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Dear Reader,

I’ve spent my entire life dedicated to fitness, health and the pursuit of optimal
performance. Recently, I realized two things: I’ve been formulating and selling
supplements to get people results when that’s only 10% of the equation, and
knowledge isn’t power until it’s shared. Whether it be developing supplements for
Purus Labs and over 100 other companies, competing in high-level athletics my
entire life, analyzing mounds of literature, coaching hundreds of kids and
athletes, or using my body as a human experiment, I am passionately addicted to
the pursuit of optimizing this amazing, often misunderstood vessel God gave us.
Not merely for vanity, but because this is a key to experiencing “quality of life.”
When you look your best, you feel your best; when you feel your best, you
perform your best. While we may not get that supermodel body, each of us can,
and have the ability, to look our personal best.

I want you to be here to experience and enjoy as much of this life as possible, to
mess up and have time to “fix it and flourish,” to be present and truly LIVE.

Coach B
Purus Labs CEO

Table of Contents

Section 1 - The Basics Behind Keto 5

Section 2 - The Difference Between the KetoFeed
Diet™ & The Ketogenic Diet 12
Section 3 - The Complete Keto Foods List 17
Section 4 - The KetoFeed Diet & Sample Menu 28
Section 5 - Q & A 31
Section 6 - Research Citations 38
There are essential amino acids.
There are essential fatty acids.
There are no essential carbohydrates.
Section 1
The Basics Behind Keto
What Is A Ketogenic Diet?
You know the stories where people survived not eating for weeks or even months at a

That’s because our bodies are designed to have 2 ways of getting energy.
Your body can burn glucose if you’re eating carbohydrates daily, or if it runs
out of carbohydrates and is low on glucose (e.g., if you eat a keto diet), then
your body will start burning your stored fat.

So, if you’re looking to lose weight (and lose fat in particular), then a ketogenic diet is

Your body will turn your excess body fat into ketones and will begin using ketones as its
main energy source. When your body starts burning more ketones, we call that being
in a state of ketosis. That’s why a ketogenic (or keto) diet is also sometimes called the
ketosis diet.

The basics of what you eat on a ketogenic diet are pretty simple:
• Eat a Moderate Amount of Protein
• Eat A Lot of Healthy Fats
• Very Little Carbohydrates or Sugar

In other words, you eat only low-‘glycemic’ foods. Low-glycemic foods are foods that
don't cause your blood sugar to rise very much.

When you eat this way, it forces your body to start relying on fat for energy, rather
than just sugar (glucose). We call this being "fat adapted."

When that happens, you gain ‘metabolic flexibility’, which is a complicated way of
saying that your body regains the ability to get energy from multiple sources.

As a result, you will feel increased energy, greater mental clarity, and weight loss.

Best of all, when you do decide to indulge in some carbohydrate treats, your body is
better equipped to process and manage the sugar with very little negative impact.

What Are The Benefits Of Following A Ketogenic Diet?
Although some choose to follow a ketogenic diet for specific medical concerns, (feel
free to talk to your doctor about this), most people use a keto diet for much more
common issues such as weight loss and diabetes control/reversal.

Here’s a brief list of the potential benefits of a keto diet:

• Decreased Hunger. (1, 2) Most diets rely on counting calories, restricting

portions, or maintaining willpower. Those tactics can be hard and not
sustainable because the KetoFeed® diet changes the way your body fuels
itself, the most common result is that your hunger decreases and you
automatically start eating less.
• Weight Loss. (3, 4) It’s not a magic solution, but weight loss happens more
quickly and easily on a keto based diet. This is particularly true because a keto
diet helps to decrease hunger. and also naturally retrains the body to rely on
stored body fat for fuel.
• Healthy Blood Sugar Levels. (5) If you have high blood sugar, are diabetic, or
are just generally tired after a meal, then dramatically reducing the amount of
sugar in your blood by removing most of the sugar from your diet is an
obvious and quick benefit.
• Reduced Risk of High Cholesterol and Triglycerides. (6) Many doctors
originally thought that a diet high in fat might increase cholesterol and
triglycerides. However, the opposite has turned out to be the case. Most
people see a significant drop in their LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides
when on a keto diet, although a small percentage of people do see the
opposite effect.
• Possible Other Benefits. (7) The research is not yet conclusive, but several
studies have observed other possible benefits of a keto diet, including
treatment of acne, PCOS, respiratory conditions, and others.

What Do You Eat On A Ketogenic Diet?
To simplify things, the section below contains a comprehensive food list you can utilize
to easily know what foods fall into the keto-friendly category and what foods don’t. The
basic principle behind following the KetoFeed® plan is to eat plenty of healthy fats, a
moderate amount of protein and a very small amount of carbohydrates.

So, do calories matter? Of course calories matter, but the type of calorie is most
important. What makes the KetoFeed® diet unique is that instead of relying on calorie
counting to experience results, this approach centers moreso around what you eat and
don't eat.

Eat when you're hungry. As long as you're following the KetoFeed Diet meal structure,
the time and frequency of your meals becomes unimportant. Listen to your body, it will
tell you when to eat. Just make sure and feed it properly when it's time.

The amount of food you should eat to experience weight loss will differ from person to
person. Your body fat percentage, genetics, as well as how much exercise you do all
make a difference. (see next section for detail)

Just remember that the bulk of your calories need to come from healthy, high-fat foods,
and very few of your calories should come from carbohydrates.

Embrace fresh, local vegetables! Due to their high water, fiber and micronutrient content,
most forms of vegetables are definitely recommended.

Suggested Macro-Nutrient Ratios On A Ketogenic Diet

• What is a macro-nutrient? Simply, the energy you get from food: fats, proteins
and carbohydrates.

