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Unidad Técnico-Pedagógica

English Class
Teacher Juan Gallardo Chiang.

Name: Date: November 16th – 20th

N° OA Habilidad N° de Ideal score Score Grade

ITEM preguntas (20)
I Reconocer 1–2–3 1 p. c/u
II Comprender 4- 5- 6- 7 1 p. c/u
III Aplicar 8- 9- 10 - 11 2 p. c/u
IV Analizar o Sintetizar 12 a 17 2 p. c/u
V Evaluar 18-19-20 2 p. c/u
TOTAL 33 puntos


N° Descripción
OA9 OA9. Demostrar comprensión de ideas generales e información explicita en textos adaptados y
auténticos simples, en formato impreso o digital, acerca de temas variados (como experiencias
personales, temas de otras asignaturas, del contexto inmediato, de actualidad e interés global o de otras
culturas) y que contienen las funciones del año.
Recuerda que debes responder esta prueba en la hoja de respuestas. La hoja de respuestas marcada y resp
Las preguntas 4 y 5 son de True or False (verdadero o falso). Así que solo tienen 2 alternativas. La alterna

1. Look and choose a) Let’s get off the bus.

b) Let’s get on the bus.
c) Let’s go on holiday.
d) None of the above.

2. Look and choose a) Let’s get off the bus.

b) Let’s get on the bus.
c) Let’s go on holiday.
d) None of the above.

3. Look and choose e) Let’s get off the bus.

f) Let’s get on the bus.
g) Let’s go on holiday.
h) None of the above.
4. The Mona Lisa is considered a

5. Travelling abroad is to travel to another a) TRUE.


6. “A place where buyers and sellers meet for a) Market.

the sale of goods”. b) Basilica.
This definition refers to… c) Walkway.
d) Tourism.
7. Sightseeing is… a) Fishmonger.
b) Masterpiece.
c) Tourism.
d) All of the above.
8. “… suitcases, food, water, passport, a) Cost
clothes, internet, cellphone, camera, b) Transportation.
equipment…” c) Companions.
d) Belongings.
This refers to…
9. “I’m going with my friend Digna and my
brothers Jhom and René” a) Location
b) Transportation.
This refers to… c) Companions.
d) Belongings.
10. "I can't afford 7 days at the hotel, it's a) Cost
too expensive, I only have 4.000 b) Transportation.
dollars" c) Companions.
d) Belongings.
This refers to the...
11. "I think Sao Paulo is a good destination. a) Cost
We can stay at the Hilton Hotel Sao b) Transportation.
Paulo" c) Location.
d) Belongings.
This refers to the...
12. Read this dialogue and choose the correct a) Sandra is going to travel to Wales.

option. b) Mark will be in Wales for two years.

c) Sandra is going to study in New Zealand next
d) Mark is going to study to Arizona.

13. Gabriel (study) for the a) am going to study.

English test. b) is going to study.
c) are going to study.
d) None of the above.
14. Benjamín and a) am going to eat.
Christian (eat) pizza b) is going to eat.
and empanadas from Domino’s. c) are going to eat.
d) None of the above.

15. I (travel) to Los a) am going to eat.

Angeles in February. b) is going to eat.
c) are going to eat.
d) None of the above.
16. Jhon (play) Fortnite with a) am going to play.
his friends on Saturday. b) is going to play.
c) are going to play.
d) None of the above.
17. Santino and I (donate) a) am going to donate.
money to a charity. b) is going to donate.
c) are going to donate.
d) None of the above.
18. Which of these sentences is incorrect? a) My mother is going to cook lasagna for lunch.
b) Chile is going to have a new constitution by
c) I are going to study English for 1 semester.
d) Mauricio and Laura are going to have a baby
next year.
19. What elements do you need to consider a) The cost, the fishmonger, the belongings.
for a travel itinerary? b) The location, the cost, the transportation.
c) The theater, the companions, the
d) None of the above.
20. When do we use “be going to”? a) To express ideas and intentions from the
b) To express future plans and intentions.
c) To express ideas from the present and the
d) None of the above.

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