revolutionary morale and great
courage, he has endured horrendous torture in torment without saying anything. But it was of
little use to them because they had already said everything on the phone and their lines were









relatively easy to practice. Therefore, it is necessary to cope with that risk by taking some steps
when establishing contacts.

by such


First of all, it is advisable to be very cautious and discreet when using the telephone. Never
mention names, addresses, and telephone numbers, and do not use them normally for work
matters. If it is absolutely essential on a special occasion, a password must be agreed in
advance, the one that when used has the appearance of complete normality and is only

to the interlocutors. The message to communicate

clearly and without haste so as not to have to prolong the contact with unnecessary
repetitions. For names and numbers, keys and conventions must be used.

Despite being certain that the telephone line is intercepted, nothing should be said about it
over the phone. The checker is at an advantage if he is not alert. The formula is then to use the
telephone with the utmost prudence and only for trivial and everyday matters that are not
related in any way to revolutionary activity.

The home phone should not be used for conspiratorial work. It should be dedicated exclusively
to personal and everyday matters. In case of extreme need, if it is essential to use it for some
matter of

work, the cover you use should look like one of those talks you normally have. For discipline
you should get used to making short calls. It should be taken into account that even a public
telephone can be traced and that it can be so that contact is not established. The checker can
simply make you sound busy for a while, while others arrive at the site you are calling from.
For this reason, you should not insist for a long time from the same place to a telephone that
sounds busy.

Finally, avoid at the cost of calling a phone that has been checked or one that is supposed to be
in the same condition.

The German technique is the first in the world in radial technique. He knows how to produce
all the suitable material. As early as 1936 it had locating devices of a precision unknown

By correspondence: "If the opposition watches you, there is no doubt that it will watch your
mail with, since it watches over mail is the most facial and in the trade even easier if the
opposition is formed by what entity of the house, that is, Why is it that entity that has the
collaboration of the postal service to do so much work then I will say career lent when the
permission wants to check someone, the first thing to do is to intercept the phone, place a
couple of microphones at their home and bribe the one of the couriers to deliver him first
correspondence and open the tahúr dawn. the conspiratorial contact correspondence has
risks, it is true, but there are some techniques to obviate. main Las refer to the different use
syntactic, conventional writing and graphic

the cryptography

It is a writing technique for secret messages that does not present intelligible intelligent ideas
in any known language. The messages that photographed must be prey title use, written
telegram type to avoid unnecessary words I want to speak well, with which it is only possible
to practice the operator who transmits, increase the chances of repetitions that would need to
be criticized before the enemy and multiply the authorities to make a mistake. For ultra-secret
messages, there are serious messages that are only used once it is destroyed. Then, nobody in
the world except the sender-receiver, will know the message that contains the danger in the
encrypted sheet. There is also a code combined with a Christian series of super encryption that
allows the sending of 1 5 1000 messages before the first repetitions of the track appear.

For this reason, all correspondence that is received must be destroyed, preferably burned, and
its residues must disappear. prevent them from staying from home to home in the trunk
written messages are not the most, brief to see a secret information much less useful it
depends on security. To transmit messages that involve so much risk, the only reliable thing is
personal contact as they are ultimately the safest of all types of contact. It should always be the
precaution I have when writing on plant surfaces, I would say to be marks on plans, maps, or
sketches or sketches and get rid of erasers

and carbon

paper they have in the

private activities .

Conspiring correspondence should never address the person concerned with your

name and address. For this specific type of contact, some uses are required.

By other means

The mailboxes are places of residence or legal work of collaborators by militants of the
organization, be absolutely trusted wherever conspiratorial correspondence wants. For
security, qualified correspondence, the appearance of envelopes, etc. You must make it as
current as possible so that postal employees, co-workers, relatives and destinations should not
see anything abnormal in this correspondence. Any militant who needs to maintain a constant
relationship with other cities must locate and number a sufficient number of secret mailboxes.
This type of correspondence must use double envelopes, in such a way that on the outside the
signs and the name of the mailbox go and on the inside a sign indicating that the recipient
except the others.


1. Carefully fight the following statements and signals of each one with a V those that
correspond to security measures in case of contact, correctly these, and with an F those that
contain an error.


- The personal contact is the one that offers the most security for the information to be


the radio waves are easily tracked as implement can be

used for short messages such as telephone, names with addresses (F)

a. You can call Aldo on a check phone, but taking care that calls are brief ()

b. For the name and numbers that are placed by phone, it is necessary to do so by means of
codes and conventions ()

c. Telephones and radio waves only offer dangers, so it is better not to use them ()

d. Testing the water means against being created through the mail ()

e. All reserved correspondence that is resided must be burned and the ashes must disappear ()

f. Conspiracy correspondence must be received in a mailbox ()

g. The technical walls that serve as a conspiratorial correspondence link have been the
Christian text of supero cipher, lithography and sympathetic paintings ()

h. If the home phone number was more suitable for conspiratorial work, no one suspected the
phone number of a family member ()

i. Even a public telephone can be traced ()


If a meeting is held in one of a house, the person in

charge of its care should be the first to know about the safety signals to be used by the deputies


The hotel rooms offer great reliability for

personal contacts . Any matter

l can be discussed verbally here . When a personal contact occurs, the first thing to do is to
agree on the conspiratorial minute

m. In the event of a meeting in a house, the person in charge of attending the door must verify
if she and the password to each summoned with the door ajar and protected by a security

n. If you need to wait for your date partner to establish contact, it is unwise to do so for more
than five minutes

