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Facial Bone Vibration In Resonant Voice Production

Fei C. Chen, Estella P.-M. Ma, and Edwin M.-L. Yiu, Pokfulam, Hong Kong

Summary: Purpose. This study investigated whether resonant voice training would enhance facial bone vibration
during resonant voice production.
Methods. Twelve normal healthy participants undertook four sessions of resonant voice training, each lasted for 30
minutes. Piezoelectric accelerometer was used to measure the vibratory level on the face (nasal bridge and upper lip) and
the perilaryngeal area during the production of nasal consonant /m/ and vowels /a/, /i/, and /u/ before and after the reso-
nant voice training. The extents of vibration of these four sounds among these three sites were compared.
Results. Significant increase in facial bone vibration following resonant voice training was found. The nasal bridge
showed a significantly larger magnitude of increase when compared with that at the upper lip. Different sounds were
also found to facilitate different magnitude of facial bone vibration. Greater magnitude of facial bone vibration was
found with the phonation of /m/, /i/, and /u/ when compared with the phonation of /a/.
Conclusion. Resonant voice training facilitated an increase in facial bone vibration, more so at the nasal bridge area
than around the upper lip. This is hypothesized to contribute to the improved resonant voice production. Sounds that
involve relatively restricted oropharyngeal cavities facilitated a greater extent of facial bone vibration during resonant
voice production.
Key Words: Humming–Vowel–Vibration–Accelerometer–Resonant voice.

INTRODUCTION Positive outcomes of resonant voice therapy have been docu-

Resonant voice is defined physiologically as a voicing pattern mented rather extensively in the literature. Outcome measures
with a laryngeal posture slightly abducted or barely adducted.1 include improvements in perceptual voice qualities,10,11,17
Under this specific type of voice production, the impact stress is acoustic perturbation,7,10,11,17 aerodynamic measures,11 elec-
minimal, thus reducing the possibility of vocal fold damage.2–6 troglottographic measures,1 quality of life changes using self-
Resonant voice production is often taught using auditory- assessment indices,6,11,17 and physiological changes.18 It should
perceptual judgment supplemented by tactile perception of be noted that the published studies so far focused on the voice
facial bone vibration. Bone vibration during resonant voice pro- quality outcome in general following resonant voice training.
duction is generally considered to be prominent at the anterior However, there has not been any study that specifically investi-
alveolar ridge and maxillary bones.6 Perceptually, resonant gated the resonant voice training protocol itself. Specifically, lit-
voice can be defined as an easy phonation accompanied by a tle is known about the relationship between facial bone vibration
vibrant sensation around the orofacial area.6,7 and resonant voice production or whether the tactile sensation of
Resonant voice training, which has been developed and based the facial bone vibration facilitates resonant voice production.
on the concept of resonant voice, has been widely used clini- Accelerometer is a vibration sensor using piezoelectric effect.
cally to treat individuals with hyperfunctional voice disorder The sensor converts mechanical energy into electrical energy in
with or without benign vocal lesions, which commonly include response to the stress applied to it. Miniature accelerometers
vocal nodules or polyps.8–11 Resonant voice training aims to have been used in measuring nasalization,19–21 chest wall
help the learners to achieve an optimal voice production using vibration,22 and skin vibration on the neck during voicing.13,23
a relaxed and clear voice with minimal effort. The possibility 
Svec et al23 investigated the relationship between the intensity
of vocal fold injury is, therefore, minimized.12 The training (sound pressure level) of phonation and the level of skin vibration
procedure often requires individuals to feel kinesthetically the at the suprasternal notch using an accelerometer. A significant
vibration around the nasal bridge area or the skull in general. positive correlation between these two measures was found.23
The vibration is believed to be the energy transmitted through It has also been demonstrated that the lateral nasal cartilage/
the vocal tract to the skull and the skin tissue.13 Resonant voice bone is the most sensitive site for the detection of vibration.13,20
training also emphasizes auditory perception of relaxed and This study set out to determine whether resonant voice
natural voice production.6,10,14,15 The training procedure training would enhance facial bone vibration during voice pro-
generally recommends the use of nasal stimuli for the training duction in vocally healthy speakers. It was hypothesized that
and practice of resonant voice.14,16 trained resonant voice production would produce a greater extent
of vibration in the facial bone. A second objective of the study
was to determine whether the use of different vowels and nasal
Accepted for publication December 19, 2013.
sound during resonant voice production would produce different
From the Voice Research Laboratory, Division of Speech and Hearing Sciences, The degree of vibration in the facial region (nasal bridge vs lips area).
University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Edwin Yiu, Voice Research Laboratory,
Division of Speech and Hearing Sciences, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, METHOD
Hong Kong. E-mail:
Journal of Voice, Vol. -, No. -, pp. 1-7 Participants
Ó 2014 The Voice Foundation
Twelve vocally healthy individuals (five males and seven females) with a mean age of 27.25 years (standard deviation ¼ 2.01 years,
2 Journal of Voice, Vol. -, No. -, 2014

