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To make soil, gardeners usually _ their d) Would

compost pile each day.
a) turn 9. _ Lebanon was flourishing when the war _
b) are turning a) -/broke in
c) have turned b) The/was breaking off
d) turned c) The/ broke out
d) -/broke down
2. I don’t know how he’s lasted so long in the
job because he’s always been the lame 10. Mary’s _ the garden.
duck in the team. a) in
a) the lazy person b) at
b) the inefficient person c) on
c) the slow person d) into
d) the wrong person
11. _ high level of shortages of food in many
3. I didn’t like the meal _ we had yesterday. underdeveloped countries, the delegates
a) which voted to increase programs and services in
b) whose weather reporting and research needed for
c) who greater production of foodstuffs.
d) where a) By way of
b) Contrary to
4. As soon as I picked up the rare object, it _ c) According to
a) was not together d) In view of e) As far as
b) came to be apart
c) came apart 12. Tom said that he _ the lesson the week
d) was separated before.
a) had known
5. _ Simpsons were at sea for their summer b) known
holiday a month ago. c) had knew
a) d) knew
b) all
c) whole 13. I can’t imagine how _ the children.
d) the e) many a) they are going to rescue
b) did they rescue
6. We have to turn right _ the next traffic c) do they rescue
lights. d) are they going to rescue
a) in
b) on 14. "Sally and I aren’t interested in each other;
c) at it is just a love. We have been good friends
d) by for a long time, " Jack told Will.
a) platonic
7. I’ve missed the train,’ he said. - He said b) laconic
the he _ the train. c) tectonic
a) had missed d) pyrotechnic
b) missed
c) could miss 15. I heard the bombs _ all night.
d) has missed a) fall
b) falling
8. _ you leave earlier, don’t forget to unplug c) to fall
the printer. d) fell
a) Should
b) Unless 16. He wished she _ have to spend so much
c) If only time away.
a) didn’t b) —
b) hadn’t c) as
c) doesn’t d) of
d) couldn’t
25. I’ll let you know as soon as I _ something.
17. Before the Europeans arrived, American a) heard
Indians were using virgin copper _ into b) hear
ornaments, knives, and other artifacts. c) would hear
a) Which was hammering d) will hear
b) which hammered
c) was hammered 26. We’re going to go _ car.
d) hammered a) in France in John’s
b) in France by John’s
18. You _ do this work yourself, if you try. c) to France in John’s
a) can d) to France by John’s
b) had to
c) must 27. The diamond seller has to _ handle very
d) was able to e) were to do tiny pieces of metal, and to cut, bend, or
hammer them into shape.
19. The thug _ the old woman’s bag out of her a) is able to
hand. b) are able to
a) snatched c) be able to
b) gripped d) able to e) was able
c) clutched
d) withdrew 28. If a year ago he _ that he was to undertake
a trip of this sort he _ surprised.
20. If you have an ache, is it 9 A had told, would be
a) pleasant b) would have told, would have been
b) unpleasant c) has been told, will have been
c) pleasing d) had been told, would have been
d) placid
29. A I wonder why my watch isn’t working.
21. Your secretary _ B: You _ it.
a) can type well, can’t she. a) must have dropped
b) know type well, doesn’t she. b) could drop
c) can type well, can she. c) should have dropped
d) know typing, does she. d) must be dropping

22. He hasn’t been here _

a) three weeks ago
b) since three weeks
c) during three weeks
d) for three weeks

23. When John got home from work, _

a) she made a cup of coffee
b) she was making a cup of coffee
c) she makes a cup of coffee
d) she has made a cup of coffee

24. What’s the weather going to be _

a) like

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