Carbohydrate Amount For Ketosis
• It’s typically recommended you eat under 20-25 grams of net carbohydrates per
day. Each body is unique so amount can vary.
• Simply don't intentionally eat carbohydrates, and you’ll easily stay around this
amount as they're naturally occurring in nuts, vegetables, etc...
• FOCUS on ‘net carbs’, which is the total amount of carbs minus the fiber content.
Since most fiber doesn’t get digested and turned into sugar, you don’t need to
count fiber toward your net carbs count.

Protein Amount For Ketosis

• To calculate your minimum and maximum daily protein intake, you should multiply
your weight (measured in lbs) by 0.6 and 1.
• For example: let’s say you weigh 115 lbs, so your minimum protein intake per day
is 115 x 0.6 = 69 grams, and your maximum protein intake per day is 115 x 1 =
115 grams.
• Limit protein amounts to 30g or less per meal. This amount allows your body to
process and utilize all the amino acids from the meals throughout the day and has
been shown to maximize the thermic effect of food (TEF). Simply put, this means
that your body burns 30% of the calories from protein just to digest this macro-
• You can certainly consume less than 30g protein per meal so long as you get your
requirements daily.

Dietary Fat Amount For Ketosis
• After limiting carbohydrates and eating a moderate amount of protein, the rest of
what you eat should be healthy fats like ghee, grass fed butter, coconut oil, olive
oil, avocado oil, raw 100% cacao and animal fats.
• Your daily intake of dietary fats can be north of 70%.
• A good portion of your fat will come from your protein selections as well. Bacon,
steak, salmon, etc are good sources of both, but be careful as it’s easy to over-
consume protein.

The KetoFeed Diet™ allows for the enjoyment of a wide variety of healthy, nutrient-
dense foods. You'll find that weight loss comes much easier, bordom is kept at bay and
your overall health (not just weight) will improve by eating a wide variety of foods
within the Keto-freindly lists that follow. Keto isn't just eating copious amounts of

*See Section 2 for our notes on Ketosis.

+ See Page 38 for a guide on how to calculate YOUR individualized macronutrient requirements.

Section 2
The KetoFeed Diet™ shows you how to discover and optimize your body’s “set-point”,
causing genetic change and enhancing your quality of life. This is a way of eating for
life, a comprehensive lifestyle change as opposed to a diet that is typically done for a
pre-set time-frame and ceases when results are attained,or often not attained.With
the KetoFeed Diet™, there is no time frame, and there is no hurry. You know quick-
fixes are just that, so you must realize it takes time to undo what you spent a lifetime
doing. Instead, flourish each dayand relish in the fact that you are changing from the
inside out and you’re on your way to a leaner, healthier and happier life.

Ketosis is Not Necessary

The KetoFeed Diet™ follows ketogenic eating principles for the most part, but it isn’t
focused on actual ketosis per say. Massive benefits come from simply following a very-
low-carb eating style without stripping the bottom out and getting into actual ketosis.
Additionally, it opens up more delicious food options which prevents palette-fatigue
(otherwise known as burnout) and ensures The KetoFeed Diet™ becomes a lifestyle, not
just a diet.

The KetoFeed Diet™ allows for a moderate amount of select carbohydrates but focuses
on not intentionally eating them. What this means is, do not include carbohydrates within
your meals as you plan them/cook them. They will automatically be there as they exist
naturally within many healthy protein and fat foods The KetoFeed Diet™ allows that a
traditional ketogenic diet restricts.

There’s no peeing on sticks or pricking fingers as we’re not ultimately concerned with
our level of blood ketones likedie-hard ketonians are. Rather, the The KetoFeed
Diet™ lifestyle simply focuses onconsuming healthy fats, farm-raised proteins, organic
vegetables and, again, not intentionally eating carbohydrates.

Once deeper into The KetoFeed Diet™ with an established eating (and workout)
pattern, you may want to kick it up a notch and restrict carbs even more to nudge
your body into ketosis. Beyond sheer weight loss, there are many amazing anti-aging,
disease prevention and mental benefits of being in ketosis. It’s better to crawl before
you walk, though.

No Calorie Counting

When you eat wholesome, unmodified, nutrient-dense foods the way our bodies
were intended to, there is no need to count calories. Your body will naturally regulate
itself, believe it or not. We call this your “individual set-point theory,” or the weight
your metabolic machinery strives to maintain no matter how many, or few, calories
you feed it. Including generous portions of fresh, organic vegetables with your farm-
raised proteins and natural fats is one way to ensure you’re always full and never eat
too much.

Example: 1lb of broccoli is only 150 calories, and realisticallymost of us could not
physically stomach 1lb of broccoli. In comparison, 1lb of potato chips is 2500
calories, and most of us could definitely get that knocked out during “Netflix and chill”
The natural fiber and water content of vegetables fills your body up whereas
the processed barely-potatoes leave you bloated and groggy yet craving even

(*for more on set-point theory, see The Calorie Myth by Jonathon Sailor)

A Little Extra Protein is OK

Getting hung up on counting macros (macronutrients= protein, fat & carbs) is just as
bad as counting calories; it’s maddening and often feels like an extra job. This is where
many people fail with the ketogenic diet and other diets as well.

Rather than walk around trying to come up with combinations that somehow fit the
prescribed ketogenic ratio of 85% Fat & 15% Protein, simply eat your fats and
proteins with plenty of vegetables and LET IT BE!

If you find yourself overindulged in protein at a particular meal, then simply cut it back
and include more fats and vegetables at your next meal.

Your body doesn’t look at each meal you eat under a macro-microscope, rather, it
looks at your daily energy demands and makes sure it meets this for you. In fact, we
personally found that a higher protein intake does not hinder your fat loss but instead,
it actually helps you keep and build muscle, ultimately increasing fat loss.