FIGURE 1. Placement of vibrodetectors at the nasal bridge, upper

lip, and perilaryngeal site.

range ¼ 24–30 years) participated in this study. All the partici-

pants were native Mandarin speakers with no existing or reported
history of voice/resonance disorders and not receiving medica-
tions at the time of the study that might have any effect on their
voice. All of them passed a screening test for hearing, with hearing
threshold of the better ear better than 30 dB HL at octave fre-
quencies between 250 and 4000 Hz frequency range. None of
the subjects displayed any perceivable nasality in their voice as
determined by the first author (F.C.C.).

Br€uel & Kjær piezoelectric DeltaTron accelerometers (Type
4507-B-002; Br€ uel & Kjær, Naerum, Denmark) were used as
the bone vibration sensors. The dimension of each piezoelectric FIGURE 2. Placement of accelerometer at the nasal bridge.
accelerometer was 1 3 1 3 1 cm, with a weight of 4.8 g, and a
usable frequency range of 0.3–6000 Hz. The vibration signals ing his/her most comfortable pitch and loudness level. This pro-
were recorded using the PowerLab system (Power Lab AD In- cedure was then repeated for each of the three vowels (/a/, /i/, /u/).
struments, Melbourne, Australia) with the Nexus conditioning
Resonant voice training. After the baseline measurement
amplifier (Type 2693; Br€ uel & Kjær, Naerum, Denmark) and
and before the resonant voice training began, each participant
analyzed with the software program Chart (v 5.4.2; Power
was first given a 30-minute rest. This was then followed by a
Lab AD Instruments).
30-minute resonant voice training session. Three more subse-
quent training sessions (ie, a total of four training sessions)
were conducted every other day over a 7-day period. The resonant
Placement of piezoelectric accelerometer. One piezo- voice training protocol used in this study was based on the reso-
electric accelerometer was placed on the right nasal bridge nant voice therapy program developed by Verdolini6 and Yiu.17,24
just above the septal cartilage (Figures 1 and 2). A second piezo- At the beginning of the training, the investigator (first author,
electric accelerometer was placed just above the upper lip on the F.C.C.) provided verbal instructions and demonstrations of
left side of the philtrum. These two measurement sites recorded resonant voice using the nasal consonant /m/. Participants were
the facial bone vibration caused by the resonance of the phona- asked to produce a resonant /m/ using a relaxed projection
tion from the larynx. A third piezoelectric accelerometer was without creating neck muscle tension. The participants were
placed at the laryngeal prominence of the thyroid cartilage (per- instructed to concentrate on the auditory feedback and tactile
ilaryngeal area) as a control to record vibration from the phona- sensory information of the vibration around the facial bone.
tory source (Figure 1). All the accelerometers were taped to the The training was extended to other materials that included /m/
sites using 3M Micropore medical tape (St Paul, MN). Figure 2 in combination with /a/, /i/, or /u/. In general, the /m/ lasted for
illustrates the taping of an accelerometer to the nasal bridge. one second followed immediately by a one-second long /a/, /i/,
Baseline measurement. A baseline measurement of bone or /u/. Thus, subsequently, the combination resulted in the
vibration during voice production was conducted before the reso- production of a prolonged /ma/, /mi/, and /mu/, respectively.
nant voice training. All recordings were carried out in a sound- Comfortable pitch and loudness levels were emphasized through
treated booth with a background noise of less than 35 dBA. out the practice. The instructional steps of the resonant voice
Participants were seated comfortably in an upright position on training are listed in the Appendix. At the end of the four training
a straight-back chair throughout the recording. The recordings sessions, the participants needed to be able to produce ‘‘resonant’’
involved the sustained prolongation of four speech sounds (/m/, /m/, /ma/, /mi/, and /mu/ as determined by the investigator F.C.C.
/a/, /i/, and /u/). Each participant was first asked to produce the using a perceptual criterion which emphasized easy phonations
nasal consonant /m/ five times; each sustained for 5 seconds us- accompanied by a vibrant sensation.6,7
Fei C. Chen, et al Facial Bone Vibration and Resonant Voice Training 3

