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The Act of Proclamation of Independence of the Filipino People

4. What were the symbolism used in the design of the Philippine flag?

The flag was made of silk. The sun represents liberty and its eight rays represent the first eight
provinces that revolted against Spain. The three stars stand for the three big islands of the
Philippines, namely Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. As for the colours used, white represents hope
for equality, liberty, fraternity while the blue stripe stands for peace, truth, and justice. Finally, the
red stripe symbolises patriotism and valour. However, when the two stripes are interchanged, this
signals that the country is in a state of war.

5. How do you assess the implications of the calls for revising the design of the Philippine flag and
the Philippine National Anthem based on present circumstances?

As a sign of respect, all persons shall stand at attention and face the Philippine flag, if there is one
displayed, and if there is none, they shall face the band or the conductor. At the first note, all
persons shall execute a salute by placing their right palms over their left chests.

It symbolizes patriotism, love of country and sense of nationhood and embodies the aspirations and
sentiments of the Filipino people in their unceasing quest for independence. It stands as instrument
of unity that binds the Filipino people.

Republic Act 8491, or the “Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines,” mandates that reverence and
respect shall be accorded at all times to the Philippine flag, the national anthem and other national
symbols that embody the country’s ideals and traditions, and express the principles of sovereignty
and national.

6. What is the relevance of the Act to the present time?

The ACT is important at the present time because The purpose of the ACT test is to measure a high
school student’s readiness for college, and provide colleges with one common data point that can be
used to compare all applicants.

The purpose of the ACT test is to measure a high school student’s readiness for college, and provide
colleges with one common data point that can be used to compare all applicants. College admissions
officers will review standardized test scores alongside your high school, the classes you took in high
school, letters of recommendation from teachers or mentors, extracurricular activities, admissions
interviews, and personal essays. How important ACT scores are in the college application process
varies from school to school.

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