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(A Descriptive Qualitative Research at Eleventh Grade Students at

MAN 2 Kampar)


Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for Getting Bachelor Degree of Education in English Department

Written By :
NIM. 1788203043




A. Background of the Problem

Language is an important part of everyday life interactions. It is

used by humans to communicate with others. English is an international

language, but not everyone is good at speaking English. English is

becoming a problem because of it is position of English as a second

language or a foreign language. Therefore, many obstacles to the mastery

of the language are found in indonesia.The of point in teaching English

should begin as a study.

Vocabulary is one aspect of language that must be learned.It is

important to be able to speak, write, read and listenIn learning vocabulary.

(Cameron, 2001) cites in (Quinn, 2014)says to 'know' a word if they can

recognize its meaning when they see it. According to (Marleni,

2020),vocabularyis one of thecomponents which must be mastered by the

students.It means that in learning vocabulary students must know the of

the words meaning and able to use it in the appropriate context of

sentences. (Hornby, 1995) cites in (Hussain, 2018)states that vocabulary is

the total number of the words with their meaning and rules for combining

them making up the language.


Many people, who learn English especially for the beginners are

committed with the vocabulary problem . According to (Penny, 1991) cites

in (Julita, 2011),vocabulary could be defined as words taught in a foreign

language. In short, vocabulary is a unity of letters that became a word

taught in a foreign language. According to (Hatch and Brown, 1995) cite

in (Susanto, 2017)vocabulary is the foundation for the construction of a

language that plays a key role in communication. It means that vocabulary

is the first priority in English learning.

The effect of the pandemic period, learning is strongly different

from previous period. Previously, learning is still implemented

traditionally in advance, now with the outbreak of the corona virus

(COVID 19), all aspects of life have changed, including education.

Students learn independently by using internet at home. According to

(Hardi & Luhdyanti, 2020), online class is commonly referred to

intentional use of network information and communications technology in

teaching and learning. In the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic

period, online learning become the alternative in learning process. The

students do not break or break their enthusiasm for learning, especially in

learning vocabulary, recognize vocabulary as the crucial ability that the

students need in learning English.

Coronavirus is named based on the crown-like structure on it is

surface. "Corona" in Latin means "hello" or "crown". Coronaviruses are a

large family of viruses which may cause illness in animals or humans It


seems that COVID or the Corona virus surrounding Indonesia cannot be

contained. Its massive and relatively fast spread made people shriveled and

scared. Everyone is forced to stay at home to break the chain of

transmission of COVID. Student must be forced to stay at home study

from home using makeshift media such as available reading book, laptops,

internet, modem packages. becausecovid makes it difficult for students to

learn, one of which is learning vocabulary, students lack time to learn

vocabulary and vocabulary mastery.

MAN 2 Kampar is one of the SeniorHigh Schools in Kampar. As a

formal institution, the school also organizes English language learning for

the students. However, during this COVID times, they only studied

online at home. In mastering vocabulary, it is an important aspect of

understanding a language. It means that vocabulary is learned indirectly,

vocabulary is integrated with language skills.

Vocabulary mastery is needed in the learning of English. In

COVID, especially vocabulary mastery is lacking due to limited time, The

Students find it difficult to memorize vocabulary during covid times. In

the COVID pandemic the teachers use social media as the media in

vocabulary learning methods. During vocabulary education, students learn

from a distance that students are given 20 minutes to memorize vocabulary

during the COVID period, the teacher taught vocabulary using a remote

system using social media such as wa and classroom. Therefore, it is


important to investigate the students’vocabulary mastery at the Eleventh

grade of MAN 2 Kampar.

B. Focus of the Research

Based on the problems above, focus of this research is on analyzing

the students’ vocabulary mastery during the COVID times at the Eleventh

grade students of MAN 2 Kampar. To get the data of the research, a

research formulation need to be formulated as follows “ How is the

students’ vocabulary mastery during the COVID times at the Eleventh

grade of MAN 2 Kampar?’’.

C. Purpose of the Research

Based on the research question above, the purpose of this research

is to analyze the student’s mastery vocabulary in COVID times at the

Eleventh grade of MAN 2 Kampar.

D. Significance of the Research

The findings of the research are expected to give theoretical and

practical. Theoretically, finding of this research is expected to increase

research data sources and references. Practically, this research is expected

to motivate students in vocabulary mastery. These research finding is also

expected to be useful, and valuable for students and teachers of MAN 2

Kampar. This research is aimed to fulfill one of the requirements for the

researcher to complete the bachelor degree program at English Language

Education Departmentin University of PahlawanTuankuTambusai.



A. Nature of Vocabulary

1. Definition of Vocabulary

According to (Zahedi & Abdi, 2012), vocabulary is a central element

of language and is of fundamental importance for learning a typical

language. Language learners shouldn't neglect vocabulary. It should also be

mastered if someone wants to master all four language skills. Meanwhile,

(Bhakti & Marwanto, 2018)state that vocabulary is the complete skill

which, by mastering some of those vocabularies, students also learn to

pronounce, listen and write correctly. The more they master the vocabulary,

the better they speak and write in English. According to (Marleni,

2020),vocabularyis one of the components which must be mastered by the

students in language learning.Based on the above statement, it can be

concluded that vocabulary is the central element of the language that

complements the ability to master it correctly.

According to (Gushendra, 2017), vocabulary plays an important role

because it appears in all language skills. The vocabulary is the set of words

that make up a language. Before anyone studies English, they must learn the

vocabulary as a first step. On the other hand, (Nuzulina, 2011)states that

vocabulary is very important in language learning because it is difficult to

use a language without a vocabulary.


