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Causes of French Revolution.

18 th century Europe. Enlightment. Philosophers and artist promote reason and human freedom.
Over tradition and religion. France got richer. Themonarch Louis xvi based his authority on divine
right and makes differences with thw two estates. The third one was the only one who paid taxes
to the king and to the estates. King Louis called for a reunion with the three states for the first
time in 175 years.

Revolution began. Feudal system was abolished. Individual rights and freedom were fundamental
by nature. September 21st.

-queen Maria Antoniette.

Napoleon Bonaparte.

Declaration of Independence.

What is declaration of independence?......> a written document that says United States is free
from England as an independent nation. It said the king was a tyrant. Free from England’s control.
Written, signed and delivered to the king. It established the 13 colonies.

“All men are created equal by the Creator with certain believable rights,life, liberty and persuit of
happiness. Government protects people.

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