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1.Give the definition of expressive means and stylistic devices.

The expressive means of a language are

lexical, phonetic, morphological, phraseological, syntactical and also word building forms, and they
exist in language as a system, and the purpose of them are logical and emotional intensification of the
utterance. And a stylistic device is a conscious and international intensification of some typical
structural and semantic property of language unit promoted to generalized status and becoming
generative model.

2. Give the definition of onomatopoeia. Name different types of Onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia is

combination of speech sounds, and the aim of it is the imitate sounds which are produced in nature,
(for instance wind and sea) it may be produced by people, animal or things. There exists two types of
onomatopoeia, they are: direct and indirect. Direct onomatopoeia is connected with the words which
imitate natural sounds (eg. Made by animals). Indirect onomatopoeia is connected with sounds whose
aim is to make sound of utterance an echo of its sense.

3.Give the definition of alliteration and assonance. Alliteration is phonetic stylistic device which
imparts melodic effect to the utterance.

4. Give the definition of rhyme and rhythm.

5. What is a blank verse

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