All language skills are related to words. Listening; students listen to

words when they speak; they speak words when they read; words in the

face, in writing; they use words and pronunciation; ideally they practice

pronunciation of sounds in the context of words, and therefore it is strange

to practice sounds independently of words. If students understand the words

with which sounds are learned, learning becomes more meaningful,

communicative and, of course, more effective than otherwise. He agrees

with (Laufer& Goldstein, 2004) and (Milton, 2009) who stated that English

vocabulary is a significant indicator of language ability Empirical evidence,

for example, has shown a significant and positive relationship between

vocabulary and speaking , listening and writing (Sun & Dang, 2020).

Vocabulary, in particular, appears to be the strongest predictor of reading

comprehension (Hsu, 2014).

(Fitriani et al., 2015)states that vocabulary is the knowledge of the

meaning of words. we have to understand words to understand language.

Furthermore, (Resinski, 2008) states that vocabulary is knowledge of the

meaning of words, someone will not be able to improve their English skills

if they do not understand the vocabulary. It means vocabulary is a list of

words for someone's proficiency in languages that contain the meaning of a

word for improving English skills.

Vocabulary is one of the important elements in building English.

Through this element, someone can communicate, learn and think.

Therefore, learning vocabulary is a basic necessity to help some students


master English, because students' ability to speak and understand the subject

is relatively determined by their command of the vocabulary. To be able to

speak English, you need to have sufficient vocabulary to express your idea.

According to (Uzer, 2017)states that vocabulary as one of the aspects

of the language must be learned when people are learning a language. A

good command of vocabulary is important for anyone learning the language

used for listening, speaking, writing and reading as well as grammar.

According to (Simaibang, 2016), students must simultaneously use

vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, intonation and organization of speech

content in the ability to speak. It is obvious that understanding vocabulary is

a very important part of learning a language. The vocabulary in English is

extremely broad and varied. Therefore, it is very essential that students

master the vocabulary in order to be able to speak using the target language

they have learned.

By mastering vocabulary, students are likely to get information and

ideas more effectively and can communicate fluently with other people

because, in fact, that vocabulary is one of the important components of

language and that no language exists without words. Words are signs or

symbols of ideas. Without words, people cannot communicate and interact

with other people.

According to (Bachri, 2021) states that vocabulary mastery was not

only to improve the ability to listen, read and interpret something, in

addition to writing, but also as the main capital for mastering English. as a

foreign and international language. As (Tozcu and Coady, 2004) state,

vocabulary learning is an important aspect of mastering a second language

and a foreign language to achieve comprehension and reading, which are

closely related. Meanwhile, (Nuzulina, 2011) defines that the vocabulary

domain is inseparable from the understanding of word classes. They are

functional and content words.

2. Teaching Vocabulary

In acquire four language skills, teaching vocabulary is one of the

fundamental elements. (Sun & Dang, 2020)states that vocabulary teaching is a

very important task in teaching English because vocabulary attainment is

related to all language learning and is of interest to all four language skills.

According to (Wallace, 2009) vocabulary teaching should consider the

following factors:

a. Objectives: The objective of vocabulary teaching is to facilitate the

teacher's formulation of the materials that will be taught to students.

b. Quantity: the teacher has to decide the quantity of vocabulary elements to

learn. Students will be confused or discouraged if they receive a lot of new

words. Therefore, the teacher has to select new words that the students can

easily understand.

c. Necessity: When teaching vocabulary, the teacher must choose the words

that students really need in communication.

d. Frequent exposure and repetition: The teacher should practice with many

repetitions so that the students have a good command of the target words.

They also give students the opportunity to use words when they write or


e. Meaningful presentation: When teaching vocabulary, the teacher should

present the target words in such a way that the meaning of the target words

is perfectly clear and unambiguous.

f. Situation and Presentation: Teachers tell students they need to use words

appropriately. The use of words depends on the situation in which they are

used and the person to whom they are addressed.

In teaching vocabulary, there are some techniques that can be applied

in the classroom. Allen (2010) cites in (Amri, 2016) mentions some

vocabulary teaching techniques that can be prepared and chosen, as


a. Demonstration of the technique

The teacher can use real objects and the controller. The teacher can

demonstrate the material using real objects available in the classroom,

such as doors, windows, clock, desk, etc. When using a command

technique, the teacher can ask students to do something like touch the pen,

and point to the picture.

b. Visual aids

Visual means something visible. The teacher can use visual aids in

teaching vocabulary to allow students to observe and identify objects

vividly. Additionally, visualization can interest students in their learning


c. Verbal explanation.

Verbal explanation can be done by definition and translation. The

teacher can use explanations in the students' language, definitions in plain

English and use a vocabulary that the students already know to show the

meaning. For example, the word "umbrella" can be introduced by

explaining what it looks like and when people usually use it.

d. Word List

When using the word list technique, the teacher should pay attention to

the selection of vocabulary. The words taught should be related and

appropriate to the students' needs and relative to their level.

In teaching vocabulary, the teacher should consider the appropriate

material and technique for the student, so that the learning goal can be

achieved which is that students can get the number of vocabularies

required by the teacher.

