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8/4/2020 Comparing Data Lineage and Data Propagation

Comparing Data Lineage and Data Propaga on

Data Lineage and Data Propaga on have these key dis nc ons:
Propaga on relates to field expansion (that is, a ripple effect of table column expansion). It encompasses:
All direc ons
All statements
Data lineage diagram

Results should be the same no ma er which field is used to start the opera on.
Lineage relates to field route (that is, a table columns origin and movement). It encompasses:
One direc on (forward or backward)
Op onal statements (usually per nent only to transforma on)
Context sensi ve
Data lineage diagram 1/2
8/4/2020 Comparing Data Lineage and Data Propagation

Results differ depending on seed and direc on. 2/2

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