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March 28, 2021


HOA President
PTC Main

Dear Pres. John,

We are appealing in behalf of our Homeowners for the temporary suspension or deferment of collection
of entry fee to commercial/motorized vehicle particularly to those in the conduct or engage in basic
goods and services whilst the pandemic is going on or maybe we can momentarily suspend
implementation of the Board Reso relative to this matter. It will be heartwarming and great relief for our
dear Homeowners who are already suffering from the catastrophic effect of these pandemic. It is a small
step and a show of empathy and consideration to our beloved Homeowners who once again are
restricted of their mobility after the current ECQ declaration.

This pandemic has brought the best from us and we believe we can overcome this battle. However, We
guess it is the right moment that we take a second look and adopt some revisions on the said Board
Reso to taper on the current situation. It was formulated and considerations were adopted during the
pre- pandemic so it’s high time that actions be taken to mitigate the impact to our homeowners
especially in the categorization/classification of items that needs to be charged.

We would greatly appreciate if the Board will take into consideration matters of this sort as it would not
only unburden but would bring re assurance that the officers and board of directors of the Association
are after the welfare of its Homeowners.

Thank you. Stay safe. We stand as One, We Heal as One, We recover as One.

Very truly yours,

Darwin F. Gaca
Blk 5 Lot 14
PTC Main

Robert Corpuz
Blk 20 Lot 4
PTC Main

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