3. Parts of Vocabulary Mastery

There are some words in the sentences and the collection of words is

included in the vocabulary because the vocabulary domain is an

alphabetically ordered list or collections of words explained. And there are

many types of vocabulary (Handa Gustiawan, 2019)such as:

a. The synonym is a word that shares a similar meaning (Thornbury, 2003)

cites in (Asyiah, 2017). Therefore, the synonym is a word that has the

same but different meaning in writing.

b. Antonym is a word that has an opposite meaning to another word .


c. Polysemy means words that have two or more related meanings (Tyler

& Evans, 2001).

d. The namesake is a word that has a different meaning but the

pronunciation or spelling is the same. (Thornbury, 2002) cites in

(Haerunnisa, 2017) assumes that there are two or more words with a

pronunciation rather than single words with different meanings.

The sentences have been further subdivided according to the functions

that each word has in the subject-predicate relationship; each of the

functions is classified as part of the speech. , are: 1) Noun; an important part

of the vocabulary. It can be a person, a specific place, an object or a thing. 2)

Verb; A show word expresses an action or helps make a statement. 3)

adjective; the words used to satisfy the requirements for nouns or pronouns.

4) Adverb; words used to clarify the meaning of verbs, adjectives and other

adverbs. 5) Conjunction; Words that can be used to connect from one word

to another or from one sentence to another sentence. 6) Pronoun; are words

that can replace the name. 7) Interjection; words that can be inserted into a

sentence to suddenly express feelings and thoughts or emotions.

4. The Importance of Vocabulary Mastery

The mastery of vocabulary is a very important first basis for students to

learn English; By mastering their vocabulary, they can communicate both

verbally and with good writing. Vocabulary is a fundamental aspect of the

language that must be mastered before mastering English. By mastering the

vocabulary, students are likely to acquire information and ideas more


effectively and can communicate fluently with other people because, in fact,

vocabulary is one of the important components of language and there is no

language without words. Words are signs or symbols of ideas. Without

words, people cannot communicate and interact with other people.

Vocabulary mastery can avoid being misinterpreted and expressing ideas.

The domain of the vocabulary is defended as the power to control, command,

decide and govern the vocabulary as a useful and fundamental tool for

communication and the acquisition of knowledge. Students used vocabulary

when composing sentences to express ideas, opinions, thoughts, and feelings.

Vocabulary proficiency is the proficiency or knowledge of a collection of

words that make up a language that anyone can use to communicate. When

learning four language skills, vocabulary is one of the building blocks that

need to be mastered. It makes sense, as four language skills require

knowledge of words because they couldn't perform all four skills without

vocabulary. The more they master the vocabulary, the better they practice the

language. Having multiple vocabulary collections in mind can help them

communicate in English better and correctly.


5. Assessing Vocabulary

According to (Brown, 2007), indicator in assessing vocabulary are:

Table 2.1

Indicator in assesing vocabulary

Assessing Vocabulary
4 Effective choice of word and word foms, the students are able to choose the
good choice of word, have the large range of vocabulary and they are able to
arrange the good sentence.
3 View misuse of vocabularies and word forms, but not change the meaning,
the students sometime not choose the right vocabulary, and the word forms
are not excellent, but still have the same meaning.
2 Limited range confusing words and word form, the students only had the
common word of vocabulary, still confuse how to share their idea and
arrange the sentences.
1 Very poor knowledge of word, word form, and not understandable, the
students had very poor vocabulary, do not understand how to share their
idea with word of English, misunderstand, and can not arrange the sentence
and say whay they want to say.

B. COVID-19 Times

1. Definition of COVID-19

According to the ECDC (European Center for Disease Prevention

and Control: 2020) in (Elabiyi M, 2020), COVID or Corona viruses (CoV)

are the largest group of viruses belonging to the order Nidovirales and the

Coronaviridae family. The Coronaviridae family consists of two

subfamilies, namely Coronavirinae and Torovirinae. Coronavirins are

divided into four genera, the Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta coronaviruses.

COVID-19 are single-stranded, positive-sense, unsegmented RNA viruses.


They feature a club-shaped peak protruding from their surface, a large

RNA genome, and a unique replication strategy. It gets its name from the

crown-shaped bumps on the envelope of the virus.

COVID-19 is known to cause diseases and various infections in

humans. It has endangered the global health, economy and social security

of humanity. It is responsible for respiratory and gastrointestinal disorders.

As a group, it is not limited to one region located in the organs; but its

target tissues include the nervous system, the immune system, the

reproductive system, the digestive system and, in a severe or critical phase,

it migrates to systemic infections that cause death in humans. The

coronavirus was reported after an outbreak in Wuhan, China in 2019,

which was dubbed COVID-19, abbreviated to COVID-19. In COVID-19,

"CO" means "crown", "VI" for "virus" and "D" for disease (Elabiyi M,


2. The Effect of COVID-19

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, several policies have been

implemented to break the chain of spread of the covid-19 virus in Indonesia.

Efforts by the government to distance themselves physically to keep the

distance between the community, stay away from activities in all forms of

crowds, gatherings and avoid meetings involving large numbers of people

COVID-19 also urges the government to implement a Work from Home

(WFH) policy. This policy is an effort applied to the company to solve all the

work at home. These efforts were aimed at breaking the chain of spread of the

COVID-19 pandemic that is currently underway.

3. The Effect of COVID-19 in Teaching English

Education in Indonesia is also one of the areas affected by the COVID-19

pandemic. With the limitation of interaction, the Indonesian Ministry of

Education also issues policies by firing schools and replaces the process of

teaching and learning activities (KBM) using online learning. When using this

online learning system, there are sometimes various problems faced by

students and teachers, such as materials not being delivered by the teacher and

then replaced with another assignment. COVID-19 also affects teaching

strategies. Teachers have to change the strategy in various methods they

designed at the beginning of the semester. Students don't have time to learn

English by practicing vocabulary. Students are not proficient in online English

lessons during COVID periods.