ñ. The secret about the details arranged to establish a personal when must be raised strictly

or. To go unnoticed when you are going to establish personal contact, it is best to appropriate
with a hat that covers the forehead, dark glasses and a black coat.

p. Imperialist companies, embassies and downtown locations are the most appropriate places
to arrange appointments that require a high margin of safety.

q. If they are united on the street, he wants to tell you about any era of the most appropriate
occasion to do so because it would be foolish to wait and contact him later

. Past encounters with previous street dialogues are the safest of all types of contact

2. Carefully release each of the following situations in which you as a member of a

revolutionary organization can be involved in establishing contacts, and evaluate what would
be the most appropriate conduct to get away well.

to. There are five colleagues in a safe house in progress of a meeting. Two of them are leaders,
one local and the other national. The local leader wishes to withdraw when there is still more
than the mitral of the issues to be discussed, citing a severe headache.

Your attitude:

1. Prevent you from leaving even if you do not participate in the discussion. 2. Accept the
withdrawal and continue the deliberation. 3. Submit the decision to a vote bearing in mind
that it is a matter of discomfort.

b. During the aforementioned meeting, several notes were taken and a statement was made
which was reproduced with carbon paper because there was no other means.

At the end:

1. You were in a rush and had to put the erasers and carbon paper on the desk. 2.

As he was anxious and could not get rid of them, he decided to

take them home. 3. Since he was in a rush, he commissioned his most trusted companion to
burn them until they were unidentifiable and stir the ashes with those in the fireplace.

c. It is imperative for you to contact a colleague at your home to address an issue that involves
the security of the entire militancy. You are very nervous and believe that the safest way to
transmit the report without being eavesdropped is:


Speak very quietly, trusting that if there are microphones they will not be as

powerful and will not capture the conversation.

2. She invites him to the restaurant where he has lunch every day because it is close and he
cannot think of another place.

3. He

prefers that they talk while taking a walk in the garden or in a

nearby park.

d. You arrive at the property where a personal meeting will be held with a contact you do not
know. For this reason they have given you some keywords and you must wait for the password
before delivering the material. When they open the door you say your password, but instead of
the password they do not invite you to continue.

1. You must give your correspondent in another city the addresses of three important leaders
so that they can contact them. The means you choose to send the message, as it is the safest, is:

1. The telephone is key. 2. Two emails. 3. Encrypted correspondence.


If your activity within the organization forces you to

correspond with members of the organization from other regionals, the most appropriate
would be:

1. Send to the recipient's address but by name. 2. Send the correspondence to a neighbor who
serves as a "mailbox" but with the name of the recipient. 3.

Do not send it with the recipient's name or the

recipient's address , but to the "mailbox".

g. When you go to meet a personal contact appointment: 1. Arrive and greet your partner
warmly. 2. Make a detour first to verify that there is nothing abnormal around the site. 3. Wait
a little bit withdrawn. And when he sees him and arrives he makes a disguised sign for him to
come closer.

3. Carefully read the following examples of failed contacts, and then make a short comment
about the principle that was not observed and what should be done.

to. "They ring the bell with exact punctuality. Guillermo took the phone and heard the voice of
two Tomás altered through the microphone. He opened the door and it was only then, how
many knew that Tomás was not coming alone."

b. "After having delivered the encrypted message that contained the onion paper that came in
the ampula that former other books brought from his mouth, he took the street again and it
was then that he remembered that he had to look towards the window to see if the vase was
there as a danger sign. He saw that the two men whom he believed his contacts were talking,
and in the middle of them he saw a large vase: alarm signal. The Russian agent had placed this
danger signal when he detected the surveillance and the Gestapo men They couldn't figure out
if the vase meant "all good" or "danger."

c. "I started a routine investigation into the activities of the Sixmeco society, (coverage of the
Soviet intelligence network in Nazi Germany), one of Brucelas' most important firms; I

had a good

relationship with members of the National Socialist Party and their Men moved from one
place to another incessantly. The only thing I found abnormal was the extraordinary number
of telegrams exchanged with Berlin, Prague, Paris, etc. This prompted me to continue to see the
mayor in charge of business with Sixmeco and him I asked him to describe the possible





At the end of the study of this module, the militant is able to:

A. List the pertinent measures to face an eventual arrest, before it occurs.

B. List the security measures that must be taken into account during detention.

C. List the security measures that must be observed after the arrest and until the investigation.

The militant will

be able to consult the material. The objective is considered satisfied if of the 23 measures
studied, it correctly states at least 18.


Complete the proposed statements referring to behaviors

trade unions that are illegal from the state security forces by making arrests. At least 7 of the
10 sentences must be completed correctly.


Once the knowledge objectives are satisfied, the student will be prepared to put them into
practice in the daily performance of his work as a revolutionary and to teach them formally
and informally.

A. Formally: given a group of maximum ten classmates, they will be able to direct the study of
this module and rate the results of the evaluation respectively.

B. Informally: through talks and informally within your influence group.

Suggestion: if the conditions of the specific studies allow it, they can prepare a dramatization
that contemplates the appropriate behavior to observe in the event of arrest and taking into
account this sequence:

a. Previous personal preparation. b. Preparation of the activity. c. Concertation of the

conspiratorial minute. d. Time of arrest. and. Period of solitary confinement. F. Inquiry.

