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Parasitism is known as an occurrence in which it includes whichever as hosts or

parasites in nature. It is also defined as a correlation towards two species of animals or

plants wherein there is one recipient at liability or other devoid of killing the host

organism. While parasites are expressed as harmful for the hosts, they switch

resources for development, reproduction, and survival by having no recompense for the

hosts. There are different classifications that parasites have such as Nematodes,

Cestodes, Trematodes, and Protozoans. Under these classifications, Soil-Transmitted

and Food-borne parasites were identified.

Soil-Transmitted parasites are parasites that are commonly seen in contaminated

soil. Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, and hookworms such as Ancylostoma

duodenale and Necator americanus were the parasites that fell into this category. These

organisms are located in areas with humid and warm weather types and are affected by

inadequate cleanliness. Soil-transmitted parasites target the intestine to lay millions of

ova then pass through the stool. On the other hand, Food-borne parasites are seen on

food sources including meat, seafood, fish, and vegetables that do not undergo proper

washing and sanitation. There are common food-borne parasites here in the Philippines

and these are Capillaria philippinensis, Diphyllobothrium latum, Taenia spp., Trichinella
spiralis, and more. In similarity with soil-transmitted parasites, food-borne parasites’

habitat is the intestine.

This study has the objective to evaluate the awareness of parents with regards to

Soil-Transmitted and Food-borne parasites. The respondents of this research will be the

residents of Barangay 143 Bagong Barrio, Caloocan City. The researchers are fully

aware that there are a lot of parasitic infections that still exist so the team managed to

formulate this kind of topic.


The researchers needed such information that is vital to guide policymakers in

designing a more focused and preventive approach to control the disease. Therefore,

the present study was undertaken to determine the awareness of parents to common

effects of food-borne and soil-transmitted parasites and their associated determinants

among children in Bagong Barrio, Caloocan City.

Soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections are among the most widespread

infections in the world, affecting mostly underdeveloped countries. Soil-transmitted

helminths such as roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides), whipworm (Trichuris trichiura),

and hookworms (Necator americanus, and Ancylostoma duodenale) are spread by eggs

that infected people pass in their feces. Adult worms spend their lives in the intestine,

where they lay thousands of eggs each day. These eggs contaminate the soil in places

where sanitation is lacking. Intestinal signs (diarrhea, stomach pain), discomfort, and
fatigue are all symptoms of these intestinal worms. Hookworms cause anemia by

causing chronic blood loss in the intestine.

Aside from Soil-Transmitted helminths, there are also food-borne parasites that

conquer the world. It is transmitted by ingestion of raw foods in which the occurrence of

parasites such as Taenia species, Diphyllobothrium latum, Trichinella spiralis, and

Capillaria philippinensis come from. The same goes with Soil-Transmitted helminths,

food-borne parasites’ habitat is usually in the small intestine and hatch thousands of ova

per day that causes parasitic pathologies which include abdominal pain, intestinal

obstruction, and Megaloblastic anemia caused by D. latum.


This study aims to determine the awareness of the parents in terms of food-

borne and soil-transmitted parasites.

1. The respondent’s information in terms of age, gender, highest educational

attainment, and nature of work.

2. The parents’ degree of awareness regarding Food-borne parasites and Soil-

transmitted parasites.

3. Significant difference between food-borne and soil-transmitted parasites as to

demographic profile


Null: There is no significant difference between the level of awareness of parents

towards food-borne and soil-transmitted parasites based on demographic profile such

as age, gender, nature of work and highest educational attainment.

Alternative: There is a significant difference between the level of awareness of

parents towards food-borne and soil-transmitted parasites based on demographic

profile such as age, gender, nature of work and highest educational attainment.

This part will discuss the importance of the study and which professions and

community sectors will benefit this research. The results of the study will be of great

help to the following:

Parents. This study can serve as a guide that will enable them to be more

knowledgeable and could trigger their eagerness to learn the prevention and cause of

food-borne and soil-transmitted parasites.

Community. This will benefit the community from enlightening the minds of the

people to become aware of misconceptions or myths by conducting seminars regarding

the effects of food-borne and soil-transmitted parasites being acquired and would also

recognize the value of keeping a clean environment.

Students. This study will enable students to broaden their knowledge about

food-borne and soil-transmitted parasites. Therefore, they will be more aware of the

misconceptions and myths about these parasites.

Future researchers. This study will provide them more information regarding the

level of awareness of the parents in terms of the said parasites. This study may be used

as a guide and as a basis for further expansion of the study; researchers may use this


This study focused on the degree of awareness of the respondents regarding

soil-transmitted and food-borne parasites. Moreover, residents from Barangay 143 were

the only barangay considered as respondents, while other neighboring barangays were

not included in this study. Parents aging 18-45 years old as the target population

therefore, people who were not qualified with the age bracket was not included. The

researchers selected 230 respondents from 570 parents in the Barangay. The

respondents can be either a father or a mother, regardless of the number of their child

or children, and regardless of their civil status.


The type of definition used in this study was operational and in this part, it will

define the terminologies used in the whole study that needs to be clarified.

Acquired. It is a condition, characteristic, or disease that is not congenital but obtained

and develops after birth through infectious disease or reservoir.

Allied health. A career or nature of work that focuses on health and medical

assessments in society.

Contaminated. Having a contact or mixture with something unclean, harmful, or

undesirable substance such as virus, bacteria and parasite.

Foodborne. These are parasites that can be acquired from ingesting food. These are

some of the parasites Taenia species, Diphyllobothrium latum, Trichinella spiralis, and

Capillaria philippinensis.

Hookworm. A parasitic nematode worm that has hooked mouthparts that inhibits the

intestines or skin of humans and other animals. These can cause Iron Deficiency in

some people.

Ingested. An absorption or consumption of food or drink by the mouth into the body.

Non-allied health. Nature of work that does not involve medical field aspects but more

on industrial, agricultural, and economical fields. For example, pig farmers, construction

workers, engineers, chefs, etc.

Parasitic infection. An infection that is caused primarily by parasites that live in the

human host.

Respondents. A person who has a child regardless if they are married to their partner

or not; parent.

Roundworm. A nematode, a very small long round body worm, that is found in the

intestines of mammals.

Self-employed. A person who supports himself by building his own business to sustain

his daily needs. The type of definition used in this study was operational and in this part, it

defines the terminologies used in the whole study that needs to be clarified. 

Acquired. It is a condition, characteristic, or disease that is not congenital but obtained

and develops after birth through infectious disease or reservoir.

Allied health. A career or nature of work that focuses on health and medical

assessments in society.  