This is exactly why we created KetoFeed® with 20g of the finest quality whey protein
isolate, zero sugar and 10g of ketone-producing MCT (Medium Chain Triglyceride)

Diets love to stress over small details, but this is a lifestyle, not a diet. We don’t know about
you, but we all love to eat. Rather than make eating this super complicated math equation
each time you sit down, just focus on eating the right foods (vegetables, protein, and fats,
NO carbs) and don’t stress over if the foods have to many grams of protein.

Alcohol is OK…In Moderation

Absolute Diets Lead To Absolute Failure!

Conventional “diets” will tell you that alcohol is empty calories, and therefore, strictly

The The KetoFeed Diet™ does not advocate alcohol consumption, but allows for it. If
you enjoy drinking alcohol in moderation, like many people, then why should you
have to avoid it? Face it, many of us need a drink or two to loosen up in social
settings or to take the edge off the stresses of our daily lives. So rather than walk
around beating ourselves up about having a few glasses of wine last night, identify
this from the onset and “budget” for it within your new lifestyle. Maybe trim your
consumption in half, or only allow it on the weekend-nights.

Either way, there’s plenty of weight to be lost before you have to worry about
striking a few hundred calories of alcohol.

Certain Artificial Aweeteners Are OK

Here again, the The KetoFeed Diet™ doesn’t advocate artificial anything, but we realize
life is boring without sweets! Rather than diets that swear off all artificial sweeteners
but allow fruit and other forms of natural sugar, the The KetoFeed Diet™ swears off
sugar and allows for moderate artificial sweeteners.

The majority of us grew up eating a typical Western diet full of inflammatory and
insulin-producing carbohydrates tainted with GMOs. Switching to a high-fat diet will
keep you satisfied and less hungry daily, but periodically you may crave the taste and
texture of traditional foods like bread, cookies, etc…

Learning how to clean up the ingredient deck of your favorite dessert is key to staying
lean and happy. This means you must replace the insulin-spiking sugar and the man-
made trans fats, and to make it easy, we’ve already done this for you in our
KetoFeed® Cookbook.

Our favorite sugar-substitutes are erythritol and sucralose, and we certainly

encourage the use of all-natural stevia or monk fruit if your taste buds agree. The
KetoFeed® Diet has proven through thousands of pounds of body fat lost that
satisfying your sweet-tooth a few times a week STRONGLY OUTWEIGHS the never
ending consequences of sugar and won’t de-rail your progress!

If You Stray, Intermittent Fast the Following Day

We hate the word “cheat” because it reeks of negativity and places blame on the
individual. Instead, when we decide to indulge ourselves in something we’ve been
craving, it should be viewed as a reward so celebrate it!

Yes, celebrate the fact that your lifestyle of eating healthy and working out
consistently allows you to enjoy moments like these.

But when you do indulge, save it for the evening or else it has the tendency to become
an all-day event. This will keep your calorie consumption down, allow you to go to bed
with a full belly and provides a finite end to the “REWARD.”

*Consequently, you’ll also find the next day to be your strongest in the gym, so always position a weight
workout the following day when possible.

The KetoFeed Diet™ uses the power of Intermittent Fasting not just for the day after
a “reward,” but primarily as a cornerstone to accelerating results. It can be practiced
daily, weekly or just whenever.

Intermittent Fasting is simply restricting your food intake to either an 8 or 12 hour
window daily. There’s no “metabolic magic” that happens when you fast for this short
of time, or in the hours you choose for that matter. But when you intermittent fast
daily, it greatly accelerates weight loss, because not only does it teach you to be in
control over your mind and body, it gives you automatic calorie restriction.

Think about it. Eating only during the hours of 8am-8pm, or 12pm-8pm if you can
swing it, you’re essentially eating only 1/2 or 1/3 of the day, week, month, and year!
Reframing your mealtimes to fit into one of these windows will require extra attention
to proper diet and nutrition when it is mealtime.
This is why following the KetoFeed Diet™ and supplementing with Purus Labs
KetoFeed® are mission-critical to overall success.

I want to mention that while 12-16 hour fasts are a great practice for weight loss and
general health, 18-24 hour fasting substantially digs into your bodyfat stores. And it’s
not so long of a fast that you start to sacrifice hard-earned muscle. As a matter of
fact, Intermittent Fasting increases Growth Hormone which burns fat and protects

Add a full 24-hour fast at least once per month. If you have quite a bit of fat to lose,
or you’re just in a hurry to get it off, then add in a full 24-fast every Monday to
accelerate your results on the KetoFeed Diet™.

Another exciting and unique benefit of fasting is what it does for loose skin resulting
from significant fat loss. Fasting revs up a unique process called autophagy (ah-tof-a-
gee), which literally means to “self-eat.” It is actually an orderly process by which your
body clears out old damaged cells, like the proteins that make up loose skin, and
either repairs their cellular machinery or completely replaces the cell. Many life-
extensionists believe it is the key to anti-aging as well!

So, lose fat, keep my muscle, avoid loose skin and live longer? WE'RE IN!

Start Your Day Off With KetoFeed® Coffee

If you’re like the majority of us, getting yourself and kids ready on time for the day can
be tough. And if you’re like the majority of us, enjoying coffee every morning (or
morning and afternoon if you’re me) is a MUST!

KetoFeed® not only allows you to ditch the traditional creamer and sugar, it provides
20 grams of lab tested and verified whey protein isolate and 10 grams of medium
chain triglycerides (MCTs) to start your morning off with precise muscle and mental

Simply blend one of the delicious KetoFeed® flavors into your normal cold brew
coffee to make a superior sugar-free vanilla-caramel latte or mocha frappuccino and
watch the pounds fall off.