The importance of this activity resides in the fact that it is the appropriate opportunity -
inocuamas so that, with the contribution of the positive experience of already experienced
militants, many details are corrected that in a crucial way, could be valued as positive by
experienced militants.



For every member of a revolutionary organization that is of vital importance, to know some
security guidelines that allow them to avoid an eventual arrest in the best possible way, a
circumstance in which it is obvious to think when carrying out work of this nature.

In such a case, in addition to the militant's revolutionary firmness, his prudence based on
theoretical knowledge of certain principles and his psychological preparation must concur.

All facts added together will be the key for the important work of the revolutionary to

Study habit:

It is the personal discipline that provides the revolutionary worker with valuable knowledge,
enriching his training and preparing him to face the risks that his work implies.

For the specific issue that concerns us in this chapter, it is advisable to document the following

A. use and application of hypnotic or truth drugs, to find out that these drugs do not have the
effect that is generally attributed to them, since An adequate psychological preparation allows
sufficient margins of conscience so as not to say more than what one wishes to say, and that its

lethal doses do not manage to bend the will to those of the will consent to bend.

B. criminal procedure in force in the country, because it will allow the militant to assume his
own defense in the first stage of the arrest, which is ultimately the definitive one. If the
possible detainee knows the national constitution, the code of criminal procedures and is up to
date on criminal justice reforms, he will not be able to make a mistake in his preliminary
statements. You must be clear about what constitutes a crime and what is not, have a notion of
the sentence that each crime carries, know against whom you are not obliged to testify and
against whom you are, etc. For example, every militant should know that according to the
national constitution, no one is obliged in criminal, correctional or police matters to testify
against himself or against his use, relatives in the fourth degree of consanguinity, second
degree of affinity or first civilian.

C. Repressive procedures that the enemy uses when practicing an interrogation, because it will
allow him to prepare physically and psychologically to face them in the best possible way.

For example, perhaps no

revolutionary worker is exempt from having to undergo a fascist test like the one we will
illustrate next: Katy knew what awaited her: after 5 hours of interrogation they would put a
gun to the nape of her newborn baby and threaten with killing him in her presence or her
presence if she didn't speak. The old traditional provocation: no one here has ever shot a child
over the head. Mercy didn't count. They were capable of worse.

They just understood that

then the mother would lose her mind and the whole operation would fail. But this method of
persuasion infallibly ”.

On the other hand, the formation of the revolutionary must include the adequate
psychological and physical preparation to resist giving strategic information to the enemy,
even being prepared and willing to commit suicide rather than allowing the enemy some
instrument with which he can hit the Organization.

Conspiratorial Minute:

At the time of capture, intimidating and surprise factors are inherent, therefore, this is not the
time when an operation is planned and as soon as the action is about to begin, the
conspiratorial minute must be agreed in detail. In the event that the initial version of events is
captured, it must be consistent with what has been agreed, whether or not there are colleagues

The capture:

At a time, logically, of a lot of excitement, and therefore nervousness, the most prudent thing is
not to say anything. In any case, the officer executing the arrest is not competent to demand
answers. The inquest is submitted to a judge. If the detainee wants to say something on his
own initiative, he must first remember that "anything he says can be used against him." The
best thing is to stay calm and collected because that way you will be able to prepare your
defense sagaciously and intelligently, which will be easier if the operation has had a detailed
and careful planning. aim, in any case, to evade the evidence.

That defense must

It is necessary to be clear that the initial behavior of the detainee, the first explanations given
to the competent authorities, are the guidelines on which the course of the investigation will
depend. If the defense is raised correctly by the detainee from the moment of his capture, the
lawyer can easily conclude it successfully, because he will only have to abide by what has
already been stated in the process.

Lately in Colombia the secret bodies of state, try to carry out the captures in solitary places and
in the least conspicuous way possible, to facilitate a possible disappearance of the detainee. For
this reason, at the time of arrest, the militant must make sure that the people around him find
out what is happening, shout his name and seek someone in solidarity to notify a close
relative. In any case, it should be sought that the family and the Organization find out as soon
as possible.

Despite how difficult the moment of capture is, it is necessary to preserve the capacity for
analysis and control of oneself, not forgetting to ask the reason for the capture, the authority
that ordered it and where it is led. You also have to remember that you do not have to sign any
papers at the time of arrest.

Solitary confinement period:

As theoretically stipulated by Colombian law, once the captured person is taken to the agency
that required it, he is held incommunicado and if he wishes, he can render a version of the
facts to the judicial police (DAS - F 2, etc. ), but it is a voluntary declaration on your own
initiative. The judicial police cannot interrogate the detainee, or even ask a question, much less
use violence, blackmail or bribery.

If the detainee

decides, during this stage, to render a version of the facts, he must be assisted by his lawyer,
although he is not allowed to communicate with him, anticipating that he could receive any
guidance or advice that favors him. The lawyer can only intervene when the procedures do
not comply with the formalities contemplated by law. If the lawyer is not present, the
statement has no procedural value.