C.Review of Related Findings

There are some research which are relevant to this thesis, such as:

1. The thesis entitled “The Effectivness of Spelling Bee Game on Students’

Vocabulary Mastery” by Nurulwahidah(Faculty of Educational Sciences

State Islamic University SyarifHidayatullah Jakarta, 2018). She states that

spelling bee games is able to improve the student’s vocabulary mastery

and raises a positive response of students in learning English. The

similarities this research is the research of vocabulary mastery, but she


used spelling bee game, and the researcher analyze the student’s

vocabulary mastery purely.

2. The thesis entitled “The Effect of Direct Method on Student’s Vocabulary

Mastery” by Fandi Ahmad (Faculty Of Tarbiyah And Teachers’ Training

SyarifHidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, 2014). He states that

direct method is effective to increase the student’s vocabulary mastery at

the Second Grade Students of SMA TrigunaUtama, Tangerang Selatan.

The similarities this research is student’s vocabulary mastery, but the

researcher does not use the direct method for teaching student’s

vocabulary mastery.

3. The thesis entitled “The Correlation Between Student’s Vocabulary

Mastery and Reading Comprehension” by IrwanRo’iyal Ali (Department

Of English Education Faculty of Educational Sciences SyarifHidayatullah

State Islamic University Jakarta 2010). He states that there are the

correlation between between student’s vocabulary mastery and reading

comprehension.The similarities this research is the student’s vocabulary

mastery but the researcher do not correlate the vocabulary mastery to

student’s comprehension of reading.

Based on description above, it can be seen that there are difference

and similarity between previous researchers and this research. The

difference is almost of the previous researchers not only focus on the

student’s vocabulary mastery in general, while the researcher focus

student’s vocabulary mastery in general. The other differences are the kind

of the research of the previous researcher are experiment and correlation

research. While this research is descriptive qualitative research. The

similarity is these research both analyze the student’s vocabulary mastery

in learning English.

C. Theoritical Framework

An Analysis On The Students’

Vocabulary Mastery In Covid Times

The students are The students are are The students are able in
able to understand able to understand the the using of the
the vocabulary meaning of the vocabulary

Linguistic Part of Speech

Student’s Vocabulary

(Fandi Ahmad, 2014)



A. Types of the Research

In this research, the researcher employsa descriptive-qualitative

research. According to Moleongcites in (Ayu & Viora, 2019)descriptive

qualitative method is a procedure that generates the data in the form of

descriptive words in written or spoken from people and observed behavior.

According to Frankel &Wallencites in (Syamsudin & Damaianti, 2011), in

qualitative research the researcher investigates the quality of relationship,

situation, and materials. Based on the statement above, qualitative research

focuses to the students and teacher behavior and also the interaction between

them in teaching learning process.This research will use questionnairefor

collecting data in the Eleventh grade students of MAN 2 Kampar.

B. Setting of the Research

1.Time of the Research

This research has been conducted to decide onjuly 2021 preliminary

observation the location and population of the research carried out.

Then, the researcher observed the learning activities and watched the

method used by the English teacher.


Table 3.1
Time of the Research
No Activities Feb- Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1 Filling √
Title of
2 Proposal √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
3 Seminar
4 Implement
ation of
5 Data
n of
6 Thesis

2.Location of The Research

Researcher decided to do the resesarchlocatation inMAN 2

KamparatEleventhgrade.ItislocatedonJln. Raya PekanBaru-

Bangkinang N0. 158 Tj. Rambutan.KamparRegency.


C. Data, Data Source and Subject of the Research

Data are one of the most important things to solve the problem of

analysis. According to (Mahsun, 2007) cites in (Kurniawan, 2016)data

are research contained object of the study and basically are definitely

about object of the study and context. The data used in this study is the

questioner. The result of the questionnaire that used in this research

will be combined with the data source of the student’s score from the

teacher to find out the data.

The source of data in the research is the subject from which the

data that collected for the purpose of research (Arikunto, 2010) cites in

(Khoiriyah, 2016). Based on the statement above, it can be conclude

that data source is all of the information or subjects that collected and

chosen for the study.The data source in this research was the Eleventh

grade students of MAN 2 Kampar.

Subject of this research is all of the students of grade Eleventh

in MAN 2 Kampar in the academic year 2021. The class has 30

students. Therefore the subject in this research from Eleventh in

MAN 2 Kampar are 30 students. The researcher used total sampling

technique that makes all of the sample as the population of this


D. Technique of Collecting Data

1. Students Vocabulary Score

To collecting the data, the researcher need the students vocabulary

score from the teacher. The score taken by the research atgrade Eleventh

inMAN 2 Kamparintheacademicyear2021.Theclass has30students.The

score will be the data which the result of the questionnaire used in this

research to find out the students’ vocabulary mastery.

2. Questionnaire

According to (Sugiyono, 2010) cites in (Sari et al., 2018),

questionnaire was technique of data colleting that was done by give the

set of questions or written statement for respondent to be answered. In

this case, researcher gave questionnaire for students. The questionnaire

is also suitable used when the number of respondents is large enough

and spread over the same area large. The questionnaire can be in the

form of closed or open questions given directly by the respondent. This

assessment uses a Likert scale with a rating of 1-5. This questionnaire

used to identify the student’s understanding in vocabulary mastery.