Contaminated. Having a contact or mixture with something unclean, harmful, or

undesirable substance such as virus, bacteria and parasite.

Foodborne. These are parasites that can be acquired from ingesting food. These are

some of the parasites Taenia species, Diphyllobothrium latum, Trichinella spiralis, and

Capillaria philippinensis. 
Hookworm. A parasitic nematode worm that has hooked mouthparts that inhibits the

intestines or skin of humans and other animals. These can cause Iron Deficiency in

some people.

Ingested. An absorption or consumption of food or drink by the mouth into the body.

Non-allied health. Nature of work that does not involve medical field aspects but more

on industrial, agricultural, and economical fields. For example, pig farmers, construction

workers, engineers, chefs, etc.  

Parasitic infection. An infection that is caused primarily by parasites that live in the

human host.

Respondents. A person who has a child regardless if they are married to their partner

or not; parent.

Roundworm. A nematode, a very small long round body worm, that is found in the

intestines of mammals. 

Self-employed. A person who supports himself by building his own business to sustain

his daily needs.

Soil-transmitted helminths(STH). These are intestinal parasites that can survive and

grow in soil. They are mostly classified as roundworm, whipworm, and hookworm. 

Unemployed. A person who had no source of salary.

Whipworm. A parasitic nematode roundworm having a long, slender, whip-shaped

anterior end and third most common roundworm in humans.



This chapter provides a review of related concepts, principles, and studies that

are relevant for examining the problem and serves as a guide to examine relationships

between factors affecting the study. This includes the conceptual principles of the study

and research framework. Different media were used to collate information that utilizes

different materials found from books, articles, and the internet acquiring information

related to the study.

Soil-transmitted parasite

As mentioned by a study, when an individual acquires parasitic eggs emitted into

the environment via the feces of infected persons, individuals become infected with

Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura. The morbidity severity is associated with

the infection strength. Diarrhea, anemia, malnutrition, and physical and cognitive

impairments are associated with mild to high-intensity infections; Ascaris and Trichuris

are most commonly found in school-aged children (SAC) (Farell et al., 2018)

In hookworms, some allergic reactions develop at the site of skin penetration,

such as maculopapular rashes and itching (ground itch). When the larva migrates

through the lungs, pulmonary symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, bronchitis, and

pneumonia may occur. Gastrointestinal pain and diarrhea arise when the load of the

worm is lower. It enters the upper portion of the small intestine after skin penetration

and binds to the mucosa by its buccal capsules, contributing to the degradation of the
mucosa and blood loss. If not treated, heavy-intensity infections cause high blood loss,

which can lead to iron storage depletion and iron deficiency anemia. Children infected

with Hookworm suffer from anemia, malnutrition, and stunted development (Parijam,

Chidambaram & Mandal, 2017)

Stated in a study about STH, one of the several factors that causes diarrhea in

children was STH. The species that can cause these disturbances were Ascaris

lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiuria, and hookworms for other illnesses. Nematodes

need soil in order for them to mature and achieve its infective stage. One of the media

they cause for growth is soil. Moreover, these parasites may not cause serious and

fatal illnesses hence, can give people chronic diseases (Budiman et al, 2018)

A study about the relationship between nail hygiene and usage of footwears said

that STH is the most common infection in poor society in any country. Lack of nail

hygiene can cause parasitic infection twice compared to a person who values nail

hygiene. Nail biting and inserting fingers to mouth can allow transmission of parasites

(Pane, 2020)

Soil-transmitted parasite infection

According to a study by Pasaribu et al., one of the most common neglected

tropical diseases in the world is soil-transmitted helminths (STH) infection. Infection with

these parasites is associated with poverty and, in low and middle-income countries

where hygiene and sanitation are poor thus, the highest prevalence occurs.
The most vulnerable group of people affected by the disease are school children.

To reduce morbidity, the World Health Organization has formulated a strategy to

manage STH and schistosomiasis by encouraging deworming as the cornerstone of

control. Deworming, however, has a transient impact on transmission and is not able to

avoid reinfection. Multiple variables, such as actions, climate, health system, and

socioeconomic status, determine the transmission of STH (Pasaribu et al., 2019).

Soil-Transmitted Helminths infections may also affect the cognitive performance

and educability of infected children and are considered to possess important deleterious

effects on the growth, nutritional status, and physical development. (Moncayo, A. L. et

al., 2018)

Perception for Soil-transmitted parasite

Northern Samar and Samar are known to have the highest rate of STH and

Schistosomiasis occurrence here in the Philippines. This study executed a focus group

discussion with separate parents and children groups that were applied to collect the

ideas and perceptions towards STH and Schistosomiasis’ causes, treatment,

symptoms, and prevention. The deworming medicines and general program execution.

Based on the results, the participants held mostly accurate biomedical concepts of

infections and articulated enthusiasm to contribute to the MDA program. Yet,

reservations persisted because of its inadequacy of information distribution and

confidence in drugs used, and the prevalent fright of adverse side effects. (Lorenzo et

al., 2019)
The majority of people in rural Bangladesh are unaware of the health impacts of

Soil-transmitted parasites, and these knowledge gaps appear equally divided across

men and women. Soil-transmitted parasites are still common among children in some

parts of the country, despite the aggressive attempts to control the disease. The

harmful effects of parasitic manifestation on school-age are lack of understanding of the

disease, who might be at risk, and how and when to address all at-risk populations. It

should be known by their parents and included in their everyday lives. Misconceptions

will be addressed through educational campaigns, teachers will be trained to administer

deworming medication, systematic programs for improved water and sanitation facilities

will be implemented, and an appropriate policy of mass treatment will be implemented in

all target populations (Sujan, 2020)

Morbidity of Food-borne and Soil-transmitted parasite

Globally, about 1.5 billion individuals are infected with soil-transmitted helminths

(STHs). Roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides), whipworm (Trichuris trichiura), and

hookworm (Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus) are the major soil-

transmitted helminths species. Soil-transmitted helminths morbidity is closely linked to

worm burden: chronic, moderate, and high-intensity STH infections cause malnutrition,

anemia, and stunted development (Giardina et al., 2019).

Food-borne infections are responsible for a significant number of illnesses

(morbidity) and deaths (mortality) around the world. Food-borne parasitic disease

caused an estimated 23.2 million cases and 45,927 deaths per year, resulting in an

estimated 6.64 million Disability Adjusted Life Years. The most prevalent foodborne
parasitic diseases were foodborne Ascaris infection (12.3 million cases) and foodborne

toxoplasmosis (10.3 million cases). On farms where crops and animals are grown, in

food processing plants, and during food storage and preparation at home and in

restaurants, food may become contaminated which may result in many foodborne

diseases such as gastrointestinal symptoms (stomach cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting);

however, others even affect other body parts and have severe consequences (abnormal

bodily conditions or diseases arising from a pre-existing disease). Torferson, P.,

Devleesschauwer, B., Praet, N., et al. (2015).