But this is just theory. It is in the public domain that here in Colombia the civil, police and
military authorities blatantly mock these norms and that the period of solitary confinement -
usually arbitrarily extended - is generally arbitrarily extended - serves so that the entity that
carried out the capture not only interrogates, but also tortures and commits all kinds of
human and civil rights violations of the detainee.

This illegal interrogation basically happens in two stages, the psychological and the physical.

Psychological Stage:

In the first moment of this stage, a kind and understanding interrogator intervenes,








interrogators. His attitude is almost paternal, he shows interest in the detainee's personal
problems, and “out of consideration” he does not even mention the fact of his arrest or the
reasons for it. What he actually does is try to find out what the detainee's weaknesses are,
what he is vulnerable to.

This interrogation passes like a pleasant and cordial

chat. It is the moment of subtlety and appreciation. Let's illustrate it: “Alamo is without a doubt
the most important of the agents caught in the street of the

Daredevils. He has not said anything to GESTAPO. They order his transfer to Berlin. They could
torture him since he has several specialists for it. But they have suspected their man, he is
pure, an enthusiast, a vicious of sacrifice, a hungry for heroism. The international would sing
under the torment and everything would have been lost. You have to stroke his hair, talk to
him in the company of a bottle of brandy. Alamo confesses that he was in Spain in aviation.
When he talks about airplanes, he loses control of himself.

That night they

took him to the police department and introduced him to a tall, brooding boy, a former
Lufwafte pilot, whose leg had just been amputated: the son of Giering (the German police
chief). In the following days, long talks about their respective aerial duels.

But Alamo limits its

effusions to aeronautics and does not reveal either the code or the organization chart of the
Brussels network.

The coup failed Giering lko sent him back to the Saint-Guilles prison. The police considered,
anyway, that Alamo had responded like a teacher ”.

What follows in the second period of this stage is blackmail, bribery and the breaking of
morals. Another questioned intervenes who, based on the information collected at the first
moment, will ask questions such as: How many lovers

has your mother had?

You are homosexual, right?

Why does he betray his companions like this? You already know that your organization
abandoned you, who doesn't know it? Or if there have been several captured, each militant is
isolated and each one is telling his companions they have already sung "," it is useless to be
silent because the others have already said everything "," everything is already discovered and
you alone It favors him to confirm what was said by others, because that collaboration will be
taken into account when the judge considers his sentence ”. Lessons on questioning teach that

it must never be provoked. That serenity, however apparent, must be preserved at all costs.
That if the questioned gives way to provocation, he weakens and loses the logical development
of the conversation and this is irreversible: afterwards, the questioner will only have to ask
and the confession will flow freely.

Other lessons teach that you should not respond to violence, that you should never give details,
that you should not be resourceful, superior, or intellectual, that you should not be misled by
fury, or despair, or by a sudden surge. of hope that an occasional question might raise. That
stupidity must be responded to with stupidity and routine with routine, and that only deep
down must the two feelings that will make all suffering and humiliation bearable: hatred
towards them and the certainty that one day their system of Oppression will collapse and on
its spoils, the new socialist society will rise like a rising sun. A third moment of this first stage
is that of the "sponges" or "rams". This is one of his agents who is put into the detainee's cell
under the cover of a “subversive”, they can even beat him in front of the first detainee, and
then he will represent a drama with real tears, he will lament the damn system that persecutes
and runs over him . This enemy agent can be anyone:

young, old, male or female,

introvert or extrovert. He may even say that he has a way of escaping in order to gain the trust
of his co-detainee.

If the militant is not vigilant, he may end up trusting his cellmate and giving him information
that he might otherwise have been reluctant to give. Let us illustrate the fact with an anecdote
from the Second

World War:

“Libertas was assured that only his statements

they would save life. He told what he knew, it was almost everything. What little he forgot he
told his co-owner, Gertudis Britter, actually "a ram" from GESTAPO, because GESTAPO told him
that he had a means for them to escape from jail together. Beautiful, adventurous, and a bit
crazy, Libertas believed herself made to gather the roses of life and tore herself with its thorns.
Low-willed, inconsistent, lacking in a critical sense, and highly influential, he always had the
feeling that he would come out of the adventure unscathed. Minutes before his execution he
wrote: “I had to drink the glass to the stool and find out that the person in whom I put all my
trust, Gertrudis, has betrayed me. Out of selfishness I have betrayed my friends, I wanted to be
free, but I had suffered immensely for my lack ”.

And he concluded, "now reap what you have sown, because whoever

betrays will be betrayed."

It is an unforgivable folly to believe in the promises of the enemy. They are masters in the art
of provocation. They offer money, work, identity change, escape, etc. It must be borne in mind
that this is only possible if you are absolutely sure that you can bypass the jailers by your own
means or if you are certain that the person offering the escape is a member of the

The firm and unshakable attitude that the militant shows in the first moments





must be





At no time should you show signs of having

bowed or you will be asked. You will not be able to go back. The interrogations look for the
person being interrogated to commit a slip, which then no longer has a possible rectification; It
is an implicit or explanatory gesture, perhaps a

veiled smile or the acceptance of a cigarette, in short, any expression that marks the passage
from existence to collaboration. It is what they call "a profitable interrogation."

Sometimes and depending on the quality of the detainee, the interrogator, in order to
demoralize him, may show him as proof “how lost you are” certain information that could be
valuable to the Organization.

