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DIASSAN October 1, 2021

National Service Training Program – I (MIDTERM)
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration – I Major in Marketing Management

1. What is Gender?
Either of the two sexes (male and female), especially when considered with reference to
social and cultural differences rather than biological ones. The term is also used more broadly to
denote a range of identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female.

2. What is Gender Development?

Gender development takes on new meaning in adolescence as girls and boys experience
physical, cognitive, and social changes to prepare them for their adult roles as women and men.

3. What is Gender Sensitivity?

The process by which people are made aware of how gender plays a role in life through
their treatment of others.

4. Differentiate Gender Inequality and Gender Equality. In your own words.

Gender Inequality is a Legal, social and cultural situation in which sex and/or gender
determine different rights and dignity for women and men, which are reflected in their unequal
access to or enjoyment of rights, as well as the assumption of stereotyped social and cultural
roles. While Gender Equality is an equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities of women and
men and girls and boys.

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