Food-borne parasite

The concept of consuming vegetables is healthy and is considered as one of the

important roles in human nutrition due to its components such as low in fat and

carbohydrates but high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. However, intestinal parasites

are associated with raw vegetables. The majority of farmers use untreated animal and

human feces as fertilizer, which is known to contain a variety of parasites with medical

and veterinary implications. In most cases, vegetable sellers wash with untreated water

that may contain infective stages of parasites, and the vegetables are displayed

exposed in market places where they may become infected. Consumers may be

unconcerned about washing or properly cooking contaminated vegetables before eating

them. They become at high risk of contracting an infection as a result of their

negligence. (Agbalaka, P., Ejinaka, O., et al., 2019)

Most individuals love to eat meat and it contains protein, essential fatty acids,

minerals, and vitamins that can be found in it. Healthy animals' muscles contain fewer
microorganisms, but meat can become contaminated during slaughter and

transportation. External sources of contamination of raw meat can easily occur during

bleeding, handling, and processing through knives, tools, clothing, hands, and air. The

severity of microbial contamination and the composition of the microorganisms present

reflect meat hygiene standards. (Bantawa, K., Rai, K., Limbu, D., & Khanal, H., 2018).

Fish dealers often freeze and thaw fish in order to sell it as fresh, which is

harmful to the consumer. Because fish is high in nutrients, it is perishable and spoilable,

and temperature fluctuations may encourage the growth of microorganisms that affect

the gastrointestinal tract. Vomiting, fever, nausea, headache, and bloody diarrhea are

the most common symptoms caused by pathogens. Almost all helminths, including

many seafood-borne parasites, have an indirect life cycle, which means they live in a

different host type at each developmental stage of their lives. Intermediate hosts are

host species whose bodies serve as a home for the parasites' larval or immature

stages, and there are usually at least two intermediate hosts, first and second, involved

in a parasite's life. (Shamsi S., 2019).

The consumption of animal products has increased as the human population and

urbanization has increased, as has per capita income, globalization, and changes in

consumer trends (more protein in the diet). Due to the high demand for animal products,

there is more intensive animal production and processing, as well as an increased

global food movement. This situation could lead to defective processing and an

increase in the risk of foodborne pathogen contamination at any point along the farm-to-

fork supply chain. (Heredia, N. & Garcia, S., 2018).

Prevention for parasitic infection

The WASH components of water, sanitation, and hygiene (including health

education or outreach programs as an entry point for the promotion of hygiene and the

quality, repair, and proper use of infrastructure) are mutually important for the

prevention of environmental contamination. For several years, the WHO/UNICEF Joint

Water Source and Sanitation Monitoring Program (JMP) has provided benchmark

service ladders for the supply of clean drinking water and safe disposal of human

excreta. This acknowledges the need for complete sanitation and drinking water chains,

including safe handling of fecal sludge, adequate amounts of safe drinking water, and

an additional ladder for the handwashing service (Campbell, 2017).

Research showed that water quality, sanitation, and handwashing have an

impact on control strategies when dealing with Ascaris infections and in similar settings

with deworming programs. Moreover, they have provided that drinking water should be

given the right attention as a transmission pathway for a parasitic invasion like Ascaris.

The researchers also stated that intestinal worm infections, including protozoan

infections, affect over 1 billion children and this is also associated with growth faltering

and cognitive development (Pickering et al., 2019)

Food-borne parasitic zoonoses are typically hampered by a lack of good health

and economic impact data, making it difficult to formulate priorities for a national public

health system. However, to devise effective control methods, there needs to be greater

collaboration between medical and veterinary scientists and can be achieved through

health education, vector control, sanitary movements, supervised slaughtering, higher

socioeconomic growth, and enhanced risk assessments. Other methods that can be

done to have a better understanding of the current state of parasitic zoonoses are

molecular epidemiological studies and spatial analytical methods. (Gupta, R.K., Niyogi,

D., et al., 2018)

To monitor parasitic infection in food handlers, twice a year screening for

intestinal parasites (IPs) and periodic deworming of infected cases, as well as provision

of food safety measures in terms of personal hygiene and environmental sanitation.

These are recommended. (Gambura, E., Dodicho, T., Ahmed, K., et al. 2020).

As claimed by a study, personal hygiene prevents the spread of infection and the

most important hygiene is handwashing. Children are more prone to infections and

other diseases because they tend to put items like their toys and their hands in their

mouths. Moreover, according to Rabie& Curtis, 2006, hands are the most common

mode of transmission for microorganisms or pathogens. Washing hands with soap and

water is the most effective method of cutting the chain of infection or lessening the

transmission of infection. Furthermore, using alcohol or alcohol-based sanitizers may be

used if soap and water are unavailable, it can also remove several types of pathogenic

microorganisms. (Jess & Dozier, 2020)

Prevalence of Food-borne and Soil-transmitted parasite

As claimed by researchers who have studied the presence of soil-transmitted

helminths in different provinces of Argentina, the prevalence of intestinal parasites in the

population the researchers conducted was 22.6%. Thus, these parasites are not STH

but a parasite that can be transmitted through water and another parasite transmitted by
close contact. The prevalence of Soil-Transmitted Helminths was very low with only two

people appearing to be positive in hookworm and other STH were absent (Periago,

Garcia, Astudillo & Abril, 2018)

Food-borne disease is estimated to affect one-third of the world's population

each year, with two million deaths observed each year. In both developed and

developing countries, it is a public health issue. The epidemiology of food-borne

illnesses is complicated, and it is linked to the organism's virulence factor, lifestyle

changes, lack of understanding, poor hygienic practices, international travel, migration,

and poverty. In developed countries, nearly one-third of the population is infected with

intestinal parasites. In developing countries, this is around five times higher which are

primarily linked to factors such as poor socioeconomic conditions, poor hygiene and

sanitation practices, unsafe and insufficient water supplies, and environmental change.