An interrogation can be conducted by two logical methods:


inductive and deductive. In the first, the questions are initially about details around the event
to conclude on the details. For example, if it were an address, in the inductive method they
would first ask about the place where it occurred, witnesses, time, special circumstances
surrounding the event, etc., until concluding at the address itself.

In the deductive method, it would begin by questioning the fact to deduce the circumstances,
place, time, witnesses, etc. In any case}, it is most likely that the respondent does not stick to a
single method, anticipating that the respondent understands it and can adapt their answers to
the questions that will be asked later.

Surely you do not impose a logical order

questionnaire and repeat in the middle or at the end questions that you had asked at the
beginning looking for contradictions




At the end of the study of this module, the militant is expected to be able to: A. Define related
basic concepts with organizational security. Of the five terms to be defined, you must give a
satisfactory answer to at least three of them.

B. Evaluate a list of sentences. It is expected that of the 28, at least 22 will be correctly

C. Comment on two texts, taking into account the principles studied in this chapter.


Once the knowledge objectives have been met, it is expected that: A. Starting from an adequate
group dynamic, the militants formulate a tentative organizational regulation, taking into
account the knowledge acquired in the course of the instruction and their own experience.

B. As a consequence of a sufficient understanding of why the security measures regulated by

the Organization, the militant abides and encourages them.

C. The militant becomes a multiplying factor of knowledge related to security in reserved,

clandestine, informal and formal revolutionary work.

to. Formally:

Performing as a builder of the

materials already studied.

b. Informally: Through talks and with your personal example.


“Clandestine actions do not obey exact science formulas and the fate of the best operator, as
well as that of the worst, ultimately depends on unforeseen circumstances. It is, in a certain
way, a kind of kite freed to the whims of fate, all the more reason to protect it from all risks ”.
Section of "The Red Orchestra", by Guilles de Perrault.

So far, the first part of this work aims to motivate a reflection on security problems from the
individual point of view. That is to say, of the behaviors that every revolutionary worker
should observe, in order to be able to preserve their personal integrity and ensure the
continuity of their work. They are measures that must essentially start from the worker
himself as an individual, from his own initiative, responsibility and discipline.

This chapter, on the other hand, will refer to the measures that a revolutionary Organization
as such should regulate, in order to ensure the continuity of work and the integrity of each and
every one of its members and estates.


First of all, the question should be answered: What organizational system favors the security
of the continuity of work, the estates and the members of a revolutionary Organization? The
Leninist principles of organization give the most adequate answer: the vertical and centralized
system must be applied, which is the one that allows the compartmentalisation and efficient
management of discipline, pillars of organizational security.

- Compartmentalization:

The compartmentalisation, the number one security measure for every revolutionary
organization, from the point of view of its structure, affects practically all aspects of
organizational life, from its members and basic structures, to information, tasks and general

The handling of the Organization's reserved information must also be subject to


The reports must be delivered

only to the competent and regulatory authority, establishing the prohibition of commenting on
them with any other person.


permanent emphasis on the principle that no one should know anything other than what
allows them to carry out their work effectively.

When receiving and filing

information, it is essential to keep the identity of the informant secret.

According to Leninist principles, the truly revolutionary struggle requires the combination of
all forms of struggle, legal and illegal; Safety principles advise that legal work structures are
separated from illegal work by an impenetrable wall.

- Pseudonym: Every revolutionary militant must have one or more pseudonyms - it depends on
the circles that frequent - made up of name (s) and surnames, whose initials do not coincide
with those of the first name.

They should be used

systematically in the workplace, but not in front of people outside the Organization. When
they are widespread, they must be renewed. They should never be used as pseudonyms,
nicknames that describe the user such as freckled, black, cute, paisa, etc.

- Decentralization:

Do not arrange several responsibilities in a single leader, since the persecution of the enemy
may force him to leave headless positions.

- Mailboxes:

Every structure must have, among other instances, militant “mailboxes” that ensure the speed
and secrecy of internal communications. B. REGULATORY:



a regulatory

statute for a revolutionary Organization , it is necessary to bear in mind certain guidelines that
will revert to safety, both for work in its global aspect, and for the estates and members of the
Organization, in particular. - Discipline: First of all, let's see how Lenin expresses himself in
this regard: “The

The experience of the triumphant dictatorship of the proletariat in Russia has shown in a
palpable way to those who do not know how to think or who have not had the opportunity to
reflect on this question that unconditional centralization and the most severe discipline of the
proletariat constitute one of the conditions fundamentals of the victory over the bourgeoisie ”“
This is often talked about. But there is not enough reflection on what this means, under what
conditions it is possible (...) ”. “The first question that arises is the following;

How is the

discipline of the revolutionary party of the proletariat? How is it controlled? How is it

reinforced? Prime with the conscience of the proletarian vanguard and its fidelity to the
revolution, for its firmness, for its spirit of sacrifice, for its heroism. Second, because of its
ability to link, approach and to a certain extent, if you want, merge with the greatest working
masses, firstly with the proletarian mass that this vanguard carries out: because of the
correctness of its strategy and its political tactics. , on condition that the larger masses are
convinced of it by their own experience ”.

“Without these conditions, discipline is not possible in a revolutionary party, truly capable of
being the party of the advanced class, called to overthrow the bourgeoisie and transform the
entire society.

