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TI~ OocM Jl'OJd lo r~ ..,. 1tf9~ h-1,.t,:::~1 d lha

t . ~ ~ , Uint,y 0,:1 1rr h U• c:tt1 ~

CG1fü: 1"

t.a"'ICUhl!-t Ut>ttry Sorvkff

.s,s 1BA2._
~~··Ulrry ~ ,
..,.,.,...,,2u,; ,_..,_I
...,...,_..,.. 'tát'I \1fhl1+1..,-MA •,f1ho1ri1t$
Ar,, V 11tWJlôJà11

Return now

ru orJe,:
t Pbo~ '4" •OJ l8fl"i ltlS~U 1l
il 'w:,1J • lo to ,44 CO) Uti~ JHOQ 1
Q Vim rhf R11inurc- l\<,,c,k-h.•r .11 w•·w.r11.IAt.r'ap11hlillhau.1>.uli. tu bmw-.r 00.t
Where in the world? ........... 4
01-1~l oguc al'IJ orJcr ~mLn,e
Brazil in a nursheU. 6
l•nidu.Ml tw..- Lm,ttt 1-r fl t,,,1 ,.,.,., Ct1•1tiv 1,,, IA r-t-1~ IJ;iu
Wb tr~"l111'•'*°'° l'.J,l,Jij,_ 11J
lki~•A."C'r 1-manf ümn.,
f,r11w111à-! tioj,;;qi. A!t, 11411
t!n.oL 11~,,~ 1fltifl ~ " " '
Gerring around ............... 8
J:10 1--f,ch Sum, t..c-;.ci, b~' .!NH 1- t.nnt r.,ai,r.apii, Ju-rndr 1,.,u,1!Jft. l 1>-siul
',o.lc111f •11-t lf'd ç,1PJ11.-1u ,;c,<,111" Ji.\'(11llt ~tt.Utul '!. Clima te & landscape ........ . . 1O
i;,,., f'' Hiv,rJ tft Cir!'Jo'I P-tlt,h h-)' R,,flltn', 1. r,u,,j c ..,!n."'"" !111,11!.,. l11rr,1.1wn
H.iJ~ r -n. jr,,nJ,a," tt,11, C'~i....J OXl t11. 1 "111!f
hr, tol H,~.:1.111 í.ih•i:,,l'\o fll 1 ..... , History & Cl.ilturc .......... . . 18
lt.vftt.l'tC ll • n,;imn:d of
H.lflYl'ffl ~.J .....11, ~1 I.J.L A~ledfCll'Csn
('~41,..NI rti-1~1:10"•' 1"UJ,.:1r~uloftt.itN,o,111 ~I Everyday lifc ................ 26
o ... ,..*" f,k. ~fflll l ·J J_(jfllfl. :""' •'f' l\!,-ni"'"')• 1$ tflrrho-,:., lc:o-wJJ1.ali.:o, \._*ti, 2~'21
:Jm11'\ Hl'f'!'ltl, 21 -l•rtlil flosw1'11"111tftt, ~l lttll!U'I)
hr.1 pul-luhrd"' J'l:IJ!t't"' 11l :.011-
n., fMCctl ,c,r, t,f 1h. ,mrinn,,rhl, ti,(,,11 •-1,d. l$h (~cr-i,.,ni..- "'-'n •, 1" j\.lN> AvJalRA.lm i. J J 1f~ Cities of Brazil 32
íokQ.d.1 _, ¼iK..,1,lJAa..nkLurt•l$(,,,\~~I" l!Ülhrt
.\li I irfln r(VrYl·J N,q,,1n f>J 11!• p.t<i••1un
n..i, t-- tt5•1n1h.:nl. ,u.rN 1ft J mrirt·•I 4)')'tnl',
llic""'1• 12. n.uUurt lcrrtl. 1<1, rt-,,1,1,un pp. 4-SiJOII
A.,-.i,IJ :,1'1.,1, t, 1l1•Jin. ~.,.J
b"AVr'.11. ~"' 11,.· Living in rhe counrryside 36
e,• ,.ra,-.ourud 111 •11• mnfl or "7 :Jl'Y m,o,.1111~ í JM.l!r!"1 n,,,·ortt.oi,L,&,, k11\rrnJ1r""1stt1,11
ckttf'UIIL pl..lll!JI.UP)lllf- «'O..,Jn1mc
,,, .,.ht,.,..,,., v,,tlil~c t1fflfr tht pn"'f Wf'trKfl
10irtw,-l,runt•,alJ ,, U ;L1~ t&I V,---,,. U 11!;1111 Arntold
I ~'"''• lti tO " loNC"otw1, .. ,JJi.l .. pi.-.,...,Wli,-1111-ttt.
Environmenr & wilcilife. 40
""'"'111111,111c-1 1J,c r,,l./1"1hn,._o. J tan.:ir pm11 .... H ~,.,l tit11• ln,•.). l-4 11,..., """'tlJ
l,1,'1!ffi, ó!lt .111ln
~rir.,.Ji;,,r,r,11,11111 dw lhu'°~ Kv'li,J,~~.I"
tbr L"MTlttbr ....__wg. Ãlb:ll"l' ltJ.. ~ l ~ . 1 m
!jt,11r.t lm,*1,I ?lt, lll fí,hurd l",iLnl. .,.,. ('-n!J! ri ...,...,~
~li ,OJit1e C.:11..11~, <tlb l'--1' ftla'WIII~'; ~
Stay or go? .. 42
o,,,,, Mí\tld. 1~ . •·n nr1,,,,..,..,,.d•.C\,.i-ll. .\ll'l(flo;,,lft J'•«""°' CIP ~"I IT"'1 "1~1tflt'li, :: 1 t.Juno I'
1m.c,.!'11 l u-,,M•1m10n1,JI) r-, \t,,"mn!'I), 11 IÍNlt' Find our more .............. . 44
t-J,11..-, 1i ....,~ , ...., ... J. ,1.,i..~.- 1,l7ijJ.ftOft. Mun-.,~\ 1l 1Te1t1t Mv,1n,~nl."" T1ri, M•""-"'~"t. r
rt,ttr J.t.or1,-,1 J<j (T1,n..- \fomwo~ OI fo"f ~t,,m..)ll!,-
·""' lu., 11--"'"" {1,i,t t,,;.,.Jll.)I,;. f,1"f,,t.o> JIP. H. ·d. Brazi l - facts & figures ....... . 46
~ 1..ew..m.11., Am, \;,116..
,.r,..:1·•1.,., ,bi...t íi,1111• Rw, \_.n• .,.-1 tq'f<•ÍIIIL$I
{ ,l·ffl , ....,.,.,..... ,.,
Mtli f'o'""'""<MtJ Pt111wlll>1>tlY1'\\(ltlb,.._ \. liw. Glossary ................. . . 47
Ol~..-i 11? \l•kk111 A1!r
1"'r,11w.1 tn.! h(:,,1nd '" Hnlla t.oq
1ndex ...... • .............. 48
ll't1Ttlt, ff ..., l,crr lltllJ.- l•l • •l.k.l U'M llllht
H.udl•.Jir 11llJ, 1' f ( fl('f "1,1 ll't\AI ttrroJia..1 m 1111, bool.
10 ,...._.., tSiN t"'"'lflkl&'4 Arrr om1.a~.,• N m:nf~ ,a .._,~ 1
1\dir111'U\llii lP1I I.Oi.l!l oilt!.i t ll'lhq:t ,f ,_,;.. , u ,.;l'Tft ln ihc l"'lhl"'"""
lfl ~- .. ~ \ • 11.1
1110()+010.. "4 n,, foljll.l •w-d 1-0 P,1111 dm t,o.,i. .,.,.... tl'Odl
-..,,.,o1q !1'W.itu.1.. Any wotd,;. app~aring tn lht e~ m bold, hkt"
h?O~ thi\. M(' c.xph,ule"i 1n thc glos~a ry. You c.1n
JOJ,~1:-llN 141)(1:0ll•X O!wla.lfl#f
1l d'Pd'-ftN '7J14,1)6?óJ14'i A1I ~" l,1mrl"l...,_•IIJIIL1-11,~fll tt>liiitlt""1l.-,al.Ju
also look our for rhcm ,n thc \ºC'ord B.111k
IO'll"f,S"4 tll , "'1,....- -4 ~ , , . rmoa t,~-.,nu. duc .,.!\,, ,1,~_.,,," .. ,...,, (oi box ar che hormm ot cach pJg~
llll l\ll'.l'f!~0-'1 1..1w-1.....,_.,.,o-c ..IJ-ro"" n•r k- c.•11111.,J ar.:u~~ ,., t"~OI
oll'CII' ......._.•...,. , ,•• 11.......... ..i r11W1,l,11n ffWYI-,
Ir,..,••n,.,. • ._._, -., 1:a• 1 t ~ "" r«po.,•ih 11, f,• _.,.
• h d1•·1, , ~.,..,..,. •~,.....~ bt-1111..,d,-t 1... 1•• at dw p.1,1.,mr,.
Return now

