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1. This House regrets government’s policy to not revoke coal Domestic Market Obligation (DMO).

 Energy economist from Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta (UGM) Fahmy Radhi urged the
government to cancel the withdrawal of the coal DMO. The reason is, the revocation of the
coal DMO policy will further burden PLN's finances.
 According to Jonan, the coal DMO has been established in the Law on Mineral and Coal
Number 4 of 2009 and related to the price of the PP which has been set at US $ 70.
 If the DMO is revoked, PLN's finance will be disrupted. Because, the government has
ordered PLN not to raise electricity rates until 2019.
 Meanwhile, the cost of production of electricity whose raw materials come from coal will
increase. The reason is, if the DMO policy is revoked then PLN must buy coal from abroad
whose prices follow world market prices.
 To power the plant, it needs primary energy, currently 60% of the plant uses coal

 Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Darmin Nasution said, the reason for revoking
the DMO policy was to increase domestic production. In addition, if production increases,
exports will also increase.
 In addition to increasing state revenues of USD5-USD6 billion, the withdrawal of DMO
obligations also has other reasons. The obligation of the coal DMO, is prone to rent renters
because the coal needed by most power plants is low calorie.

2. This House should reorganize PLN in 2018 –including but not limited to add or remove
department, etc


3. This House would direct PLN consumers to use postpaid electricity

 The meter is more durable and not easily damaged.
 Not affected if the internet network is bad for charging tokens, electricity can still be
 Easy to Control Electricity Usage
 More economical
 Efficient and Practical
 More Guaranteed Customer Privacy
4. This House believes that PLN is no longer Pemegang Kuasa Usaha Ketenagalistrikan (PKUK).
 There is a division of labor because the central government and regional governments
have the authority in determining national and regional regulations and planning
policies; stipulation of electricity business licensing, electricity tariff and selling price of
Electricity Business Permit Holder for Public Interest (IUKU) whose business area is
across provinces / districts / cities; and conducting guidance and supervision to IUKU
holders whose permits are issued by the Government / regional government.
 Although it is no longer a PKUK holder, as a BUMN, PLN will still get priority as an
electricity supply business actor for the public interest, but if PLN is unable, the private
sector will enter and PLN may carry out B2B business processes to provide electricity for
certain regions
 Cannot become a regulator

5. As government, This House would not stop any BUMN (Badan Usaha Milik Negara) projects in
times of increasing price of dollar and imported products.


6. This House believes that Evidence SIMKP should be audited by Satuan Pengawas Internal (SPI)


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