E. The Technique of Analyzing Data

Data analysis has been conducted by data collecting after the

respondent answering each item of Questionnaire. By using scale of

likert, it given by the score, for item of problem in the form of

statement of answer consisted of 5 alternative of answer. The


instrument was generally used to ask responder in order to give respon

to some statement the responder strongly agree, agree, undecided,

disagree or very strongly disagree (Compiler, 2012).

Table 3. 2
Likert Scale
Statement SA A U D SD
Positive 5 4 3 2 1
Negative 1 2 3 4 5

After the factors is known, use the formula :

P= x 100 %

P = Percentage

F = Frequency of Score obtained from student enthusiasm

N = Sum up maximum score

(Sudjono, 2008)

F. Technique of Validating Data

1. The Validity

To know whether are valid or not, the researcher measured

its validity. According to Creswell (2012), validity is the

development of sound evidence to demonstrate that the test

interpretation (of scores about the concept or construct that the

test is assumed to measure) matches its proposed use. It means

that validity is the level to which inferences made from


assessment results are appropriate, meaningful and useful in terms

of the purpose of the assessment.To analyze the validity of the

instrument, the researcher conducted a questionnaire by handing

them to 30 students who are included in the research sample. The

researcher used SPSS 21 program to analyze the data.

2. Reability

The instrument must be reliable. Reliability is necessary

characteristic of any good test. According to (Creswell,2012) cites in

(Amri, 2016), reliability means that scores from an instrument are

stable and consistent. Reliability has to do with accuracy of

measurement. This kind of accuracy was reflected in obtaining the

similar results when measurement was repeated on different or by

different person.

This research is internal consistency reliability. According to

(Creswell, 2012) cites in (Amri, 2016),internal consistency reliability

is measuring two different versions of the same item within the same

instrument.To obtain the reliability of the vocabulary test, the

researcher used SPSS 21 Program to find out whether the test was

reliable or not.


A. Finding of the Research

The implementation of the research was conducted from August 2,

2021 to August 11, 2021. The researcher focused on getting more

information about the students’ vocabulary mastery during the Covid times

at the XI grade of MAN 2 Kampar. Researcher presented the findings of the

instruments that have been used by the researcher. The researcher used a

questionnaire that had been distributed to 30 students from 30 students who

were the subject. In this case, the researcher uses a Likert scale with a rating

of 1-4. The aim of this research is to analyze the student’s mastery

vocabulary in Covid times at the XI grade of MAN 2 Kampar.

1. Result of the Questionnaire

The questionnaire was distributed to the XI grade students of

MAN 2 Kampar, especially class XI MIA 1 and XI MIA 2. There were

30 students who answered the questionnaire and the questionnaire was

analyzed by the researcher. This is given to get accurate data about

student’s difficulties in learning speaking. To analyze the student’s

vocabulary mastery in Covid times, the researcher asked them to tick

their answers with a rating of 1-4.


The questionnaire consisted of 14 Indicators. The data obtained from

the questionnaires have been tabulated and described in this chapter.

a. Indicator 1

The indicators of this result were gotten from the questionnaire of the

student’s at XI grade students of MAN 2 Kampar. The result of indicator 1

of the student’s vocabulary mastery as follows:

Table 4.1 I understand the synonym of the vocabularies in the text

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage

1 Strongly agree 8 26,66%

2 Agree 19 63,33%

3 Disagree 3 10%

4 Strongly Disagree 0 0%

Total 30 100%

Table 4.1 shows that eight students strongly are able to understandthe

synonym of the vocabularies in the text. The students who agree is nineteen

students. The students who choose agree means that most of them is

understand the synonym of the vocabularies they find from the text, but

three students said disagree, it means three of the total students do not

understand the synonym of vocabularies. It shows that the most of the


students are able to recognize and understand the synonym of the

vocabularies from the text.


b. Indicator 2

The data of student’s vocabulary mastery were gotten from XI grade

students of MAN 2 Kampar which has 30 students. The indicators of this

result were gotten from the questionnaire. The result of indicator 2 of the

student’s vocabulary mastery as follows:

Table 4.2 I understand the antonym from the vocabularies in the text

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage

1 Strongly agree 8 26,66%

2 Agree 21 70%

3 Disagree 1 3,33%

4 Strongly Disagree 0 0%

Total 30 100%

Table 4.2 shows that twenty one students are able to understandthe

antonym from the vocabularies in the text. Meanwhile there was one

student said disagree, and none of the students said strongly disagree. It

shows that only one student from the total students do not understand the

anthonym from the text and most of the students at XI grade students at

MAN 2 Kampar are are able to understandthe antonym from the

vocabularies in the text.


c. Indicator 3

The following table shows the frequency and percentage of

vocabulary mastery were gotten from XI grade students of MAN 2

Kampar which has 30 students. The indicators of this result were gotten

from the questionnaire. The result of indicator 3 of the student’s

vocabulary mastery as follows:

Table 4.3 I can use the variation of the vocabularies over than two

meanings in the sentences

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage

1 Strongly agree 9 30%

2 Agree 18 60%

3 Disagree 3 10%

4 Strongly Disagree 0 0%

Total 30 100%

Table 4.3 shows that there are eightteen students said agree that

they can use the variation of the vocabularies over than two meanings in

the sentences. Meanwhile three students said disagree. It means some

students still do not understand how to use the variation of the

vocabularies over than two meanings in the sentences. From the total

students, most of the students at XI grade students at MAN 2 Kampar are


able to use the variation of the vocabularies over than two meanings in the

sentences and some students need to learn more about this kind of


d. Indicator 4

The following table shows the result of the frequency and

percentage of the student’s vocabulary mastery were gotten from XI grade

students of MAN 2 Kampar which has 30 students. The indicators of this

result were gotten from the questionnaire. The result of indicator 4 of the

student’s vocabulary mastery as follows:

Table 4.4 I can use the vocabularies with the same spelling but different

meaning of the text

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage

1 Strongly agree 9 30%

2 Agree 18 60%

3 Disagree 3 10%

4 Strongly Disagree 0 0%

Total 30 100%

Table 4.4 shows that there are eightteen students said agree that

they can use the vocabularies with the same spelling but different meaning

of the text. Only three student said disagree and none of the students said

strongly disagree. It means from the total students, most of the students at

XI grade students at MAN 2 Kampar are able to use the vocabularies with

the same spelling but different meaning of the text and only three students

still do not understand and need to learn more in using the vocabularies

with the same spelling but different meaning of the text.

e. Indicator 5

The indicators of this result were gotten from the questionnaire of the

student’s at XI grade students of MAN 2 Kampar. The result of indicator 5

of the student’s vocabulary mastery as follows:

Table 4.5 I understand the vocabularies of noun from the text

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage

1 Strongly agree 8 26,66%

2 Agree 20 66,66%

3 Disagree 2 6,66%

4 Strongly Disagree 0 0%

Total 30 100%

Table 4.5 shows that from the total students of XI grade student of

MAN 2 Kampar, there was only two students still do not undersand the

vocabularies of noun from the text. Twenty students said are able to

understandand eight students strongly are able to understandthe


vocabularies of noun. It show that the majority of the XI grade students of

MAN 2 Kampar are able to understand the vocabularies of noun from the

text was given.


f. Indicator 6

The data of student’s vocabulary mastery were gotten from XI

grade students of MAN 2 Kampar which has 30 students. The indicators

of this result were gotten from the questionnaire. The result of indicator 6

of the student’s vocabulary mastery as follows:

Table 4.6 I understand the using of noun vocabularies from the text

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage

1 Strongly agree 11 36,66%

2 Agree 15 50%

3 Disagree 4 13,33%

4 Strongly Disagree 0 0%

Total 30 100%

Table 4.6 shows that there were fiveteen students said are able to

understandthe using of noun vocabularies from the text. Meanwhile there

were 4 students said disagree and none of the students said strongly

disgaree. The students who choose agree means that they understand the

using of noun vocabularies from the text. It means from the total students,

most of the students at XI grade students at MAN 2 Kampar are able to

understand the using of noun vocabularies from the text and only three

students still do not understand and need to learn more the use of noun

vocabularies from the text.


g. Indicator 7

The following table shows the frequency and percentage of vocabulary

mastery were gotten from XI grade students of MAN 2 Kampar which has

30 students. The indicators of this result were gotten from the

questionnaire. The result of indicator 7 of the student’s vocabulary

mastery as follows:

Table 4.7 I understand the verb vocabularies in the text

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage

1 Strongly agree 11 36,66%

2 Agree 16 53,33%

3 Disagree 3 10%

4 Strongly Disagree 0 0%

Total 30 100%

Table 4.7 shows that eleven students said strongly are able to

understandthe verb vocabularies in the text. The students who said agree

were sixteen students. Only three students said disagree, and none of the

students said strongly disagree. The students said agree means that they

understand the verb vocabularies in the text. The students disagree means

that they are not able to recognize and undertand the vocabulary of verb

from text. It shows that the most of students at XI grade students at MAN

2 Kampar are able to understandthe verb vocabularies in the text and only

three students need to learn more about vovabularies of verb.

h. Indicator 8

The following table shows the result of the frequency and

percentage of the student’s vocabulary mastery were gotten from XI grade

students of MAN 2 Kampar which has 30 students. The indicators of this

result were gotten from the questionnaire. The result of indicator 8 of the

student’s vocabulary mastery as follows:

Table 4.8 I understand the using of verb in the text

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage

1 Strongly agree 10 33,33%

2 Agree 19 63,33%

3 Disagree 1 3,33%

4 Strongly Disagree 0 0%

Total 30 100%

Table 4.8 shows that ten students said strongly agree and nineteen

students said are able to understandthe using of verb in the text. There was

only one student said disagree and none of the student said strongly

disagree. The students said agree means that they understand the using of

verb in the text. The students disagree means that they are not able to

recognize and understand the using of verb in the text. It shows that the

most of students at XI grade students at MAN 2 Kampar are able to

understandthe verb vocabularies in the text.


i. Indicator 9

The indicators of this result were gotten from the questionnaire of

the student’s at XI grade students of MAN 2 Kampar. The result of

indicator 9 of the student’s vocabulary mastery as follows:

Table 4.9 I understand the vocabularies of adverb in text

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage

1 Strongly agree 3 10%

2 Agree 21 70%

3 Disagree 6 20%

4 Strongly Disagree 0 0%

Total 30 100%

Table 4.9 shows that there were twenty one students said agree that

understand the vocabularies of adverb in text. The students who said

disagree were six students and none of the students said strongly disagree.