ID tlae "ff'orld'l Thc high·n¼' bu1IJing) nl J ut.y 1...tmrtt Cültl~ uno,,
t-lo" f.' )'O\I p<.1,~thl>; l;mJ ,du:11: rbt·rc "'' m;my
Ynu h,d 1hr pl:nw ~huddcr and yuu opcu \'UUrc)C'\ w1-1.h .i hu11Jmg,? ~uJJcnl) thc runw;a.~ rm-hc- up ww.:arJ-. )OU
n.1n. You lnc1Sc ou1 uf {)w \\-tnJov. JRÔ. ;ire .1.miJze<l r,, ',("t' an~I lht' pL.tnr b11J-.. wuh ::.1 )Wllll1.· hump. \ 1)41 h,1,c ,1rrn·ed
th-tt H1u .ire fh;nK ,tloni;..ufo ~ft'cll moum..nm.. You ~Lan,c- ,lt \.tnCn<iDun1or1t air-pon, .a rl.1tlnrm bmh on tcd.iuncJ
or .1~il "-tl' rhr, c;ummns o1 l•m)J. ,,..l)' ..1bc,\-r )'tml ~º" d1~ 1.tnJ 1umntr. um the ..a.. íht\ ,_ rh,• ,t\.:uUJ J1rrun tor
pl.m~ h ,l1n111g ovcr ,ht ,.uiJ fOll ..:Jn '!l('l' br-;",. Rio LIL' J.1m·1ro - thi:- mu .., t:\.•l.°li.Hi~ ~tlv m 6r.11.1U
durred Wlth J)l"Opft'. \\ 1Jc- pJl..ill·UCC lmcJ .,lVCITUc.",, .-nd
lu \ln-~ '1Un,u,o:s.

n,~ t,nd 11......õdf '""º
., -
s,az,I got ,ts name ro b 1
al~P"ú ra11
red,,.'OOd "°'.'
The -N dy• tmm
or •bril.11-NOOd _.... b A,rterittd1atu
a.. l('é'-E' WdJ IJ\.t'V y
r,,u ..... . faces- tt ,.s the n1e1r
. 1tfee of 8ru t.
nahoM ----=-
Return now

in a nulsLell VfNEZUELA

ru, >OU ltol\C' du: .Urj:'lan ~·uu buy- .i .mJ J ~uuJcl,ook for
J te" rrol - U11: munry U'5-Cd 1n Rru,I. You un ~l'I." ,n-.ll11,ht
J.\1. J.) tlwt Hu11I 1, ,h~ 1,Jggot \ ut Sourh \mL~rita. ECUAOOR
You .11,u nuu ... c th:u 1L he\. ~ourh nf 1hc- í quator. You bt-~1n

to m.1ke: i.umr noco.

\ ;;;.;;
t•••'''' 0

~ ', : ,\,-(aju • Mace,od

\ .._ ( Salnctot


Ko'4"'"'-* • ~.,.

" h8'p,J • •
w~}-t T Dam ~ ,.::i1o ftiq 0c J.,,..wo

·----~ ARGENTINA t ·-
{ )

• rlor..nopoll:1


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·ng around lf )'OU trJlh \\.tnt l o t:\rlrn~ thc wholc of Br.1,11.

thou\,U\. )'UU '"'ll h..1,L" to ti~ l•> 1omc
L.1tolün1J, 1t ,.our tn..1p ,,ou , ..rn M.'(' rh.J1 gmm~ ;.imunJ Br:11.11 ri.ti.e,, 1111'> I\ H'r(,tuth· ltll" 1.1u11J.r,.t \\ .1) llt
1'_gomg, 1,1 b"• lfllll~ .11.h.11l.:ng1.•. lt 1\ t.11 br~c ch.11 UJ\·dltne i;t!I n~ lrs~I C•llt' ~!ul ttt rhl" CllUa&T) til t~ ttthrr
.it,,unJ cuultl ul.c ...orrn.• rime. Jt I!> llot 11111)' thi: v..l.,1 JistJfü,l''> - c,1hct~ dl(' )(11r,rnn ,111,,l,I ,.,\~ ,lafi, ~1, nlt
thJt m.1lt crnvdlm,.; JiUi"uh. rhoutJ,h, ln '>Vm< rc.:nvnc rirh fü,ar..11.AJl~,om attorJ m fl't'. btWIIC\ff. am3 11~1
ot B, .anl, lhth." .uc ,·cri lc\\- roaJ,.. J.nJ thé) ~u ottcu hc 111 ~1.'t'lt •1.J1\•I lu11,1 ,t,~" ,.. 1,,wo hrl•,1, .,r ,J.t
1,,.1,u \:on<l1uou.

1 onq-disto,nc:e lrill'O'el
1 ott1,.-Jt.i>r.,ni:C hu~t"~ rr.ncl m m:uw Jt:,rin.Jri<,m., .rnd on
s,)rar f 1I th<:in ,ou can ~er ., ~ltcr,ct .1 ~i'lt 1ll1.ll itterd1l"'i
t609 i:llome:.rc-
41.()00,l,;,.,) 1ooi; Ih Jli.-, th1•

ou1 10 hc\.O!Tk~ ,1 hl\l f~o ,t ,np,,, an· a good w 1f m mn:el h,ghw'J Krl<, rv lht upl,:t11I 1\ oyt,W
Am.J,on fl:""' -Aon , -1ommn
tifClu~ the An\.tmn R1\ r. Qn ,on,c- r\t thC'i<' tou c.,n l'n,;n (W)ITNH)t,OM
sltcp m harnmo.:ki oo dé..:k! .-o~ oi tfle oeh~•,if' (i,:i.cs

Tht! ''tubc" bus

ihelten of Cuntlb.t

step nra19t1tº" lo lhe

bus. A conductor a!so
collects tares betore
people l>aard
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Clim,,ple & landscape 1ror1L .11 r;11nforc>u1 ~u,cr mo~

rh.rn h,11 the .ountn . Tit<
Luoloím~ .tt vour m;tp .ig.un, ) ou no11u how d1':
dun.ue herc h.mJJy!~
.tt .1ll 1hmughou1 thc yci1r.
(\t\l"m bul~c ui Hraúl .. tÍh - mto thc t:.une of 'IXr\l
...,.. AFIIII C A Al11c.1. (stt 1rur ldtl- Tb.ts ,s .not J. co1nadrnce . h ~ .1h1tJ.y'-> hut. hum1d,
.\t.m) 1mlhom of ycars i.1go. Afuca ~nJ ~th 1ht>rc ,,. JtuunJ
J.ttJ toUU)'•\ \\cC-rt' r..-:in <>Í tht" qmc land'i, bnt 1hry
l,100 mm (90 10\.hb! nt
driitt'd .apan ,·t:ry slo,\'ly. l.vm rnd.1y, man\· ,i.1milat f'Jtut.1II ptt )'<.-Jr~
pfanr,; 1md a,um.,I~ ,rc found rn rhc$C rv,o ,U('.J:'i:,
ln thc- nonh--c.i-.t u ..:Jn ~l't
\ .... ho, .... -rn·c l H)4·t,1. b111
The dimalc
tbcrc u lnilc rJin . .1..nJ rhC'
lkal.t.l exte-uJ~ lrnm the J:.quator t11 thc Tropit:
oi Capna)m. Ir"- ,.ut sm:: mt-ans thac che chma1e .irea \Utte" trom ír~uent
clroui;ht'i ·\t th<.-..c t1mn.. Lhe
vJ.C1ti JVeatl)' Jependmg on wbctt you Al,ght
l.1nJ loo.k.\ parcht'd ,md h:u-rt:n.
are- m 1hc nonh oc soutb. Ot1 tl~ mist rises
C0.4!11. ml.wd. or m th.r 1®unr,1ms. from ~ humld
ln the
north-east. tne
dry, w1th onty a
fow shrubs.

~~ ...,,...-, T 6'!lnl~r..,.h•
.... ..,,.........
oori'L forqet that a~z,1 ;s ,n
thr- sou1hern Hemo.p.hrte. 1ll"C <6A'fl
36'C (97'Fl
• •e (70'fl :wc (93'Fl
n,,s me
.summN 10 fu,ope a
tttar when H ,s
nd lh•
Soo paulo
< ,n
41 3A'C(93'f)
.O l'C (36'Fl 37'C (99"fl
uni~ St11t~ ,r is winttr
in BntzJL ~nd yfce verscl,
jj . . ._. p0r10 _AJe9re -~ ,f)
7 145
32'C (90"Fl

land ,niln t,,ot, vnbroktn are. af LiOd
-~ L sra<1l1>

T rorti: of úpricom ilft:lQín-,Y ílfle th,H nwrb 23 .. W'JUÜI of Ih.- Ei:iuato,
Return now

The Anun•on rainforc..-t \'(mt hui...... ,,. •• u t111:.U t'"} amt \''**' 11lfi
Ynu r;id, fc\, dodu:, ;111d L".1ti..h ., ll1ght 10 \hn.111~ Y""' f, ,, ., w•ll ,~,""!!-~ d,o (,,,rn, 1 he l:;;111 i< d,n, ln>,lr.i
a c1t1i' 1n thc hl' oi .-\m.1z.on1a fmm hct~ ,·1111 tht ,dcnw:, ~J.ftUl'°'" lbt,a: Plt" IIUC\\' 1 ~ , m l~ dJrl
,1 t,o,u .1.nJ ~$tm your 1oumey alon~ rh~ m.1g111fi,ir:nt un,ln~1ov-1 h. o,, luJ11,~ 111(.~111 ....,:,c, it0.1 ., l.e.1tcu1-1fr
.\m,uun fhvl\r! ant, ..:he~· k.avo •nd 11~ 1f,..e1n "·uh 11ktr c•wn ·•
' Tht .\mJ7nn j,.. rht ¼.-çnnJ ltto{!e-.T ff\-·c.r Í.J'1 tht' \\orhl.
j 11IIK{."f tfO'tt g,tn"' UII ,d,t d1t1«.1 lrJU"'~ rrO\'tli111tiff•ki
hc rhra.m1-&111J tfu'Jr ,,tuut:,,

. ·-
,lfrcr t1n• :'\/1IL~. lt tlo"' .. fr,; O\·c•r 6.2-, kilom(·lfr,
'"··- n.81fl1 mtle'i) lron, 1r-. SOlll'Cl' 111 lhe.' ;\nJe., \founum•
m Peru~ throudl thc \'J~i r.tinton.-st~ m chc,
1ht hu1 h,;i1uc,t \~11t1~ m.11, ,hc :r:;nr1t,,u·~ Jht

rcrta.;r hic11nc- fut 1bnuwoJ.1i qt trt(J(' t,l ri.mi, .,a:,J

AWJ1í"- (~r..1n. .-1111m1,. '- .,,_. •ri• liitf} r••r 1t11,I a,111 1"'1,: I,~ Jot.:ekJ
llt 1hr w,,, tU.---tl,

tht U-.c- .... )t,II'-~ dw rJhllWtil m, hl.-ffi Ndtt

1 )t('f
J.uru .. ,J trv rc-•rk .. J.1wn ,euJ h.1nun,:, chi- rrcn
r1> ,0.111.1 for ~1.1,J~ i.1ail t.anr:,og.

