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7 Image Placement

1. In Line with Text- This option places an image on the same line as surrounding text.
The image will thus move as text is added or removed, whereas the other options here
mean the image stays in one position while text shifts and ‘wraps’ around it.


The daffodil is a flower that represents rebirth and

new beginnings. Because it is one of the first perennials to bloom following the winter frost, it has become
connected with new beginnings (and the arrival of spring). Daffodils come in a variety of colors, including
white and orange, but they are best recognized for their brilliant yellow tints, which light up the garden.
Narcissus is the Latin name for daffodil. It is thought to be called after the river god's son from Greek
mythology. Narcissus was famous for his beauty, but he was also conceited. This was discovered by the
goddess Nemesis, who enticed him to a pool where he fell in love with his own reflection.

2. Square- This wraps text around an image on all sides at right angles, as if it had a
rectangular box around it. This is the most common form of text wrapping.


The daffodil is a flower that represents rebirth and new beginnings. Because it is one of the first perennials to
bloom following the winter frost, it has become
connected with new beginnings (and the arrival
of spring). Daffodils come in a variety of
colors, including white and orange, but they are
best recognized for their brilliant yellow tints,
which light up the garden.Narcissus is the
Latin name for daffodil. It is thought to be
called after the river god's son from Greek
mythology. Narcissus was famous for his
beauty, but he was also conceited. This was
discovered by the goddess Nemesis, who
enticed him to a pool where he fell in love with
his own reflection.
3. Tight-This is similar to Square but without the rectangular box, so text wraps around the
edges of the image itself. Useful for irregularly shaped images.


The daffodil is a flower that represents rebirth and new beginnings. Because it is one of the first perennials to
bloom following the winter frost, it has become
connected with new beginnings (and the arrival
of spring). Daffodils come in a variety of colors,
including white and orange, but they are best
recognized for their brilliant yellow tints, which
light up the garden. Narcissus is the Latin name
for daffodil. It is thought to be called after
the river god's son from Greek mythology.
Narcissus was famous for his beauty, but
he was also conceited. This was
discovered by the goddess Nemesis, who
enticed him to a pool where he fell in love
with his own reflection.

4. Through- Similar to Tight, but text will also fill any white gaps within the image.

The daffodil is a flower that represents rebirth and new beginnings. Because it is one of the first perennials to
bloom following the winter frost, it has
become connected with new
beginnings (and the arrival of spring).
Daffodils come in a variety of colors,
including white and orange, but they are
best recognized for their brilliant yellow tints,
which light up the garden. Narcissus is the
Latin name for daffodil. It is thought to be
called after the river god's son from Greek
mythology. Narcissus was famous for
his beauty, but he was also conceited. This
was discovered by the goddess Nemesis,
who enticed him to a pool where he fell in
love with his own reflection.
5. Top and Bottom- Text wraps above and below the image so it is on its own line. This
is most useful for larger images that occupy most of the width of a page.


The daffodil is a flower that represents rebirth and new beginnings. Because it is one of the first perennials to
bloom following the winter frost, it has become connected with new beginnings (and the arrival of spring).

Daffodils come in a variety of colors, including white and orange, but they are best recognized for their
brilliant yellow tints, which light up the garden. Narcissus is the Latin name for daffodil. It is thought to be
called after the river god's son from Greek mythology. Narcissus was famous for his beauty, but he was also
conceited. This was discovered by the goddess Nemesis, who enticed him to a pool where he fell in love with
his own reflection.

6. Behind Text- Places an image behind the text, allowing you to add a watermark or
background image on a page (although MS Word has a separate watermark option, too,
which is easier to use in many cases).


The daffodil is a flower that represents rebirth and new beginnings. Because it is one of the first perennials to
bloom following the winter frost, it has become connected with new beginnings (and the arrival of spring).
Daffodils come in a variety of colors, including white and orange, but they are best recognized for their
brilliant yellow tints, which light up the garden. Narcissus is the Latin name for daffodil. It is thought to be
called after the river god's son from Greek mythology. Narcissus was famous for his beauty, but he was also
conceited. This was discovered by the goddess Nemesis, who enticed him to a pool where he fell in love with
his own reflection.
7. In Front of Text- Places the picture in front of the text. This can be used to place a
circle around some text or to add an arrow to highlight part of a passage.


The daffodil is a flower that represents rebirth and new beginnings. Because it is one of the first perennials to
bloom following the winter frost, it has become connected with new beginnings (and the arrival of spring).
Daffodils come in a variety of colors, including white and orange, but they are best recognized for their
brilliant yellow tints, which light up the garden. Narcissus is the Latin name for daffodil. It is thought to be
called after the river god's son from Greek mythology. Narcissus was famous for his beauty, but he was also
conceited. This was discovered by the goddess Nemesis, who enticed him to a pool where he fell in love with
his own reflection.



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