Posttraining measurement. Posttraining measurement increased significantly more (Figure 4) when compared with the
was carried out 30 minutes after the completion of the last (ie, upper lip (F ¼ 73.26, df ¼ 1, P < 0.0001, partial eta
the fourth) session of resonant voice training on the last day of squared ¼ 0.23, observed power ¼ 1.00) and the perilaryngeal
the training. The procedures of the measurement were identical area (F ¼ 77.46, df ¼ 1, P < 0.0001, partial eta squared ¼ 0.25,
to those of the baseline measurement. observed power ¼ 1.00). No significant interaction effect was
found between the upper lip and the perilaryngeal area
Data analysis (F ¼ 2.33, df ¼ 1, P ¼ 0.13, partial eta squared ¼ 0.10, observed
For each recording of vibration, a two-second stable segment in power ¼ 0.33).
the middle of each recording was extracted and analyzed with a
frequency range of 1–6000 Hz for the root mean square millivolt- Vibration produced by different speech sounds
age (mVRMS). A 2 (Training: pretraining vs posttraining) 3 3 Figure 3 also shows that the nasal consonant /m/ produced the
(Site: nasal bridge, upper lip, and perilaryngeal area) two-way largest extent of vibration, whereas /a/ produced the smallest
repeated Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used on the pooled extent of vibration both before and after resonant voice training.
data (/m/, /a/, /i/, /u/) to determine if the resonant voice training Main effect of training. Significant main effect of Training
and the site of measurement had any effect on the bone vibration (F ¼ 19.49, df ¼ 1, P < 0.0001, partial eta squared ¼ 0.10,
during voicing. Another 2 (Training: pretraining vs posttraining) observed power ¼ 0.99) was found, showing vibration
3 4 (Sounds: /m/, /a/, /i/, /u/) two-way repeated ANOVAwas car- increased significantly following resonant voice training.
ried out to determine which sound facilitated the best vibration Figure 3 shows clearly that the bone vibration associated with
following resonant voice training. Following the recommenda- each of the sounds increased following resonant voice training.
tion of Max and Onghena,25 Mauchly test for assumption for
sphericity was not carried out as this could increase the proba- Main effect of sounds. Significant main effect of Sounds
bility of errors. As the normality assumption was also violated (F ¼ 111.30, df ¼ 2.37, P < 0.0001, partial eta squared ¼ 0.38,
(Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests showed P < 0.05), Huynh-Feldt observed power ¼ 1.00) was also found. Planned contrasts
tests with the degrees of freedom adjustments were used.25 showed that all the sounds were significantly different from
one another (/m/ vs /a/: F ¼ 238.57, df ¼ 1, P < 0.0001, partial
eta squared ¼ 0.57, observed power ¼ 1.00; /m/ vs /i/:
RESULTS F ¼ 78.30, df ¼ 1, P < 0.0001, partial eta squared ¼ 0.30,
Vibration before and after resonant voice training at observed power ¼ 1.00; /m/ vs /u/: F ¼ 75.81, df ¼ 1,
different sites P < 0.0001, partial eta squared ¼ 0.30, observed power ¼ 1.00;
Figure 3 shows the distribution of vibration pooled across all /a/ vs /i/: F ¼ 98.19, df ¼ 1, P < 0.0001, partial eta
sounds (/m/, /a/, /i/, and /u/) before and after resonant voice squared ¼ 0.35, observed power ¼ 1.00; /a/ vs /u/: F ¼ 76.62,
training at each recording site, whereas Figure 4 shows the dis- df ¼ 1, P < 0.0001, partial eta squared ¼ 0. 03, observed
tribution of bone vibration of each of the sound pooled together power ¼ 1.00; and /i/ vs /u/: F ¼ 5.66, df ¼ 1, P ¼ 0.018, partial
across the three sites (nasal bridge, upper lip, and perilaryngeal eta squared ¼ 0.03, observed power ¼ 0.66), with /m/ showing
site) at the pretraining and posttraining time points. the greatest amount of vibration, followed by /u/, and /i/, with
Main effect of training. Significant main effect of Training /a/ demonstrating the smallest extent of vibration.
(F ¼ 50.28, df ¼ 1, P < 0.0001, partial eta squared ¼ 0.17, Interaction effect. Significant Sound 3 Training interaction
observed power ¼ 1.00) was found with the sounds pooled effect (F ¼ 13.76, df ¼ 27.23, P < 0.0001, partial eta
together at each site. squared ¼ 0.07, observed power ¼ 1.00) was also found.
Main effect of sites. Significant main effect of Sites Planned contrasts showed that the /m/ sound demonstrated
(F ¼ 156.04, df ¼ 1.77, P < 0.0001, partial eta the greatest amount of increase in vibration than the /a/
squared ¼ 0.39, observed power ¼ 1.00) was also found. (F ¼ 34.01, df ¼ 1, P < 0.0001, partial eta squared ¼ 0.16,
Planned contrasts showed that the three sites were all significant observed power ¼ 1.00); /i/ (F ¼ 23.06, df ¼ 1, P < 0.0001, par-
different with the perilaryngeal area demonstrating the highest tial eta squared ¼ 0.11, observed power ¼ 1.00); and /u/
pooled vibration (mean ¼ 5.65 mV) when compared with the (F ¼ 21.21, df ¼ 1, P < 0.0001, partial eta squared ¼ 0.11,
nasal bridge (mean ¼ 4.49 mV; F ¼ 38.39, df ¼ 1, P < 0.0001, observed power ¼ 0.99) following resonant voice training
partial eta squared ¼ 0.14, observed power ¼ 1.00) and the upper (Figure 3). The interactions were not significant among the
lip (mean ¼ 2.49 mV; F ¼ 471.32, df ¼ 1, P < 0.0001, partial eta three vowels (/a/ vs /i/: F ¼ 0.05, df ¼ 1, P ¼ 0.82, partial
squared ¼ 0.66, observed power ¼ 1.00). In the facial area, the eta squared ¼ 0.00, observed power ¼ 0.06; /a/ vs /u/:
vibration was significantly higher at the nasal bridge (Figure 4) F ¼ 0.39, df ¼ 1, P ¼ 0.53, partial eta squared ¼ 0.002,
than that at the upper lip (F ¼ 95.38, df ¼ 1, P < 0.0001, partial observed power ¼ 0.10; and /i/ vs /u/: F ¼ 0.82, df ¼ 1,
eta squared ¼ 0.28, observed power ¼ 1.00). P ¼ 0.37, partial eta squared ¼ 0.01, observed power ¼ 0.15).
Interaction effect. Significant result was found with the
Site 3 Training interaction effect (F ¼ 61.56, df ¼ 1.68, DISCUSSION
P < 0.0001, partial eta squared ¼ 0.21, observed power ¼ 1.00). The present study was set out to determine whether resonant
Following resonant voice training, the nasal bridge vibration voice training would enhance facial bone vibration during
4 Journal of Voice, Vol. -, No. -, 2014

