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Montanez, Irma T.


The Effects of Ethical Differences to the Efficacy

of the Government in Resolving the Current

Individual liberties and rights were fundamental to our country's founding as a way to uphold
democratic values, but the pandemic has shifted its focus to collective action solutions. Fear grips the
population as it believes the government is abusing its power by restricting access to public spaces and
large gatherings.

People face ethical dilemmas about the role of government as a result of the current global coronavirus
outbreak. In pandemic planning, different ethical approaches can be taken into consideration because
ethics can be applied equally to policy content as well as process.

Other Citizens are defying government orders by peacefully assembling in public places like malls and
parks, in defiance of freedoms like the right to peacefully assemble. Their personal actions may have an
effect on the health of others, but they fail to mention the possibility that this could lead to an increase
in the amount of time people should be confined to their homes. 

However, despite the fact that some people do not believe in or care about the consequences of Covid-
19, their disregard for health risks their own and the health of others. This brings up the question of the
government's role in enforcing restrictions. How can they use their clout to promote effective anti-virus
responses while also safeguarding the rights of citizens to privacy and personal freedom?

Despite the fact that the disease affects the entire population, Generation Z members are particularly
concerned about the dilemmas raised by the pandemic as they enter an important period of transition
in their lives. In the coming years, many of those affected by the pandemic will be entering the
workforce and becoming adults.
When it comes to combating Covid-19, it has become clear that collaborative action is critical for
Generation Z members who are relatively immune to infection. As a result, people's routines will have to
change and they will have to forego activities such as seeing friends or attending events. While taking
collective action may be difficult for those who value their individual rights, it opens the door to a return
to normalcy for all concerned in the near future.

Since the outbreak, the economy has slowed. Across the country, unemployment rates have risen as
businesses close and jobs are lost. COVID-19, a global pandemic and public health crisis, has had a
significant impact on the global economy and financial markets. Disease mitigation measures in many
countries have resulted in significant income losses, increased unemployment and disruptions in the
transportation industry.

The majority of crisis responses have been reactive because many governments underestimated the
threat of COVID-19 spreading quickly. In order to save lives while also ensuring economic success in the
face of persistent disease outbreaks, international cooperation is essential.

The economy's ability to fully recover could jeopardize Generation Z's current and near-future job roles.
Many older members of this generation, whether they have just graduated from college or are still in
high school, are looking for entry-level jobs. If senior-level jobs and long-term roles are maintained,
those in entry-level positions and internships may lose their employment opportunities. Generation Z is
also unlikely to benefit from the stimulus package recently passed by the United States Congress.

For the federal government to assist states in getting back on track, it must decide whether or not to
take part in economic stimulus efforts. In the long run, they'll have to decide when the economy can
safely reopen, which could lead to more deaths and a longer period of recovery. Those decisions must
be based on ethical considerations that put the welfare of the people they serve first.

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