Without these conditions, the attempts to implant a discipline inevitably become a fiction, a
phase, grotesque gestures. But, on the other hand, these conditions cannot spring up all at once
(...); their formation is facilitated through a successful revolutionary theory (...) ”. VI Lenin:
"The infantile disease of" leftism "in Communism". And if Lenin qualifies discipline as a
"fundamental condition of victory (of the proletariat), over the bourgeoisie", and bases his
affirmation on the experience of triumphant Bolshevism, there should be no doubt that
indiscipline is the fundamental cause of the failure, because it implies a cracking that
undermines the solidity of the revolutionary organization. Therefore, the offenses that are
committed against her must be punished in an exemplary manner.

Discipline is an excellent ally of security in the performance of secret tasks, because the
participation guidelines of the militants are made precise, allowed, allowing us to weigh up to
what extent any attitude that deviates from it is abnormal, as illustrated in the following
example: “At the beginning of June 1943 Alexander Foote, one of the leaders of the Swiss
network, was commissioned to contact a courier from France in order to deliver some money
for the French network. The Director of the center (Moscow espionage), had ordered him not
to have any conversation with the messenger, but he handed him a book telling him that
between its pages there were 2 or 3 encrypted messages to urgently transmit to the Center by

He also told him that he would have

new messages and proposed a gold meeting in a Swiss town near the border. Such
talkativeness made Foote suspicious because it signified a lack of discipline, a strange thing for
a Soviet agent. It occurred to him that the original agent had been arrested and that a German
service man was taking his place. The place near the border made him fear a Gestapo-style
kidnapping. As for the encrypted messages, they could be a decoy to locate the station.
Convinced that the Germans had intercepted his messages long ago, he tried to hide his
distrust and pretending to be very busy, he scheduled a new interview for three days later.
Foote's intuition was not fooling him. The emissary was a Giering agent, who had set up the
Center Direct.

This, deceived, had sent his agent.

Foote would not go to the

second interview. " Taken from "The Red Orchestra" by Guilles Perault.

On the other hand, Lenin instructs on the fact that discipline is formed, increased and
maintained thanks to the appropriate attitude on the part of the leaders.

If they choose and apply the tactics and

political strategies correctly , and the rank and file are aware of this from their own
experience, they will surely not hesitate to abide by and respect them. When instructions are
issued from such leaders, the competent authorities will faithfully observe and execute them.

Of course sometimes

They will present discrepancies, but these will be resolved by submitting them to an adequate
discussion and using the channel provided for such cases.

- Verticalidad:

Subordination to the provisions

of the higher authorities and the

collective, must be clearly established a norm in the regulatory set




The unconditional organizational

centralization is another of the aspects that Lenin describes as fundamental for the victory of
the proletariat over the bourgeoisie. In any case

It is convenient not to lose sight of the fact that we work with the human element, susceptible
to making mistakes, and that a leader, no matter how intelligent, prepared and well-
intentioned he may be, can also be wrong, which is therefore not that he has carte blanche to
become "unquestionable" and “untouchable” and that, as a consequence, its decisions can also
- eventually be politically debated, but with the stature that corresponds to the “truly capable
revolutionary party to be the party of the advanced class called to transform the whole

- Revolutionary Vigilance:

Revolutionary surveillance among colleagues must be regulated by the Organization. There

must be a specific instance in charge of operating it, made up of absolutely serious and
equanimous personnel, and that bases its decisions on documented, responsible and serious
reports, in order to prevent the measure from becoming a hotbed of gossip and revenge
caused by personal quarrels. In addition, it will prevent it from becoming a free-for-all
procedure and for the organization to end up investing a large part of its resources in “biting
its own tail”.

All militants, even those with the cleanest résumé and the clearest track record, must be
periodically subjected to the surveillance mechanisms established by the Organization.

It is the obligation of each militant to be

pending the relationships and behaviors of colleagues with whom he is in contact. In case you
notice something suspicious, you should try to find out more specific information or seek
guidance and advice in the

relevant instance, but jealously avoiding that the matter transcends and the time of the
accused will unfairly suffer in case it is only a misunderstood.

It is wise to look as ordinary as possible in relation to the surrounding environment.

And seen from another perspective, especially those

circumstances, you have to be attentive to any detail that may betray the presence of the

Another aspect of the preparation is that which refers to the planning of the "conspiratorial
minute" or alibi that justifies the presence of reserved militants on the site in case they are

All those involved

should know it and hold onto it. Therefore, when planning it, it must be taken into account
that it is consistent, credible and even demonstrable, which will be achieved if you have a
clear perspective of all the details. Adequate coverage for the activity

should also be

shown and kept in mind that it is consistent with the conspicuous minute.

There are some mechanisms that can be used in case of a routine check-up or to try to
corroborate a suspicion. For example, they can take on very difficult tasks to execute and wait
for the result: they can also take on the reception of an “important leader” (or any other
equally interesting and equally fictitious event) and carry out a check job to see if there are
suspiciously abnormal movements ; or "entrust" the transport of "secret" materials

and check if it takes them to the indicated site.


documents must be marked on the poles (using sympathetic ink), and later it is verified if they
were delivered in the same position as they were received.

- Information management:

Those who handle secret information must be made fully aware of the type of information it is
and the serious risk that the Organization would face if the enemy came into possession of
such data.

