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Stories of Success assisting Early Career Teachers in 2021

First name: Ailish Ling Days teaching:TRT (1.5 yrs) Photo:

Age level of students: 7-12 Rural / Metro:

We want to tap into your experiences this year to provide early career teachers with a few survival tips for 2021. You are the
best person to give this advice as you have a lived experience as an ECT.

Please, we just want authentic ideas and thoughts… dot points are fine

I have a student this year who has opened my eyes to…

Type here… Importance of learning students names and addressing students by their name as soon as possible. This is one simple step to gaining respect and
building positive relationships with students in the classroom and around the school yard. Some students can go un-noticed at school, so by saying hello to them
and remembering their name can make a significant impact on the student and you relationship with them as their TRT.

_Things that worked to engage students in 2020…

Type here… Was opening up about myself as a teacher and connecting with them about their interests and hobbies, spending time getting to know who I was
teaching. This helped to create positive relationships and a safe place in the classroom environment.

Where did your efforts have the most impact?

Type here… through relationship building. Taking the time to understand my students and really try to understand their experiences and what they bring to the
classroom, and in turn, how this then impacts their learning. This impacted my teaching and how I approach students and their learning.

_You had the most fun teaching……

Type here… I had the most fun attending a school Heysen camp for 4 days. I was able to bond with the students and see them flourish outside of the classroom. I
was there with them through the challenges, the successes and was able to see them grow and develop a sense of grit and determination.

How did you get your 2020 contract? TRT? Networking? Your thoughts…

Type here … I got my TRT work through personal connections and networking. I also got work at the school I did my final placement at. Having TRT work across
multiple schools enable me to see different teaching environments and figure out what suited me best.

A tip you have for an early career teacher to help ’switch off’ at the end of the day…

Type here…Allow yourself some time to focus on the successes from that day, even if they are small, it is important to try end on a positive note. It can also be
beneficial to complete all work at school instead of taking work home. I try to keep work and home as separate as I can, although that is not always easy. I also
find it very helpful to create lists, that saves my mind from over thinking and running in overdrive with thoughts. I also found it helpful to talk to someone about
my day instead of having ongoing conversations to myself in my head. Speaking to someone helped to process the day.

Who are the colleagues who have been your greatest support?

Type here… In the second year of my teaching career, I finally found a mentor to guide me through to becoming a proficient teacher. As a TRT is it sometimes
difficult to find the support you need. Other art teachers have been incredibly helpful, giving me art ideas and generously giving me art projects to add to my
teaching folio. Other graduates have been great to ask questions to, debrief with and share experiences.
Additional sharing / ideas…?

Type here… Always ask questions and seek out help, that is how we learn grow and become better teachers. Teachers learn from experiences, challenges,
successes, their students and most importantly, each other.

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