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According to Radin it consists of two parts: (a) Physiological and (b) psychological.

The physiological part

expresses itself in such acts as kneeling, closing the eyes, touching the feet. The psychological part
consists of supernormal sensitivity to certain traditions and beliefs. While belief in supernatural powers
may be considered basic to all religion, equally fundamental is the presence of a deeply emotional
feeling which Golden Weiber called the “religion thrill”.

If we analyse the great religions of the world, we shall find that each of them contains, five basic
elements: (1) belief in supernatural powers, (2) belief in the holy, (3) ritual, (4) acts defined as sinful and
(5) some method of salvation.

1. Belief in Supernatural Powers:

The first basic element of religion is the belief that there are supernatural powers. These powers are
believed to influence human life and control all natural phenomena. Some call these supernatural forces
God, other call them Gods. There are even others who do not call them by any name. They simply
consider them as forces in their universe. Thus, belief in the non-sensory, super-empirical world is the
first element of religion.

2. Belief in the Holy:

There are certain holy or sacred elements of religion. These constitute the heart of the religion. There
are certain things which are regarded as holy or sacred. But a thing is holy or sacred not because of a
peculiar quality of thing. An attitude makes a thing holy. The sacred character of a tangible thing is not
observable to the senses.

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