The MucaJa•
AI~, t.11ry1ng
lotS ot .sllt. w1nck
ltlw•Y throogn
the AmilZM
Return now

Life in tl,e rainfore!!'I Mining

You \\..ill. ou th.tuugh thc r.uu.forcst ..anJ i.:omc- J.i.ross. 1
,m;ill -,1,.·H.kmcnt ut Ammndt.ini~ lhr "nmen are '"c.1ving
l,,.nlu:f\ -v. h1lc tht mcn ilFC huúJlcJ mnnJ a r.adm, \our
~wJc u\ttoJm;c-. \lôU ro a young
Tht Cre,.u~r C:1ra1.1s- mine ,n ,hr \m:u:nn ramfonm
1, one oi tbe latg,C!iit open--<:a~, nunes Ui tht' wurtd_
lt product>s mm ore, man~nnc~. correr. tin. nnd
even gold. Som, loail Amenn,hon people 1eol ,hm

parts. ,....inv p,oduffl

lond ,., bctng rnk<'n 1WJ>· trnm tht-m. \111all

-- .
~b" tdls 1nu rhal ru..t rwrnt1· t·(·ar, .1~0 :all hc•r i.tnul~ lj"'rJ ntholundlof-
tumcrs. brge "1tl1.'.-he) pcoducm~ c,mlc of tlfei.111Clllfcs n
,n sm.aU Sc.-nlcmcnt,s llle th1i. ooc:. mo,·m,1? arounJ trom for ti<,,f, ond b,g farm, proJuc,ng "') Manaus is the - - pioduct$ llllde ln
n:;.lr w nJ.r to 1tro,,· thetr çropli ot ban.Jn.1:s.. manioc.. -:1mJ
~a1,..c ,,~ n('W Janet 1111-n- ,,,·rt- nu "hnp.... no -..~hool,. :1nJ
,.ue taling. OH!r large Jte,h ot bnd. S-1.d;rtlnq polnt fo,
many toqrlft boat tnpc
no hou~. H..,--r f:umly :o.urvwed hy farnnng, hun11ng, ..ind
h:...hing tor whar UlC} nec-ded. ln rhc r9-os. ,hr GO\·rrnmem
a1ong the Amaton Ri\t,r
~opio slc,,p ln
enco.uroged 11ew1XJnu:r, m sea1e hc.te hy hutld,og nt\\-· ,~1J, hammod.s on dkk lllflllol>lnNbllantl,
•mJ b)· scn111g. up nc\\o \ tlLtg._"3 3.nd to\\'fl\, "JO(.'t theu,. J.s~t or in cab1ns. . . . . of. .
Jn.~~•, h;nc- l"'i;:c!n dC'-Ht-d :rnJ mu"-h ot th1.· r.nn.tou~t b.J!I betn
dcmoy,.J, L1t< lus b<en ililfu.-ult Jur her l.1ITUI}.
paJt rtut ,_trl
. . ro...t.
Tbe Yil'lOllWmi
pt>ople likf' to
pa,nt lheir fias
.1nd boc:UM wlth
Return now

11,e Planalto Bra-.Ueiro Well.-nds

Th<" íl"ir ot Rr.11.d\. Lmd~Jpt '" Vl'f') 't'.im'tl. ln tht Í,u ~nt, rl1(' Panr,m:,I 1.,- J.. nu ..~ivc ucJ t1t wnl.mds
,md nm..:h ot dw ~'tuc.-r}· 1111 'ifunnn\~. 1)11thr N,rdtt \\lth Bohvu anJ P..1r.1Ku.1,- . li 1, J lmn"it 1<-n
tun~ thl" ~11.(' ,ü t ~ J"•n.,-i;bdt•, 1n H1rid.1, t lniti;c.l i;1.11e,;

i UL.c thc Am.un11 11 h,l!i J nr..h .1mount of hirJ,. ,mm1.,l-..


t ,..;1..,1 pl.atc.1u, l1rt1\\11 .J.., tht' J-'Lhuh,) Urihili:uu. .ind rlanrs. Hrrc voo .,_;,n hnd 1l1t.• ht-.mt1t11I hp\,.uuh m,1crw
I 11,J., iudlWC''I, nJ:lréll pliJlll., :mJ umk· rJni.hc,. fü~1Jf - eh~ worlJ'-. brJ,:q parrur - J\ wcll as ),!1.1"1 m·cr om·r~
pn~hH,:t'\ mort hr:d th:rn ,rnv othL'r ~uu111 n. 1h1, AnJ ia.~u,\n~
J/c-.J. 1, burJc.rctf tu thr c•bt fn· the ~ttJ Jo "11...u
muum.1111 t.UJ~t wh1"h i.111, IUll• clt<" ua,mw,o,1~1..11
hd1, "ht.'rr ..:1u1.-" like R11> J1..·'1m iod Virúrl,t
llu, Ca.. lingd
an lootd. To dtt ..uuth ,,e-,,t uf the- plueau l', J..n n\r "-';l\t ÍCfl11C ,H~J IU l\r.1111 j\ {hC {.i.1i,1r1n8') - ,111 ,UC'l

c)f ,,.um.111..~ JC'C'p 1.--;.1n,·on~••rnJ h1gh rcillm~ Kr.u,Lukls nt Jr>·, ,ton\~ barre-o '14..:uhl.uu.l III ÜLL· nullh·c.t!lt ot the
l.UUUln _ 1-Jtmeb h,l \'é [O \\Utk h.J..rJ ha11 to m,1~(' ., hvin1~.
JJ1 dtc litl ... 1mh. pinc ío,c.,t, ,mJ ~r,l\,h -:.omplc-tt' tlk
~"M;.Hlí'C 4,1t- [\r.1111', l:md,c.111e,

(- )
b,Kit. lówdfd!ii hu•I f,-cl • - " .
1t,,e sea º" The h19,.,f'st p~1nt
,n BraiJI is p;co
one ot Brazil'i
l•wt- da Neblina, 1 '
3.014 mettf'r Tho dlff«cnt
(9,889 f..,t) w:.1terfalk
,< make up the lgu~çu
Falis are separated
by rocky islands
Return now

ory & culture IUulticultural

ln rhc 1qth cr11nnl thc n11r!I"\ nt Br;111I rn,f'nnr,?td r11··rirlc
B.i,.:l 11, \t.Jn~ui ~·ou non..;c. v.,i,_,,r • m11c o( rrork thrrt' i1o, from lunlrc ro moYc m ,hc1r .:ounrT)' h) flhrrÍTtj:: rhrm
The Amcrindí,10.'° ,·ou mrt m tht rninforest .trt' dc.c:1..cnddf 1,m-111 r1m._ t\f LmJ. ~lln} OC\HCU1l<'~ worl..r,1 in rhc i.:ot-fot
frorn Br.1111', fi""t rcorlr lhe e.arlu>(,I --.cnlt•r" 1n Br.utl mtlu\try .H'1J fn i:,nlJ n11mnt ,n Br:1111. R1·nH-cn 190tJ .rnd
rrt•h:iblv c3m.,. 1mm A\tJ m,uw I hnu-s:inJ-. of yc,1r. ,1ui 1. l ~-!. rn.m~· A,un...._ r.trrk.'.ul.nly (.arlnt\C r~ttpk, 1.:.1mL lrl
Tht'y wcre hcn· wh,,..n tht P1;m1~m:,r arrivc-J 1n I iOO. Bt1111I ro Y.ork <1n ,mall f.ann, .around ,i1n rJu.lo.

