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Exercises 1-5
October 18, 2021: 4:30-6 pm


______________1. Serous lining of the abdominal cavity is known as ___________.

______________2. Number of sternebrae in the dog.

______________3. Separates the thorax and abdomen.

______________4. Chambers of the brain where the cerebrospinal fluid is produced.

______________5. The numerous folds on the surface of the cerebral hemispheres greatly increasing
its surface area.

______________6. Spinal cord enters the cranial cavity via ______.

______________7. The outermost meninx.

______________8. Process by which a cartilage model is replaced by bone cells.

______________9. Is not considered a true joint. Implantation of teeth into the alveoli of the jaw bone.

______________10. The largest, sesamoid bone of the body.

______________11. Medial (costal) surface of the scapula providing attachment for the subscapular

______________12. The shallow cavity articulating with the head of the humerus to form the shoulder

______________13. Name of sternebra number 8.

______________14. Type of articulation (Joint) with more than two bones articulating.

______________15. Muscles below the transverse processes of the vertebrae.

TEST II. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Items 16-35. Select the choice that best answers each item. (20 POINTS)

16. The point of the shoulder refers to which of the following specific structures of the skeleton?
A. Greater tubercle of the humerus C. Intermediate tubercle of the humerus
B. Lesser tubercle of the humerus D. Supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula

17. The point of the elbow refers to which following specific structures of the skeleton?
A. Olecranon of the radius C. Olecranon process of the radius
B. Olecranon of the ulna D. Olecranon process of the ulna
18. The point of the buttocks refers to which of the following specific structures of the skeleton?
A. Ischiatic tuber C. Iliac tuber
B. Pubic tuber D. Acetabular tuber

19. The point of the hip refers to which of the following specific structures of the skeleton?
A. Greater trochanter of the os coxae C. Third trochanter of the femur
B. Lesser trochanter of the femur D. Greater trochanter of the femur

20. The point of the hock refers to which of the following specific structures of the skeleton?
A. Calcanean tuber of the fibular tarsal bone C. Calcanean tuber of the accessory tarsal bone
B. Calcanean tuber of the tibial tarsal bone D. Calcanean tuber of the fibular tarsal bone

21. Withers point to the ____?

A. Part of thorax where height of the animal is taken
B. Thoracic vertebra with the most vertically oriented spine
C. Thoracic vertebra with the longest spinous process
D. Thoracic vertebra with the longest transvers process

22. Serous fluid is

A. A red-colored watery fluid C. A red-colored mucoid fluid
B. A straw-colored watery fluid D. A straw-colored mucoid fluid

23. The diaphragm separates the

A. Thoracic and pelvic cavities C. Exterior and the thoracic cavity
B. Thoracic and abdominal cavities D. Exterior and the abdominal cavity

24. The flat bones of the skull develop by

A. Heteroplastic ossification C. Intramembranous ossification
B. Endochondral ossification D. Pathologic ossification

25. The globe of the eye is contained within the ______.

A. Orbit C. Turbinate bones
B. Incisive bone D. Occipital bone

26. The vertebrae with the tallest dorsal (spinous) processes are the
A. Cervical C. Lumbar
B. Thoracic D. Coccygeal

27. The large hole in the os coxae is the

A. Obturator foramen C. Foramen magnum
B. Vertebral foramen D. Foramen ovale

28. The axis is vertebra number?

A. C1 C. T1
B. C2 D. T2
29. The atlas is vertebra number?
A. C1 C. T1
B.C2 D. T2

30. Bone present only in the adult male dog.

A. Penis bone C. Penicullar bone
B. Ossified penis D. Os penis

31. Right and left cerebral hemispheres are divided by the

A. Median cut C. Transverse fissure
B. Longitudinal fissure D. Median sagittal crest

32. Fused vertebrae belong to:

A. Thoracic vertebrae C. Lumbar vertebrae
B. Sacral vertebrae D. Cervical vertebrae

33. Which of these structures can be seen in the canine skull?

A. Complete orbit C. Rostral bone
B. Zygomatic bone D. Calcanean tuberosity

34. The atlas articulates with what structure in the skull?

A. Occipital foramen C. Occipital fossa
B. Occipitus lateralis D. Occipital condyles
35. Facial nerve paralysis indicates a dysfunction of which cranial nerve?
TEST III. COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING (Items 36-55) 20 points

Indicate the parts of the bone (5 points)

Name the cavities (4 points)

Name the joints (7 points)


TEST IV. ANSWER ACCORDINGLY (Items 56-90) 35 points

56. What is the big hole pointed by BLUE?

57. What is the structure that goes inside/outside of #61?
58. What bone articulates with occipital condyles of the skull?
59. What is the structure indicated by GREEN?

60. What structure is indicated by VIOLET?

61. What structure is indicated by BLUE?
62. What is indicated in YELLOW?
63. What structure lies inside #62?
64. What is indicated in BLUE?
65. What cranial nerve comes out of
66. What joint is indicated in RED?
67. Is RED a true joint? Yes, or No?

68. What structure is pointed by RED

69. What muscle is attached to #68?
70. What structure is pointed by GREEN?
71. What muscle is attached to #70
72. What structure is pointed by YELLOW?
73. Is this bone LEFT or RIGHT?
74. What is the name of this bone?
75. What is the name of the bone
in the photo?
76. What is indicated in YELLOW?
77. What is indicated in BLUE?
78. What vertebra attaches to

79. What is the muscle found in GREEN (between ribs)?

80. The thoracic inlet begins with what rib pair number?
81. What rib pair number are the floating ribs?
82. What is the bone indicated in the photo?
83. What is the structure indicated in GREEN?
84. What is the name of the bone that articulates with the surface indicated in
RED? (Clue: a sesamoid bone)
85. Does this bone have an epyphysheal plate?


86. What is the bone indicated in A?

87. What is the bone indicated in B?
88. What kind of vertebrae are these bones (Be specific)?
89. What section of the brain is indicated by the GREEN arrow?
90. What section of the brain is indicated by the YELLOW arrow?

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