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Writing with a purpose


Writing a letter of complaint


Choose the best answers for you, then discuss with a partner.
1 If I really need to buy something important I prefer to
a go shopping.
b shop online.
c wait for somebody to buy it for me as a present.
2 I shop online
a rarely.
b very often.
c when I see something I like.
3 I like to buy online.
a clothes
b books
c electronic equipment
4 I complain to a shop if
a a product is unsatisfactory.
b their service is poor.
c the goods arrive late.
5 I think the best way to complain is to
a phone.
b write.
c speak to someone face-to-face.


1 What can go wrong with a new purchase?

it it makes a
doesn’t strange noise

there is

breaks it is scratched /
down damaged / torn /

it is the
wrong size

1  myClass  Intermediate W05 PHOTOCOPIABLE © British Council 2014

Writing with a purpose

2 Read the letter below from Craig to the Customer Services Department of an online store and
answer these questions.
1 What did he buy?
2 Where did he buy it?
3 Is he happy with the product?

FAO:  Customer Services Manager,

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to complain about the Pear Tablet 4.0 I ordered on your website last month. I attach
the confirmation email I received. I have been very dissatisfied not only with the tablet itself, but
also with your company’s poor customer service.
My first complaint is that I paid extra for next day delivery and it arrived after four days. When I
asked for the charge to be reimbursed I was shocked to be told it was impossible and it was the
fault of the delivery company. The second problem was that, on opening the packaging, I found
that the screen was scratched. I called and asked you to replace it but was told I needed to bring
it myself to one of your service centres. It is unacceptable to offer online purchases but not deal
with the damaged goods you have delivered.
I expect your company to reduce my credit card charge by £20, which is the amount I paid for
the express delivery service. I would be very grateful if you could also collect my damaged tablet
and replace it with a new one as soon as possible.
I hope to hear back from you within two working days to let me know when these problems will
be resolved. Please email me or you can reach me at 020 342 7667.
I have made a number of purchases on your website in the last two years and I trust you will
resolve these issues satisfactorily and I will continue to use your services.
Yours faithfully,
Craig Richards

3 Read the email again and answer these questions.

1 What problems has he had with the tablet?
2 What would he like the company to do?
3 When would he like an answer?
4 Work with a partner. Discuss these questions.
1 What did you think about his email?
2 Would you write with the same tone?
3 Will he be successful?

2  myClass  Intermediate W05 PHOTOCOPIABLE © British Council 2014

Writing with a purpose

Language focus

1 Look at the useful phrases 1–12 and complete them using a word a–l.
a. unacceptable c. complain e. shocked g. expect i. second k. attach 
b. grateful   d. resolve f. faithfully h. dissatisfied j. hear l. first
General email phrases
1 I am writing to about the Pear Tablet 4.0 I ordered.
2 I the confirmation email I received.
3 Yours
Expressing dissatisfaction
4 I have been very with your company’s customer service.
5 I was to be told it was impossible.
6 It is to offer online purchases but not deal with the damaged goods.
Ordering your examples
7 My complaint is that I paid extra for delivery in two working days.
8 The problem was that, on opening the packaging, I found that the screen was
Asking for action
9 I your company to reduce my credit card charge by £20.
10 I would be very if you could replace it with a new one as soon as possible.
11 I hope to back from you within two working days to let me know when these problems
will be resolved.
12 I trust you will these issues satisfactorily.
2 Look at these two situations and complete the email sentences as if you were writing to the
customer services manager.
1 You had dinner in a restaurant last night and the waiter was rude to you and your family.
a I was shocked .
b First .
c I expect .
d I trust you will .
2 You bought an expensive new car last week. It broke down this morning.
a I am very dissatisfied .
b It is unacceptable .
c I would be grateful .
d I hope to .

3  myClass  Intermediate W05 PHOTOCOPIABLE © British Council 2014

Writing with a purpose


1 Look back at the problems in Input exercise 1. You are going to write an email of complaint
about a product you bought recently that has had problems. Complete the information about
the purchase and the problem below.
• Purchase details (what / where / when)

• Main problem

• Details of problems

• Action you would like / when

2 Write a first draft of the email using the writing checklist below to help you.

Writing checklist
I have …
• described clearly the problems and the action I want.
• ordered and organised the email.
• written in an appropriately formal format, with suitable opening and closing phrases.
• used an appropriate range of lexis and structures.
• used accurate English and not caused the reader misunderstandings.

3 Look at your partner’s draft and use the checklist to give some feedback.


4  myClass  Intermediate W05 PHOTOCOPIABLE © British Council 2014

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