(Diriba, K., Awulachew, E., & Ashuro, Z. 2020)

Kato-Katz technique and Formol-ether concentration technique were performed

in which it reveals that the prevalence of STH infections towards the children was 74%

including its high predominance of Taenia species and increased density of Ascaris

lumbricoides. From the result of the tests conducted, 39.3% suffered from a single

infection while 34.4% had mixed infections. However, the sex of humans is not related

to having these kinds of infections, but the weight difference in infected and uninfected

females was much higher than males. Close contact with livestock or animals is also

included in the prevalence of infection. To sum it up, there is an increased prevalence of

intestinal parasites, mainly Taenia species towards children. (Alvañiz et al., 2017)
Based on the study, in general, prevalence rates of Schistosoma japonicum,

Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, and hookworm were considered to be average

to high at 28.9%, 36.5%, 61.8%, and 28.4% correspondingly. Yet, the prevalence of

harboring any helminths resulted in 75.6%. The participants who were having

Schistosoma japonicum infection are most likely living near rivers or lakes in which this

parasite is more contact. Open-pit or Antipolo type toilets, poor in socio-economist

status, not own land, and have few or no animals can also have more water contact with

Schistosoma japonicum. Participants who were having STH infections have also had

appearances like S. japonicum. The analytical models resulted to be greater than 80%

sensitivity and specificity, in which the low socio-economic status, low levels of

education, poor sanitation, water sources propinquity, occupation, and male sex were

all consistent markers of infection category. (Ross et al., 2016)

Diagnosing parasitic infection

The study indicates semi-structured questionnaires for the slaughterhouse

equipment and practices evaluation. It also executed laboratory tests such as

serological examination and Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for blood

sample analysis, and the Formalin ethyl acetate concentration technique (FEACT) for

organ analysis. Out of four selected slaughterhouses who participated, only one (1) was

qualified and officially registered by the National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS). Based

on the laboratory test result for fecal samples in swine, there is the occurrence of

parasites such as Coccidia, Trichuris suis, hookworm/strongylid, and Strongyloides

spp., and Ascaris suum. On the other hand, the presence of ova comes from parasites

Fasciola spp., amphistome and hookworm/strongylid, Capillaria spp. and adult parasites
which include Fasciola spp, amphistomes, and Setaria spp. were detected in cattle. For

the ELISA test result, the swine samples tested seronegative for cysticercosis but are

seropositive for Toxoplasma spp. (Besana & Paller, 2020)

Risk Factors

110 pupils underwent the Kato-Katz method for the prevalence of soil-transmitted

helminths at JHIS-LS in the school year 2015-2016. The helminths were classified by

their morphologic ova structures and the quantity for the determination of infection

intensity. Trichuris trichiura was the prevalent parasite which is seen in the pupils that

has the percentage of 4.54%. There is also the presence of mixed infections of Ascaris

lumbricoides and Enterobius vermicularis but it has only 1.82%. Most participants take

anthelmintic medicine before being fully involved in the research. But some pupils still

have infections that result in an inadequate intake of drugs to exterminate the

occurrence of parasites. For the evaluation of possible risk factors of Soil-Transmitted

Helminths, performing the proper handwashing technique showed to have defensive

effects contrary to Soil-Transmitted Helminths infections. (Flores et al., 2018)

Prevention and Control

Based on the study, the percentage of the stool samples that appeared to have

Soil-Transmitted Helminth is huge compared to the percentage from the samples with

the occurrence of Schistosomiasis. Examination through widespread linear mixed

models revealed several relations between the infection within the parents and children.

The results stated a probability of Soil-Transmitted infection and Schistosomiasis taking

place in individuals, a finding which is dependable with the possibility for the infections
to distribute analogous risk factors. It also pointed out that the years for the prevention

and control efforts in disease within the vicinity were not capable of bringing down the

prevalence in children and parents. (Liwanag, 2017)

Significance of educational attainment in health

As stated from a study, Mother’s intelligence, perceptions, and behaviors were

crucial in developing and implementing an effective community-based intestinal

helminth control program. The mother's education was the greatest indicator of

children's health and nutrition inequalities. Therefore, the higher the mother’s

educational level, the lower the rate of parasitic infection. Because of the employment of

fathers in Sinaloa and Oaxaca families were away from their homes for 6 months or

more a year, respectively. It is reasonable to assume that the more time mothers spend

at home, the healthier their children's health would be. Program administrators and

policymakers, as well as those in charge of the Mexican national deworming campaign,

will more efficiently target families with children at risk by focusing on households with

low educational levels of the mother. These efforts would have a clear and optimistic

impact on young children's well-being (Quihui l. et al. 2006)

According to the study, small-scale surveys and an interview were conducted to

those food vendors and slaughterhouse workers. The participants involved with an

utmost educational attainment of either undergraduate or graduate in elementary are

considered to be significant in the occurrence of parasitic infection. For the conclusion,

slaughter houses and street foods are possibly carrying a huge range of parasites and

can transmit through the public. It is recommended that the proper handling of food and

proper hygiene should be implemented to diminish the manifestation of parasitic

infection. (Lirio et al., 2018)



Parents as respondents Parent’s level of awareness

(regardless of civil status) regarding food-borne parasites
and soil-transmitted parasites
Demographic profile

This conceptual framework shows the variables studied. This study is entitled,

“Determination of the Level of Awareness to Food-borne and Soil-transmitted Parasite

among Selected Residents in Barangay 143 Bagong Barrio Caloocan City”. The

respondents serve as an independent variable in this study thus, the respondents’

demographic profile is based on gender, age, highest educational attainment, and

nature of work, as well as their level of awareness regarding the food-borne and soil-

transmitted parasites, is the dependent variable. These variables varied depending on

the results gathered if there are significant or there are no significant differences in

determining the level of awareness of the parents regarding food-borne and soil-

transmitted parasites. 


This chapter presents the research design, population, and sampling, statistical

treatment, research instrument, and methods of data gathering.


The research design of this study is quantitative descriptive research. This

design tends to conduct methodical occurrences by collecting significant data with a

statistical and mathematical approach (Bhandari, 2020).


The respondents who participated in the study answered the questionnaires of

residents in Barangay 143 Bagong Barrio located in Caloocan City, Philippines. The

Barangay was selected to measure the level of awareness of parents towards Food-

borne and Soil-transmitted parasites. Moreover, it was the adopted barangay of MCU

and gave lectures about Soil-transmitted parasites and some general background about


The number of respondents in Barangay 143, Bagong Barrio Caloocan City in

2015, was 500. In this study, out of 570 parents, the researchers selected 230 with the

help of the Secretary of Barangay 143.

For the computation, researchers estimated and identified the population sampling size

through the use of the arithmetic change formula. Arithmetic change formula is used to

determine the possible growth or increase of a population (Zohry, 2021).