FIGURE 3. Pre- and posttraining vibration (mVRMS) at each of the recording sites. Midline of the box is the median. The bottom and top of the box
show the 25th and 75th percentile (the lower and upper quartiles). The top and bottom lines represent the highest and lowest values that are not out-
liers (ie, within 1.5 times the interquartile range). The outliers (between 1.5 and three times the interquartile range) are represented by circles, and
extreme values (more than three times the interquartile range) are represented by asterisks.

resonant voice production in vocally healthy speakers. A sec- The effect of resonant voice training on the
ondary objective was to determine whether the use of different magnitude of facial bone vibration
vowels and nasal sound during resonant voice production Tactile sensation of facial bone vibration has been used as one of
would produce different magnitude of vibration in the facial the training strategies in acquiring resonant voice production.6,14
region (nasal bridge vs upper lip area). Results showed that This involves placing a finger on the nasal bridge to detect the
resonant voice training facilitated a significant increase in the vibration there to facilitate resonant voice production. The
nasal bridge vibration over time. The use of nasal consonant physiological mechanism is believed to involve the conversion
/m/ produced the greatest magnitude of bone vibration during of acoustic energy to mechanical vibration transmitted via the
resonant voice production.
Fei C. Chen, et al Facial Bone Vibration and Resonant Voice Training 5

FIGURE 4. Vibration (mVRMS) produced by /m/, /a/, /i/, and /u/ at pre- and posttraining measurement. Midline of the box is the median. The bot-
tom and top of the box show the 25th and 75th percentile (the lower and upper quartiles). The top and bottom lines represent the highest and lowest
values that are not outliers (ie, within 1.5 times the interquartile range). The outliers (between 1.5 and three times the interquartile range) are rep-
resented by circles, and extreme values (more than three times the interquartile range) are represented by asterisks.