Porluguese infl·u eH~e TodAy. RraTil\ :rnrularion i, .i rn:h m1sc ot rx·orle trom
-n1c Ponu~uc!té uu.Jc Br.wl .a ,olony, íltcy h<-g,Jn ... ulu\·.anni,.: i\11 o\·rr rhr wt,r1J \~nnd1:1n,. AI n\.;lll', ful'opc.·.'ln.,.
thc:- l.1nJ .md fomhl tht')' ne.._•dcd pcoph'.' to hdr rh'°rn, ílOJ A;l..111-.
tspn..Ltlh 011 the [J~ pl.utt.ifion.s thi::y !loe't up. lk-t\, et11
rnt mid l 6 rh ,1nd 1.. t], cenrunr') L11t,· hrou~hr m1IJuJJ\.<. ul
,i;l.l\'C'<. ovtr thc- -\11.intk; On~;,n from \):1t\1 j\Ím·,11 .. Tlu-....
,.fa,<~ hrooJthl wnh tlwm thi:ir own ty-p..·s of fooJ, mmi.::,
:ind rdi~on. T111.~ ho1n oll shJptd rhc culmrt of mu..:h
m Bro.i.11 tod.t),

An 18th·
ctnttuy p.1lnt lng
,..,ow1119 \li.V~
m,nmg: d1am~ > the l.uge\t
watched ove, by popu1"1ion of people
1he1r Etr..1ropN1-n
maneis ouu.1de J.apan.
Return now

M..,.ic and dane., Ynu hciu mn ..ic ynu ~o

'-.tarh ;ili 11,pri..h ot Ur:1111,an c;ultun: h.1H' ht't'fl ,ha1~ h~
in fir;111I. trnm .;m:cr ,omrn to ..:,1k,.
tht'ii >n:0111.lcrful n111w, nl bm,pc,in, Afrh.:an. Amt'rulJiJ.o, il!lJ
r,•npfl' ,1f( ;ilWdY\ d:tnÇlnJ! - )'OUOJ:
A!< líJllttaoDi. Tbu. l" opc.;1.111~ "º tur mu~1, anJ
.mJ nlJ. 1-o,J.d-. nnd whlTc, nch ,,nJ J"'ltr •
•u1J m Br.i,11 you ....rnnrn "tC."p,ir;Uc 1h~ l-\\1l. (h-cr ~l)C) )r,m,.
Ir nu1Zht t,..,~:J ~ h,1'-1 ,l.10\ mg 1n rhç- .. tn·t"t
rhc mr, 111 •;uropc.rn auJ AfnL.JJl rnuo,1c.,d ..1yl~ lt,n ,'J
.a mu111.,; hl.1rn out tr1,m "W1mcnn<·,
J n·pc ut mu:.,... th..Jt &> rurd) 8N1ih.1rL,o. or an old mJn i ,mn~ urrinp.
lus f,-c, m nmr t11 rhe l',e;11 ,h h1• "'P"
J hr l ·1unl"(',m, \.tllllnhutcd 111,1r11mt':11h ..u~h .... tJ1t· ~u u .u
h, ... 1trmn~ l\rJ1llün cnrh:'t·.
lnJ -..onp ltkC' L.,..:ill.iJ.,ç; Atrk:J.n-. th.: dtunu .ind p,ck:uhtun
m'itrumi:nrç, ;mJ rha: hr:.n1-. c:omplt1;,1{M rhnhm-. known
You 1h.1t thcn: 1-. .1 l'tC,U
,llô poh· rhyrhnr- 'i,omrtnnh rhc..- 1rt11\h. ,., t..t,ul .,ml l.uJ.lud.,
c,h1h1cwn oi mu.,1.: and d.1n~C' in Rit1
l1kr ri-ir t.i,nh· tl,in<'r rhy,hm,i; ot rhr Nh-~ nov.t .1nd ..1mha
,\t 11lht..·r twws ir i'> loud ,rn~1 rmu;c>1a, nnJ mo1kt"i you trcl d" J1nl"!ro - rhr t11rn11u-. <.."..1m1,.11 - "'º
rh.n\, whcn: \·ou J1,."1,;1Jç fo tu:.uJ tk,t,
,ee'k--.d m be alha· l dcmonsu.ate
çapcwua m front o f
t he Brnilian N"tJor\dl
Coogreu bulldlng
ln 8r.sil&d.
Return now

TI,e «lay of li.e Carnival b1...:h , ... ht>til 1-. lc,J om h'i' th( le.iJrr. Mm\1ng J \\ouJ~·n
ln R111 Jc,m. you m.1ke \'UUr w.a~· ro thc ~arnhdJrnmu. \\hbdt' ullcJ i.111 J/Jt/uj. l hc hJ1tJ .. pl.1y .1111,J thr dnun~
Tlti, 1-. .1 111.L,,tv ..... 1.1d1u1n, 7(K) llktn"'- (h,,h J m1le1 lvng.. puuoJ- thr- m.n""c- l\. d~.JÍC"IIIO~ Jm! 1ht:rct1t no \\;1~ ~-ou <.an
hrnh on cn.ht1 s1dr ot J w1de ownLJ~. Jmrn "hich thc hJ\'~ J. "tHlH't\Jttun. '\ .._,u'r JnJ L.tu~h u.uul )vur t.h.C'
t,;.,1m1vol prnc~ion pa.)~. Your ~cat 1\ wJy up h,gh, J.Jl/J \JJ.t-~ Ji..hc, :,...l.'.Jtl~ :tll 1.1ltL-.. ,n li1.uJl h:1\.c lbcu- O\\ 11
,md \ ou h;,a,,c ~, !'llrJ\ eyt rlC\I. par.1.Jc:'. tiut n ·c:nunc d&fi:es dut lliu Je J..ini:nut) b thc 1.,c.,,,

·rhc LJnm.1I bt-~m~ .a dusk. )m1.hJ ).\.houls compete wnh

a,.__h ut.hcr~ a 1ld oul) thc h!!'ir lfvm 1hc:- prt'\·11,i.1,-. )e.Ir gt'C
to 10111 11,c OlJm ru.K.t'.''.'l>I\JJl. 1he) ""penú Ul4Jutb.s buLIJmg
1hnr J)Jrad~ lk>.trs. prJi..-n.,~ rhr,r dJn..-:ui~••md nQKmiz
wondl"rtulh cl.a.hur.ui: ...:o!.tUmcs. I·.Hn-nne 1-\Ct-. \'("n c.\.c1reJ

is-amba \chQol float
,n 11-ie Sambodromo
carni\'al 1tad1um.
Return now

Reliqion 1he, .1l""'4• bcl11.·~'«,: m Jt·-,u\, JoJ m.1J..e

l \kLcil 111-l,,twt:t·n offu.L" hlo1.h n thc \;ll) -..t11irc. \'011 otlt'tmg, IO thc- ,pmti,. in,1 Jr"'U'- ,li
h,WL, nork.:\:f m,,n\· ol<l i.:hurchC"\". v»mc- d;inn~ hil\'k to rhc 1hr s.,inie llmt'. ~tn li..~ induJI.'.' J lc-it
H,rh .:-f'nrnry. M.m\' wc:rr. hullt h) (1mc.t1iln l 1ortu~uc~l" ui llrumm,n~ .mJ J.t,11•. 111g. ( .;lü,lomMc-
ut\m1f:_ftlnt\, whn hrough1 l ,11liul1,h1U 111 Br'Jtil ToJay, fo1lmwU mo.,ll) h~· .-\tro Ku11h111h
o,·l..'r ""O rau·m nf thl' porutninn ,, C:uhoJk \fonv rt-·opk ,n Bahia
mix bditb. tmm difh:rcnt rdí:.;1on, in "'\nrh ( .ltholki,m.
",<,me .\trK:un hd1ch nnolH· l,·a,1n1,:. The ilitue
Caudond.lé ofkrutg!'.. 01 dodt"n., IIO\\ ct\. anJ hes becomea
t.inJombk, 1hc urual, u( .1 rcl1)!1u" bwut,!Ju bJ \.~n<lfo·.,. 1.11 LfU'-"tOJJ,. on ht.-aUt~. uuJ symbol ot 1he ctty,
\oruh~ ,Ln,., 1mm '.\fowr1.1, \X'ni Afn1.::1, w11h C.11tmhci,m other publi-. pla-.~.s. Lu-,toab l1ke thJ~ .and represents the
.1nJ 1.U.\tunb. Followcó ut thh td1i;:1un bd1e,·c ilCt l(lllo,.Hd on ksfh Jllio likc h:-m.u11J• of
Wcll'fflth IU

th.u C'\'CíVOOc* h~<, ont or [\\O 'Jrlr1C"!, .,;J.1.lcJ Ofl:~_.h at~ (.111 ~C\\ )"\';:,f-. l·,,c, pPople
re<.J"(Ul~ihk Í<tr Ih<• ktfül uf f""·t"on 1hry ,.1rr.

n--.. 1110df'rn
arthrtecrute of
lhe. Mt!Uopoíllr:1t1
Oth"cfral ln

R r li,1lon i,n g ....,.,_d

Girl, telebtat1ng
10 ptircent
the -fenival of lernanJá
p,ore:startl 1s pett.ent (li" New YHr'S (IJE'
Otheor {African reh91om. l~anJ.! ,s a moth,r
Jr,wt,,. MusllmJ. euddh1stt)·
goddes.,. flo!Nef\ DOO
l pe,cent perfume .are brought to
Nô ret,g;on: U percent
the btach and thrown
into the se.-.
Return now