Arithmetic Change:

For total population of Barangay 143:

(3,673 - 3,559) / 8 years = 14

Population as of Aug. 1, 2012 = 3,559 + (5 years X 14) = 3,629

Population as of Aug. 1, 2020 = 3,673 + (5 years X 14) = 3,743

The population of Barangay 143 in 2007 was 3,559 and in 2015, the population

increased to a total of 3,673. These values were treated with an arithmetic change

formula. The computation shows that in 2012 the population was 3, 629. On the other

hand, in 2020 the total was 3,743.

For population of Parents in Barangay 143:

Population of parents in August 1, 2015 was 500 + (5 years X 14) = 570

Therefore, from an estimated total population in 2012 there are 3, 743 residents,

and only 500 were parents. In 2020, the population of parents increased to a total of


Sample size

For the computation, researchers used the Cochran Formula to determine the
sample size.


Z 2 pq
n o= 2


e – Margin of error (0.05)

p - (Estimated) proportion of the population which has the attribute in question (0.5)

q - 1 – p (1-0.5)
The z-value is found in a Z table. (1.96)

n (1.96)2 ( 0.5) (0.05)

o=¿ ¿

= 384.16

If the population is small, modification of sample size can be applied as calculated in the
formula above by using this equation:

( n −1)
1+ 0


N - Population size (570)

n0 - Cochran’s sample size recommendation (384.16)


Sample size = 229.6 or 230

In this study, the researchers opted for respondents who were subjective to fit. It

was implemented with criteria given and was then followed based on the age of the

respondents that must be 18 years old to 45 years old, a parent regardless of their civil

status. Based on the computation above, 230 respondents were needed from 570

parents in Barangay 143.


The instrument used in this research was a survey questionnaire that consisted

of different questions designed to gather the information that supported the study. The

respondents were given a questionnaire via Google Form that obtained information

about their demographic profile and awareness of Food-borne and Soil-transmitted

parasites. Also, researchers used a 4-Likert scale that determined the respondents'



This study to be reliable and valid, internal consistency and content validity were

applied. The questionnaire underwent validation from respective professionals to ensure

the quality and accuracy of the content. The questionnaire was validated by a Professor

from Manila Central University, who was involved in community based programs. The

Tagalog questionnaire was carefully checked and translated by a Filipino professor at

Manila Central University; the English questionnaire was proofread by an English

Professor from Raffles Group of School-Indonesia. The statistical treatment was

checked and validated by a statistician who has a degree in BS in Mathematics minor in


For the reliability of the study, the questionnaire went through pilot testing with

the help of citizens in Barangay Loma de Gato, Marilao Bulacan and was later on

checked by Cronbach Alpha. The result of the Cronbach alpha for the awareness of
Food-borne was statistically interpreted as acceptable, while in awareness of Soil-

transmitted was interpreted as Good. This indicated that the questionnaire may proceed

to actual survey. The questionnaire that was used as an evaluation tool for the

respondents contains the information that is essential to help to collect accurate data.

Approval of letters &

permits to the Dean of Formulated Validated by the
Medical Technology and questionnaires professors
Barangay Captain

Distribution of Validated by the

questionnaires with statistician with the Conducted pilot
consent letter via use of Cronbach testing
Google forms in alpha

Computations and Consulted statistician

Gathering of interpretation of
data for the analysis of
gathered data; reliability of the study

Summary and

Figure 1 the flow of the entire data gathering and data analysis starting from the

approval of letters for the dean and barangay officials, to formulated of questionnaire

and seek validation for respective professional, conducted pilot study and validated the

result by the used of cronbach alpha, and proceeded to the gathering of data to

Barangay 143. Then, computed the gathered data, interpreted by means of tables and

statistical treatment, carefully verified by the statistician and the result underwent
analysis of reliability. Lastly, the results were summarized and a conclusion was



The variables in this study focused on parents’ age, gender, nature of work, and

educational attainment as an independent variable, while their level of awareness

regarding food-borne and soil-transmitted helminths is the dependent variable.


The data gathered was treated accordingly to ensure the objectivity of the study.

The data represented by the use of tables, which show corresponding percentages, and

tables are for the computations of average scores and computed necessary for testing

hypotheses using T-test that analyzed levels of awareness of the parents. Moreover,

percentage (%) weighted mean, and ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) were applied in this

study to identify and quantify the data collected. Statistical treatment such as Cochran’s

formula for determining sample size and T-test, ANOVA was also used in the study to

measure the reliability and significance of the study.

Weighted Mean (X) was used to determine the quantitative average of the

responses to the items in the questionnaire. The responses were given weights based

on the Likert-scale provided. The formula used is:

Σ fx


x = weighted mean

fx = the products of the frequency and their unit weights

Σ fx = the sum of the products of the frequency and their unit weights

N= total number of respondents

Percentage (%) was used to present the demographic profile of the respondents

in terms of age, sex. The following formula was used to compute the percentage:

P= × 100 %


f = frequency

N = total number of respondents

ANOVA is a flexible type of analysis that looks at the degree of difference and

variances between 2 or more variables. It is considered to be accurate and requires few

observations (Kenton, 2021).




MS S B- mean sum of squares between-column or treatment

MS S W - mean sum of squares within-column or treatment

A T-test is accurate for a smaller population. This test is significant in the

interpretation of a hypothesis in a study (Fernandez, 2020).

In this study, the following hypothesis was tested using the T-test.

Null: There is no significant difference in evaluating the level of awareness of

parents between food-borne and soil-transmitted parasites.

The formula for the T-test is:

x 1−x 2
1 1

(s 2 ( + ) ¿ )¿
n 1 n2


X̄1 = mean of the first set of values

X̄2 = mean of the second set of values

s2 = standard deviation

n1 = total number of the values in the first set

n2 = total number of the values in the second set


The researchers respect the dignity and privacy of all the respondents. Personal

information and their answers received adequate confidentiality and were not posted on

any social media platforms. Before conducting the survey, the researchers asked

permission from the participants, and if the request was denied, the researchers

respected the respondents' decision. The researchers followed what was stated in the

Republic Act No. 10173, otherwise known as the Data Privacy Act, which is a law that

seeks to protect all forms of information, be it private, personal, or sensitive. It is meant

to cover both natural and juridical persons involved in the processing of personal


This research study gave assurance to release accurate data and results. The

researchers ensured the utilization of reliable equipment to execute the procedure that

needed to be done. Following and obeying the rules and guidelines in the laboratory

was also applied. A high level of honesty and transparency was implemented by the

researchers in the calculation and interpretation of results to avoid any type of

misleading information and manipulation of the data.

