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Juan Pablo Pantoja Suárez

Third and Mixed Conditional Questions

2. What do you think has been the most important invention of the last 50 years?
What would have been different if this had never been invented? How would the
world be different now?
The Internet is the most important invention of the last 50 years, because if it had not
existed, computers would probably only be typewriters and we would still be sending

5. If you hadn't learned English, how would your life be different?

If I had not learned English, I would have encountered many problems in my life, such as
not being able to understand songs, readings, other people's dialogues, etc. That would not
allow me to be a successful person.

6. What would the world be like if Bill Gates had never been born?
If Bill Gates had not existed, the world would be a very different place, because many
people who were inspired by him would not have been successful.
Many operating systems would be more successful, for example Linux or maybe Microsoft
would have been created but with another name.

8. What was your major in college? If you hadn't decided on that major, what would
you have studied instead? How would your life be different taken different major?
I am currently studying business administration, if I had not decided for this career, I would
have also liked to study accounting because they are somewhat related or veterinary
medicine, because I like animals.
My life would be very different if I had not studied business, I probably would not learn
many things like English or mathematics.

9. If you had been offered a high-paying, full-time job when you college. would you
have dropped out of college to take the job?
If I accept this job it is because the salary will be very good, so much so that I can live well
from it, but obviously if I accept the job, I would also continue studying, either in night or
virtual courses.
Juan Pablo Pantoja Suárez

10. Think about a major historical event from your country's history. What would
have been different if this event had never occurred? How might your country be
different now if this event had never happened?
The separation of Panama was a very important event in the history of Colombia, because if
this had not happened, Colombia would be larger geographically, would have better income
and would have better world trade.

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