*You can also add KetoFeed® to hot coffee! Just mix with 2 oz of water or unsweetened almond milk first
to dissolve, and then pour it into your hot cup of joe!

Section 3
The Complete Keto Foods List
Below is a full list of foods to eat on the KetoFeed Diet™.

To make it easier for you, the keto-friendly foods list is arranged into the following 14

Supplements Vegetables Fermented Vegetables Fruits

Meats Cured & Premade Meats Organ Meats Fish & Seafood

Fats Nuts & Seeds Herbs & Spices Dairy

Beverages Other
(Miscellaneous Foods)

KetoFeed ® Vegetables should be a big part of your
Supplementing with diet; the more the merrier. Try to stick
KetoFeed® will provide to green leafy vegetables and avoid root
a huge advantage in vegetables to keep your daily carbohydrate
establishing and maintaining intake low.
the keto lifestyle. The • Lettuce
• Arugula (Rocket)
formula contains 0g of • Mushrooms (all
• Artichokes
carbs and is loaded with 20g of protein • Asparagus kinds)
per serving along with 10g of unique • Bell Peppers • Mustard Greens
• Bok Choy • Okra
dietary fat called MCTs- the perfect ratio • Onions
• Broccoli
for your low-carb meal replacement • Parsley
• Brussels Sprouts
needs. • Butterhead Lettuce • Peas
• Cabbage • Peppers (all
• Carrots kinds)
If you’re looking for delicious ideas for • Pumpkin
• Cauliflower
meal replacements or keto-friendly treats, • Radicchio
• Celery
be sure to check out the KetoFeed® • Chicory Greens • Radishes
Cookbook • Chives • Rhubarb
• Cucumber • Romaine Lettuce
• Dandelion Greens • Scallion
• Eggplant (Aubergine) • Shallots
• Endives • Seaweed (all sea
• Fennel vegetables)
• Garlic • Shallots
• Green Beans • Spaghetti Squash
• Jicama • Spinach
• Kale • Swiss Chard
• Kohlrabi • Tomatoes
• Leeks • Turnip Greens
• Leafy Greens (Various) • Watercress
• Zucchini

All cuts of the animal meat are good to
• Kimchi consume.
• Sauerkraut *If your goal is ketosis, you will want to be careful with
how much you eat, but as we mentioned before, we feel
that added protein is important for maintaining muscle.

• Alligator
• Bear
• Beef
• Bison
FRUITS • Chicken
Generally, fruits are off limits on a • Deer
ketogenic diet. However, some small • Duck
amounts of berries and pitted fruits are • Elk
ok– just be mindful of your portions, and • Goat
make the most out of them by eating • Goose
before or after a workout! • Kangaroo
• Lamb
• Moose
• Avocado
• Pheasant
• Blackberry • Pork
• Blueberry • Quail
• Cranberry • Rabbit
• Lemon • Reindeer[x]
• Lime • Sheep
• Olive • Snake
• Raspberry • Turkey
• Apricot • Veal
• Wild Boar
• Wild Turkey

(check ingredients for sugar)
Fish is highly nutritious, but buy wild-
• Sausages (Great for on the road) caught fish whenever possible. Apart from
• Deli Meat organ meats, shellfish is the most nutrient-
• Hot Dogs dense food you can eat. Often expensive,
• Pepperoni but worth it.
• Salami
• Bacon • Abalone • Salmon
• Anchovies • Sardines
• Bass • Scallops
• Caviar • Shrimp
• Clams • Squid
• Cod • Talapia
ORGAN MEATS • Crab • Tuna (including
• Eel Albacore)
In the United States, organ meats have • Flounder • Sole
fallen out of favor. But there is no other • Haddock • Grouper
category of food that is as nutritious. • Halibut • Turbot
Organ meats are also fattier than other • Herring • Trout
meats, which works well on a keto diet. • Lobster
Eat any of the following organ meats from • Mackerel
pretty much any animal. • Mahi Mahi
• Mussels
• Bone Marrow • Orange Roughy
• Heart • Oysters
• Kidney • Perch
• Liver • Red Snapper
• Tongue • Rockfish
• Tripe

Fats play a huge part in a keto fueled diet Don’t go wild on nuts and seeds,
(they make up the majority of your calorie especially nut butters. They’re easy to
intake), so make sure you’re taking in overeat and will also add to your
plenty of healthy, unrefined fats. carbohydrate intake, so watch out. Lastly,
note that peanut is a legume, not a nut,
• Avocado Oil and is not recommended.
• Cocoa Butter
• Coconut • Almonds
• Duck Fat • Hazelnuts
• Ghee • Macadamia Nuts
• Lard (non-hydrogenated) • Pecans
• Macadamia Oil • Pine Nuts
• MCT Oil • Pistachios
• Olive Oil • Pumpkin Seeds
• Palm Shortening • Psyllium Seeds
• Red Palm Oil • Sesame Seeds
• Sesame Oil • Sunflower Seeds
• Tallow • Walnuts
• Walnut Oil • Cashews
• Chia Seeds
• Various Nut Butters
• Hemp Seeds

Experiment with these herbs and spices Not everyone can tolerate dairy. With the
as they’ll make your food really delicious! exception of ghee, you should keep your
Make sure the check the ingredients of any dairy intake at a minimum to reduce
herb or spice blends to avoid added sugar inflammation. Many people consider
or MSG. full-fat cheese, yogurt, and cream to be
ketogenic. While these foods may be great
• Sea Salt sources of fat and protein, they do contain
• Black Pepper lactose sugar - which if eaten in
• White Pepper
abundance, can hinder fat loss. So if you
• Basil
• Italian Seasoning choose to incorporate cheese, just be sure
• Chili Powder to keep your portions in check and opt for
• Cayenne Pepper AGED cheese as they have less sugar.
• Curry Powder
• Garam Masala
• Cumin
• Grass fed butter (in small amounts)
• Oregano
• Thyme
• Rosemary
• Sage
• Turmeric
• Parsley
• Cilantro/Coriander
• Cinnamon
• Nutmeg
• Cloves
• Allspice
• Ginger
• Cardamom
• Paprika
• Dill


