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. According to M. H.

Abrams's A Glossary of Literary Terms, an allegory “is a narrative in which the

agents and action, and sometimes setting as well, are contrived not only to make sense in themselves
but also tosignify a 2nd, correlated order of persons, things, concepts or events. There are two main
types:(1) Historical and political allegory, in which the characters and the action represent or
allegorize, historical personages and events. [...] (2) The allegory of ideas, in which the characters
represent abstract concepts and the plot serves to communicate a doctrine or thesis. [...] A well-
known example of allegory is Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress(1678) which personifies such abstract
entities as virtues, vices, states of mind, and types of character. This book allegorizes the doctrines of
Christian salvation by telling how Christian, warned by Evangelist, flees the City of Destruction and
nakes his way laboriously to the Celestial City;on his way he encounters such characters as Faithful,
Hopeful and the Giant Despair and passes through places like the Slough of Despond, the Valley of
the Shadow of Death and Vanity Fair.” In its development the RBCbears strong resemblance to The
Pilgrim's Progressfromwhich it borrowed one of the oldest and most universal plots in literature:that
of the Journey, by land or water. In the case of the RBCthe pattern is that of a journey leading
through various experiences to a moral or spiritual change. This explains why the personages are at
first mere labels, archetypal

9characters slowly acquiring some sort of identity. Thus the novel refers to “the youth” or “youthful
private” (25);“the tall soldier”, (J.C 11);“the blatant soldier” (Wilson;165;there also appears“a
piratical private” (17);“a sarcastic man” (96) and lastly “the man of the cheery voice” (78) Our
analysis will be limited to the first three ones.

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