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gL Tema d’amore del film Paramount PAT To) Toma danoe den Prana“. FADRNO. Parla piu piano (wove tuswe Faow rue copraraeny (Seoax SOFTLY 12¥} Testo italiano di G. BONCOMPAGNI Testo erginale di L. KUSIK Musica di N. ROTA Lento Parla pit P a ae ‘cot SST Seely eee son et oe bestia noe vie-ni pla vieeci-noa me vorgllo sen = t= re gil ecsehl mie! den-iro di sno vie-ni pla vin el-ne = -mo-ree mai pli grande Parl pid piano © nessuno sented: {nostro amore Jo vviamo fo t8, seasuno Ia vere repre il cielo ehe cl guarda da lass, more mio, sempre cos Pca pid plano wien pi viino 2 me ogo sense li och mie dentro dt te, pessuno a1 Is veri in grande amore e mai pi grande ester Spo sfly love, and Bl me arm apn your her. 1 fet your words, tee, trembling, moments str. We're in ¢ orld ur very om, ‘Sharing lee tha ely few Ive cer ko Wine ssloed dae wormed by the, Deep vel mgs when ve ate one Spe softly lve, 20 no one Rare ws Bt the shy. The wows of lovee mae wl Ue ul we die My Ie i youre all becouse Yow came into my world th lve ely, oe spe sly ove

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