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Nutrition Fact Sheet


First of all, what does it mean?

The Recommended Daily Allowance or RDA is a minimum level set by Government in order to avoid a
deficiency disease of a particular nutrient eg. scurvy for vitamin C, rickets for vitamin D. European and
American levels vary slightly which can lead to some confusion

Optimum Daily Allowances or ODAs are the levels thought to be those required for full health and
vitality – something we are all aiming for. As you can see from the table below, there is plenty of blue
water between the two levels.

Despite RDA standards being so low, a disturbing reality is that many people do not even meet their
skimpy requirements as can be seen from the average intake from a good diet outlined below. If your
diet is poor or only has moments of being ‘good’ then you will fall below this. As will many people aged
65 or older due to the problems of age-related absorption difficulties.

ODA (sometimes also called SODAs ie. Suggested Optimum Daily Allowances), have been arrived at by
studying literally hundreds of studies aimed at identifying the nutrient intake levels associated with the
highest health ratings.

Because of this the optimal intake is generally expressed in ranges ie. Vitamin C 1,000 = 3,000 mg is
optimal. The ODAs set out below mainly use the mid-point of these ranges as being the optimal dose.
These figures are not reflective of recommendations set by any governmental agency, as none exist,
with two exceptions set by the National Academy of Science – Vit C - 2,000 mg and Vitamin E – 560 mg.
They are the recommendations of nutritionists and scientists based on the evidence of numerous

Also, bear in mind that different groups will have increased requirements due to particular

High risk groups include: Those with additional needs include:

Smokers Pregnant women
Drinkers Older people
Athletes Those recovering from surgery or trauma

© Saira Salmon 2008/17.

Stress also increases your need for nutrients – a conservative estimate is that it doubles your normal
requirement as there is such a heavy need to repair the effects of the stress on the body. So bear in
mind if you are in a stressful environment or situation, that you need to support your body to cope with
this, otherwise there will be a long term price attached to your health.
Nutrients Optimum Recommended Average Shortfall Minimum
Daily Daily Daily On ODA Supplement
Allowance Allowance Intake* Levels
Vitamin A 2500 mcg 800 mcg 1012 mcg 1488 mcg
Vitamin D 11 mcg 5 mcg 2.9 mcg 8.10 mcg
Vitamin E 300 mg 10 mg 9.3 mg 290.7 mg
Vitamin C 2000 mg 60 mg 58 mg 1942 mg
Vitamin B1 35 mg 1.4 mg 1.7 mg 33.3 mg
Vitamin B2 35 mg 1.6 mg 2 mg 33 mg
Vitamin B3 82 mg 18 mg 39 mg 43 mg
Vitamin B5 100 mg 6 mg 5mg 95 mg
Vitamin B6 75 mg 2 mg 2.4 mg 72.6 mg
Vitamin B12 25 mcg 1 mcg 7.2 mcg 17.8 mcg
Folic Acid 800 mcg 200 mcg 252 mcg 548 mcg
Biotin 225 mcg 150 mcg 30 mcg 195 mcg
Vitamin K 95 mcg No RDA 45 mcg 50 mcg
Calcium 1000 mg 800 mg 917 mg 83 mg
Iron 20 or 7 14 or 7 mg+ 13.2 mg 6.8 mg for
mg+ women
Magnesium 500 mg 300 mg 308 mg 192 mg
Zinc 20 mg 15mg 11.1 mg 8.9 mg
Iodine 300 mcg 150 mcg 180 mcg 120 mcg
Selenium 100 mcg No RDA 35 mcg 65 mcg
Chromium 125 mcg No RDA 30 mcg 95 mcg
Manganese 10 mg No RDA 4.6 mg 5.4 mg
Copper 2.5 mg~ 2.5 mg 2.5 mg -
Molybendum 150 mcg~ No RDA 50 mcg 100 mcg
Boron ? No RDA ? ?
Silicon ? No RDA ? ?
Vanadium ? No RDA ? ?
Choline ? No RDA ? ?
Beta Carotene 8.9 mg No RDA 1.9 mg 7 mg
Lutein 7.5 mg No RDA 1.5 mg 6 mg
Lycopene 7.5 mg No RDA 2.5 mg 5 mg
Zeaxanthin 175 mcg No RDA 75 mcg 100 mcg
Oligoproanthocyanidins 135 mg No RDA 35 mg 100 mg
Polyphenol complex 205 mg No RDA 105 mg 100 mg

© Saira Salmon 2008/17.

Betaine~ 475 mg No RDA 20-25 mg 450 – 455 mg
Isoflavones~ 45 mg No RDA 5 mg 40 mg
Omega 3 (EPA/DHA)~ 750 mg No RDA 150 mg 600 mg
Co-Q10~ 40 – 70 mg No RDA 10 mg 30 – 60 mg
Glucosamine~ 500 mg No RDA No data ?

* this is for a good diet. Those who know their diet is poor or patchy need to increase the
supplementation level
+ higher level for pre-menopausal women and teenagers, lower level for all others
~ this data is provided by Dr Paul Clayton, all other ODAs are sourced from the Institute of Optimum

© Saira Salmon 2008/17.

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