maxillary bony structures.7 Resonant voice is described as ‘‘easy present study found the magnitude of bone vibration measured
phonation’’ that can produce maximum voice output intensity at the nasal bridge area to be significantly higher than that
with the minimum vocal effort.1–3,6 With resonant voice measured at the upper lip, which, therefore, supported the use
production, more energy is expected to transmit through the of the nasal bridge for tactile sensation in resonant voice training.
skull bones when compared with modal voice production. In
the present study, piezoelectric accelerometer was used as a The magnitude of facial bone vibration produced by
noninvasive tool to determine if there was an increase in facial different sounds
bone vibration with resonant voice production. The results The present study also found that different sounds produced
showed that resonant voice training facilitated a significant different magnitude of vibration during resonant voice produc-
increase in the nasal bridge vibration but not in the source tion. Nasal humming involving the nasal consonant /m/ is often
(larynx) following resonant voice training. This clearly shows used in resonant voice training. It is contended that the humming
that the increased vibration is not due to increased energy of /m/ produces a higher acoustic pressure inside a small cavity
emitted by the larynx (source) per se. and so a greater extent of bone vibration could be detected dur-
One common issue encountered in resonant voice training ing humming.7 Humming has been shown to increase the effi-
is to find the most suitable site on the face that would provide ciency of voice production by forming a semiocclusion tube
the best tactile sensation for bone vibration. The results of the that form a coupling tube between the source (larynx) and the fil-
present study also found the magnitude of bone vibration ter (nasal cavity) during phonation.26 The findings of the present
measured at the nasal bridge area to be significantly higher study supported the use of the sound /m/, that is, humming, in
than that at the upper lip. One possible explanation is that the resonant voice training.14,16 The /m/ produced a significant
vibration signal from the source (larynx) are attenuated through amount of bone vibration higher than the nonnasal vowels.
the muscular and skin tissues, the thicker the muscle and the skin, Among those three vowels, the vowel /a/ produced the lowest
the more attenuation there would be. Therefore, the nasal bridge, magnitude of bone vibration, whereas the vibration produced
with minimal layer of skin, is theoretically the best part on the by /i/ and /u/ were not significantly different. Phonetically, /u/
face in transmitting vibration signal. Previous studies have and /i/ are both closed vowels and /a/ is an open vowel. Hence
shown that placing the accelerometer on the nasal bone detected the closed vowels /u/ and /i/ resulted in a semioccluded space,
nasality and frequency response during phonation significantly which increased the intensity and efficiency of the voice pro-
better than the other sites on the nose and cheek.13,20 The duction.6,26 Thus, the use of humming and closed vowels
6 Journal of Voice, Vol. -, No. -, 2014

would, therefore, facilitate better tactile sensation of vibration 4. The participant will feel the facial vibration by putting a
around the facial area during phonation. finger at the nasal bridge during voice production. The
participant will also be asked to feel a possible tingling
Limitations and directions for future research sensation around the lips due to the kinesthetic feedback.
It should be noted that acoustic or auditory-perceptual charac- 5. The investigator will comment on the voice quality of
teristics of the resonant voice were not measured in the present humming sound produced by the participant based on
study, and hence, the relationships between facial bone vibra- the parameters of gentle onset, resonance, loudness, and
tion and acoustic and auditory-perceptual characteristics of pitch level.
resonance were not the focus of the present study. Whether 6. The participant will hum at a comfortable pitch and then
bone vibration during voice production reflects the extent of sustained a vowel /a/ at the end of the /m/. Smooth tran-
auditory perception of resonant voice is an important question. sition from the sound /m/ to /a/ is emphasized. The partic-
The findings of the present study only showed that following ipant will be reminded that the voice should be produced
resonant voice training, the magnitude of facial bone vibration in a relaxed manner. The investigator will provide a
increased during resonant voice production. Direct relationship demonstration.
between perceptual resonance and bone vibration could not be 7. The investigator will comment on the quality of the sound
established with the data from the present study. Further study /ma/ produced by the participant.
will be needed to address this issue. Furthermore, the resonant 8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for the sound /m/ . /i/ and /m/ . /u/.
voice training used the trigger sound /m/, which somehow
might lead to the involvement of the velopharyngeal port in
the production of the vowels, thus increasing the facial bone
vibration because of increased energy through the velopharyng- REFERENCES
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