,....,-,eryday life Foolball naad

'a'nu Jr-.:-1Jt: co ,pcnJ:. J.J\ on hlu: ,if Jt.o dt J.anrno's ln 1h1. ('\·ccung ynu _go rn .11 footh.all m.,h:ll m thc m.1...,1,c
Jm.11111~ l~.:t.... h.é\ "'tb ynur lnr.HJ\, Th1\ 1., drarl)· tht' pl.u.:t" \t.irac.1n;1 «adium in Rio dt' J.1n1:1rl1 - rh<-· htAACSI toorbJII
tu l~ - ll .>cm,s 11...t cn:·r,,nnc 1-. hC'Te! Ynu h1rt" ,1 p~.,.,ul to ..tlld1um in rhr worl.J. Tiut ,ç 'o\h(1'(' )'OU i:.ln r(.Jlly 1-Cf' htl\\
~h,' ,·ou h,un tht' hot ,un;I ho•t \.f1tuc.- dnnk., fr.;,m .a t1a<,,;10n;m• lk171li,m, 1.1rc .,1:tom tomball - or /u~lml .-&'- rhn
,i:ndnr- 1111 thc l<JC.tJ1. Ynu ~.u1 hu> .anrchillM hrn -trom cáll 1t m Portt.1):llt'\C'. 11,(' crowd •'- .1,w-1,h \lllh nllow ,h,m.
~Wifl1\\'.('.tr ..tmi m~tl5'i\°'\ ITI 1\f.ni1i;m tltr,"1 -;,nJ rof'tc. J1\d thmu~hltU1 tht- thc-n: J, thl· l,11<111111t'l)t of ., h1~
S1'rdo drutn. 1'4.'o-r,lc tht1r tbA,\ ,Uld thn·r. h'C')' nm1.
A l?,rt)ur ôÍ \.PUnl:! ~orJe .1rt rlAying ,.-c,U~-b~II and (l[htn d>O h:Jnd rl•y< aoJ
l\ca,11 S<:OC<'<.
;in: ,urllng ln 1hf' Wl\\'t~. Omdonr 'IP'lrt\ .ir~· Hry rt1rulJr- hrrcr.1ckf'rs ~o ott!
\\.'ltli Br-a7ili.1m. Br1111l's meu·, tC'ilm wm1 thl' HulJ mcJJI, lur
foothall fans
ind,,ur and N'tlch rnlloyball ln d,e 200-I Alhons Olymp"'· chttr on tht?ir
lht ·womcn'" 1cJm w,1n !,jl\(r f<tr h(,-,1;,h ,ollq+uU. mam mthe
liJ,kéth.dl. tcmu-.. ..u1J i..tnuclltg •.,~ ~,\4.,
roruLtr \ptlrh. Mi>t.T!Coln.l
Return now

Food l\.irll<'\1u-.·1t mr.n ",;ll'>l, .1 t;1,·nur11c ,n fk.uíl. whc-r1· rr ,,.

m,,.._r,l., l'-. l\r.wl\, n,umr 1J J,,.h h 1, nu<lc- from p<)fk \\.'llh
hl.1d: ht-;an.), cookcd in 11 1-i,~ J""'l .1nJ -.rn·rd wnh ncC' .tnd
a;JJ,l,;\gc Thr .-\frh;.m'i \\'t'rc' rh~· firq pcoplc rri maL.t
known 01o ,·f.urra.J:n,. Thr rnc..u, wh1.;h c,m hc ,-hii:kro,
rnr~. ,,r J,l'l.'I, h u ..1ully rnarinau:d '"1111 ,mel f!ilrh..: 11ir .l
ft" hour-, N·fnri.: h"·m~ ~nlkJ. lr "~rH1.l ,,1th nu: .md
.... 5
th,, ~t, ..h. l1l.:y tnok thr ldtt1\M""., from rht-ir 1,'o\nc.r,' nlt!.lh {.1rr,fJ - ,('_a,onf'd nt..101tX' llour
,lnd C!'C-.lh:d ;'j fh W 1.i•"lh,

fou<l fr,)m B.:1ht1 h,'h h,'f'rt 1otrurigl~· rnllui:-r1o.eLI h}

\Jl'IUJ1 ~111,l-.111~, .mJ 1\ t(UÜC ,r11.~, O,'lht:!t- 101.lutk J',tlJ(tJ
... 11. . . . .,

1-.lmmps 1.:oui,;«l m 1,;c)l,;onut mtlkl. s.m:1f>,1t,•/ 1hur w1rh
conututs. peppt'r... .1J1J unlon-.). JnJ ,.1,uru l"hruup, ,,1rh
.AtcJ. n1111,n-,.. .mJ r«:PJ'éh). \f,1..J1tt!t:.., L\
Jb\'lM.J1"t'J wHh ~lrn utl .rn,.I •.;n,.umn n11Jk.
J .....1..h11J. -..,,t:,.",

A woman $elhng
Feij'oacla- tradilional
8ral!l'S naunn•I ~n•OO on 1tir
d,sh, A trad1t1on.!J ttteeBlde.
~l)o.d• " m•d• >
w1th e~ry p.att J
oi th~ p,gl J,
~ 'Lr ..-/ ~
Return now

Goi119 t o ~cbool .,t

l-J11-:l;\11 ,i. w..u! s«ooJ.1.ry ')(_lu">h, .,od rllrit...11 ..0 IC",n·n
.tbuut '-"VD1puter\.. Au ;l\'!,\' ··,dttw1I h:11, i.tbout 1,0t)O r11p11,.
You g_.;-r up vc-ry i:.irly rhr:- n.,-~r m•tming. Ynur fncnJ,
1hc} h.Hc: tu \.\otli. h.irJ to p,u., .:xam\ Jl rhe t•füJ oí 1hc )t',tt,
han· tn t-i..· :.r "'1.h1 ol h) - .1 rn.! You h,1\l htc.1L.fai.1 of

11 lhty J1..1n't. eh~)' tu Jo tht· ycar n11 m·1.·r :1g.11n.

hr~.ttl ruU, wtrh bum.T. fJrt1, .in<l whHt t:httac, h•llh""N
Ô) 'iOnt!.! r,1r.1ra. TI1e~ lt-J,~ promritl)· .u f>.4-S ..1.m. m rhtu-
-.m.111 ....,-huo1 u111íorm~ lor th4'.' ,hnrr \\:llk 10 tht:ir M:hnol-...

Prim.ll'\·~-ool ~hilJmi uftc-n Jrre!nd C'lth.a m thc morrun,:

tu tl1t' .itlt'rnut,n, r,1thc:r d1.111 lw,rh. Lh,IJren ~hool
wh~n lht") .uc: ~H11 )c:,11- olJ .mJ Iram 111.aLh.... ~edµr.:1rf1\',
:ind lw,mn· - mu1.:h rhc s~um· J',, ,.,;houl...
1n th" Unit.rd K~nj; .m<l .Au.,crnli.1.
J\11 ch11drt"n Jrc uu~ht in Pnrtugu~.
Ch1ldrm ll"ilVtng
, 5econdary sdiool
11, the- aty of C.Ut.ib~. s,hool m the
in western Braz,I
poor suburb ot
Juai-e,,o do


D "'
c:J ! t'
Return now

of Bra:zil \lo~r \...lt1C'\ 111.

UO\\ tf)'UII! íO IIHrto\C
Br,11:11 fJ,cla1o. amt thl' C,m·crnm1;111 1..
thrm. J he\ #'\I. l'H rct)rf(' 'Ythll 11\~
\1.nn- pcuplf u,JJ )1h1 Lh,lt k.m dr J .11tHo 1, m 11t~ l.,"d:h !um w.111t t!t..;tr 1.1>nm1un1t1i:'i. to <lc.,dup.
ouc o i rhc: nl1'.,!lr bc:-auntul cmn m thc ,\orld. 1t '" J .,t.
The t,~,\il'rllO'IC"nt hJ1 o 1nsulleJ .. tr«t lip,hun,.:,. i.(.'W.lJtí:
\\1mdt..•rtul 1..k~t J;1)'. ~o ,ou t.t.kc lhe 1)1,porrunm ~)"h.,n~~ :111J ,,·;.htc..J1'>po~J .,r,1,:m ... Commumt)' u·ntr\·~
to i.:u ro rhc tur ut LmL·o"ado \to11m~m. h.tH~ bc-.:n bufü m mall)' Jl't:.t<».

l l.1t: \·lt"\-\ 1~ lirc-.Jtht.1l..1og.. l.y111~ hdu\\ ,ou ti- ,1 ,ny

nl u...l.'r 11 1mll1ün prorlt. lhe..._,,,,,, w~ed hcrwc,11
1.hc fo..1,, the (k;t11n. .a.nd rh~ mo,.mr,11n, - w,rh lnng 1h1n
\tnpi rc-.1,chmg PUt Jlon~ rhc n,llTII\\" (:ll,l\t.11 r l,un.
\p.,u· ,, n-r) l1101tcd. '1:> OJO(if ot rhe huald1n~ ;;1rc
ult ,1nd \ r.tmmi·(l r<~t·rht.>r

,. ou OoCtt..C'ffl~ b, d;,h, Oí i.-lums, ...rt't:-pm~ up thc hdl)hJt·)
l,thmd rhc- nt)·. Thc.K Me Kltlc:mcr.n. (tf mil~h1Ít how;c-s
"·ht.'íC' ,hr p,,or hH·- 1ltL"'•" .ur wu.aJh f'L'of*• wlu, lta·vr•
1õOOh.' to Rio d~ J.1nc-tro tm,n thc- ._,_..,unrr').fü.k.
1onkm~ fQr wr,rk. ~ce-ri's a
nuuonal pmslon.
and chlldrcf'\ ot JII
ages play 1t. ln thl!
strttt5 and ihe
Return now

Stréel c:l,ildren
o~ 01 the 6rs1 \.UU nQCt~C' lft BrJ.Zllt.:m cmN ;ur
1hç duJJ.tto [herr 1s oo wdíare ,,sr~m. so poor
Otl,er c:iti-
Rra'"h" w.1" de,1wu-d m rl11.• '-h.lpC' nr j:!M :l('r(.)plinc, w,th
notlh and Wuth w1n.~'., • .utd w.1., l,uth m 1hr llJSCh,. lt w,u.
•., .
tam1lu;s ()Ítcn h.wt' co send thc1r ch1ldn:n out m keg.
Som('nmn rhr) t-1rn money hy wJ.Shm~ ~:tr "''"J~rt'~lbi
;n mtffif.' li,chn t,r dcan,ng ,hon while )'CJU

Thc.> othcr chm,; you 11U11t.:c:- ..1huut tbc i.tll~

1\ huw htby ..lõd n0ts} d~,· arr. Cus
atLrlllj\t to nfX!Jl u 1'I 1hr u.·nlrt' of ilit" cuumry. li h;t(i fu1unnk
buJIJ10~ nnd '",dr m.1ds.. h toul.. uver
R,o de J,1nt"1ro m 1960.

