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Need of Guidance in Schools

The needs of adolescents are different from earlier developmental stages.

The dramatic changes within themselves may make them susceptible to
external influences. The internal changes along with the escalating need to
explore the world would make them susceptible to various conflicts within
themselves and with the environment. It is also the most vulnerable stage
where they are prone to falling prey to bullies and risk-taking behaviour
such as substance abuse. The confusions led by hormonal changes within
the body will also lead them to experience various emotions. Emotions
are healthy if they act as motivation towards their academic goals, on
the other hand, obstruct their performance if one is unable to manage
them. For example, if students are experiencing negative emotions such
as anxiety, fear of failure, embarrassment, frustration and boredom, they
will not be able to focus on the given task which deters the learning
process. In contrast, positive emotions such as enthusiasm for the
material being studied, the hope of success and pride in achievement can
benefit the learning process. Along with the emotional concerns related
to physical changes, adolescents are also under constant pressure to
meet the academic expectations of teachers, parents and themselves. It
is really very important that they are provided with a safe and assuring
environment where they can freely express their needs, fears, desires and
hopes. Therefore, guidance and counselling becomes the most important
service that can be provided to adolescents to help them understand their
physical, mental, emotional and attitude changes. Furthermore, it helps
them identify their strengths and limitations and adjust to them as well as
plan for the future accordingly. The teachers, if equipped with the basic
principles of guidance principles, would be able to help students adjust
better with themselves and others, also.

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