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Essay: ”People who practice sports and have active occupations are healthier”

Sport makes up a huge part of every person's life, no comma is used before
the word “because” because without this our health would be much weaker than
usual, without this part everyone would get sick much more often. From my
point of view, this statement is completely correct because/since/as sport is our
First of all , practicing sports can teach you how to organize your time and
helps you stay in a very good shape. Sports can make you much more
invigorated if you do it every morning for at least 30 minutes, and it can also
give you energy for a more productive day. U
Secondly,physical activity can also improve your quality of life. The same
people who are physically active have a reduced risk of heart disease, strokes
and cancer. Also /besides, moreover, in addition…sports are often practiced as a
practice – avoid repetitions after drug addiction or alcoholism, in order to bring
a person back to the right path.
UTo conclude with, I believe that sport must be present in the life of each of us
because it makes us not only more beautiful but also healthier, which makes life
much easier, and we can enjoy it.

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