São Paulo
i.ti the cap1la.l trom

~ão Jl..1uJo ~ .in cnonnou~~ spr.nvlmtt cirr uf Jbcmt 20 m1llion

. . .1 )li f htJ'i!

i&~ t,uJllpt'l (O bu.mpcr And pump p,rc,plc.·. lt tS chr lary.,, Pf)' in fkn1.1l. Jnd one of dlf' largest
out cx;h.iusc fum("S ,h..u pollutc tht in thr world Ir 1s .1 m;11vr ~usme~ imd Uldmmal i.;rnm.·
,:ur. OnY~ ôltel1 p.,s.1, rhtt nmr
ILUcning m mu~k nn thr-ir rodic,-..
f ,ul(.,,d
{)............ ,
,eopfe from SãiO Paulo are
tnown as "Pauff.stai""'
ThPw Wl'P1
ch1ldreti maice
moncy by pollslllng
pl'Opl@'S Sh°"-lo.

of ~0P.1ulo
nretch out to
the honzon
Return now

tLe counlryside
Hr.1111 lll~ l'\Jf!., b,1,\ -.1t1t'\, ,1• }OU h,11,,c Jascm,c.«d. Hnw1.·nr.
(ht!1 du: [).i.,t lt\\ )~arh ~u)l'll.:Jn, h,1vc 1-,e,ornc Rr.u1I \ n,o,c
rhcre .Jl't' J~.1 IJ(J!.t· ,uc;i~ ot rhc ,mmtT)' "h..:rt \ll'r\ L""-
1mron.1m cror h,r f'.);p(>ft. Howt'Hr. t.lllP'- lt~c LOlltt .iud
ptoplr lm:. Wh,n I hk hkc: m tht"if! rural J-'.1nnm~ ~o)bto·Jn"' :Hl' 1tut tltt' 011ly dnnp lh,u 81'.u1l~111 l.mJ ,, ~1H1J
i-. tlu rn.llfl "t>Uh.1..' oi 1\c.:Omf' IOJ the f'Cí1ple- who Jivc ln tor. ln the :,uuth .lfld central JreJ, ot BrJ.zil ah: ho~t· dpc.'n
1h(' country,;1d'-
~r.i..-.lJnJ, - kn1W1:n u, r.imr,l, { hl~' r:m,. are ulc1I tnr
c.:.1ttl~ n:Jnog ;1nJ íhcrc ,m.· m.m} 1.ugc rJTh,..hc, hcr~.
Ãn a-fui lot of coffee... lkd h,h h«111t'lc n11c nt BrM1I\, mo,t 1mporum rxr,on....
ctups .ur Atuwn 111 Bt.u1l to !J.dl to otht"r üJUUtnC'.S.
Th~ct- .ur J..nt1wn .1--, ~h ~rnps. Sugar W.Jf. onc l•f rhc C',uhi:,t ln tuul, t\\ l!m>· ~ri..:cut ut tht' peoplc
11{ 1h1, H'p<" oi nop. Tlwn \.:offrc: l-c'\:3m'-" '\o'cn rmfoahlr .md
nJ l:hatll ,.._ 111 t.. m thl."'C J1tlcti:ut GolUChos are
some p('()pk' f!,tc\Y \'t') tich ,1s .J f't"iiuJr '"Thn· grr'W .tn ,1wtul
~-"-"-'> vi r.irmin~. Br.ull'\ e,qu1v&1lent
lcn os ..:ottte m l\nml"' is .;i hnc from .u, old c;oni - 1rnd rr's to Ameriti)n cowboY)
ttu~. E.1ronl ,rJI ptodu,t-., mr1re n,ífN• htan\ th.rn ""' 1,rhtr •z
81 11 e,;poru
,oonrr:,·, ,,mi rirovid<'.. 40 r,crt.t.111 nt !.50,000 toos of beef
tlu: wvrld''I çoth:c:. Ir growc; m.nnly a ye-ar - most of 1t
tn the Jround São P.iulo A rnan p.cklt,g tO EurOPf'
,offe~ bearu, ln y
the 19th <entury.
coffef! toolt the p lace,
, ..,~ f•d of su9t1r as 8ra.i,h
Seveflty-f,~ pettent
of the oran,ges
prodtJ<.ed ,n Brarll
afe n.1rnêd mto
ordfl9~ 1uice
Return now

tLe counlryside
Hr.1111 lll~ l'\Jf!., b,1,\ -.1t1t'\, ,1• }OU h,11,,c Jascm,c.«d. Hnw1.·nr.
(ht!1 du: [).i.,t lt\\ )~arh ~u)l'll.:Jn, h,1vc 1-,e,ornc Rr.u1I \ n,o,c
rhcre .Jl't' J~.1 IJ(J!.t· ,uc;i~ ot rhc ,mmtT)' "h..:rt \ll'r\ L""-
1mron.1m cror h,r f'.);p(>ft. Howt'Hr. t.lllP'- lt~c LOlltt .iud
ptoplr lm:. Wh,n I hk hkc: m tht"if! rural J-'.1nnm~ ~o)bto·Jn"' :Hl' 1tut tltt' 011ly dnnp lh,u 81'.u1l~111 l.mJ ,, ~1H1J
i-. tlu rn.llfl "t>Uh.1..' oi 1\c.:Omf' IOJ the f'Cí1ple- who Jivc ln tor. ln the :,uuth .lfld central JreJ, ot BrJ.zil ah: ho~t· dpc.'n
1h(' country,;1d'-
~r.i..-.lJnJ, - kn1W1:n u, r.imr,l, { hl~' r:m,. are ulc1I tnr
c.:.1ttl~ n:Jnog ;1nJ íhcrc ,m.· m.m} 1.ugc rJTh,..hc, hcr~.
Ãn a-fui lot of coffee... lkd h,h h«111t'lc n11c nt BrM1I\, mo,t 1mporum rxr,on....
ctups .ur Atuwn 111 Bt.u1l to !J.dl to otht"r üJUUtnC'.S.
Th~ct- .ur J..nt1wn .1--, ~h ~rnps. Sugar W.Jf. onc l•f rhc C',uhi:,t ln tuul, t\\ l!m>· ~ri..:cut ut tht' peoplc
11{ 1h1, H'p<" oi nop. Tlwn \.:offrc: l-c'\:3m'-" '\o'cn rmfoahlr .md
nJ l:hatll ,.._ 111 t.. m thl."'C J1tlcti:ut GolUChos are
some p('()pk' f!,tc\Y \'t') tich ,1s .J f't"iiuJr '"Thn· grr'W .tn ,1wtul
~-"-"-'> vi r.irmin~. Br.ull'\ e,qu1v&1lent
lcn os ..:ottte m l\nml"' is .;i hnc from .u, old c;oni - 1rnd rr's to Ameriti)n cowboY)
ttu~. E.1ronl ,rJI ptodu,t-., mr1re n,ífN• htan\ th.rn ""' 1,rhtr •z
81 11 e,;poru
,oonrr:,·, ,,mi rirovid<'.. 40 r,crt.t.111 nt !.50,000 toos of beef
tlu: wvrld''I çoth:c:. Ir growc; m.nnly a ye-ar - most of 1t
tn the Jround São P.iulo A rnan p.cklt,g tO EurOPf'
,offe~ bearu, ln y
the 19th <entury.
coffef! toolt the p lace,
, ..,~ f•d of su9t1r as 8ra.i,h
Seveflty-f,~ pettent
of the oran,ges
prodtJ<.ed ,n Brarll
afe n.1rnêd mto
ordfl9~ 1uice
Return now

Thc rooic:i.t fUth oi 8r.u.JL .11rC" h,unJ m thc ntJnh--c3!'.t. Fi-..hing

\m.111 '-Ú1i1)!c'!> íUC mh.11,-teJ h) fornu."r.. JnJ t..hctt bnu.lJh. Fi-.h 1c. a ropular frKJJ in 6rJ11I. Flshermen bnng
\1Mt rn 1r 1~ tid1ed b) ,rni,11 Lht!:ir catch of
whu to m11kc .1 hi.m~ uut uí the par... hl'd, UF}· 1.inJ
mJ<p,nJem li,her lolk. Toei\' Wrtm~ ashor'e at
lht)· mJmh LLrm H~tubles a.nJ lrun for chc.m"-Cl\·t"-,
are a few fl',hing husíne-.seç 1h.Jr Peba. ~ sma11 town
m wo\, Wlh.>0 tn §C'II, IJ1 drQughr vt.:ir\ lt 1s Jltfa"'.'ult
by the "-ttantK
h1 i;n:>w .u1,-1h11111 ap.m fmm ( ..h.:tt!' reopie. k-.;1,·~ rhc U',('modm1 c.\1ulpmcm. Fi..hin~ 1 ••
íou.ntrH.1.dc 10 look for work Ln rhc ..:mes. i~ .>lso ., porul,u rourh,t acm,ry.
... ............ ,-ir..

\l.111)· mmrml!', .trc mtnt."l.i m 1ht· ...ountrr\itft:. h,n
ur,.•1 bau,.m.• - ,dtt... h h u\l'd to rnctkt nlwnuulCD1.

"-'hich jn mm is U'K"d lú moke t.:.l:M - ;md mJ.nJtJTit:'K. tlwl.&1armJl!llil
Jtc illl 1n1porunt mult-rol ...
jDIIIIII. . . . . . .

