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“The Cruelty in Kindness”

Life has been a whirlwind of surprises ever since the pandemic started to reign over
Metaphor Personification
almost everything. Living became a tough battle of surviving. During this trying time, I have
realized some things in life that I barely even notice back then, they are things that matter the

most but are often overlooked, and are things that we took for granted. One of them is how a

single act of kindness could slap you right at your face and leave you sleepless.

It all started a week before my 17 th birthday. It was one of those instances where making

it through the day without crying my eyes out is already an achievement for me. I was too
anxious about everything, my studies, the future, the pandemic, everyone’s safety, and the

uncertainty of everything, it scared me so much. The situation was like a ticking bomb that could

explode at any second. The world seemed like it was filled with darkness, it’s gloomy, like a
rough storm during the night. Until all of a sudden, my thoughts were disrupted, my Mom’s soft

voice called for my name, she told me to sit with her on the couch. I felt the softness of the

mattress as I settled right beside my mother; I gazed at her dark eyes, it has the color of the night

sky and the sparkle ofAuditory Imagery

the stars, they radiate comfort and gentleness. A smile stretched on my

lips as she began to speak, she told me that I should start ordering the decorations for my

birthday. I was glad but confused, I thought we wouldn’t celebrate because of the pandemic, and
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I was fine with it. So I asked her why, and she answered with a “You deserve it.” But do I? The

next weird thing that happened is when some of my friends offered to decorate our house for my

birthday. I asked them why and they told me that it’s because they love me. It may sound corny,

but I almost cried. What did I ever do to deserve such people?

My birthday came, and all I could say is that I was in awe while I look at our walls that
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are embellished with peach, pink, and white decorations. They told me that those colors

represent who I am. The aromatic scent of the food that my parents’ cooked for my day filled the
Olfactory Imagery
air. My heart swelled with joy as I look at the beaming faces in the room. The day went fast and I

was enjoying every minute of it. We ate, laughed, and celebrated. Then, one by one, my friends

and family stoodMetaphor
up to give their birthday messages. My world lightened up and my storms were

calmed by their words. They told me that they were happy that I exist. Although for some, it

might not be a big deal, but for me, it is. I was silently uttering a prayer of thanks to God for

giving me wonderful people that make me feel deeply loved. The day was almost ending and I’m

still wondering. My heart was happy yet heavy. Why were they too kind to me? I was sleepless

that night and my heart was aching for an answer.

The truth slapped me so hard as soon as realization hit me. Kindness can be cruel when
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you doubt yourself. It comes knocking at your door at 3 am, asking you, “Do you even deserve
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it?” When it does, answer it with a nod because you do, you deserve kindness, we all do. At the
same time, remind yourself to be kind too. Because one single act of kindness comes a very long

way. Look at me, it made me sleepless yet it gave me another lesson that I’ll bring with me every

single living day of my life.

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