The crime of allowing information to leak must be punished as established by our statutes.
Information can slip in a thousand subtle ways: let's look at one to be forewarned: “Margaret
Hoffman Scholz is German, 44 years old, single and not beautiful. He comes from an excellent
family. She is secretary to Colonel Hans Kuprian. Margaret only has eyes for Baron
Maximovitch (a supposedly white Russian émigré, but actually a member of the Soviet spy

Vassili from

Maximovitch stays in Paris and Margaret does not doubt that it is by staying by his side. What
happens is that the big boss has told him that he is more useful in Paris. He has advised him:
“create an information group, frequent the atmosphere of white Russians, Catholic circles,
German officials; and above all, avoid like the plague of the circles of the left ”. Vassili will
wear a better “mask”: his character, an emigrated Russian aristocrat. The idyll flourishes.
Vassili provided with a safe-conduct goes to look for Margaret at the Mayestic Hotel every
night. Magaret tells him about his activities for the day and shows him copies of the documents
that have passed through his hands. Get copies of your peers. In this way, the top secret reports
will pass into the hands of the big boss. Exhausted the subject, Vassili asks Margaret to move to
a new activity. He has himself appointed to the troop cantonment service. When they get all
the necessary reports there, Maximovitch cleverly leads Margaret to a third sector: he enters
the secretariat of the German ambassador. Your dedication is worth it

everyone's trust and access to the most confidential documents. Through him, Moscow is
informed of all the political work with the Vichy Co., the feelings of the French people, the
German projects and the difficulties they are encountering. Is Margaret so stupid that she does
not realize that she is betraying her country? We cannot say. Without a doubt, love has
quenched the traditional feelings that it nurtured since childhood.

Margaret's uncle (Colonel Halog of the German General Staff),

He frequently reminds Margaret that she is at war and that she must exercise greater
discretion about her work. Nice thing! Even Margaret's modest companions are crazy about
him, so distinguished, so delicate, always a bouquet of flowers for one, a box of chocolates for
others, and also a baron. ”How to distrust a baron? Unfathomable mystery that of a feminine
heart, given to her passion ”.

Etc ...

Taken from "The

Red Orchestra", by Guilles Perault.

Any information that must be transmitted, no matter how partial, must be accompanied by the
respective instruction so that the depositary will not reveal it out of naivety. If the information
is leaked anyway, the depositary is obliged to immediately report the news to the relevant
authority. Something similar can be said regarding actions or measures that in some way
affect the Organization: they must be communicated in a timely manner to the appropriate

By regulation it must be established that in the archives and in general any document,
propaganda or other elements related to information pertinent to the Organization must be
kept in places that are not apparently or really related to the reserved activity.






it must be kept



regulations. For no reason should they mention their names or addresses in any type of
conversation, or appear in the documents that are filed.


Lenin resolutely defended the principles of democratic centralism for the structuring and
activity of the party, which made it a cohesive and disciplined organization. He argued: "...
each member of the party is responsible for it and the party responds for each member" Based
on this principle, it can be said that part of this part is the responsibility assumed by the
Organization when admitting each of its members. It is the duty of ensuring their training and
part of the responsibility of the militant when entering the Organization, is to commit to their
preparation to face their revolutionary activity in the best possible way. promote


such to

this end by regulation, such






demonstrations, etc., with topics such as current criminal proceedings, training







revolutionary, self - defense, etc. according to specific needs.

A solid revolutionary formation is reflected in aspects such as the following: all militants, as a
matter of principle, must admit the collective and professional interest, they are above the
personal. If the revolutionary conscience of the militant is well established, he will be ready to
become, in a concrete situation, the replacement of the leader who, for whatever reason, must
abandon his responsibility. You will find it reasonable, but objectively, the consciousness of all
militants, on a given, cannot be expected to be

at that level. It is therefore necessary to regulate this principle and establish adequate
sanctions for those who violate in practice, as a contribution to maintaining discipline and
internal cohesion.


By statute, certain norms must be regulated that contribute to maintaining security, discipline
and cohesion in the organizational structure, for example:

- Instructing militants in possible relationships of any kind, with people who belong to or are
suspected of belonging to the enemy's estates. This will prevent leaks.

- The private life of each and every one of the militants must be exemplary and orderly. Vices
such as those related to addictions, sex, unhealthy taste for money or perks, should be
exemplarily punished.

- If a militant, because of his work, is pursued by the enemy and it is not possible to avoid the
risk, he must be transferred to carry out his tasks in another place.

All security measures that collectively or at the managerial level, are

considered adequate and timely, must be converted into norms and each militant must
demand from his companions the same scrupulous compliance that he personally observes.

- All members of the organization must be required to have a constant attitude of seriousness,
responsibility and conscience, no matter how inconsequential the work they perform may

- The cronyism and compadrazgo are undesirable attitudes among the members of a
revolutionary organization, because they give indications of the activity carried out. They
must be prohibited.

In summary, let's look at the principles of the Soviet espionage network nestled in the very
heart of Nazi Germany, considered the greatest principles of secretive and clandestine activity:

1. The most severe compartmentalization and internal closure. 2. Systematic use of

pseudonyms. 3. Decentralization (because it is too dangerous to arrange too many
responsibilities in one man). 4. Do not make appointments by phone. 5. Do not transmit
messages by mail. 6. Living in the suburbs.

7. Don't get too much mail. 8. Prefer postcards to letters. 9.




on Sundays

preferably. 10. Set appointments in trivial and frequented places. 11. Use vehicles wisely.