.X,, Rr.wl W'''"'· u 01,.-çJ-. mor-e cn<'rstl, plni...-ul.1rf~ mi UlllflJ-lt',t:11•

to tu<'1 cats and m..KhJ.Ol"fY. OJ h:.s httn putt:ircJ trc>m ........ IJ......
dcc-pwiilrcr tiddç off lM cour SLCXC" l "1 ...Os. Thli h.,1, u,.,.s.-
Jm)I.Juttd h.tJf 11, rnc:rg~ not"tl-1:, Hm, t'V('r. P.r:t7tl nnnot
,~v,dt ,1II rhe cncrm· u nccfu. ,1nd h..1, to ,mpon thc
m;.r trnm orhcr counmN.

1u9a.r cane in thê

p00r north-e,nter,,
region of Brazll
Return now

The fu..1.nlu.11 1 m·tro1\m-:u1 \~t'lll.), llt\t\l.;\. h11li 1ht" 1nl, ut

rroté\.(111~ Lh.:.• íJlRÍOIC)t {fJ Ol.lkt' ,urt." Jh.11 p1,'11rl, .Jr• IIOí

You·r.: ,omm.A ne:tr 111 thc cnJ oi ~nur ,ot.1~ 111 Br.1111. You ,to d1nw~111g tt LllrgJII). 1hi.) lrnH uc-w h1·t,:;.:h ,un-dll;mcc
1t1 .1 ~de l um llr.11111.111 lni!nd~ anJ
w11h lht>~- tel1 ,·ou lu,y. ')'tem, lo hdr tht'm- 1h .,.ndhtc, .mJ t"1~hret-n .1~ropl.111t•,.
th~~ ft<d .thitnu 1liL·1r ,:oumr,.. Thl'y h;J\'t' J hUJ,!.t' .tt~.J lo\\ .lf'-h ,1, tf

lhe~ bd1t'\ e thc:)· IM~ u1 OOC' ui rhe m<»c bc-Juutu.l ti.Onnmn The tree, frog
u, thc wmlJ~ hut clJt'\ h.J\L' ,om" +..Pt'J.;.ern) fm thc tururt' 11t l.lua\ 1ts tongue to
ns l.111J 4'nc.l 1ts .uun~b ntn rhmk nwrr 11n.•th tu hc· dor,,· L.iltCh nsê<t.S. lt h-a.1
\\1<1aon nrps on theo
10 J"fOlC.'\.t I hem.
bonom of m feet

ProledintJ llu, r"info~I

1lw ra111l(1rl!'1 ~.. •mt• ol thL· mu,t thn-.H ·11c,t 1t1;,l\ nt fü.u1l.
1 rC'~ hJ\tr ht."e11 ..:tH ,lu\,t1 w .,..ll) ror t.Hll~l"'°'ó. for
nnnc~. ,md,;., l-Julc,:: u. tht kJJmJ.t ,;iusc c,I
dtforcst..uion~ tlic nombc.r ut ..:.inlc m eh~ ;\n1..unn Jouhl..-J
Jw ,nt- the ltf'JO!'.. buL "l1t:-JL r JmJ1ô r~pb....c 1hé' Íi11 t."\t, c1,c."
,,,,1 qmdl~ Jnt"":> up. '-l11m..: 'M)' th,n thc l.inJ ~.,;omt'i more
ltkc:- .1 dc-,;C'rt .ihcr Hl'lt tcn \"("Jrs.

The hy-êK•ulh
T.urwrm ma~w grQws 10
monk~Y' are ~cry too centime11e5
shy. They IM, high (40 ,n,hM) ,n lfngth
m the tree tops 3ndwc+gm
~fld sleep ln holtn 1,250 gra.rm
,n tht trees (3 pound,J
Return now

Your c;:ray m Tkn:11 h-:1'\ ._-om(· m m cmf. Ynu h.t\t- ,;e-eu 'iÕ A11othttr wvrthwlulr d.ay cnr Ui w wg,t1;.l1 thc sun n,e o,·tr
much anJ \Ô man~· ..:ont.t3.sts - lx·twl'en rht -:inc-s anJ thl~ chr P.1uun.t1 bctore \f'GOd1ng lhe' JJ~ l,uJ-w.tu..hmg - a
countrvsid~ bcrwren rich and poor. You h.a\·c beco 1mpm~J t.;i.,...10.•m.n,A p,humc m Br.11.11.. bc."--.&U!K' d1ére are ~o mauy
wi(h rh(' fritndhor'-" oí rh(' pt·op-lt-. ~n1f ,1;i1h 1hr1r- lme of bni,lulr ,olourcd and unu.ual bmb.
mu~ic :ntd c.l:'tnc.'t" 3nJ h1wmg fun. \\'h.11 would )OU Jo 11 )OU
~tJyed? There -1,re .m ll so m.Jny chings ro see J.mJ do.\
Other thing,. to do
,e gvmg. w hc? ~r-.a) or go?
• lio m thl· rcc:nnh n:novatcJ Opera Housr m M:tnaui-.
• \"1-..11 Ouro rrct,'l - chc cu; at thc ccntrr nt cltc ~old·
Enjoying nature mmmt; rt'f;1mt
Th<"tt ate' manv wondrrs qiU to se( t.n Bcu.d \'ou • Ta.h t:be tcl'r)· co t:be 1sbnd ot P:iqucro m Rio Jr J,1JlC'1ro
cuuld vi$it thc Ch~paJ.1 Di.1.rnanriru - .m ,uu oi 1,muw.11 h.a)' - il "SOJ,.1111-.Lind witb oo an.
rock formiJW)11"'. unJete,tound rwf'I"\, ;1111d ,vatt"rfall, tha1 lu·, • Ear .1rro.z rirrrrtf'Jt() - ""'m1t:k dri,er~<; n«: ..
m rhc- nnnh-cusr of l\rarif. Or how 11bom a rock-chmbtng
- J ,.h,h ot n...:t fót;soned w11h dned he·d .
exp.'1ition ;u B..1u Rc.x:k. ln thc M.1nriqucir.1 Moum.1ir.._?
• \'1~11 tht. Mutõeum ot Ji:apanese
The Opera lmm,granon m ').ln P.·rn1n.
Hoúse m Manaus
WiS bullt during the
rubber boom betwHr'I 1890
al"!d 1-920. ~ bé,st pe.rlorm~rs n ... CJly of
ftom Eutope and NOrth Rec1fe ht1 ln
Am"1'ica c:amf' to p'friorm tht notth-east ot
hcre. 1t t\Js r«enUy Braz1I. on lhf>
bttnre1otored. Atlant1c Occ:-an.
Return now

oul •••ore Ti•neline

Onnn.nion J)t"fl.'"rin-.., c,n tind º"'
mnr'-~ 11hour St.uil h)'
u1oing th l,;)nk• .ind wd,-.uc~ li\tt"d hdm"'. , ,~! ~ i · •ll'M-
Pf'I: ct\l lmm A:s.ia
i'le u11,r u .,, 111&4 15
M,111 r,-1111,· !--11
~108•.'1-.~IJI Zl ,.:.- e,.u:11 Wi5
Jlu, BrilLilian bnbassy
llu:- lk111l,au c:-ml"J~'J m Jvur own unmlr} h.,., 1cm, uf
mlurm.mun .1huul Br.a.L.11. Y1..1u c.iu fot<l nut .1lx,ul thr
l'o:1' Ã'fltit~ VI ('>'!!'1 1943
11,11d· m.t1t~
_,..,,11•11,1111. P..·.lfllf'
.,,....I'!' no! ~hl"
M \'Qtf ,J'~ ll-4
dLUtttnt tt~toru-. thl· bcn mnes ro 'f'tsU• .>pt."CLJI ~,·rnn., Bi,u 11e1 Pom,g.t, 8fVtl J(o!I l! .. Allit!\. p,~ • .,,, Cf:l'!!Omt
ags.1n51 0~11,,,;,r:y ,,.
.ind .11! .1bour Bunlun culrurc~ [mb.1..... 1c'i 111 m.11n i;l.lUntric..
h.1\.c' th,:n nwn wdNI~. l hC' UI\ cmh.,,..,1- wd,...,rt- ;4JJres,.-.. t"-1
on,y,n M,e,,c.;n ""'
WY.'l\·.l,r;,711.~uk. 1500 ::ount,,y to pi~ S91t
f'l:,;,h.,1,11,_....." ... ;aflCI ,1n v.11..-. rni,ii in 81,wl,,n Ãmltflndi:in.
CL1• m lhe 14:nQ l?ll!' ..,,,, '7 nathli'@ P'OPIM. I\J;d
F urtl.e r re,..ling I"""" ln-1 '1<1!10J1•I 2005
COl"trsnte. Pr(~ld!?nt lul,1 1~
Cassto ·s D.n- Frun1 DJ1t tt tu Du~J.: m,., 8.-.1.:,dtJn fay h} ,IQ:l,Qôl'CJ.,,1 UIJ'1.1ptQJ
1530 lll!IO,
.\ 1.1rl-1 de f.;u1m.t Um!)''"> 1t·r.11x~'t Ln1,,.t,lo~ 2.lH>J) Siu,J bocon"l!s a A U,l h,tt IM,UU br <!Ili'> n 1Wl,G.n1t,1 h1l ç,c;n
d ti,,,,rte: 1-i-lfrtNI
Lvi,11/rsr.) "I ibt' W11rl,L· Bru,zzl h" Rn:m ())l..k~ 1h Jl"b ~ti.;111,1. . o:1ari, d~Cll'i/!'Tl'l",f(lrlf"
1992 .. 20'\G .
.,,mon (.,,-111• TIi~ Un·~ 'hboos
l\rothcrs., .20Ul} w,tl1 trM1!$ C,.,111&: l"l(I E..utlT S!,lm nilt tlM!1
Cnurrtn fiks: 8ri1uJ h, ,\1Jrio11 \lorri>l,n O-r.u1lhu \\'3tt•.. l~t.-=<IL#) p!,111,:• 10 Ro 0,t .:.,11110,
21101) Rlo ae Jar..,,io ~~o~
'.:.1titut-. nf t/Je \VnrM: RrJ:11 t,,} AnitJ ü.1bl tRamrrc~ !OIH'i
Tht' Chm1gmg f.iu oi l?r11ul lw fd'oQlJ V.ti Ler (l lu<l,lcr
W.1yl:ind. !IIOlJ
tl'>f ..ariilill 81.WI
Ptnr" 11 81~'!. u;i thc 1994
Bratll ..,.1~ rts lourtJ,
Bra,vl la-Jr;,ties.1~ 111-.1
so«e: roútot.