Almond Milk
Broth (chicken, beef, vegetable, bone)

These foods fall neatly into other

• Cashew Milk
categories. Although there are a few listed
• Club Soda
below, it’s good practice to consume ‘keto’
• Coconut Milk
processed foods in moderation only. This
• Unsweetened Coffee
includes ‘keto’ sauces, condiments, nut
• Herbal Teas
flours, and other ‘keto’ foods that attempt
• Lemon and Lime Juice (small amounts)
to replace traditionally non-keto foods.
• Seltzer Water
• Sparkling Mineral Water
• Unsweetened Tea • Mayonnaise (made • Mustard
• Water with good oils – see • Hot Sauce (check
list of fats) ingredients)
• Coconut Butter • Vanilla Extract
• Pork Rinds • Coconut Flour
• Beef Jerky • Gluten-Free
• Pickles Tamari Sauce
• Cod Liver Oil (Fish • Coconut Aminos
Oil) • Gelatin (as powder
• Cacao Nibs or from bone broth)
• Organic Cacao • 100% Dark
Powder (99%) Chocolate
• Vinegars (but check • Stevia/Truvia
the ingredients – • Monk Fruit
many have added • Almond Flour/
sugar or wheat) Meal
• Eggs (of any animal)
• Shredded Coconut

Grains are all high in carbohydrates and
WHILE FOLLOWING A should be avoided completely. Gluten, a

KETOFEED DIET™ protein found within grains, is a leading

cause of inflammation within the body.
Gluten’s pro-inflammatory nature has
Knowing what NOT to eat on a keto diet not only been shown to impact intestinal
is as important as knowing what to eat. absorption, but it has also been shown
So this keto diet food list wouldn’t be to damage other organs that aid in the
complete without a list of non-keto foods. digestive process. The stomach, liver,
gallbladder, and pancreas all aid in the
proper break down of nutrients from the
food we eat. Gluten induced damage to
these tissues can create both vitamin and
mineral deficiencies. The loss of nutrient
absorption and uptake contributes to
SUGAR countless problems - even if you aren’t
diagnosed as gluten intolerant. For
Added sugar of every type is completely
that reason, it’s recommended to try to
off limits. Here are some of the many
eliminate your gluten intake.
forms of sugar:

• White Sugar • Maple Syrup • Wheat

• Fructose • Maltose • White Flour
• Corn Syrup • Agave • Quinoa
• Dextrose • Coconut Sugar • Rye
• Maltodextrin • Brown Sugar
• Honey • Lactose
• Glucose

• Couscous Processed foods are pretty much anything
• Most flours you can buy in a box or in a bag. It’s a
• Rice ‘catch-all’ term, but if it comes in box or
• Wheat Flour bag, then it’s probably not keto-friendly
• Oats and is off-limits.
• Barley
• Bread • Cookies
• Cornmeal
• Potato Chips • Baked Goods
• Corn
• Ice Cream • Snack Bars
• Rice Flour
• Waffles • Cereal
• Millet
• Candy • Most Sauces
• Bran
• Crackers
• Buckwheat
• Tortilla Chips
• Pretzels
• Pancakes
• Most
(Ketchup, BBQ
Sauce, Dressing,

Fruit can be healthy in an abstract
sense, but when you’re trying to lose • Sodas
fat, most fruits are not friendly. • Sports Drinks (unless they are zero
• Canned Fruit • Juices
• Apples • All Alcohol *See previous notes and
• Oranges Q&A on this topic
• Pears • Milk
• Peaches • Sweetened Tea
• Pomegranate
• Nectarines
• Grapes
• Watermelon
• Cantaloupe
• Kiwi
• Date
• Bananas
• Cherries
• Mangos
• Apricot
• Papaya
• Fig

FOODS TO MODERATE Note: Artificial sweeteners won’t necessarily
throw you out of ketosis; therefore, many
• Sugar Alcohols and Artificial people consider them ‘ok.’ However, artificial
Sweeteners (erythritol, sorbitol,
sweeteners can adversely affect your gut
sucralose, etc.)
bacteria and can also stop you from getting
• "Low carb foods" as they often contain
gluten and can cause inflamation. over sugar cravings. They also have a slight
• Diet sodas insulinogenic effect. For this reason, your rule
• Packaged food items need limited to of thumb should be to just keep your portions
on-the-go type situations. of recipes that include artificial sweeteners in
check. You can enjoy KetoFeed® brownies or
any recipe from the KetoFeed® Cookbook on
a daily basis if you want to, as long as you’re
being mindful of the suggested serving size.

Section 4
The KetoFeed Diet™ & Sample Menu
The KetoFeed Diet™ is a lifestyle habit of eating that optimizes fat loss and
improves general health.

• High Fat – 70%-80% of total calories come from fat.

• Moderate Protein – 20%-30% of total calories come from protein.
• Low Carbohydrate – 5% or less of total calories come from carbohydrates.

Eating in accordance with these macronutrient ratios will deplete your body of
glucose and force it to start producing ketones from your body fat. Your body will
then use these ketones for energy.

Many people find that adopting the KetoFeed Diet™ is simple, and most see results
fairly quickly. In addition, following the KetoFeed Diet™ is safe for the entire family -
which means you don’t need to prepare separate meals as most traditional diets entail.

