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What characteristic do you think a candidate for a president should possess in upcoming


In this upcoming 2022 election, there are few aspirant presidential candidates, we as voters should
consider the merit of the position, not just because it looks good, has good character in the media or is rich.
The power is ours, so if we vote for a corrupt greedy , we suffer for more than a year that’s why always
remember "vote wisely". Being a leader is not easy, there can be a lot of struggle, for me the mark of my ideal
president to start with a strong vision for the future of the country as he/ she will run the whole country for a
year with conflicts, in more of these he/she has the ability to put one's own time in the perspective of history
because taking a historical perspective means understanding the social, cultural, intellectual and emotional
parameters that shaped people's lives and actions in the past. Another pertinent point is that effective
communication skills help to develop better understanding and beliefs in people, making them follow the
principles and values that their leader wants to instill in them. In addition, crisis management skills make a
positive difference in people's lives to do this leaders must recognize the personal and professional challenges
faced by employees and their loved ones during a crisis. Lastly, character and integrity A person of integrity
lives bound by sound principles and motivated by ethical behavior Integrity is the most important quality of
leadership in our society because no matter what other favorable qualities people.

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