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Principles in Teaching Chapter 7


To be called as teacher in the future is already a big challenge for me. How much more to be a
global teacher. It placed greater demands to teachers in today's school. Teachers in
multicultural settings have special educational opportunities and responsibilities. One of the
most important task for educators in the worlds today is to help students to learn about the rich
variety of people in our multicultural world and the important world problems that face our
planet. It may sounds really difficult but teachers always take challenges. As long as we have
good interpersonal relationship, we can clarify our perspective of this multicultural education.
And, someday as a 21st century educator I will model tolerance, acceptance and a wider view
with that just our curricula areas, global awareness, and reflections. I will plan activities with a
multicultural framework while making my classroom a safe and a secure place for my students.

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