However, there are a few things to remember that can help make sure you get the
most out of your KetoFeed Diet™.

• Talk to your doctor before you get started. This is essential before making any
changes to your daily diet! This guide serves as a nutritional template platform
to share the research backed benefits of a ketogenic lifestyle and is not intended
to treat or cure any medical ailments. Therefore it’s good practice to consult your
healthcare provider before starting a new diet.
• Know your macronutrient needs. Before you begin, if you feel like you
need more of a "map," calculate your daily macro nutrient needs

to ensure that you are consuming the appropriate amount of food for your goals
and for complimenting your daily activity level. Knowing your daily
macronutrient needs will also help to determine the portion sizes for each meal,
which will help you to keep a simplified approach as you work toward meeting
your goals.
• Drink plenty of water. When you eat fewer carbs, your body retains less water.
That’s normal, but if you’re not drinking enough, you can get dehydrated. Also,
water will help you feel less hungry and more energetic.
• Drink coffee. Anytime you are hungry, you can curb your appetite by enjoying
a cup of coffee. It’s a great way to increase your energy and focus while also
keeping food cravings at bay.
• Get plenty of sodium. This might sound counter-intuitive to what you’ve been
told before, but your body really needs sodium. It’s one of the ways that your
cells transport nutrients in and out of cells. When you stop eating processed
grains and sugar, you often get much less sodium. So when you go keto, just be
sure that you’re eating salt or sodium-rich foods. If not, you will often experience
• Simplify your keto diet with KetoFeed®. Using KetoFeed® as your go-to meal
replacement powder not only makes for incredibly tasty, satisfying meals but it
also packs the perfect macronutrient ratio to help you reach ketosis. The sample
menu below contains a variety of mouth watering KetoFeed® recipes that you can
enjoy as part of your keto eating plan.
• Use the 7-day template as your diet guide. The template below serves as a
guideline for what types of meals you can eat over the course of your week to
fulfill your keto fuel diet. You may substitute any of the meals with keto-friendly
foods from section two of this guide OR swap any meal out for a KetoFeed®
recipe found in the Keto Feed Cookbook.
• Time your meals to best fit your schedule. If eating 3 square meals over the
course of your day with an extra snack or dessert thrown in fits your schedule,
then you can follow this pattern as the sample plan shows. If you tend to
be busier during the day and don’t have time to take food breaks, you can

implement the KetoFeed Diet™ into an intermittent fasting (IF) plan instead.
Refer to page 14 for more on intermittent fasting.

If you are opting to try the intermittent fasting approach, be sure to stay hydrated while you fast
by drinking plenty of water - coffee and tea are approved during your fast.


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Breakfast Eggs, Cinnamon Blueberry Keto eed Creamy Double KetoFeed
bacon Roll Keto breakfast Cakes Keto Feed Chocolate Green
& sliced Feed Keto Feed Frappuccino Keto Feed Smoothie
tomato Waffles muffins Donuts
Lunch Chicken Shrimp Handful Pumpkin Ham & Prawn Jerky & a
Salad with salad with of nuts & Spice cheese with salad with handful of
olive oil avocado celery with Keto Feed a handful of avocado & nuts
& feta and olive guacamole Bombs nuts olive oil
cheese oil
Dinner Salmon Steak, Hamburger White fish Pork Chicken Steak
with mushroom patty with & spinach chops with over skewers
asparagus and mixed bacon, cooked in broccoli & zucchini with mixed
cooked in vegetable salsa & coconut oil parmesan noodles vegetables
butter stir fry guacamole cheese with
coconut oil
Dessert Caramel Samoa Keto Feed White 3-ingredient Keto Feed Sea salt
apple pie Keto cookie Chocolate Keto Feed carmelita & almond
Keto Feed Feed hot dough Keto Feed ice cream squares Keto Feed
smoothie chocolate energy patties clusters

You can find the recipes mentioned above in our KetoFeed® Cookbook!

Section 5
Q ) What is ketosis?
A ) Ketosis is a metabolic state in which most of the body’s energy supply comes from
ketone bodies in the blood, in contrast to a state of glycolysis in which blood glucose
(sugar provides most of the energy.
With the abundance of high carbohydrate foods available in modern times, virtually all
human beings that don’t make a concerted effort to restrict carbs are always in a state
of glycolysis. Naturally, this was not the case for our ancestors who lived in a primarily
ketogenic state.

Q ) What are ketones?

A ) Ketones are the fuel source your body is running on when it’s in a state of ketosis.
They are sourced from body fat and are produced in the liver when glycogen is
depleted. Ketones are characterized as a slower burning fuel source when compared to

Q ) How long does it take to get into ketosis?

A ) A ketogenic diet is not a diet that you can willfully choose to go on and off of at any
point. It takes time for your body to adjust and go into a state known as ketosis. This
process can take anywhere from 2 – 7 days, depending on your body type, activity
levels, and what you’re eating. The fastest way to get into ketosis is to restrict your
carbohydrate intake to 25g or less per day, and to also perform light exercise on an
empty stomach. It’s important to be vigilant with your water intake as well since staying
hydrated is essential for creating these metabolic shifts within your body.

