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Confidence,Surprise and Reformulate


Confidence that several of the ads try to inspire or

reflect, either through the uniforms or clothing that the
models use or by some other clues.
One that stands out the most is the facial features or
facial perception and that through them they will be able
to transmit confidence to us.
Other characteristics of the perception of reliability are
the size of the eyes, the type of smile and the form of the

Making a comparison of the type of faces, a longer face will

inspire confidence while a round face that will inspire less
On the other hand, they also make mention of people's eye
color, people with darkness eyes will be more reliable and
cheerful than those with light eyes who seem to be angry.

Implementation of the disrupt technique which is advisable

to apply when we see that our interlocutor is not paying
attention to us or to our ad.
The surprise and reformulation technique combines both
factors for the reformulation of the initial proposal.
The element of surprise is used to break the usual
resistance that every person shows in front of a seller. This
element is usually also funny accompanied by humor.

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