The researchers also obtained proper permission from the college, barangay 143

officials, and the respondents in the study. Refusal to survey or participation was



This chapter presents analysis and interprets the data and information gathered

according to and to relate to the general and specific problems of the study as indicated

in the statement of the problem. For clarity of discussion, the data are categorized and

presented into four (4) parts following the order and sequence of the questions raised in

Chapter 1.

Table 1. Profile of the respondents

Table 1.1. Frequency Distribution of the Respondents According to Age

Age Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

18-20 years old 80 34.78

21-30 years old 40 17.39

31-40 years old 45 19.56

41-45 years old 65 29.56

Total 230 100.00

Table 1.1 shows the population of respondents at Barangay 143 in terms of age.

According to the table, 80 out of 230 were 18-20 years with a percentage of 34.78 which

is considered to be the highest. On the other hand, 40 of the respondents’ ages

between 21-30 years old has a percentage of 17.39 which represents the lowest. Other

criteria are 41-45 years’ old which has 65 of the respondents which obtained a
percentage of 29.56 and 31-40 years old that has 45 over 230 of the respondents with a

percentage of 19.56.

Table 1.2. Frequency Distribution of the Respondents According to Gender

Gender Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Female 159 69.13

Male 71 30.86

TOTAL 230 100.00

Table 1.2 shows the frequency with the given percentage of the respondents’

gender. A great number of females or mothers actively join the data gathering. 159 out

of 230 respondents with the percentage of 69.13 were mothers. While 71 out of 230

with a percentage of 30.86 were fathers.

Table 1.3. Frequency Distribution of the Respondents According to Highest

Educational Attainment

Attainment Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Primary 8 3.47

Secondary 95 41.30

College undergraduate 27 11.73

College graduate 100 43.47

TOTAL 230 100.00

Table 1.3 shows that out of 230 respondents, 100 parents with a percentage of

43.47 were college graduates considered to be the highest. While 8 were primary

graduates with a percentage of 3.47 is the least. 95 parents with a percentage of 41.30

were high school graduates. Then, 27 parents out of 230 respondents with a

percentage of 11.73 said that they were college undergraduate.

Table 1.4. Frequency Distribution of the Respondents According to Nature of


Work Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Allied Health 12 5.21

Non-allied health 160 69.56

Unemployed 58 25.21

TOTAL 230 100.00

Table 1.4 shows the nature of work of the majority of the respondents. 160 out of

230 were non-allied health workers with a percentage of 69.56. However, 12 were allied

health workers with a percentage of 5.21. 58 were unemployed with a percentage of

Table 2 Parents Level of Awareness to Food-borne parasite and Soil-transmitted


Table 2.1 Awareness to Food-borne parasite: Summary of Gathered Data

Questions Weighted Verbal

mean interpretation

1. Different types of food-borne parasites can be acquired 1.57 Strongly Agree

at the same time.

2. Meat, fish, and seafood are not carriers of parasites. 2.95 Disagree

3. Canned goods can be contaminated by parasites. But

they do not affect its texture, appearance, taste, and smell. 1.94 Agree

4. One of the common causes of getting parasites is by

eating raw foods and uncooked foods. 1.59 Strongly Agree

5. Food-borne parasites can lay thousands of eggs in the

body and could be prevented by deworming. 1.48 Strongly Agree

AVERAGE 1.91 Agree

Legend of the Verbal Interpretation of the Weighted Mean:

1.00 to 1.74 Strongly Agree 2.50 to 3.24 Disagree

1.75 to 2.49 Agree 3.25 to 4.00 Strongly Disagree

Table 2.1 shows the summary of the gathered data on the parents' awareness of

food-borne parasites regardless of the given factors. Question number 1 has a weighted

mean of 1.57 and was verbally interpreted as strongly agree. As indicated in the study,

Intermediate hosts are host species whose bodies serve as a home for the parasites'

larval or immature stages and are usually at least two intermediate hosts, first and

second involved in a parasite's life (Shamsi S., 2019).

For question number 2, was stated a weighted mean of 2.95 and verbally

interpreted as disagree. As supported by the study, Meat can become contaminated

during slaughter and transportation. External sources of contamination of raw meat can

easily occur during bleeding, handling, and processing through knives, tools, clothing,

hands, and air. (Bantawa, K., Rai, K., Limbu, D., & Khanal, H., 2018)

Question number 3 obtained a weighted mean of 1.94 it was verbally interpreted

as agree. The study claimed that due to the high demand for animal products, there is

more intensive animal production and processing which could lead to defective

processing and an increase in the risk of foodborne pathogen contamination at any

point along the farm-to-fork supply chain. (Heredia, N. & Garcia, S. 2018).

In question number 4, the computed weighted mean was 1.59 and interpreted as

strongly agree. The study indicates that intestinal parasites are associated with raw

vegetables (Agbalaka, P., Ejinaka, O., et al., 2019). Contamination of raw meat can

easily occur during bleeding, handling, and processing through knives, tools, clothing,

hands, and air (Bantawa, K., Rai, K., Limbu, D., & Khanal, H., 2018).
Question number 5 weighted mean was 1.48 therefore; verbal interpretation was

strongly agreed. The study claimed to monitor parasitic infection in food handlers, twice

a year screening for intestinal parasites (IPs) and periodic deworming of infected cases,

as well as provision of food safety measures in terms of personal hygiene and

environmental sanitation. These are recommended. (Gambura, E., Dodicho, T., Ahmed,

K., et al. 2020).

Overall, the computed average was verbally interpreted as Agree with a weighted

mean of 1.91.
Table 2.2 Awareness to Soil-transmitted Parasite: Summary of Gathered Data



1. Soil-transmitted parasites are acquired from soil 1.36 Strongly Agree

and can infect children.

2. It is possible to acquire different types of soil-

transmitted parasites at the same time and can 1.68 Strongly Agree
enter through the skin.

3. Soil-transmitted parasites can reside and 1.44 Strongly Agree

duplicate on soil and not trimmed nails.

4. The soil-transmitted parasites inside the intestine

have the capability to lay eggs resulting in 1.57 Strongly Agree
numerous parasites and can affect its cognitive

5. Soil-transmitted parasitic infections can be

treated by deworming for the prevention of Iron 1.41 Strongly Agree
Deficiency Anemia.

AVERAGE 1.49 Strongly Agree

Legend of the verbal interpretation of the weighted mean:

1.00 to 1.74 Strongly Agree 2.50 to 3.24 Disagree

1.75 to 2.49 Agree 3.25 to 4.00 Strongly Disagree

Table 2.2 shows the summary of questions for Soil-transmitted parasites with the

given mean. Question 1 has a weighted mean of 1.36 and is interpreted as Strongly

Agree. Based on a study, STH is a parasite that needs soil for growth to achieve its

infective form (Budiman, Friliansari & Mawartika, 2018). It can also infect children and

cause various disorders or diseases (Moncayo, A. L. et al., 2018).