The students who agree means that they understand the vocabularies of

adverb in text. The students disagree means that they are not able to

recognize and understand understand the vocabularies of adverb in text. It

shows that the most of students at XI grade students at MAN 2 Kampar

are able to understandthe adverb vocabularies in the text and there were

six students need to learn more about vocabularies of adverb.


j. Indicator 10

The data of student’s vocabulary mastery were gotten from XI

grade students of MAN 2 Kampar which has 30 students. The indicators

of this result were gotten from the questionnaire. The result of indicator 10

of the student’s vocabulary mastery as follows:

Table 4.10 I understand the using of adverb in the text

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage

1 Strongly agree 6 20%

2 Agree 19 63,33%

3 Disagree 5 16,66%

4 Strongly Disagree 0 0%

Total 30 100%

Table 4.10 shows that there were six students strongly are able to

understandthe using of adverb in the text. There were nineteen students

said agree. Meanwhile there were five students said disagree, and none of

the students strongly disagree. The students who agree means that they are

able to understand the using of adverb vocabularies. The students who

disagree means that they are not able to recognize and understand the

using of vocabularies of adverb in text. The table shows that the most of

students at XI grade students at MAN 2 Kampar are able to understandthe

using of adverb vocabularies.

k. Indicator 11

The following table shows the result of the frequency and

percentage of the student’s vocabulary mastery were gotten from XI grade

students of MAN 2 Kampar which has 30 students. The indicators of this

result were gotten from the questionnaire. The result of indicator 11 of the

student’s vocabulary mastery as follows:

Table 4.11 I understand of the vocabularies of conjuction in the text

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage

1 Strongly agree 4 23,33%

2 Agree 20 66,66%

3 Disagree 6 20%

4 Strongly Disagree 0 0%

Total 30 100%

Table 4.11 shows that there were four students strongly are able to

understandunderstand of the vocabularies of conjuction in the text. There

were twenty students said agree. Meanwhile there were six students said

disagree, and none of the students strongly disagree. The students who

agree means that they are able to understand of the vocabularies of

conjuction. The students whodisagree means that they are not able to

recognize and understand of the vocabularies of conjuction understand of

the vocabularies of conjuction in the text. From the total students at XI

grade students at MAN 2 Kampar, most of the students are able to

understandof the vocabularies of conjuction in the text.

l. Indicator 12

The indicators of this result were gotten from the questionnaire of

the student’s at XI grade students of MAN 2 Kampar. The result of

indicator 12 of the student’s vocabulary mastery as follows:

Table 4.12 I understand the using of conjunction of the text

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage

1 Strongly agree 7 13,33%

2 Agree 17 56,66%

3 Disagree 6 20%

4 Strongly Disagree 0 0%

Total 30 100%

Table 4.12 shows that from the total students of XI grade student

of MAN 2 Kampar, there were six students disagree said disagree. It

means they still do not understand the using of conjunction of the text.

There were seventeen students said agree, and seven students said strongly

agree. The students who agree means that they are able to understand

understand the using of conjunction of the text. It show that the majority of

the XI grade students of MAN 2 Kampar are able to understand the using

of conjunction of the text.


m. Indicator 13

The data of student’s vocabulary mastery were gotten from XI

grade students of MAN 2 Kampar which has 30 students. The indicators

of this result were gotten from the questionnaire. The result of indicator 13

of the student’s vocabulary mastery as follows:

Table 4.13 I understand the vocabularies of pronoun in the text

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage

1 Strongly agree 10 33,33%

2 Agree 17 56,66%

3 Disagree 3 10%

4 Strongly Disagree 0 0%

Total 30 100%

Table 4.13 shows that there were seventeen students said are able

to understandthe vocabularies of pronoun in the text. Meanwhile three

students said disagree. It means some students still do not understand the

vocabularies of pronoun in the text. From the total students, most of the

students at XI grade students at MAN 2 Kampar are able to understand the

vocabularies of pronoun in the text and some students need to learn more

about this kind of vocabularies.

n. Indicator 14

The following table shows the frequency and percentage of

vocabulary mastery were gotten from XI grade students of MAN 2

Kampar which has 30 students. The indicators of this result were gotten

from the questionnaire. The result of indicator 14 of the student’s

vocabulary mastery as follows:

Table 4.14 I understand the using of pronoun of the text

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage

1 Strongly agree 11 36,66%

2 Agree 13 43,44%

3 Disagree 6 20%

4 Strongly Disagree 0 0%

Total 30 100%

Table 4.14 shows that11 students (36,66%) said strongly agree, 13

students (43,44%) said agree, 6 student (20%) said disagree, and 0 student

(0%) said strongly disagree. So, we can conclude that most students at XI

grade students at MAN 2 Kampar are able to understandthe using of

pronoun in the text.

Table 4.14 shows that there were eleven students strongly are able

to understandthe using of pronoun of the text. There were thirdteen

students said agree. Meanwhile there were six students said disagree, and

none of the students strongly disagree. The students who agree means that

they are able to understand the using of pronoun of the text. The students

whodisagree means that they are not able to recognize and understand the

using of pronoun of the text. From the total students at XI grade students

at MAN 2 Kampar, most of the students are able to understandthe using of

pronoun of the text.

2. The Result of the Student’s Vocabulary Score from the Teacher’s


From the teacher’s data, the researcher found the student’s

vocabulary score in the XI grade students at MAN 2 Kampar. The

researcher found that the total score of the student’s vocabulary was 2440.

The highest score was 89. The lowest score of the students vocabulary

score was 35. There was a gap between the highest and the lowest score.

After analyzing the student’s score, the researcher found that the

median of score was 85. The mean score of the student’s vocabulary score

was 81,33. That score means that the students of XI grade students at

MAN 2 Kampar are able to understand the linguistics part of speech

vocabularies in English.

