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RealFX for GTA:SA PC

Authors: GunMod, The Borg

Date 7-14-05


Complete overhual of the weather system and special FX. Please read the feautyre

- Night time is night time. No more super bright daylight. (GunMod)

- Chrome system redone for all default vehicles. (GunMod)
- Tire system redone for all default vehicles. (GunMod)
- Reflections and shininess of vehicles improved. (Borg, GunMod)
- Vehicles lights improved. (Borg, GunMod)
- All generic vehicles textures enhanced (GunMod, Borg)
- Time of day synced with the sun setting and rising. No more full bright day ef
fects at 10 pm. (GunMod)
- New Realistic blood effects (GunMod)
- New explosion effect. Less cartoonish. (GunMod)
- Smaller Moon (GunMod)
- Removed overhead cloud effect to keep visual bugs away (Strange fog walls, fla
shing textures, etc) (GunMod)
- Water now has much more realistic appearance (GunMod)
- Ped and Vehicle traffic modified. At peak times, on heavy traffic roads you ca
n have a lot of vehicles, also more peds active during business hours. (GunMod)
- Memory and allowed vehicles and peds overrode to allow more peak traffic (GunM
- Relationships between different peds modifed. Gangs more prone to attack "nosy
" cops, and etc. (GunMod)
- Police more generally aggresive. Piss them off and feel the wrath. (GunMod)
- Police will use there High Frequency siren more often when police car is block
ed by traffic and they are code 3 (Chasing bad guys) (GunMod)
- Police, Medics, Firefighters have a farther "memory" If they drive past a call
, they wont forget to return to it as often. (GunMod)
- Gangs will now commit more random crimes that the police go after them for. (G
- Prostitute types more variable. (GunMod)
- Modified EAX.DLL to try and fix rain sound problems. (GunMod)

Make a backup of your Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas folder
Extract to your X:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas folder. (Where X
is drive SA is installed on)
Allow the files to overwrite.
No "new game" is neccesary. Will work with saved games.

Please do not send me emails saying, it doesnt get that dark, or doesnt get fogg
y at this time, it should be sunny at this time.
I did a LOT of research before finishing this mod, and spent hours of time just
testing everything from the time of day to match real
photos etc.
Critism is welcome, but only if it is an actual flaw or suggestion. There is a l
imitation to this game engine, and I did what I could with
what I have to work with.

Camera mod for SA. I HATE the way San Andreas does replays. All the other cam
stuff is fine for me,
but, I can not make any cool videos, because the only way to get a cinematic (Wh
ich means like drive by cams, helo-cam)
is to actually record the actions as it happens in THOSE modes. Its almost impos
sible to be running from the police
in cinematic view. So please, someone make a cam mod for SA for the replays!

Borg Gaming

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