Question 2’s mean is 1.68 and statistically interpreted as Strongly Agree. In a

2017 study, hookworm parasites were discovered to have the ability to penetrate the

skin and invade the human body (Parijam, Chidambaram & Mandal, 2017). Also, a

study states that individuals become infected with Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris

trichiura (Farell et al., 2018). In this case, Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura

can be acquired at the same time.

Question 3 with a mean of 1.44 and interpreted as Strongly Agree. Based on a

recent study, when an individual acquires parasitic eggs emitted into the environment

via the feces of infected persons, individuals become infected with Ascaris lumbricoides

and Trichuris trichiura (Farell et al., 2018). Moreover, another study said that STH is a

parasite that needs soil for growth to achieve its infective form (Budiman, Friliansari &

Mawartika, 2018). Therefore, STH can reside and duplicate in soil. Another study

revealed that lack of nail hygiene can cause parasitic infection twice compared to a

person who values nail hygiene. Nail-biting and inserting fingers into the mouth can

allow the transmission of parasites (Pane, Nurmaini & Andayani, 2020)

Question 4 the mean is 1.57 and was also interpreted as Strongly Agree. Based

on a recent study, when an individual acquires parasitic eggs emitted into the
environment via the feces of infected persons, individuals become infected with Ascaris

lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura (Farell et al., 2018). Moreover, another study said

that STH is a parasite that needs soil for growth to achieve its infective form (Budiman,

Friliansari & Mawartika, 2018). Therefore, STH can reside and duplicate in soil. Another

study revealed that lack of nail hygiene can cause parasitic infection twice compared to

a person who values nail hygiene. Nail-biting and inserting fingers into mouth can allow

the transmission of parasites (Pane, Nurmaini & Andayani, 2020)

And the last question was Question 5 has a mean of 1.41 and is interpreted as

Strongly agree. In a study, it said that hookworm, a parasite included in STH, can cause

high blood loss that can lead to iron storage depletion and iron deficiency anemia

(Parijam, Chidambaram & Mandal, 2017). According to the World Health Organization,

they have formulated a strategy to manage STH and schistosomiasis by encouraging

deworming as the cornerstone of control.

All of the given questions regarding soil-transmitted parasites have a weighted

mean between 1.00-1.74. Then, the average of the given weighted mean was 1.49,

therefore verbally interpreted as Strongly Agree.

Table 3. Difference of Parents’ Awareness between Food-borne and Soil-

transmitted Parasite Based on Selected Factors

Table 3.1 Difference of Awareness based on Age

Variables p- Decision
Age Mean Decision Interpretation
Tested value Rule
18-20 years old 1.77
Awareness 21-30 years old 1.87 There is no
Failed to
towards 0.059 significant
31-40 years old 2.01 Reject Ho
food-borne Reject Ho if difference
41-45 years old 1.90 the p-value
Awareness 18-20 years old 1.58 is less than
towards 21-30 years old 1.52 alpha (0.05) There is no
Failed to
soil- 0.370 significant
31-40 years old 1.47 Reject Ho
transmitted difference
parasites 41-45 years old 1.40

Table 3.1 shows the summary of the gathered data in the awareness of food-

borne and soil-transmitted parasites in terms of age. The p-value for the awareness

towards food-borne was 0.059. On the other hand, the awareness towards soil-

transmitted parasites has a p-value of 0.370. The p-values of each variable given was

able to be greater than alpha (0.05) which means that there is no significant difference

in the awareness of parents towards food-borne and soil-transmitted parasites. As a

result, the null hypothesis is accepted. This means that age does not affect the parents’

level of awareness in both food-borne and soil-transmitted parasites.

Table 3.2 Difference of Awareness based on Gender

Variables Gender Mean p-value Decision Decision Interpretation
Tested Rule

Awareness Female 1.92 0.309 Reject Ho Failed to There is no

towards food- if the p- Reject Ho significant
borne value is difference
less than
Male 1.86

Awareness Female 1.49 0.832 Failed to There is no

towards soil- Reject Ho significant
transmitted difference
Male 1.50

Table 3.2 summarizes the data collected regarding gender in which indicates the

p-value of the awareness regarding food-borne parasites gained a number of 0.309.

While the p-value for the awareness regarding soil-transmitted parasites was 0.832. The

variables were able to surpass the significance level of 0.05. From the scores

presented, the interpretation expresses that there is no significant difference in terms of

awareness towards food-borne and soil-transmitted parasites. As a result, the null

hypothesis was approved.

Table 3.3 Difference of Awareness based on Highest Educational Attainment

Variables Decision
Educational Mean p-value Decision Interpretation
Tested Rule
Primary 1.94
Secondary 1.85
Awareness Failed to There is no
towards food- 1.94 0.367 Reject significant
Undergraduate Reject Ho
borne Ho difference
College if the p-
Graduate value is
Primary 1.51 less than
Awareness Secondary 1.56 alpha
(0.05) Failed to There is no
towards soil- College
1.42 0.128 Reject significant
transmitted Undergraduate
Ho difference
parasites College

Table 3.3 shows the summary of the gathered data on the awareness of the

parents in food-borne and soil-transmitted parasites with regards to the highest

educational attainment. As the variables being tested, it shows that the awareness of

the respondents towards food-borne parasites has a p-value of 0.367 which indicates if

the p-value is less than 0.05 it will accept the null hypothesis. Thus, the decision made

failed to reject the null hypothesis. Moreover, in the awareness towards soil-transmitted

parasites, it has a p-value of 0.128 which indicates the null hypothesis is also accepted.

As a result, there is no significant difference between the awareness of food-borne

parasites and soil-transmitted parasites in highest educational attainment.

Table 3.4 Difference of Awareness based on Nature of Work

Variables Nature of work Mean p-value Decision Decision Interpretation

Tested Rule
Awareness Allied Health 1.76 Failed to There is no
towards food- 0.302 Reject Ho significant
borne Non-Allied Health 1.93 Reject Ho difference
if the p-
value is
Unemployed 1.86 less than
Awareness Allied Health 1.27 (0.05) Failed to There is no
towards soil- 0.190 Reject Ho significant
transmitted Non-Allied Health 1.49 difference
Unemployed 1.54

Table 3.4 shows the summary of the gathered data on the awareness of parents

in food-borne and soil-transmitted parasites, with regards to the nature of work. The p-

value for food-borne parasites was 0.302, higher than alpha. On the other hand, the p-

value of soil-transmitted parasites was 0.190, higher than alpha.