Based on the explanation above, the result of this research is in the


1. Most of the students at XI grade students at MAN 2 Kampar are

able to recognize and understand the synonym of the vocabularies

from the text.


2. From the total students of the XI grade students at MAN 2

Kampar, most of the students are able to understandthe antonym

from the vocabularies in the text.

3. Most of the students at XI grade students at MAN 2 Kampar are

able to use the variation of the vocabularies over than two

meanings in the sentences and some students need to learn more

about this kind of vocabularies.

4. The majority of the students at XI grade students at MAN 2

Kampar are able to use the vocabularies with the same spelling but

different meaning of the text and only three students still do not

understand and need to learn more in using the vocabularies with

the same spelling but different meaning of the text.

5. Most of the students at XI grade students at MAN 2 Kampar are

able to understand the vocabularies of noun from the text was


6. From the total students of the XI grade students at MAN 2

Kampar, most of the students are able to understand the using of

noun vocabularies from the text and only three students still do not

understand and need to learn more the use of noun vocabularies

from the text.

7. Most of students at XI grade students at MAN 2 Kampar are able

to understand the verb vocabularies in the text and only three

students need to learn more about vovabularies of verb.


8. The majority of the students at XI grade students at MAN 2

Kampar are able to understandthe verb vocabularies in the text.

9. Most of the students at XI grade students at MAN 2 Kampar are

able to understand the adverb vocabularies in the text and there

were six students need to learn more about vocabularies of adverb

10. From the total students of the XI grade students at MAN 2

Kampar, most of the students are able to understandthe using of

adverb vocabularies.

11. Most of the students at XI grade students at MAN 2 Kampar are

able to understandof the vocabularies of conjuction in the text.

12. From the total students of the XI grade students at MAN 2

Kampar, most of the students are able to understand the using of

conjunction of the text.

13. Most of the students at XI grade students at MAN 2 Kampar are

able to understand the vocabularies of pronoun in the text and

some students need to learn more about this kind of vocabularies.

14. The majority of the students at XI grade students at MAN 2

Kampar, most of the students are able to understandthe using of

pronoun of the text.


B. Discussion

The results of the research shows that most of the students at the XI

grade of MAN 2 Kampar are able to mastery the vocabulary in Covid times.

This is evidenced by the points obtained by the researcher by analyzing the

student's result of questionnaire and the teacher’s data. The result of

research through questionnaires that made by researchers based on the

linguistics part of speech. From the result, the researcher got that the

students are able to understand the noun of the text. Most of the students

agree that they are able to understand noun vocabularies from the text. The

same result also shows that the students also understand the others kind of

vocabularies part of speech, such as verb, adverb, conjuction, pronoun,etc.

The results of research indicate that the majority of the students agree

that they are able to recognize and understand the synonym, anthonym, and

the using of anthonym and synonym vocabularies from the text. Most of the

students at XI grade students at MAN 2 Kampar also able to use the

variation of the vocabularies over than two meanings in the sentences and

only some students need to learn more about this kind of vocabularies.

Based on the research finding above, the researcher found that from

the total students, The majority of the students at XI grade students at MAN

2 Kampar are able to use the vocabularies with the same spelling but

different meaning of the text and only three students still do not understand

and need to learn more in using the vocabularies with the same spelling but

different meaning of the text.


The finding of the teacher’s data of the student’s vocabulary score,

the researcher found that the mean score of the student’s vocabulary score

was 81,33 and the median score was 85. According to the result of research

finding above, it is known that the students are able to master the linguistic

part of speech, especially about noun, verb, pronoun, etc. The students also

understand the use of the vocabularies in English text.



A. Conclusion

The research was implemented at XI grade students at MAN 2 Kampar

in August 2021. The aim of this research is to analyze the student’s

mastery vocabulary in Covid times. From the data that has been collected

from the questionnaire and the teacher’s data, the researcher have analyzed

and described that the student are able to mastery the vocabulary especialy

about the linguistics part of speech and the using of the vocabularies in the

text. Furthermore, the results of the questionnaire shows good results. This

shows that from 30 questionnaires they were able to understand the

vocabularies and the use of the vocabularies.

B. Suggestion

Suggestions raise as the research ends. Based on the results of the

research above, the researcher would like to give some suggestions are

students should learn more about vocabulary especially in the pronoun and

and the adverb in order to develop and improve their abilities in English.

The students must always practice their English vocabulary in their daily

activities. The students must have motivation in learning English and never

give up in learning the new vocabularies in English and practice it as much

as possible. The researcher also hoping that there will be a special time for

remembering some vocabulary at the end of the learning process,


considering that vocabulary is a crucial part of the English language


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Appendix 1: The Teacher’s Data of the Student’s Vocabulary Score

Student’s Vocabulary Score

No Student Code Vocabulary Score

1 Student 1 88

2 Student 2 87

3 Student 3 87

4 Student 4 85

5 Student 5 86

6 Student 6 86

7 Student 7 89

8 Student 8 80

9 Student 9 45

10 Student 10 85

11 Student 11 84

12 Student 12 82

13 Student 13 80

14 Student 14 82

15 Student 15 84

16 Student 16 84

17 Student 17 86

18 Student 18 56

19 Student 19 87

20 Student 20 87

21 Student 21 88

22 Student 22 89

23 Student 23 84

24 Student 24 85

25 Student 25 35

26 Student 26 85

27 Student 27 85

28 Student 28 84

29 Student 29 88

30 Student 30 87

Total 2440
Mean 81,33
Median 85

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