Q ) How do you know when your body is in ketosis?
A ) It’s possible to measure it by testing urine, blood or breath samples. But there are
also telltale symptoms, that require no testing:

• Dry mouth and increased thirst. Unless you drink enough and get enough
electrolytes, like salt, you may feel a dry mouth. Try a cup of bouillon or two
daily, plus as much water as you need.
• Increased urination – another ketone body, acetoacetate, can end up in the
urine. This makes it possible to test for ketosis using urine strips. It also – at
least when starting out – can result in having to go to the bathroom more
often. This is the main cause of the increased thirst.
• Keto breath – this is due to a ketone body called acetone escaping via our
breath. It can make a person’s breath smell “fruity”, or similar to nail polish
• Reduced hunger – many people experience a marked reduction in hunger.
This may possibly be caused by an increased ability of the body to be fueled
by its fat stores. Many people feel great while eating just once or twice a
day, thus they automatically end up doing a form of intermittent fasting.
This saves both time and money, while also speeding up weight loss.
• Increased energy – perhaps after a few days of feeling tired (the “keto flu“)
many people experience a clear increase in energy levels. This can also be
experienced as clear thinking, a lack of “brain fog” or even as a sense of

Q ) How does being “keto” help with fat loss, exactly?

A ) This is where the magic happens. Eating a high carb diet means you’re always
producing insulin to transport the glucose around your body. The fat can just sit around
and watch because insulin is doing all the work. The fat is eventually stored, which leads
to weight gain.

In a state of ketosis your body will begin breaking down fat in the liver and converting it
to ketones, which it will then use for energy. A byproduct of this is that insulin levels will
remain stable, making it much harder to store excess fat. Not only will this allow you to
maintain your weight, but it will greatly encourage weight loss.

Q ) How much weight will I lose on a keto diet?

A ) The amount of weight you lose is totally dependent on you. Obviously adding
exercise to your regimen will speed up your weight loss. Cutting out foods that
commonly cause a diet to stall is also a good idea. Artificial sweeteners, dairy, wheat
products and by products (wheat gluten, wheat flours, and anything with an identifiable
wheat product in it). Losing water weight loss is common when you first start a low carb
diet as ketosis has a diuretic effect. This can cause many pounds of weight loss in only a
few days. While this counts as weight lost, this weight isn’t fat. However, on a positive
note, the water weight loss shows that your body is starting to adjust itself into a fat
burning machine.

Q ) Can I drink alcohol on a keto diet?

A ) Alcohol can be consumed while on keto, but you must be wary as those hidden
carbohydrates can creep in again. Wine, beer, and cocktails all contain carbohydrates, so
clear liquor is your best bet. Make sure you are steering clear of flavored liquors, as they
can contain hidden carbohydrates as well. It’s also beneficial to know that your tolerance
for alcohol will be different after a week or two of being in ketosis. It will take much less
alcohol to elicit a “buzz” effect from drinking.

Q ) Does going keto really just mean you’re going on a low-carb diet?
A ) Yes and no. Keto diets usually require a very low carbohydrate intake, however,
as you have read, that is not the only key factor. On a keto diet, carbs are going to
make up less than 5% of your caloric intake. When getting started less than 20g
daily is recommended. The previously mentioned macronutrient ratios are of utmost

importance. It is just as crucial to keep your fats high as it it is to keep your carbs low
and your protein moderate.

Q ) What are “net carbs”?

A ) Net Carbs = Total Carbs - Fiber. Net carbs are used because dietary fiber does not
have a significant metabolic effect. We are trying to get as accurate of a picture as
possible when tracking macros, therefore net carbs are what makes the most sense.

Q ) What does eating 20g of net carbs look like?

A ) Your daily 20g of net carbs should ideally come from vegetables, specifically a couple
of servings of leafy green veggies as well as 1-2 servings of cruciferous veggies like
broccoli or cauliflower. You’ll also be picking up trace carbs throughout the day in things
like dairy and seasonings. Trace carbs are items that are very low carb (often even listed
as 0 carb on the nutrition label) but add up to a couple of carbs per day when tallied
up. The remaining daily carbs might come from a handful of nuts or a new KetoFeed®
dessert recipe you wanted to try.

Q ) Just how “high fat” should my keto diet be?

A ) For most people this figure should be north of 70% of daily calories. A good
approach is to start by keeping carbs low, often under 20g per day. Next you want to
make sure you’re hitting your protein goal. Once those 2 are covered you can fill in
everything else with fat. The approach we like to recommend is to eat fat until you’re
full, once the other 2 macros are met. At first you may be overeating calories, but over
time the low carb, high fat way of eating will auto correct that as your body adjusts to its

Q ) How can I get that much fat in a day?
A ) It can definitely be a tough task at first, but it gets easier over time. Here are some
quick and easy ways to up your fat:
• Buy Fattier Cuts of Meat – Simple right? Switch from chicken breast to thighs/
wings/legs. Go for the 80/20 ground beef instead of the 99% lean. Bacon is
your friend. Your crispy, delicious friend.
• Add Fat to Veggies – Don’t like broccoli? Try drenching it in butter or cheese!
Seriously, start viewing veggies as sponges for all the delicious fats you’ll be
eating on the regular. You could try low-carb homemade dressing recipes too!
• KetoFeed® Recipes – The KetoFeed® Cookbook is loaded with keto friendly
recipes such as meal replacement bars, breakfast options and guilt-free
desserts that pack in a lot of fat and very little protein or carbs. These are a
great way to up your fat intake if you’re struggling.