Therefore, the nature of work does not affect parents’ degree of awareness

towards food-borne and soil-transmitted parasites. Statistical treatment shows that the

hypothesis cannot be rejected with the given p-value for both food-borne and soil-

transmitted, for a value less than alpha or 0.05 is the value that can be considered as a

reject null hypothesis.



This chapter provides an overview of the report, presenting findings, conclusions,

and recommendations made by the researchers.


1. Profile of the Respondents

1.1 Respondent’s age

Based on the gathered data provided, there are 80 respondents with a

percentage of 34.78% that ranges between 18-23 years’ old which serves to be the

highest among all of the age ranges. On the other hand, only 40 respondents with a

percentage of 17.39% ages 24-29 years old and below were known to be the least

among the respondents.

1.2 Respondent’s gender

The data collected above indicates that 159 out of 230 respondents, with a

percentage of 69.13% are female which is considered to gain the most number. While

71 out of 230 respondents, with a percentage of 30.86% represented to be the least,

are males.
1.3 Respondent’s Highest Educational Attainment

Using the information obtained, out of 230 respondents, the highest number

which gained 100 with a percentage of 43.47% are the respondents who finished

college and the least which gained 8 with a percentage of 3.47% was in primary level.

1.4 Respondent’s Nature of Work

With the data provided in the tables above, non-allied health workers in Barangay

143 have the highest percentage, 50.86. While, the allied health respondent has the

lowest percentage with a value of 5.21.

2. Parents’ degree of awareness regarding Food-borne parasites and Soil-

transmitted parasites

The gathered data shows that most of the respondents disagreed that meat, fish,

and seafood are not carriers of parasites. However, data shows that the least of the

respondents answered Strongly Agree that food-borne parasites can lay thousands of

eggs in the body and could be prevented by deworming. As the results, the general

weighted mean was 1.91 and is verbally interpreted as all of the respondents were

agreeing in the questions given by the researchers regarding food-borne parasites.

The summary of the results regarding questions about soil-transmitted parasites

was obtained. In all five questions given, the result of the computed means was

interpreted as Strongly Agree. Moreover, the average of the means from the questions

was 1.49. This average was verbally interpreted as Strongly Agree.

3. The significant difference between food-borne and soil-transmitted parasites as
to demographic profile

3.1 Difference of Awareness based on Age

The parents’ level of awareness towards food-borne and soil-transmitted

parasites is considered to have no significance in terms of age due to the data

presented above. As a result, the null hypothesis is accepted.

3.2 Difference of Awareness based on Gender

From the scores presented, the interpretation expresses that there is no

significant difference in terms of the awareness towards food-borne and soil-transmitted

parasites. As a result, the null hypothesis is approved. This reveals that gender does

not have any effect on the awareness of parents towards food-borne and soil-

transmitted parasites.

3.3 Difference of Awareness based on Highest Educational Attainment

The data presented showed that the parent’s awareness in food-borne parasites

and in soil-transmitted parasites failed to reject the null hypothesis. As a result, there is

no significant difference between the awareness of food-borne and soil-transmitted

parasites in the highest educational attainment of the respondents.

3.4 Difference of Awareness based on Nature of Work

Based on the gathered data stated above, the nature of work is not significant in

determining the respondents’ level of awareness regarding food-borne and soil-

transmitted parasites. This reveals that the null hypothesis of this study is valid.

The following conclusions were made based on the gathered results:

1. The respondents of this study were parents regardless of their civil status

meaning they can be married or a single parent. The usual age identified was

between 21-30 years old. Majority of the respondents were female and finished

secondary education. And in terms of nature of work, most of them were non

allied workers.

2. The study shows that the general average based on Awareness to Food-borne

parasites was interpreted as Agree while, for the STH it was identified as

‘Strongly Agree’ based on the collected data. This reveals that parents have

enough awareness about food-borne, especially to soil-transmitted parasites.

3. All of the factors including age, gender, educational attainment, and nature of

work turned out to have no significant difference about the awareness in both

food-borne and soil transmitted parasites.


The researchers have drawn up several recommendations that will be beneficial

to the readers of this research. Based on the findings and consultation of the study, the

following recommendations are formulated:

For parents, food-borne and soil-transmitted parasites are most prevalent in

children, which is why it is significant to understand how they can be transmitted. As a

parent, it is recommended that a basic understanding of the parasites is needed as it

could be a big help to prevent acquiring it. Thus, whenever the barangay holds a

seminar on the subject, parents should attend to broaden their knowledge and apply it

in everyday situations.

To the community, to have an awareness in terms of the possible occurrence of

Food-borne and Soil-Transmitted parasites with the results that can provide information

when needed by circumstances.

To local and national governments, this study can be a guide by assessing the

level of awareness of parents in every municipality. It can help on how to approach and

determine what kind of help the community needs in terms of addressing parasitic


For future researchers, conducting further research regarding the specific

themes that emerged in this study such as considering a broad age range of the parents

can be a help. Also, specifying if the respondents were a single mother or single father

and, search thoroughly for the research locale. It may add to the significance of the
study. The survey questionnaire should state specific parasites under food-borne and

soil-transmitted parasites for the respondents to be well informed. Allied health and non-

allied health terms can be replaced with health-related and non-health related for a

simpler and better understanding on the part of respondents. In the highest educational

attainment, it is suggested to indicate more options such as elementary undergraduate

and High School undergraduate to have more specific information. Future researchers

may use this research as a guide in conducting a study.


This study aims to identify the respondents’ level of awareness regarding food-

borne and soil-transmitted parasites that include the selected factors such as age,

gender, educational attainment, and nature of work. The researchers tend to measure if

any possible factors can affect the awareness of the respondents. Parasitism is known

as an occurrence in which it includes the hosts or parasites in nature. Food-borne

parasites are acquired by eating food, one of the basic needs in life. Soil-transmitted

Helminths or STH are parasites commonly seen in contaminated soil. It affects many

individuals worldwide. These organisms are present in places with inadequate

cleanliness and located in humid and warm weather like the Philippines. This

quantitative research used survey questionnaires to obtain data. The researchers used

the Cochran Formula to determine the sample size. The respondents have a total of

230 and were all parents aged 18 to 45 years’ old who lived in Barangay 143 of Bagong

Barrio Caloocan City. The data is presented in tables and validated by some statistical

treatment. The findings stated that the respondent’s level of awareness towards food-

borne resulted as Agree. On the other hand, the level of awareness towards soil-

transmitted parasites concluded as Strongly Agree. The selected factors do not affect

the respondents’ awareness regarding the involved parasites.

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