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The Ultimate C_C_PO_7517 - SAP Certified

Technology Associate - SAP Process Orchestration

C_PO_7517 - SAP Certified Technology Associate - SAP Process Orchestration Certification Exam
Credential. Implementing Cleanup in Managed Business Objects
You can now implement the cleanup method in managed BOs if an additional or an unmanaged save is
defined in the behavior definition. In this implementation you can handle legacy coding and dependent
objects. The cleanup for managed BOs must be defined in the behavior definition and implemented in the
redefined method in the local saver class.

For more information, see CLEANUP.

Possibly Incompatible Changes for ABAP RESTful Application Programming

You can find an overview of possibly incompatible changes for the ABAP RESTful Application
Programming in SAP Note 3017989 Information published on SAP site.
These release notes are a general overview of the most significant changes relating to ABAP
Development Tools (ADT) features in the context of ABAP development and the ABAP programming

These release notes relate to:

ADT client version: ABAP Development Tools 3.14

Back-end version: SAP Cloud Platform ABAP Environment 2011

The following features that are highlighted with '*' are client-specific and are therefore available for all
supported ABAP systems.

ABAP Development Tool provides features that are client-specific or require a specific back-end version.
Consequently, this overview covers all client-specific and back-end-specific dependencies. To highlight
and contrast back-end-specific help content in the relevant context, the following icons are used:
for on-premise releases

for SAP Cloud Platform ABAP Environment shipments

This topic contains release information about:
ABAP Development Tools
Creating or Logging on to an ABAP Cloud Project
Using an Existing Service Key

To logon to the ABAP back-end, you can use the default browser that is defined for your operating
system or the browser of your choice. This approach follows state-of-the-art logon functionality.
Finding Development Objects by their Documentation Status
In the Project Explorer, you can now group the objects by their documentation status. Therefore, choose
Expand Folder by... Documentation Status from the context menu.
Adding Alias for "Insert All Elements" in CDS Code Completion Preference
When creating a data definition, using a database table as datasource, and performing Insert all elements
or when creating a data definition on base of a database table, ADT will generate an alias for each
element and add it and the name of the element in the select statement of the data definition by default
For more information, see Adding Aliases for Inserted Elements from Database Table

Working with Business Services

Creating Service Consumption Model for RFC

You can now create a service consumption model to generate proxies for remote function call (RFC).
Ensuring Quality of ABAP Code
Displaying API Release State of Dependent Objects

While creating a new ABAP test class for a CDS entity using the wizard, the CDS dependency tree now
displays the API release state of the dependent objects. You can only select the dependencies that have
released APIs for creating test doubles. Until now, in the wizard, you could select the dependent objects
with APIs that are not released. This was only identified later in the runtime during the test class
ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model
Using Service Binding Editor for OData V4 Service
You can now expose a RAP business service as an OData V4 service. The binding type must be chosen
on creating the service binding for the service.

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