1122 trvu1oe ai"d Bt.u11 1i. a tf"Wtlllt. Nrirlrf C1,r1 ,n ~rr"" 2003
\ú,t '"··· Rr.1u/ hl ri.::rer anJ ConniC' Runr II lemC' l"Ôf'Of'l'\l'J*'"'Ct ttt!r., t"Ctfld ª""
21)0,) ... df-:l'l11"11 r,•~r1"'1'11(lf B1.v,
\l'ot/J UI I oittl: Rr..1:1/ ti> \imon C:.,.:onnr" tHoJJcr. ll)()bl
f888 2000
\\',,r/J f11ur; Br.1.:il 1\, ·\Jri:m.1 Oummgur1 ~RiUt1Cltt_ .!UO ll 8te1t1 ctlebriln
1. . . At>ci•I• > of 'Sl,'IVtfY 2002
l)f,r, lltodrci •• tw-c:0111~ IJ•iy Ec.t~I" ili 500th •nmY\W'Wlt 81.atif Wtfl\ fb bft!i
lolan 1o•m.e 115 o'I raur,try
ffffl)trot ...r 8rn1I W~Cuo,11.~

Return now

Bra:zil - facls &. figures Glossary

Allte\ thc mmnn,; th.u fnu~hr ~µin:\'.r 1rrrg,n c JrHfi,s-111) :-.uppl)· w.1tcr fc,r farmmg
Gerrnany- in W<wld \'(rar n lanJ 111:U\ larg<, unbmkcn nrc..J oJ
AmL'1'indian, rume gi,·.cn co n;i.twt- woups .,,umt<th111g bccn rut
Tu B,..z:o1,•• fia, ,i-. V.. '"'~l ,tcy "' il fü,ing in S<m1h Amrrica fôgCthC"-t tjW\.kJ~
ytllow d.......t, soH ,., .. il ''"" ~k,,ow,d. mnop) ..:.o\.trin~ pro\'KIC'd 1'y 1hr tpp, ul 111:»larfo J15oe.ast" > b\' mk,,:u·d
n. ,,... •<f'"~u •li lk f..-ou ,. U.. tree,: mtoretrii A!loplu:le'> mosc.1u1ux>
t- iry, U.. 'fdlow d..i..o-d •<!""<><•U tl.c d11natc gf" wc.uhi::r condmpn\" IU.lUhOC tyr,e OÍ nXlt Vc,;rtahlc

..,....1. M il'rc ..,.,.d ,. B,-~1 n.. in 11" ílttJ nrnrin;utd so.tked m sp~..:l":5 ;inJ
colon) ~t-.unn>· r-ahn m'tt l,)' ,1nothcr
~~l d<y ;, ti..! o+ u.. s.,.~
íla\'f)unn~'§ lxforc cQOlong
c:ounr') l\ p.:1rt ot ;m tmp1rc manlal an form of -.t:.U~Jtfmtc. ofttn
11<-osfMrc Tl.t "-e, itrou V.. t,rtlc li'fS commu.te.r reJ"'{.on \\·ho 1r.tvd, m nnrl

pr.1cnscd i.\'i :1 spon or an .trt
1. L..lti•, ' 0.-dcr w P, ~·
.._... ..... .,.__ írom wod.
rurr~nt ,tc-.tJ)' íl<•" ot '"''ater
tipc.n--cout minifl.k when- .i. large hole Is
dug tather thnn runnelllng undt-rgnlund
• p ~ Jel, ...11- defortS1111ion wh~ trces:JJ.rt rerrim"-"C.I w 6nJ mineral~
[com au area p lJteou 1ml) h,gh, 11;,r ru-é• oi lonJ
• t...f, "'f(t-u,,L'f ..... - ~.
_.,._7, llloney ......_.,.
dcot,,.1"\IC: fev« dist'Jse sprt:ad by Aede-s
poncho squJtt or c,blong p1ecc of
ma1enal wnh .&n openmg for the he;id
• 8,-n.,1 " +,31'! lc.. • t•of'" toff••, ~ drough.t pem,J u i llmt' \\ nlmul th~ u~ual r.amfort.""SI warm, v.'c-t forc:i,.t lounJ 111 :1
(2.,~ . ,lesJ ..,de al ots + ... ·-·liccf,
.amounc ot r.unlJ.ll
Equ-aror lm(' uound thc-
ttop11.."3J ft'f,UOR
rc.motc from orhC!r pi.ices
~ . a, ;l;s f,--lh • i;~,...ts -.fM.~d
m,Jdlt OI ..~th ,esouf'ttl t..h.111~ a countr)· has 1h.a1 hrlp
to ,..ti, - 'r,3'1t k ; I ~ uport Stllmi,:. J,?,oods ro otbcr \.-Ounrrl<'s 11 fO m.1kc monr)'
,-..1s. .......... ~ cnin.i::tion whr-n 1u1 or n pLtnr no rur.,11 rd.mni ro rhc <;:pumrys,de
(2.,131 . ,1..> f...+,w,:,a,,, toffcc, liccf longrr (')(Jst"l .s1h so,l. niud, or cta, rh1u buildfi up m
• ló f(TCC•t ot tlot • Natwal ,..-w, ~ famnJC J;O~og w11hour food for :l pcriod a rinr
.. "'l'fld l,y u..
'°'d, lt'O,. CW<1 ~~I "-ldcd f~tilt Ltnd rhat 1s good for ~owin~ cro~
futur1u1C' çery modr-m - <l'i u m1ghr ~ ln
Jtff,.-n.'nt type nt 11111n~1ls :md p!Jnb
summu highesc po1m ot a moum:un
• "liJ"" ...i...1:r... suei,
h--R,...- ~ '-fl'UN, ~hlo,
rhe tucurc surdo ha.s, drmn th:.u mark,; ri,e hcJ;t o(
habitat pl..1cr- wher~ 1.1n ora &Jn1b_. mu.<,~
ai.o.., ck..itil. k~p1ng wmt'tlung under
pl=mt ln·ts lUrvetH11nct
u.. -'d's
• 8,-;i..l " bumid wben there '" 3 lm ot w; t.;.lt~ ob~I'\ .lllOII
~ ' t ~ ot var,our m thc .1Ír fropic v( Capricom im;1g111;1n- h11c th.u
~i,.,_ ,...,.._.. immignml "1Jmt.·onr wh\1 l~nes. thcir own m.1rk): 13• ,uut.h ui d1e Equ.ttur
0011ntí) cn \enlt< 1.0 anotber v.dfare synem 1i..hemc ,o hclp pcoplc
Ímp()r'f hu> 111 good.s from mhr:r t.:out1u10, wnh no monc)·

Return now

\ma.u,ii Kwn- ~. li, 1it llrn111lft Ili, 1 ~. H'>, P~ Js l'rfu 1 !
\ffll'rmd111111 \, , ... , , llt • .,\l,l, h\dl ll, u rir.mhJ• 1l
2·1, li 11\li-lnc. 14, , ... ,.. PU.11alw nn,,l,·1r,, lib
\uJn \luut1UI.H IJ fro.t Ct., 1lt, JJil,..,!•J pl.1rr1 n. ~ Ili. ll.. l l, olO
.tmt1ul1 6. -. 10. ,1.,LJ...41 1,11,dqil 2.". t \ l"-c,111.-.c , •• 14
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80 • /k.,/in,,ticm D,lt'cti..- - tiad oul Aboot

Br.11111 Thn book hdps )'Oll cfüro,·,r "ha1
u i, 1,1,.e 10 li,·• ,n F,nd ou:i "·bar 1hr
counm"d" lu.,l..< hke anJ wh~r peoplc do
for fun, l>iscover wh~I 'Rranlian citio are
At.1thot All lrownlie lopng
h.- Wfrt 1.n 0\1'9r 10 bool, foc
like anil wha1 Dranlian r,ople ra1. n,...,.
yaung p.opla, A ttet t.r•.:.ti1m1 •he .ire (ou of laa,, figure, :md phoros co bdp
warted hx
you find the tnforrnation you neàl.
Comuhant kurt von Mttttenht:lm
w• •teaurer in Btu,nao ,tudiei
WbAr'1 ,m:ukl
,. , o.ràrd u~,,n, .,,d,........
'111/0tU in Slo P•u~ • pht\ltis hum a.O IJWt lltuil
• f...-n auJ t,Urvll'al fIJ"
• tlung, l'OU DtWI u,r-., al,out 11,-1
• u,.. to :ind wtbiittil ~1.u Mr wuh homr-w')tl..

l,oc;b, n,., "lfil<

Jf Yt)U OIJOJ lJ,c;l.. chcd, um me \'lfhff Ot#in.itiarr O,ttttian



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