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Analyze the poem by answering the following questions:

1. How is the poem organized?

This poem has been organized through classifying it into two stanzas which has eleven lines on
the first stanza and thirteen lines on the 2nd stanza, with 24 lines in total. It also has End Rhyme
which is used to make a melodious stanza, particularly in the first, second, and third line of the
first stanza and these rhyming words are: brow, now, avow.

2. Is anything repeated?

Yes, there is a visible repetition in the poem, like: “ But a dream within a dream ” which is
constantly repeated. In that line also, it somehow emphasizes the idea of life being a dream.

3. Does the poem has any rhyme scheme?

Yes, it has. The scheme of the perm is: AAABBCCDDBB EEFFGGGHHHIIBB

4. What figurative language are present in the poem?

The figurative languages are present in the poem are: Symbolism, Refrain, Assonance,
Metaphor, Personification, Imagery, Alliteration.

5. What feeling do you get from reading the poem?

The feelings that I get from reading the poem are: confusion and sadness. For the reason that,
just by reading from the title itself it made me question myself “does life may be possibly just an
illusion?” Since the title of the poem have already gives a hint to the readers of what might be
content all about. Nevertheless, as far as I got done reading the entire poem, it made me feel the
tenderness of sadness when the author starts his poem by bidding farewell to someone, it could
be interpreted closely to the relationship where we, humans, are out of control with our fates.
However, it made me realized that reality is indeed a complex to decipher since it goes beyond
on our own understanding.

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