Q ) Are there any side effects to following a keto diet?
A ) Based on research reports, here are the commonly experienced side effects from
following a keto diet:

• The ‘keto flu’. Within the first 2-4 days of beginning a keto diet, a common
side effect is known as the “ketosis flu” or “induction flu” because it mimics the
symptoms of an actual flu. This means you might experience:
• Headaches
• Tiredness or lack of motivation
• Lethargy
• Brain fog or confusion
• Irritability

Although these symptoms typically go away completely within a few days, they
are also completely avoidable if you stay very hydrated and increase your salt
intake (seeing a pattern here?). And like always, be sure you’re eating enough fat.
• Frequent urination. As your body burns through the stored glucose in your liver
and muscles within the first day or two of starting a ketogenic diet, you’ll be
releasing a lot of water in the process. Plus, your kidneys will start excreting excess
sodium as the levels of your circulating insulin drop. Basically, you might notice
yourself needing to pee more often throughout the day. But no worries; this
side effect of ketosis takes care of itself once your body adjusts and is no longer
burning through the extra glycogen
• Low blood sugar. Also known as hypoglycemia, low blood sugar is another
common ketosis side effect when beginning a ketogenic diet, especially for
people who were used to eating higher amounts of carbs each day. When your
body is used to intaking more carbs, it becomes accustomed to putting a certain
amount of insulin out to handle the sugar. So, when the amount of sugar intake is
drastically reduced on a keto diet, it’s possible to experience short-term episodes
of low blood sugar that can make you feel temporarily tired, hungry, or shaky until
your body adjusts.
• Constipation. As your digestive system adapts, you might initially experience

some constipation when new to the keto diet. This is often caused by dehydration
as you release more fluids. Remedy constipation by making sure your intake
of fiber is high, eating tons of non-starchy vegetables, getting enough salt, and
drinking tons of water each day to moisten the contents of the colon. If that
doesn’t help completely, try cutting back on your nut and dairy consumption.
You might also consider taking 400 mg of magnesium citrate. If you experience
loose stool, this could be a result from a lack of fiber. This can be alleviated by
consuming a daily serving of Psyllium Husk until symptoms subside.

Q ) How can I avoid side effects?

A ) As you probably noticed, most of the common ketosis side effects can be helped or
eliminated by drinking more water, increasing your salt intake and making sure you’re
eating enough fat. If you do still struggle with symptoms, though, a last resort would be
to slightly increase the amount of carbohydrates you’re eating to alleviate symptoms.
The downside to this is that it will make your low-carb diet effective less quickly,
but sometimes that’s necessary to continue it over the long-term. If you are going to
consume more carbohydrates it would be in your best interest to consume them before
your workout so that your body can make use of the extra energy. Overall, just do your
best to continue following the keto guidelines while also listening to your body. If side
effects persist, seek out your healthcare provider to determine if the keto diet is right
for you.

How Can I Determine My Macro-Nutrient Guidelines For
The KetoFeed® Diet?
Although it’s not totally necessary, I find it helpful to establish a reference point for how
many calories you should eat daily. It can help guide you on how much fat and protein
you should be eating each day to make sure and cover your bases. From there, you are
able to further break that down into meals. No matter what formula is used, all calorie-
formulas are an estimation so use them to get started, then refine based on your results.


(AKA: Resting Energy Expenditure + Physical Activity Level = Total Daily Energy Expenditure)

To calculate your estimated daily calorie requirements, complete the following steps:

(Resting Energy Expenditure)
This is the amount of calories your body burns at rest.

• For males:
10 x weight (kg) + [6.25 x height (cm)] – [5 x age (y)] + 5 = REE

• For females:
10 x weight (kg) + [6.25 x height (cm)] – [5 x age (y)] – 161 = REE

*1 pound = 0.45359237 kilograms

*1 inch = 2.54 centimeters

(Physical Activity Level)
Estimate your physical activity level each day, on average. This is normally your
work plus your workout. Remember, these are estimates.

Women Men

SEDENTARY = REE x 1.2 1.4

Office job with little to no exercise.

MODERATE = REE x 1.5 1.8

Light physical job, or office job with 1 hour vigorous exercise daily.

ACTIVE = REE x 1.8 2.0

Physical job like a trainer or construction worker, or office job with 2 hours vigorous exercise most days.

*very rarely do I encounter a physical worker who also trains over 2 hours vigorously daily, but if there were
such a person, they would be around a 2.2-2.4 multiplier. Certain professional athletes fall within this
category as well.

(Total Daily Energy Expenditure)
Now that you have your TDEE, or the estimated number of calories YOU burn each
day, simply multiply it by the KetoFeed Diet™ ratios to calculate your daily Protein and
Fat requirements. Remember, vegetables are to be included as much as possible and
with as many meals as possible.

TDEE x .8 (number of calories needing to come from FAT daily)

TDEE x .15 (number of calories needing to come from PROTEIN daily)
TDEE x .5 (number of calories naturally yielded from vegetables,
nuts & other keto-friendly foods)

A moderately active woman who is 34 years old, 5’5ʺ, and 180 pounds would have a TDEE
of 1850 calories.

IMPORTANT POINT: Most diets would now have you reduce your above TDEE by 20% to
create a caloric deficit, but I recommend you simply start eating this amount of calories
from the right foods listed within the KetoFeed Diet™. You’ll be shocked how some days
you may not even eat this many calories, and that’s ok. Each day has a different energy
demand on your body so let your brain’s hunger signals be the guide to when and how
much you eat. If you’re eating the right foods, it won’t steer you wrong.

Here are the daily macros for the woman from the aforementioned sample:
• Protein: 277 calories (15%)
• Fat: 1480 calories (80%)
• Carbs: 90 calories (5%) or naturally occurring

Now let’s put those calories into grams so we can start to get a clearer daily picture.
• Protein: 277 calories / 4 = 70g PROTEIN
• Fat: 1480 calories / 9 = 165g FAT
• Carbs: 90 calories / 4 = 23g CARBS, or naturally occurring

Based on how many meals you usually eat per day, which is normally based on your hunger
level and schedule, divide these into meals.

4 meals per day example:

CARB PER MEAL= No need to even worry about the CARBS, again they’re naturally
occurring so don’t bother!

Over time, as your body becomes in-tune with your new lifestyle way of eating, you’ll be
able to eat and get results without counting calories or macros. This is just a good place to
start if you have no idea what your body requires daily.

Section 6
Research Citations

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