Each incorporation faces new and different circumstances that require adequate treatment. In
each one, at least the safety of a structure or a mechanism is at risk. Therefore, the admissions
should be decided only by the political leadership and never by any other member of the
organization unilaterally, no matter how high the position he occupies within the party
organization. In any case, the competence of the political leadership must be respected and in
case of appeal, the regular procedure must be used only.

Bribery, blackmail, seduction, terror, money, friendship, etc. they should never serve as
motivations for someone to join a revolutionary political organization.

Whoever is recruited by such means will always be an insecure and dangerous collaborator.
The only motivation of the aspirant and his sincere will to give his best as a contribution to the
struggle of the proletarian class to overthrow the bourgeoisie. Behaviors such as: excessive
interest in a 30 in one to know things that do not concern the tasks to be carried out, and
justified abundance of monetary resources, reserve regarding information that an applicant is
known to have or can get, are indications that something cloudy surrounds your aspiration of
income. Each situation must, then, be analyzed in detail.

D. ORGANIZATION: "Never plan anything without having an alternative." Julian Semionov.

The planning of party activities in their respective committees, as well as their control and
corrective measures, are guarantees

of the party's security. It is therefore the responsibility of the directive bodies to immediately
undertake a profound reflection on the matter, the results of which are materialized in the
party statutes and established norms, so that each commission in particular, turns into
security for the militants and effectiveness for the revolutionary action .

- In Planning:

It could be said that the success of any task, 90%, depends on proper planning. Improvisation
endangers the militants and the achievement of the objective. Therefore, everything must be
planned and executed in detail.

But, although the tasks must be planned step by step and minute by minute, even considering
the contingencies that may arise and trying to solve them beforehand, it is healthy to provide
the preparation with a certain flexibility, planning alternatives, margins of action. If
everything is planned too rigidly, failure is almost imminent, because the variation of any
previously determined nexus can lead to the collapse of the fundamental.

All planning must basically satisfy four questions: - What? - Who? - When? - How?

And evaluate what resources and aids are available in order to adopt the appropriate
behaviors to use them.


1. Based on the material studied (without consulting it), define the following concepts. to.
Compartmentalisation b. Structural centralization. c. Verticality. d. Revolutionary surveillance.
and. Conspiratorial minute.

2. In front of each of the following sentences, write a T or an F according to whether it is true

or false, according to what has been studied in the course of the instruction received.

to. The vertical and centralized organization system is the most appropriate to safeguard the
internal security of an organization. ()

b. Lenin qualifies discipline as a fundamental condition for victory (of the proletariat) over the


c. The compartmentalisation at the information management level implies that more or less all
the activists must be aware of all the information that is handled, at least at the local level, in
order to efficiently carry out their work. ()


According to Lenin, the truly revolutionary struggle requires the

combination of all forms of struggle, and the open structural ones must be inextricably linked
to the closed structural ones


Every reserved revolutionary militant must have one or more

pseudonyms and use it (s), systematically in the workplace, but not in front of people outside
the organization. ()

F. Regulating the conditions that prevent a leader from becoming "indisputable" and
"untouchable" is a measure that contributes to organizational security and that we could call,
verticality without verticalism.

g. Every militant, even the leader with the cleanest track record, must be periodically
subjected to "revolutionary surveillance."


h. The statutes should control norms to prevent members of the

organization from


a disorderly private

life , because their vulnerability will necessarily be reflected in insecurity for the group () i.
The practically decisive stage in every task is planning


j. And within planning, the assessment of details occupies a position of the highest order.



Consulting the material studied in this chapter, make a brief

comment on each of the following texts:


"Gossvogel is Trepper's unbeatable lieutenant.

All the

material infrastructure is his work. His social" facade "is impressive, who can suspect that
very" great bourgeois "man? - That the agents should meet in anodyne public circumstances
but not there is no doubt that perfection: even subjected to the worst torture. Gossvogel and
Makarov will not be able to denounce each other because they ignore each other. " Taken from
"The Red Orchestra", by Guilles Perrault.

b. "In addition to the newspaper, the pamphlets, the proclamations distributed in the subway
and on the bus, the brochures that were sent to those they considered susceptible to change,
the networks dedicated to the evasion of Jews, the fugitives from the concentration camps and
the persecuted for the regime, towards Switzerland and Sweden .... Let's greet all those brave
ones, but! How crazy!

Harro Schulze Boysen, one of the 3 or 4

key "sources" of

Soviet espionage, wore his colorful uniform and left, wielding a pistol, to protect the boys
while they put up posters that the police would tear off at five o'clock

!! and he wrote pamphlets

!! and corrected the

evidence of "The one who for the Soviet General Staff was equivalent to the contribution of
many divisions, puts himself at the mercy of a police round, risks the confession of a pamphlet
distributor, the tradition of one of the many workers who worked freely for the Reich. They
have prevented it, Harro is obstinate. Hugo, who is not a professional of clandestine work but
has good sense, says:

"he explains to Harro that it was necessary to separate the

propaganda from the important work that he had.


proven experience that propaganda always ended up being discovered and it would be more
terrible to compromise other more important tasks in this way.


He promised but never kept his promises. He kept doing both until the end. "Taken from" The
Red Orchestra ", by Guilles Perrault.

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